Beispiel #1
        public static FocusStyleMergeRules GetFocusStyle(FocusStyleProps focusStyleProps, string selectorName)
            FocusStyleMergeRules?focusStyles = new();

            focusStyles.MergeRules = $"outline:transparent;" +

            //alternative property for newer extensions (needs string array without semicolons)

            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $"{selectorName}::-moz-focus-inner"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"border:0;"

            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $".ms-Fabric--isFocusVisible {selectorName}{(focusStyleProps.IsFocusedOnly ? ":focus" : "")}::after"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"content:'';" +
                          $"position:absolute;" +
                          $"left:{focusStyleProps.Inset + 1}px;" +
                          $"top:{focusStyleProps.Inset + 1}px;" +
                          $"bottom:{focusStyleProps.Inset + 1}px;" +
                          $"right:{focusStyleProps.Inset + 1}px;" +
                          $"border:{focusStyleProps.Width}px solid {focusStyleProps.BorderColor};" +
                          $"outline:{focusStyleProps.Width}px solid {focusStyleProps.OutlineColor};" +
            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $"@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active)"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"{selectorName}{(focusStyleProps.IsFocusedOnly ? ":focus" : "")}:after" +
                          "{" +
                          focusStyleProps.HighContrastStyle +

Beispiel #2
        public static FocusStyleMergeRules GetFocusStyle(FocusStyleProps focusStyleProps, string selectorName)
            var focusStyles = new FocusStyleMergeRules();

            focusStyles.MergeRules = $"outline:transparent;" +

            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $"{selectorName}::-moz-focus-inner"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"border:0;"

            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $".ms-Fabric--isFocusVisible {selectorName}{(focusStyleProps.IsFocusedOnly ? ":focus" : "")}::after"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"content:'';" +
                          $"position:absolute;" +
                          $"left:{focusStyleProps.Inset + 1}px;" +
                          $"top:{focusStyleProps.Inset + 1}px;" +
                          $"bottom:{focusStyleProps.Inset + 1}px;" +
                          $"right:{focusStyleProps.Inset + 1}px;" +
                          $"border:{focusStyleProps.Width}px solid {focusStyleProps.BorderColor};" +
                          $"outline:{focusStyleProps.Width}px solid {focusStyleProps.OutlineColor};" +
            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $"@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active)"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"{selectorName}{(focusStyleProps.IsFocusedOnly ? ":focus" : "")}:after" +
                          "{" +
                          focusStyleProps.HighContrastStyle +

Beispiel #3
        public static FocusStyleMergeRules GetInputFocusStyle(FocusStyleProps focusStyleProps, string selectorName, bool isBorderBottom = false, double borderPosition = -1)
            FocusStyleMergeRules?focusStyles = new();

            focusStyles.MergeRules = $"border-color:{focusStyleProps.BorderColor};";

            //alternative property for newer extensions (needs string array without semicolons)

            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $"{selectorName}::after"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"pointer-events:none;" +
                          $"content:'';" +
                          $"position:absolute;" +
                          $"left:{(isBorderBottom ? 0 : borderPosition)}px;" +
                          $"top:{borderPosition}px;" +
                          $"bottom:{borderPosition}px;" +
                          $"right:{(isBorderBottom ? 0 : borderPosition)}px;" +
                          (isBorderBottom ? $"border-bottom:2px solid {focusStyleProps.BorderColor};" : $"border:2px solid {focusStyleProps.BorderColor};") +
                          $"border-radius:{focusStyleProps.BorderRadius};" +
                          (isBorderBottom ? $"width:100%;" : "")
            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $"@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active)"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"{selectorName}:after" +
                          "{" +
                          (isBorderBottom ? $"border-bottom-color:Highlight" : "border-color:Highlight") +

Beispiel #4
        public static FocusStyleMergeRules GetFocusOutlineStyle(FocusStyleProps focusStyleProps, string selectorName)
            FocusStyleMergeRules?focusStyles = new();

            focusStyles.AddRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $".ms-Fabric--isFocusVisible {selectorName}::after"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"outline:{focusStyleProps.Width}px solid {focusStyleProps.OutlineColor};" +
        private ICollection <IRule> CreateGlobalCss()
            var menuRules = new HashSet <IRule>();

            // ROOT
            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"font-size:{Theme.FontStyle.FontSize.Medium};" +
                          $"font-weight:{Theme.FontStyle.FontWeight.Regular};" +
                          $"background-color:{Theme.SemanticColors.MenuBackground};" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-container:focus"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"outline:0;"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-list"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"list-style-type:none;" +
                          $"margin:0;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-header"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"font-size:{Theme.FontStyle.FontSize.Small};" +
                          $"font-weight:{Theme.FontStyle.FontWeight.SemiBold};" +
                          $"color:{Theme.SemanticColors.MenuHeader};" +
                          $"background:none;" +
                          $"background-color:transparent;" +
                          $"border:none;" +
                          $"height:36px;" +
                          $"line-height:36px;" +
                          $"cursor:default;" +
                          $"padding:0 6px;" +
                          $"user-select:none;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-title"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"font-size:{Theme.FontStyle.FontSize.MediumPlus};" +
                          $"padding-right:14px;" +
                          $"padding-left:14px;" +
                          $"padding-bottom:5px;" +
                          $"padding-top:5px;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu .ms-Callout"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"box-shadow:{Theme.Effects.Elevation8};"

            var focusProps  = new Style.FocusStyleProps(Theme);
            var focusStyles = BlazorFluentUI.Style.FocusStyle.GetFocusStyle(focusProps, ".ms-ContextualMenu-item");

            foreach (var rule in focusStyles.AddRules)

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-item"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = focusStyles.MergeRules +
                          $"color:{Theme.SemanticTextColors.BodyText};" +
                          $"position:relative;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-divider"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"display:block;" +
                          $"height:1px;" +
                          $"background-color:{Theme.SemanticColors.BodyDivider};" +

            var linkFocusStyles = BlazorFluentUI.Style.FocusStyle.GetFocusStyle(focusProps, ".ms-ContextualMenu-link");

            foreach (var rule in linkFocusStyles.AddRules)

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-link"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = linkFocusStyles.MergeRules +
                          $"color:{Theme.SemanticTextColors.BodyText};" +
                          $"background-color:transparent;" +
                          $"border:none;" +
                          $"width:100%;" +
                          $"height:36px;" +
                          $"line-height:36px;" +
                          $"display:block;" +
                          $"cursor:pointer;" +
                          $"padding:0 8px 0 4px;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-ContextualMenu-link"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.SemanticTextColors.DisabledBodyText};" +
                          $"cursor:default;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-link:focus"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"outline:0;"// +
                          //$"background-color:{Theme.Palette.White};" //!!!!! This won't work with dark mode, doesn't seem to be needed for light mode.

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-link:hover"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.SemanticTextColors.MenuItemTextHovered};" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-link:hover .ms-ContextualMenu-icon"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.Palette.ThemeDarkAlt};"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-link:hover .ms-ContextualMenu-submenuIcon"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.Palette.NeutralPrimary};"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-ContextualMenu-checkmarkIcon"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.Palette.NeutralPrimary};"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-link:active"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"background-color:{Theme.SemanticColors.MenuItemBackgroundPressed};"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-link:active .ms-ContextualMenu-icon"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.Palette.ThemeDark};"
            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-link:active .ms-ContextualMenu-submenuIcon"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.Palette.NeutralPrimary};"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-ContextualMenu-link"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"background-color:{Theme.SemanticColors.MenuItemBackgroundPressed};" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-linkContent"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"white-space:nowrap;" +
                          $"height:inherit;" +
                          $"display:flex;" +
                          $"align-items:center;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-anchorLink"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"padding:0 8px 0 4px;" +
                          $"text-rendering:auto;" +
                          $"color:inherit;" +
                          $"letter-spacing:normal;" +
                          $"word-spacing:normal;" +
                          $"text-transform:none;" +
                          $"text-indent:0px;" +
                          $"text-shadow:none;" +
                          $"text-decoration:none;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-itemText"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"margin:0 4px;" +
                          $"vertical-align:middle;" +
                          $"display:inline-block;" +
                          $"flex-grow:1;" +
                          $"text-overflow:ellipsis;" +
                          $"overflow:hidden;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-secondaryText"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.Palette.NeutralSecondary};" +
                          $"padding-left:20px;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-icon"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"display:inline-block;" +
                          $"min-height:1px;" +
                          $"max-height:36px;" +
                          $"font-size:{Theme.FontStyle.IconFontSize.Medium};" +
                          $"width:{Theme.FontStyle.IconFontSize.Medium};" +
                          $"margin:0 4px;" +
                          $"vertical-align:middle;" +
            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = $"@media only screen and (min-width: ${0}px) and (max-width: ${Theme.CommonStyle.ScreenWidthMaxMedium}px)"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = ".ms-ContextualMenu-icon {" +
                          $"font-size:{Theme.FontStyle.IconFontSize.Large};" +
                          $"width:{Theme.FontStyle.IconFontSize.Large};" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-iconColor"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.SemanticColors.MenuIcon};"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-ContextualMenu-iconColor"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.SemanticTextColors.DisabledBodyText};"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-checkmarkIcon"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.SemanticTextColors.BodySubtext};" +
                          $"margin: 0 4px;"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-submenuIcon"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"height:36px;" +
                          $"line-height:36px;" +
                          $"color:{Theme.Palette.NeutralSecondary};" +
                          $"text-align:center;" +
                          $"display:inline-block;" +
                          $"vertical-align:middle;" +
                          $"flex-shrink:0;" +

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-submenuIcon:hover"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.Palette.NeutralPrimary};"
            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-submenuIcon:active"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{Theme.Palette.NeutralPrimary};"

            menuRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-ContextualMenu-splitButtonFlexContainer"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"display:flex;" +
                          $"height:36px;" +
                          $"flex-wrap:nowrap;" +
                          $"justify-content:center;" +

        public ICollection <Rule> CreateGlobalCss(ITheme theme)
            var navRules = new HashSet <Rule>();

            // ROOT
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"overflow-y:auto;" +
                          $"user-select:none;" +
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ""
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"position:absolute;"

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-linkText"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"margin:0px 4px;" +
                          $"overflow:hidden;" +
                          $"vertical-align:middle;" +
                          $"text-align:left;" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"display:block;" +
                          $"position:relative;" +
                          $"color:{theme.SemanticTextColors.BodyText};" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ""
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{theme.SemanticTextColors.DisabledText};"

            var focusProps  = new Style.FocusStyleProps(theme);
            var focusStyles = BlazorFluentUI.Style.FocusStyle.GetFocusStyle(focusProps, ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink .ms-Nav-link");

            foreach (var rule in focusStyles.AddRules)

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink .ms-Nav-link"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = focusStyles.MergeRules +
                          $"display:block;" +
                          $"position:relative;" +
                          $"height:44px;" +
                          $"width:100%;" +
                          $"line-height:44px;" +
                          $"text-decoration:none;" +
                          $"cursor:pointer;" +
                          $"text-overflow:ellipsis;" +
                          $"white-space:nowrap;" +
                          $"overflow:hidden;" +
                          $"padding-left:20px;" +
                          $"padding-right:20px;" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = "@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active)"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = ".ms-Nav-link {border-color:transparent;}" +
                          ".ms-Nav-link:focus {border-color:WindowText;}"

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink:hover:not(.is-disabled) .ms-Nav-link"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"background-color:{theme.SemanticColors.BodyBackgroundHovered};" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-Nav-link"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"background-color:{theme.SemanticColors.BodyBackgroundChecked};" +
                          $"font-weight:{theme.FontStyle.FontWeight.SemiBold};" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-Nav-link::after"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"border-left:2px solid {theme.Palette.ThemePrimary};" +
                          $"content:'';" +
                          $"position:absolute;" +
                          $"top:0;" +
                          $"bottom:0;" +
                          $"left:0;" +
                          $"right:0;" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-Nav-link"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{theme.SemanticTextColors.DisabledText};"

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-Nav-link"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{theme.Palette.ThemePrimary};"

            //var focusProps = new Style.FocusStyleProps(theme);
            var chevronButtonFocusStyles = BlazorFluentUI.Style.FocusStyle.GetFocusStyle(focusProps, ".ms-Nav-chevronButton");

            foreach (var rule in chevronButtonFocusStyles.AddRules)

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-chevronButton"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = chevronButtonFocusStyles.MergeRules +
                          $"display:block;" +
                          $"text-align:left;" +
                          $"line-height:44px;" +
                          $"font-weight:{theme.FontStyle.FontWeight.Regular};" +
                          $"font-size:{theme.FontStyle.FontSize.Small};" +
                          $"margin:5px 0px;" +
                          $"padding:0px 20px 0px 28px;" +
                          $"border:none;" +
                          $"text-overflow:ellipsis;" +
                          $"white-space:nowrap;" +
                          $"overflow:hidden;" +
                          $"cursor:pointer;" +
                          $"color:{theme.SemanticTextColors.BodyText};" +
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-chevronButton:visited"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = "color:inherit;"
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-chevronButton:hover"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{theme.SemanticTextColors.BodyText};" +
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink:hover .ms-Nav-chevronButton"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{theme.SemanticTextColors.BodyText};" +
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ""
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"width:100%;" +
                          $"height:44px;" +
                          $"border-bottom:1px solid {theme.SemanticColors.BodyDivider};"

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                /* i.e. is a link */
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink:not(.is-button) .ms-Nav-chevronButton"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"display:block;" +
                          $"width:26px;" +
                          $"height:42px;" +
                          $"position:absolute;" +
                          $"top:1px;" +
                          //$"left:1px;" +
                          $"z-index:{theme.ZIndex.Nav};" +
                          $"padding:0;" +
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink:not(.is-button).depth-one .ms-Nav-chevronButton" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"left:15px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink:not(.is-button).depth-two .ms-Nav-chevronButton" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"left:29px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink:not(.is-button).depth-three .ms-Nav-chevronButton" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"left:43px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink:not(.is-button).depth-four .ms-Nav-chevronButton" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"left:57px;"
            //    }

            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink .ms-Nav-link" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:27px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-one .ms-Nav-link" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:41px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-two .ms-Nav-link" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:55px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-three .ms-Nav-link" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:79px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-four .ms-Nav-link" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:83px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-five .ms-Nav-link" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:101px;"
            //    }

            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink .ms-Nav-link.has-icon" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:3px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-one .ms-Nav-link.has-icon" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:17px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-two .ms-Nav-link.has-icon" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:31px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-three .ms-Nav-link.has-icon" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:45px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-four .ms-Nav-link.has-icon" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:59px;"
            //    }
            //navRules.Add(new Rule()
            //    Selector = new CssStringSelector() { SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-compositeLink.depth-five .ms-Nav-link.has-icon" },
            //    Properties = new CssString()
            //    {
            //        Css = $"padding-left:73px;"
            //    }

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-chevronButton"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"color:{theme.Palette.ThemePrimary};" +
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav .ms-Nav-chevronButton::after"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"border-left:2px solid {theme.Palette.ThemePrimary};" +
                          $"content:'';" +
                          $"position:absolute;" +
                          $"top:0;" +
                          $"right:0;" +
                          $"bottom:0;" +
                          $"left:0;" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-chevron"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"position:absolute;" +
                          $"left:8px;" +
                          $"height:36px;" +
                          $"line-height:36px;" +
                          $"font-size:{theme.FontStyle.FontSize.Small};" +
                          $"transition:transform .1s linear;"
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " > * > .ms-Nav-chevron"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"transform:rotate(-180deg);"
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-compositeLink:not(.is-button) > * > .ms-Nav-chevron"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"top:0;"
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " > * > .ms-Nav-chevron"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"transform:rotate(-180deg);"
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-group:not(.is-button) > * > .ms-Nav-chevron"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"top:0;"

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-navItem"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"padding:0;"
            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-navItems"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"padding:0;" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-group"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"position:relative;"

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = ".ms-Nav-groupContent"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"display:none;" +

            navRules.Add(new Rule()
                Selector = new CssStringSelector()
                    SelectorName = " .ms-Nav-groupContent"
                Properties = new CssString()
                    Css = $"display:block;"
