public void AddDirectory_ProgressCallbackSpecified_CorrectProgressReported()
            // Setup
            using (var testFolder = new TemporaryFolder(kTestFolderName))
                var filenames = new string[] { "1.txt", "2.txt", "temp.tmp" };
                foreach (var filename in filenames)
                    var fs = RobustFile.Create(Path.Combine(testFolder.Path, filename));

                var archive             = new MockBloomArchiveSubclass();
                var extensionsToExclude = new string[] { ".tmp" };                      // Check that the count takes into account excluded files

                var            progressUpdates  = new List <float>();
                Action <float> progressCallback = (progressProportion) => {

                // System under test
                archive.AddDirectory(testFolder.Path, testFolder.Path.Length, extensionsToExclude, progressCallback);

                // Verification
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new float[] { 0.5f, 1f }, progressUpdates);
        public void AddDirectoryContents_SomeExtensionsExcluded_ExcludedExtensionsSkipped()
            // Setup
            using (var testFolder = new TemporaryFolder(kTestFolderName))
                using (var f1 = RobustFile.Create(Path.Combine(testFolder.Path, "hello.txt")))
                    using (var f2 = RobustFile.Create(Path.Combine(testFolder.Path, "temp.tmp")))
                        var archive             = new MockBloomArchiveSubclass();
                        var extensionsToExclude = new string[] { ".tmp" };

                        // System under test
                        archive.AddDirectoryContents(testFolder.Path, extensionsToExclude);

                        // Verification
                        var entryNames = archive.AddFileCallParams.Select(tuple => tuple.Item2);
                        CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new string[] { "hello.txt" }, entryNames);