Beispiel #1
        internal void WriteVirtualMemory <TStructure>(IntPtr baseAddress, TStructure structureToWrite) where TStructure : struct
            // Store the structure to write in a buffer

            var structureBuffer = LocalMemoryTools.StoreStructureInBuffer(structureToWrite);

            // Marshal the structure into bytes

            var structureBytes = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf <TStructure>()];

            Marshal.Copy(structureBuffer, structureBytes, 0, Marshal.SizeOf <TStructure>());

            // Write the structure into the memory region

            WriteVirtualMemory(baseAddress, structureBytes);
Beispiel #2
        internal void WriteVirtualMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, byte[] bytesToWrite)
            // Store the bytes to write in a buffer

            var bytesToWriteBuffer = LocalMemoryTools.StoreBytesInBuffer(bytesToWrite);

            // Adjust the protection of the memory region to ensure it has write privileges

            var oldProtectionType = ProtectVirtualMemory(baseAddress, bytesToWrite.Length, Enumerations.MemoryProtectionType.ReadWrite);

            // Write the bytes into the memory region

            _syscallManager.InvokeSyscall <NtWriteVirtualMemory>(_processHandle, baseAddress, bytesToWriteBuffer, bytesToWrite.Length);

            // Restore the old protection of the memory region

            ProtectVirtualMemory(baseAddress, bytesToWrite.Length, oldProtectionType);

Beispiel #3
        internal TStructure ReadVirtualMemory <TStructure>(IntPtr baseAddress) where TStructure : struct
            // Read the bytes of the structure from the memory region

            var structureBytes = ReadVirtualMemory(baseAddress, Marshal.SizeOf <TStructure>());

            // Marshal the bytes into a structure

            var structureBytesBuffer = LocalMemoryTools.StoreBytesInBuffer(structureBytes);

                return(Marshal.PtrToStructure <TStructure>(structureBytesBuffer));

Beispiel #4
        internal byte[] ReadVirtualMemory(IntPtr baseAddress, int bytesToRead)
            // Adjust the protection of the memory region to ensure it has read privileges

            var oldProtectionType = ProtectVirtualMemory(baseAddress, bytesToRead, Enumerations.MemoryProtectionType.ReadWrite);

            // Read the specified number of bytes from the memory region

            var bytesReadBuffer = (IntPtr)_syscallManager.InvokeSyscall <NtReadVirtualMemory>(_processHandle, baseAddress, bytesToRead);

            var bytesRead = new byte[bytesToRead];

            Marshal.Copy(bytesReadBuffer, bytesRead, 0, bytesToRead);

            // Restore the old protection of the memory region

            ProtectVirtualMemory(baseAddress, bytesToRead, oldProtectionType);

