/// <summary>
        /// We've had a number of user reports that suggest that files were either missing or inaccessible.
        /// The idea here is to check a set of files and folders at the start of each launch, and generate
        /// a useful report if anything is missing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if all is well. Application should exit if this returns false.</returns>
        public static bool CheckIntegrity()
            var errors = new StringBuilder();
            var files  = new[] { "Bloom.chm", "PdfDroplet.exe",
#if Chorus
                                 "BloomPdfMaker.exe", "optipng.exe" };

            string[] dirs;
            if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsWindows)
                dirs = new[] { "AndikaNewBasic", "localization", "xslts", "icons" }
                dirs = new[] { "localization", "xslts", "icons" }

            foreach (var fileName in files)
                if (!Platform.IsWindows && fileName == "optipng.exe")
                    // optipng is provided by a package dependency, will be found as /usr/bin/optipng (no .exe)
                if (FileLocator.GetFileDistributedWithApplication(true, fileName) == null)
                    //In a code directory, the FileLocator considers the solution the root, so it can't find files in output\debug
                    if (!RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(FileLocator.DirectoryOfTheApplicationExecutable, fileName)))
                        //maybe it's an exe in distfiles?
                        if (fileName.EndsWith(".exe") && RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(FileLocator.DirectoryOfApplicationOrSolution, "DistFiles")))
                        errors.AppendFormat("<p>Missing File: {0}</p>{1}", fileName, Environment.NewLine);
            foreach (var directory in dirs)
                if (FileLocator.GetDirectoryDistributedWithApplication(true, directory) == null)
                    errors.AppendFormat("<p>Missing Directory: {0}</p>{1}", directory, Environment.NewLine);
            if (errors.Length == 0)

            using (var dlg = new BloomIntegrityDialog())
                var    messagePath = BloomFileLocator.GetBestLocalizableFileDistributedWithApplication(false, "IntegrityFailureAdvice-en.htm");
                string message;
                if (messagePath == null)                // maybe we can't even get at this file we need for a good description of the problem
                    message = "Bloom cannot find some of its own files, and cannot continue. After you submit this report, we will contact you and help you work this out. In the meantime, you can run the Bloom installer again.";
                    var installFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)
                    message = RobustFile.ReadAllText(messagePath).Replace("{{installFolder}}", installFolder); //new
                    message = message.Replace("{installFolder}", installFolder);                               //old

                message = message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + errors.ToString();
                dlg.htmlTextBox1.HtmlText = message;
            using (var dlg = new ProblemReporterDialog())
                dlg.Summary     = "Bloom Integrity Check Failed: {0}";
                dlg.Description = "Please answer any of these questions that you understand:"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Did you install Bloom just now, or maybe allow it to update?"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Is your computer locked down against installing new software?"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "What antivirus program do you use?"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "--------------------------------------------"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "The following information is for Bloom developers to see just what is and isn't missing:"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + errors.ToString()
                                  + GetDirectoryListing(FileLocator.DirectoryOfTheApplicationExecutable)
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Detected Antivirus Program(s): " + InstalledAntivirusPrograms();

#if !__MonoCS__
                    var logPath =
                        .CombineForPath(Application.ProductName, "SquirrelSetup.log");
                    dlg.Description += "=Squirrel Log=" + Environment.NewLine;
                    dlg.Description += logPath + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (RobustFile.Exists(logPath))
                        dlg.Description += RobustFile.ReadAllText(logPath);
                        dlg.Description += logPath + "not found";
                catch (Exception error)
                    dlg.Description += error.Message;

            return(false);            //Force termination of the current process.
        /// <summary>
        /// We've had a number of user reports that suggest that files were either missing or inaccessible.
        /// The idea here is to check a set of files and folders at the start of each launch, and generate
        /// a useful report if anything is missing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if all is well. Application should exit if this returns false.</returns>
        public static bool CheckIntegrity()
            var errors = new StringBuilder();
            var files  = new[] { "Bloom.chm", "PdfDroplet.exe", "BloomPdfMaker.exe" };

            string[] dirs;
            if (Platform.IsWindows)
                dirs = new[] { "AndikaNewBasic", "localization", "xslts", "icons" }
                dirs = new[] { "localization", "xslts", "icons" }

            foreach (var fileName in files)
                if (FileLocationUtilities.GetFileDistributedWithApplication(true, fileName) == null)
                    //In a code directory, the FileLocator considers the solution the root, so it can't find files in output\debug
                    if (!RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(FileLocationUtilities.DirectoryOfTheApplicationExecutable, fileName)))
                        //maybe it's an exe in distfiles?
                        if (fileName.EndsWith(".exe") && RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(FileLocationUtilities.DirectoryOfApplicationOrSolution, "DistFiles")))
                        errors.AppendFormat("<p>Missing File: {0}</p>{1}", fileName, Environment.NewLine);
            foreach (var directory in dirs)
                if (FileLocationUtilities.GetDirectoryDistributedWithApplication(true, directory) == null)
                    errors.AppendFormat("<p>Missing Directory: {0}</p>{1}", directory, Environment.NewLine);
            if (errors.Length == 0)

            using (var dlg = new BloomIntegrityDialog())
                const string nonHtmlMessage = "Bloom cannot find some of its own files, and cannot continue. After you submit this report, we will contact you and help you work this out. In the meantime, you can run the Bloom installer again.";
                var          messagePath    = BloomFileLocator.GetBestLocalizableFileDistributedWithApplication(false, "help", "IntegrityFailureAdvice-en.htm");
                string       message;
                if (messagePath == null)                // maybe we can't even get at this file we need for a good description of the problem
                    message = nonHtmlMessage;
                    var installFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)
                    message = RobustFile.ReadAllText(messagePath).Replace("{{installFolder}}", installFolder); //new
                    message = message.Replace("{installFolder}", installFolder);                               //old

                message = message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + errors;
                dlg.htmlTextBox1.HtmlText = message;
                Logger.WriteEvent("Bloom Integrity Check Failed: " + message);
                // We would like to do this:
                // ProblemReportApi.ShowProblemDialog(null, "fatal");
                // But that can't work because BloomServer isn't running yet.

            return(false);            //Force termination of the current process.
        /// <summary>
        /// We've had a number of user reports that suggest that files were either missing or inaccessible.
        /// The idea here is to check a set of files and folders at the start of each launch, and generate
        /// a useful report if anything is missing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if all is well. Application should exit if this returns false.</returns>
        public static bool CheckIntegrity()
            var errors = new StringBuilder();
            var files = new[] { "Bloom.chm", "PdfDroplet.exe",
            #if Chorus
                "BloomPdfMaker.exe", "optipng.exe" };

                string[] dirs;
            if (SIL.PlatformUtilities.Platform.IsWindows)
                dirs = new[] { "AndikaNewBasic", "localization", "xslts" };
                dirs = new[] { "localization", "xslts" };

            foreach(var fileName in files)
                if(!Platform.IsWindows && fileName == "optipng.exe")
                    // optipng is provided by a package dependency, will be found as /usr/bin/optipng (no .exe)
                if(FileLocator.GetFileDistributedWithApplication(true, fileName) == null)
                    //In a code directory, the FileLocator considers the solution the root, so it can't find files in output\debug
                    if(!RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(FileLocator.DirectoryOfTheApplicationExecutable, fileName)))
                        //maybe it's an exe in distfiles?
                        if(fileName.EndsWith(".exe") && RobustFile.Exists(Path.Combine(FileLocator.DirectoryOfApplicationOrSolution, "DistFiles")))
                        errors.AppendFormat("Missing File: {0}{1}{1}", fileName, Environment.NewLine);
            foreach(var directory in dirs)
                if(FileLocator.GetDirectoryDistributedWithApplication(true, directory) == null)
                    errors.AppendFormat("Missing Directory: {0}{1}{1}", directory, Environment.NewLine);
            if(errors.Length == 0)
                return true;

            using(var dlg = new BloomIntegrityDialog())
                var messagePath = BloomFileLocator.GetBestLocalizableFileDistributedWithApplication(false,"IntegrityFailureAdvice-en.md");
                string message;
                if(messagePath == null) // maybe we can't even get at this file we need for a good description of the problem
                    message = "Bloom cannot find some of its own files, and cannot continue. After you submit this report, we will contact you and help you work this out. In the meantime, you can run the Bloom installer again.";
                    var installFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)
                    message = RobustFile.ReadAllText(messagePath).Replace("{installFolder}", installFolder);

                message = message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + errors.ToString();
                dlg.markDownTextBox1.MarkDownText = message;
            using(var dlg = new ProblemReporterDialog())
                dlg.Summary = "Bloom Integrity Check Failed: {0}";
                dlg.Description = "Please answer any of these questions that you understand:"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Did you install Bloom just now, or maybe allow it to update?"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Is your computer locked down against installing new software?"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "What antivirus program do you use?"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "--------------------------------------------"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "The following information is for Bloom developers to see just what is and isn't missing:"
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + errors.ToString()
                                  + GetDirectoryListing(FileLocator.DirectoryOfTheApplicationExecutable)
                                  + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Detected Antivirus Program(s): " + InstalledAntivirusPrograms();

            #if !__MonoCS__

                    var logPath =
                            .CombineForPath(Application.ProductName, "SquirrelSetup.log");
                    dlg.Description += "=Squirrel Log=" + Environment.NewLine;
                    dlg.Description += logPath + Environment.NewLine;
                        dlg.Description += RobustFile.ReadAllText(logPath);
                        dlg.Description += logPath + "not found";
                catch(Exception error)
                    dlg.Description += error.Message;

            return false; //Force termination of the current process.