public static EcKey CreateEcKeyFromHexString(string privateKey)
            var pkey = new BigInteger(privateKey, 16);
            var key  = new EcKey(pkey);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Signs the input string with the provided key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ecKey">The key object to sign with</param>
        /// <param name="input">The string to be signed</param>
        /// <returns>The signature</returns>
        public static string Sign(EcKey ecKey, string input)
            // return ecKey.Sign(input);
            var hash      = Sha256Hash(input);
            var hashBytes = HexToBytes(hash);
            var signature = ecKey.Sign(hashBytes);
            var bytesHex  = BytesToHex(signature);

        public static async Task <EcKey> LoadEcKey()
            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(PrivateKeyFile))
                var b = new byte[1024];
                await fs.ReadAsync(b, 0, b.Length);

                var key = EcKey.FromAsn1(b);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initialize the public/private key pair by either loading the existing one or by creating a new one
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private async Task InitKeys()
     if (KeyUtils.PrivateKeyExists(_configuration.GetSection("BitPayConfiguration:EnvConfig:" + _env + ":PrivateKeyPath").Value))
         _ecKey = await KeyUtils.LoadEcKey();
         _ecKey = KeyUtils.CreateEcKey();
         await KeyUtils.SaveEcKey(_ecKey);
        public static async Task SaveEcKey(EcKey ecKey)
            var bytes = ecKey.ToAsn1();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(PrivateKeyFile)) && !Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(PrivateKeyFile)))
            using (var fs = new FileStream(PrivateKeyFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                await fs.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
        public static string DeriveSin(EcKey ecKey)
            if (_derivedSin != null)
            // Get sha256 hash and then the RIPEMD-160 hash of the public key (this call gets the result in one step).
            var pubKey          = ecKey.PublicKey;
            var hash            = new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(pubKey);
            var ripeMd160Digest = new RipeMD160Digest();

            ripeMd160Digest.BlockUpdate(hash, 0, hash.Length);
            var output = new byte[20];

            ripeMd160Digest.DoFinal(output, 0);

            var pubKeyHash = output;

            // Convert binary pubKeyHash, SINtype and version to Hex
            var version       = "0F";
            var siNtype       = "02";
            var pubKeyHashHex = BytesToHex(pubKeyHash);

            // Concatenate all three elements
            var preSin = version + siNtype + pubKeyHashHex;

            // Convert the hex string back to binary and double sha256 hash it leaving in binary both times
            var preSiNbyte = HexToBytes(preSin);
            var hash2Bytes = DoubleDigest(preSiNbyte);

            // Convert back to hex and take first four bytes
            var hashString  = BytesToHex(hash2Bytes);
            var first4Bytes = hashString.Substring(0, 8);

            // Append first four bytes to fully appended SIN string
            var unencoded      = preSin + first4Bytes;
            var unencodedBytes = new BigInteger(unencoded, 16).ToByteArray();
            var encoded        = Encode(unencodedBytes);

            _derivedSin = encoded;
