Beispiel #1
        internal PSBTInput(BitcoinStream stream, PSBT parent, uint index, TxIn input) : base(parent)
            TxIn              = input;
            Index             = index;
            originalScriptSig = TxIn.ScriptSig ?? Script.Empty;
            originalWitScript = TxIn.WitScript ?? WitScript.Empty;
            byte[] k = new byte[0];
            byte[] v = new byte[0];
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
            catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Failed to Parse key.", e);
            while (k.Length != 0)
                    stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref v);
                catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                    throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Failed to parse key.", e);
                switch (k.First())
                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for NonWitnessUTXO");
                    if (non_witness_utxo != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate non_witness_utxo");
                    non_witness_utxo = this.GetConsensusFactory().CreateTransaction();

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for WitnessUTXO");
                    if (witness_utxo != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate witness_utxo");
                    if (this.GetConsensusFactory().TryCreateNew <TxOut>(out var txout))
                        witness_utxo = txout;
                        witness_utxo = new TxOut();

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG:
                    var pubkey = new PubKey(k.Skip(1).ToArray());
                    if (partial_sigs.ContainsKey(pubkey))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for partial_sigs");
                    partial_sigs.Add(pubkey, new TransactionSignature(v));

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SIGHASH:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for SigHash type");
                    if (!(sighash_type is null))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for sighash_type");
                    if (v.Length != 4)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. SigHash Type is not 4 byte");
                    var value = Utils.ToUInt32(v, 0, true);
                    if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SigHash), value))
                        throw new FormatException($"Invalid PSBTInput Unknown SigHash Type {value}");
                    sighash_type = (SigHash)value;

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_REDEEMSCRIPT:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for redeem script");
                    if (redeem_script != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for redeem_script");
                    redeem_script = Script.FromBytesUnsafe(v);

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_WITNESSSCRIPT:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for witness script");
                    if (witness_script != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for redeem_script");
                    witness_script = Script.FromBytesUnsafe(v);

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION:
                    var pubkey2 = new PubKey(k.Skip(1).ToArray());
                    if (hd_keypaths.ContainsKey(pubkey2))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for hd_keypaths");
                    var     masterFingerPrint = new HDFingerprint(v.Take(4).ToArray());
                    KeyPath path = KeyPath.FromBytes(v.Skip(4).ToArray());
                    hd_keypaths.Add(pubkey2, new RootedKeyPath(masterFingerPrint, path));

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SCRIPTSIG:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for final scriptsig");
                    if (final_script_sig != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for final_script_sig");
                    final_script_sig = Script.FromBytesUnsafe(v);

                case PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SCRIPTWITNESS:
                    if (k.Length != 1)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Contains illegal value in key for final script witness");
                    if (final_script_witness != null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for final_script_witness");
                    final_script_witness = new WitScript(v);

                    if (unknown.ContainsKey(k))
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid PSBTInput. Duplicate key for unknown value");
                    unknown.Add(k, v);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
Beispiel #2
        public void Serialize(BitcoinStream stream)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
            // Write the utxo
            // If there is a non-witness utxo, then don't serialize the witness one.
            if (witness_utxo != null)
                // key
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);

                // value
                var data = witness_utxo.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref data);

            if (non_witness_utxo != null)
                // key
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                // value
                byte[] data = non_witness_utxo.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref data);

            // Write the sighash type
            if (sighash_type > 0)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SIGHASH;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                var tmp = Utils.ToBytes((uint)sighash_type, true);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref tmp);

            // Write the redeem script
            if (redeem_script != null)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_REDEEMSCRIPT;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                var value = redeem_script.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref value);

            // Write the witness script
            if (witness_script != null)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_WITNESSSCRIPT;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                var value = witness_script.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref value);

            // Write any partial signatures
            foreach (var sig_pair in partial_sigs)
                var key = new byte[] { PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG }.Concat(sig_pair.Key.ToBytes());
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref key);
                var sig = sig_pair.Value.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref sig);

            // Write any hd keypaths
            foreach (var pathPair in hd_keypaths)
                var key = new byte[] { PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION }.Concat(pathPair.Key.ToBytes());
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref key);
                var masterFingerPrint = pathPair.Value.MasterFingerprint;
                var path              = pathPair.Value.KeyPath.ToBytes();
                var pathInfo          = masterFingerPrint.ToBytes().Concat(path);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref pathInfo);

            // Write script sig
            if (final_script_sig != null)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SCRIPTSIG;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                byte[] value = final_script_sig.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref value);

            // write script witness
            if (final_script_witness != null)
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref defaultKeyLen);
                var key = PSBTConstants.PSBT_IN_SCRIPTWITNESS;
                stream.ReadWrite(ref key);
                var stack = final_script_witness.ToBytes();
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref stack);

            // Write unknown things
            foreach (var entry in unknown)
                var k = entry.Key;
                var v = entry.Value;
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref k);
                stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref v);

            var sep = PSBTConstants.PSBT_SEPARATOR;

            stream.ReadWrite(ref sep);
 public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream)
     stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref _Data);