A Layout is size and orientation, plus options. Currently, there is only one set of options allowed, named "styles"
        public static int Handle(HydrateParameters options)
            if (!Directory.Exists(options.Path))
                if (options.Path.Contains(".htm"))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
                return 1;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Hydrating.");

            var layout = new Layout
                SizeAndOrientation = SizeAndOrientation.FromString(options.SizeAndOrientation)

            var collectionSettings = new CollectionSettings
                XMatterPackName = "Video",
                Language1Iso639Code = options.VernacularIsoCode,
                Language2Iso639Code = options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode,
                Language3Iso639Code = options.NationalLanguage2IsoCode

            XMatterPackFinder xmatterFinder = new XMatterPackFinder(new[] { BloomFileLocator.GetInstalledXMatterDirectory() });
            var locator = new BloomFileLocator(collectionSettings, xmatterFinder, ProjectContext.GetFactoryFileLocations(),
                ProjectContext.GetFoundFileLocations(), ProjectContext.GetAfterXMatterFileLocations());

            var bookInfo = new BookInfo(options.Path, true);
            var book = new Book.Book(bookInfo, new BookStorage(options.Path, locator, new BookRenamedEvent(), collectionSettings),
                null, collectionSettings, null, null, new BookRefreshEvent());

            if (null == book.OurHtmlDom.SelectSingleNodeHonoringDefaultNS("//script[contains(text(),'bloomPlayer.js')]"))
                var element = book.OurHtmlDom.Head.AppendChild(book.OurHtmlDom.RawDom.CreateElement("script")) as XmlElement;
                element.IsEmpty = false;
                element.SetAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
                element.SetAttribute("src", "bloomPlayer.js");


            //we might change this later, or make it optional, but for now, this will prevent surprises to processes
            //running this CLI... the folder name won't change out from under it.
            book.LockDownTheFileAndFolderName = true;

            book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
            Console.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
            Debug.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
            return 0;
Beispiel #2
        public void UpdatePageSplitMode_WasCombined_IndividualPagesHaveOwnIds()
            var dom = new XmlDocument();
            dom.LoadXml(@"<html ><body><div id='foo'></div><div id='1' class='bloom-page A5Landscape bloom-combinedPage'></div></body></html>");
            var layout = new Layout() { ElementDistribution = Layout.ElementDistributionChoices.SplitAcrossPages };

            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[@id=1]", 0);
Beispiel #3
        public void UpdatePageSplitMode_WasCombined_IsNowSplitIntoTwoPages()
            var dom = new XmlDocument();
            dom.LoadXml(@"<html ><body><div id='somemarginbox'><div class='bloom-page A5Landscape bloom-combinedPage'></div></div></body></html>");
            var layout = new Layout() {ElementDistribution = Layout.ElementDistributionChoices.SplitAcrossPages};

            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]", 2);
            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-combinedPage')]", 0);
            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-leadingPage')]", 1);
            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-trailingPage')]", 1);
Beispiel #4
        public void UpdatePageSplitMode_WasCombinedAndShouldStayThatWay_PageUntouched()
            var dom = new XmlDocument();
            dom.LoadXml(@"<html ><body><div id='foo'></div><div class='bloom-page A5Landscape bloom-combinedPage'></div></body></html>");
            var layout = new Layout() { ElementDistribution = Layout.ElementDistributionChoices.CombinedPages };

            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]", 1);
            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-combinedPage')]", 1);
            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-leadingPage')]", 0);
            AssertThatXmlIn.Dom(dom).HasSpecifiedNumberOfMatchesForXpath("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-trailingPage')]", 0);
Beispiel #5
        public void SetLayout(Layout layout)

            _view.UpdatePageList(true);//counting on this to redo the thumbnails
Beispiel #6
        public void InjectXMatter(Dictionary<string, string> writingSystemCodes, Layout layout)
            //don't want to pollute shells with this content
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles))
                //copy over any image files used by this front matter
                string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(PathToXMatterHtml);
                foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.png").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.jpg").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.gif").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.bmp")))))
                    File.Copy(file, FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles.CombineForPath(Path.GetFileName(file)), true);

            //note: for debugging the template/css purposes, it makes our life easier if, at runtime, the html is pointing the original.
            //makes it easy to drop into a css editor and fix it up with the content we're looking at.
            //TODO:But then later, we want to save it so that these are found in the same dir as the book.

            //it's important that we append *after* this, so that these values take precendance (the template will just have empty values for this stuff)
            //REVIEW: I think all stylesheets now get sorted once they are all added: see HtmlDoc.SortStyleSheetLinks()
            XmlNode divBeforeNextFrontMattterPage = _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body/div[@id='bloomDataDiv']");

            foreach (XmlElement xmatterPage in XMatterDom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'required')]"))
                var newPageDiv = _bookDom.RawDom.ImportNode(xmatterPage, true) as XmlElement;
                //give a new id, else thumbnail caches get messed up becuase every book has, for example, the same id for the cover.
                newPageDiv.SetAttribute("id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                if (IsBackMatterPage(xmatterPage))
                    //note: this is redundant unless this is the 1st backmatterpage in the list
                    divBeforeNextFrontMattterPage = _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body/div[last()]");

                //we want the xmatter pages to match what we found in the source book
                SizeAndOrientation.UpdatePageSizeAndOrientationClasses(newPageDiv, layout);

                newPageDiv.InnerXml = newPageDiv.InnerXml.Replace("'V'", '"' + writingSystemCodes["V"] + '"');
                newPageDiv.InnerXml = newPageDiv.InnerXml.Replace("\"V\"", '"' + writingSystemCodes["V"] + '"');
                newPageDiv.InnerXml = newPageDiv.InnerXml.Replace("'N1'", '"' + writingSystemCodes["N1"] + '"');
                newPageDiv.InnerXml = newPageDiv.InnerXml.Replace("\"N1\"", '"' + writingSystemCodes["N1"] + '"');
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(writingSystemCodes["N2"]))  //otherwise, styleshee will hide it
                    newPageDiv.InnerXml = newPageDiv.InnerXml.Replace("'N2'", '"' + writingSystemCodes["N2"] + '"');
                    newPageDiv.InnerXml = newPageDiv.InnerXml.Replace("\"N2\"", '"' + writingSystemCodes["N2"] + '"');

                _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body").InsertAfter(newPageDiv, divBeforeNextFrontMattterPage);
                divBeforeNextFrontMattterPage = newPageDiv;

                //enhance... this is really ugly. I'm just trying to clear out any remaining "{blah}" left over from the template
                foreach (XmlElement e in newPageDiv.SafeSelectNodes("//*[starts-with(text(),'{')]"))
                    foreach ( var node in e.ChildNodes)
                        XmlText t = node as XmlText;
                        if(t!=null && t.Value.StartsWith("{"))
                            t.Value =""; //otherwise html tidy will through away span's (at least) that are empty, so we never get a chance to fill in the values.
Beispiel #7
 public void SetLayout(Layout layout)
     SizeAndOrientation.AddClassesForLayout(OurHtmlDom, layout);
        /// <summary>
        /// Some book layouts rely on the first page facing the second page. A Wall Calendar is one example.
        /// Here we check if the first content page has this requirement and, if so, we insert a blank "flyleaf"
        /// page.
        /// </summary>
        private void InjectFlyleafIfNeeded(Layout layout)
            // the "inside" here means "not counting the cover"
            var numberOfFrontMatterPagesInside = XMatterDom.SafeSelectNodes("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-frontMatter')]").Count - 1;
            var firstPageWouldNotBePartOfASpread = numberOfFrontMatterPagesInside%2 != 0;

                var lastFrontMatterPage = _bookDom.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-frontMatter')][last()]");

                var firstContentPageAndAlsoStartsSpread = _bookDom.SelectSingleNode(
                    "//div[contains(@class,'bloom-frontMatter')][last()]" // last frontmatter page
                    + "/following-sibling::div[contains(@data-page, 'spread-start')]");
                    // page after that says it needs to be facing the next page
                if(firstContentPageAndAlsoStartsSpread != null)
                    var flyDom = new XmlDocument();
                        <div class='bloom-flyleaf bloom-frontMatter bloom-page' data-page='required singleton'>
                            <div class='pageLabel'>Flyleaf</div>
                            <div style='height: 100px; width:100%'
                                data-hint='This page was automatically inserted because the following page is marked as part of a two page spread.'>
                    var flyleaf = _bookDom.RawDom.ImportNode(flyDom.FirstChild, true) as XmlElement;
                    flyleaf.SetAttribute("id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    lastFrontMatterPage.ParentNode.InsertAfter(flyleaf, lastFrontMatterPage);
                    SizeAndOrientation.UpdatePageSizeAndOrientationClasses(flyleaf, layout);
Beispiel #9
 private static Layout EnsureLayoutIsAmongValidChoices(HtmlDom dom, Layout layout, IFileLocator fileLocator)
     var layoutChoices = SizeAndOrientation.GetLayoutChoices(dom, fileLocator);
     if (layoutChoices.Any(l => l.SizeAndOrientation.ClassName == layout.SizeAndOrientation.ClassName))
         return layout;
     return layoutChoices.Any() ?  layoutChoices.First() : layout;
        private void CleanupBrandingImages(XmlElement newPageDiv, string branding, string bookFolderPath, Layout layout)
            if (branding == null)
                return;                 // in testing.
            if (BookStorage.IsStaticContent(bookFolderPath))
            var prefix = BrandingApi.kApiBrandingImage + "?id=";

            foreach (XmlElement imageElt in newPageDiv.SafeSelectNodes("//img").Cast <XmlElement>().ToArray())
                var src = imageElt.Attributes["src"]?.Value;
                if (src == null || !src.StartsWith(prefix))
                var fileName        = src.Substring(prefix.Length);
                var pathToRealImage = BrandingApi.FindBrandingImageFileIfPossible(branding, fileName, layout);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathToRealImage))
                    if (!TemporaryDom)
                        // If the book folder contains this file already, it's obsolete, from some previous branding choice.
                        // Get rid of it to save space. We might also have an obsolete file with a png extension; get rid of
                        // that too. Of course, if this is just for a temporary DOM, we don't want to mess with the real folder.
                        var destFileName = Path.Combine(bookFolderPath, fileName);
                        RobustFile.Delete(Path.ChangeExtension(destFileName, ".png"));
                    // At this point the <img> element has src api/branding/something not in the current branding.
                    // So it's not actually going to produce an image in Bloom itself. We could change it, as
                    // in the following block, so that it points to a non-existent file in the book folder,
                    // and do various tricks to try to prevent warnings about missing files.
                    // But such an element does no good. Even if someone manually inserted the missing file
                    // (presumably an attempt to circumvent the current branding?) the next bring-book-up-to-date
                    // will remove it as not part of the current branding.
                    // Meanwhile, we need tricks to prevent missing-image errors in Bloom itself, and more tricks
                    // to prevent them in epubs, and .bloomd, and however else we might publish.
                    // All this is made unnecessary by just deleting the <img> element if it's not used in the
                    // current branding.
                    // If we later switch to a different branding which does need it,
                    // the next cycle of updating xmatter will start again with the original xmatter files
                    // which contain all the api/branding urls, and this time we will find the file and not
                    // delete the <img>.
                    if (TemporaryDom)
                        // for a temporary DOM we don't care if the path is absolute and to something outside the book folder.
                        // It just has to work. And we don't want to modify the book folder. It does need to go through the
                        // image server, otherwise we'll get cross-domain problems. And we need the marker that prevents
                        // creating screen-only quality images.
                        imageElt.SetAttribute("src", (EnhancedImageServer.OriginalImageMarker + "/" + pathToRealImage).ToLocalhost());
                        // We want to actually copy it into the book folder, where things will work right
                        // even if someone just opens the HTML file in a context where our image server isn't
                        // running at all.
                        // We want to use the original name in the book folder...for one thing, works with
                        // deletion code above...but the correct extension for the file we actually found.
                        var destFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(fileName), Path.GetExtension(pathToRealImage));
                        RobustFile.Copy(pathToRealImage, Path.Combine(bookFolderPath, destFileName), true);
                        // Point the <img> element at the local file...which should be available since we
                        // just copied it there.
                        imageElt.SetAttribute("src", destFileName);
        public void InjectXMatter(Dictionary <string, string> writingSystemCodes, Layout layout, string branding, string bookFolderPath)
            //don't want to pollute shells with this content
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles))
                //copy over any image files used by this front matter
                string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(PathToXMatterHtml);
                foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.png").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.jpg").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.gif").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.bmp")))))
                    RobustFile.Copy(file, FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles.CombineForPath(Path.GetFileName(file)), true);

            //note: for debugging the template/css purposes, it makes our life easier if, at runtime, the html is pointing the original.
            //makes it easy to drop into a css editor and fix it up with the content we're looking at.
            //TODO:But then later, we want to save it so that these are found in the same dir as the book.

            //it's important that we append *after* this, so that these values take precendance (the template will just have empty values for this stuff)
            //REVIEW: I think all stylesheets now get sorted once they are all added: see HtmlDoc.SortStyleSheetLinks()
            XmlNode divBeforeNextFrontMattterPage = _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body/div[@id='bloomDataDiv']");

            foreach (XmlElement xmatterPage in XMatterDom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'required')]"))
                var newPageDiv = _bookDom.RawDom.ImportNode(xmatterPage, true) as XmlElement;
                //give a new id, else thumbnail caches get messed up becuase every book has, for example, the same id for the cover.
                newPageDiv.SetAttribute("id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                CleanupBrandingImages(newPageDiv, branding, bookFolderPath, layout);

                if (IsBackMatterPage(xmatterPage))
                    //note: this is redundant unless this is the 1st backmatterpage in the list
                    divBeforeNextFrontMattterPage = _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body/div[last()]");

                //we want the xmatter pages to match what we found in the source book
                SizeAndOrientation.UpdatePageSizeAndOrientationClasses(newPageDiv, layout);

                //any @lang attributes that have a metalanguage code (N1, N2, V) get filled with the actual code.
                //note that this older method is crude, as you're in trouble if the user changes one of those to
                //a different language. Instead, use data-metalanguage.
                foreach (XmlElement node in newPageDiv.SafeSelectNodes("//*[@lang]"))
                    var lang = node.GetAttribute("lang");
                    if (writingSystemCodes.ContainsKey(lang))
                        node.SetAttribute("lang", writingSystemCodes[lang]);

                _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body").InsertAfter(newPageDiv, divBeforeNextFrontMattterPage);
                divBeforeNextFrontMattterPage = newPageDiv;

                //enhance... this is really ugly. I'm just trying to clear out any remaining "{blah}" left over from the template
                foreach (XmlElement e in newPageDiv.SafeSelectNodes("//*[starts-with(text(),'{')]"))
                    foreach (var node in e.ChildNodes)
                        XmlText t = node as XmlText;
                        if (t != null && t.Value.StartsWith("{"))
                            t.Value = "";                            //otherwise html tidy will through away span's (at least) that are empty, so we never get a chance to fill in the values.
 // for testing. Real code should supply the bookFolderPath argument.
 internal void InjectXMatter(Dictionary <string, string> writingSystemCodes, Layout layout)
     InjectXMatter(writingSystemCodes, layout, null, null);
 public static void AddClassesForLayout(HtmlDom dom, Layout layout)
     UpdatePageSizeAndOrientationClasses(dom.RawDom, layout);
        public static void UpdatePageSizeAndOrientationClasses(XmlNode node, Layout layout)
            foreach (XmlElement pageDiv in node.SafeSelectNodes("descendant-or-self::div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]"))
                RemoveClassesContaining(pageDiv, "layout-");
                RemoveClassesContaining(pageDiv, "Landscape");
                RemoveClassesContaining(pageDiv, "Portrait");

                foreach (var cssClassName in layout.ClassNames)
                    AddClass(pageDiv, cssClassName);
Beispiel #15
        public void InjectXMatter(Dictionary <string, string> writingSystemCodes, Layout layout, bool orderXmatterForDeviceUse, string metadataIsoCode)
            //don't want to pollute shells with this content
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles))
                //copy over any image files used by this front matter
                string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(PathToXMatterHtml);
                foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.png").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.jpg").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.gif").Concat(Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.bmp")))))
                    string destFileName = FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles.CombineForPath(Path.GetFileName(file));
                    RobustFile.Copy(file, destFileName, true);

            //note: for debugging the template/css purposes, it makes our life easier if, at runtime, the html is pointing the original.
            //makes it easy to drop into a css editor and fix it up with the content we're looking at.
            //TODO:But then later, we want to save it so that these are found in the same dir as the book.
            // Get the xMatter stylesheet link in the proper place rather than at the end.
            // See https://issues.bloomlibrary.org/youtrack/issue/BL-8845.

            //it's important that we append *after* this, so that these values take precedence (the template will just have empty values for this stuff)
            //REVIEW: I think all stylesheets now get sorted once they are all added: see HtmlDoc.SortStyleSheetLinks()
            XmlNode divBeforeNextFrontMatterPage = _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body/div[@id='bloomDataDiv']");

            foreach (XmlElement xmatterPage in XMatterDom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'required')]"))
                var newPageDiv = _bookDom.RawDom.ImportNode(xmatterPage, true) as XmlElement;
                //give a new id, else thumbnail caches get messed up because every book has, for example, the same id for the cover.
                newPageDiv.SetAttribute("id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                // Various fields don't have a useful lang attribute value (doesn't exist or is "*") but we need a lang attribute to set the font properly.
                // By setting it on the page, all those fields can properly inherit the language 2 code and thus use its font. See BL-8545.
                // Since we are only doing this for xmatter, we don't have to worry about the lang attribute staying around when it shouldn't.
                // Old Blooms will effectively remove it when injecting xmatter. New Blooms will always set it to the current language 2 code.
                newPageDiv.SetAttribute("lang", metadataIsoCode);

                // We have some xmatters that don't know about devices, and these we replace with the
                // standard Device Xmatter as needed.
                // There is a second type where we have explicitly made a special xmatter just for devices:
                // ABC, Dari, and Pasti are examples of these.
                // Finally, we have other xmatters that deal with device formatting via a stylesheet, without having
                // a second folder and html for devices (e.g. Kyrgyzstan 2020). For this last one, we want to
                // just automatically reorder the pages, when we are preparing the document for publishing
                // to device contexts.
                var moveNonCoverToBack = orderXmatterForDeviceUse && !PathToXMatterStylesheet.Contains("Device-XMatter");
                if (IsBackMatterPage(xmatterPage) || (moveNonCoverToBack && ShouldBeInBackForDeviceUse(xmatterPage)))
                    //note: this is redundant unless this is the 1st backmatterpage in the list
                    divBeforeNextFrontMatterPage = _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body/div[last()]");

                //we want the xmatter pages to match what we found in the source book
                SizeAndOrientation.UpdatePageSizeAndOrientationClasses(newPageDiv, layout);

                //any @lang attributes that have a metalanguage code (N1, N2, V) get filled with the actual code.
                //note that this older method is crude, as you're in trouble if the user changes one of those to
                //a different language. Instead, use data-metalanguage.
                foreach (XmlElement node in newPageDiv.SafeSelectNodes("//*[@lang]"))
                    var lang = node.GetAttribute("lang");
                    if (writingSystemCodes.ContainsKey(lang))
                        node.SetAttribute("lang", writingSystemCodes[lang]);

                _bookDom.RawDom.SelectSingleNode("//body").InsertAfter(newPageDiv, divBeforeNextFrontMatterPage);
                divBeforeNextFrontMatterPage = newPageDiv;

                //enhance... this is really ugly. I'm just trying to clear out any remaining "{blah}" left over from the template
                foreach (XmlElement e in newPageDiv.SafeSelectNodes("//*[starts-with(text(),'{')]"))
                    foreach (var node in e.ChildNodes)
                        XmlText t = node as XmlText;
                        if (t != null && t.Value.StartsWith("{"))
                            t.Value = "";                            //otherwise html tidy will through away span's (at least) that are empty, so we never get a chance to fill in the values.
Beispiel #16
        public static Layout FromDom(HtmlDom dom, Layout defaultIfMissing)
            var firstPage = dom.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]");
            if (firstPage == null)
                return defaultIfMissing;

            var layout = new Layout {SizeAndOrientation = defaultIfMissing.SizeAndOrientation, Style= defaultIfMissing.Style};

            foreach (var part in firstPage.GetStringAttribute("class").SplitTrimmed(' '))
                if (part.ToLower().Contains("portrait") || part.ToLower().Contains("landscape"))
                    layout.SizeAndOrientation = SizeAndOrientation.FromString(part);
                if (part.ToLower().Contains("layout-style-"))
                    int startIndex = "layout-style-".Length;
                    layout.Style = part.Substring(startIndex, part.Length-startIndex);	//reivew: this might let us suck up a style that is no longer listed in any css
            return layout;
Beispiel #17
        private string SetupNewDocumentContents(string sourceFolderPath, string initialPath)
            var  storage        = _bookStorageFactory(initialPath);
            bool usingTemplate  = storage.BookInfo.IsSuitableForMakingShells;
            bool makingTemplate = storage.BookInfo.IsSuitableForMakingTemplates;
            // If we're not making it from a template or making a template, we're deriving a translation from an existing book
            var makingTranslation = !usingTemplate && !makingTemplate;

            var bookData = new BookData(storage.Dom, _collectionSettings, null);

            UpdateEditabilityMetadata(storage);            //Path.GetFileName(initialPath).ToLower().Contains("template"));
            // BL-7614 We don't want a derivative of a book downloaded from a "bookshelf" to have the same bookshelf

            // NB: For a new book based on a page template, I think this should remove *everything*,
            // because the rest is in the xmatter.
            // For shells, we'll still have pages.

            // BL-6108: But if this is a template and we remove all the pages and xmatter,
            // there won't be anything left to tell us what the template's preferred layout was,
            // so we'll save that first.
            Layout templateLayout = null;

            if (usingTemplate)
                templateLayout = Layout.FromDom(storage.Dom, Layout.A5Portrait);

            // Remove from the new book any pages labeled as "extra".
            // Typically pages in a template are marked "extra" to indicate that they are options to insert with "Add Page"
            // but not pages (which a few templates have) that should be automatically inserted into every book
            // made from the template.
            // Originally we removed 'extra' pages in all cases, but we haven't actually used the capability
            // of deleting 'extra' pages from translations of shell books, and on the other hand, we did briefly release
            // a version of Bloom that incorrectly left shell book pages so marked. Something like 73 books in our library
            // may have this problem (BL-6392). Since we don't actually need the capability for making translations
            // of shell books, we decided to simply disable it: all pages in a shell book, even those marked
            // 'extra', will be kept in the translation.
            if (!makingTranslation)
                for (var initialPageDivs = storage.Dom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'extra')]");
                     initialPageDivs.Count > 0;
                     initialPageDivs = storage.Dom.SafeSelectNodes("/html/body/div[contains(@data-page,'extra')]"))
                // When making a translation of an original move the 'publisher' (if there is one) to 'originalPublisher'.


            // BL-4586 Some old books ended up with background-image urls containing XML img tags
            // in the HTML-encoded string. This happened because the coverImage data-book element
            // contained an img tag instead of a bare filename.
            // Normally such a thing would get fixed on loading the book, but if the "old book" in question
            // is a shell downloaded from BloomLibrary.org, Bloom is not allowed to modify the book,
            // so if such a thing exists in this copied book here we will strip it out and replace it with the
            // filename in the img src attribute.

            bookData.RemoveAllForms("ISBN");            //ISBN number of the original doesn't apply to derivatives

            var sizeAndOrientation = Layout.FromDomAndChoices(storage.Dom, templateLayout ?? Layout.A5Portrait, _fileLocator);

            //Note that we do this *before* injecting frontmatter, which is more likely to have a good reason for having English
            //Useful for things like Primers. Note that Lorem Ipsum and prefixing all text with "_" also work.
            //			if ("true"==GetMetaValue(storage.Dom.RawDom, "removeTranslationsWhenMakingNewBook", "false"))
            //			{
            //				ClearAwayAllTranslations(storage.Dom.RawDom);
            //			}

            // If we are making a shell (from a template, as opposed to making a translation of a shell),
            // it should not have a pre-determined license. A default will be filled in later.
            // (But, if we're MAKING a template, we want to keep the CC0 from Template Starter.)
            if (usingTemplate && !makingTemplate)

            InjectXMatter(initialPath, storage, sizeAndOrientation);

            SetLineageAndId(storage, sourceFolderPath);

            if (makingTranslation)
                storage.EnsureOriginalTitle();                 // Before SetBookTitle, so we definitely won't use this book's new empty title

            SetBookTitle(storage, bookData, usingTemplate);

            TransformCreditPageData(storage.Dom, bookData, _collectionSettings, storage, makingTranslation);

            //Few sources will have this set at all. A template picture dictionary is one place where we might expect it to call for, say, bilingual
            int multilingualLevel = int.Parse(GetMetaValue(storage.Dom.RawDom, "defaultMultilingualLevel", "1"));

            TranslationGroupManager.SetInitialMultilingualSetting(bookData, multilingualLevel);

            var sourceDom = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(sourceFolderPath.CombineForPath(Path.GetFileName(GetPathToHtmlFile(sourceFolderPath))), false);

            //If this is a shell book, make elements to hold the vernacular
            foreach (XmlElement div in storage.Dom.RawDom.SafeSelectNodes("//div[contains(@class,'bloom-page')]"))
                XmlElement sourceDiv = sourceDom.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='" + div.GetAttribute("id") + "']") as XmlElement;
                SetupIdAndLineage(sourceDiv, div);
                SetupPage(div, bookData);


            storage.UpdateSupportFiles();                // Copy branding files etc.
            storage.PerformNecessaryMaintenanceOnBook(); // Fix image files as needed etc.

            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                // Well, not sure what else to return here, so I guess just let it continue and return storage.FolderPath

            //REVIEW this actually undoes the setting of the initial files name:
            //      storage.UpdateBookFileAndFolderName(_librarySettings);
Beispiel #18
        private void InjectXMatter(string initialPath, BookStorage storage, Layout sizeAndOrientation)
            //now add in the xmatter from the currently selected xmatter pack
            if (!TestingSoSkipAddingXMatter)
                var data = new DataSet();
                data.WritingSystemCodes.Add("V", _collectionSettings.Language1Iso639Code);
                data.WritingSystemCodes.Add("N1", _collectionSettings.Language2Iso639Code);
                data.WritingSystemCodes.Add("N2", _collectionSettings.Language3Iso639Code);

                //by default, this comes from the collection, but the book can select one, inlucing "null" to select the factory-supplied empty xmatter
                var xmatterName = storage.Dom.GetMetaValue("xmatter", _collectionSettings.XMatterPackName);

                var helper = new XMatterHelper(storage.Dom, xmatterName, _fileLocator);
                helper.FolderPathForCopyingXMatterFiles = storage.FolderPath;
                helper.InjectXMatter(data.WritingSystemCodes, sizeAndOrientation);
Beispiel #19
 public static Layout FromDomAndChoices(HtmlDom dom, Layout defaultIfMissing, IFileLocator fileLocator)
     // If the stylesheet's special style which tells us which page/orientations it supports matches the default
     // page size and orientation in the template's bloom-page class, we don't need this method.
     // Otherwise, we need to make sure that the book's layout updates to something that really is a possibility.
     var layout = FromDom(dom, defaultIfMissing);
     layout = EnsureLayoutIsAmongValidChoices(dom, layout, fileLocator);
     return layout;