protected void DispatchUrlClick(TextView textView, ClickableSpanWithText spanWithText)
            var spanUrl = spanWithText.Text;
            var handled = _onLinkClickListener != null && _onLinkClickListener.OnClick(textView, spanUrl);

            if (!handled)
                // Let Android handle this click.
         * Adds a highlight background color span to the TextView.
        protected void HighlightUrl(TextView textView, ClickableSpanWithText spanWithText, ISpannable text)
            if (_isUrlHighlighted)

            _isUrlHighlighted = true;

            var spanStart = text.GetSpanStart(spanWithText.Span);
            var spanEnd   = text.GetSpanEnd(spanWithText.Span);

            text.SetSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(textView.HighlightColor), spanStart, spanEnd, SpanTypes.InclusiveInclusive);
            textView.SetText(text, TextView.BufferType.Spannable);

            Selection.SetSelection(text, spanStart, spanEnd);
         * Determines the touched location inside the TextView's text and returns the ClickableSpan found under it (if any).
         * @return The touched ClickableSpan or null.
        protected ClickableSpanWithText FindClickableSpanUnderTouch(TextView textView, ISpannable text, MotionEvent e)
            // So we need to find the location in text where touch was made, regardless of whether the TextView
            // has scrollable text. That is, not the entire text is currently visible.
            var touchX = (int)e.GetX();
            var touchY = (int)e.GetY();

            // Ignore padding.
            touchX -= textView.TotalPaddingLeft;
            touchY -= textView.TotalPaddingTop;

            // Account for scrollable text.
            touchX += textView.ScrollX;
            touchY += textView.ScrollY;

            var layout      = textView.Layout;
            var touchedLine = layout.GetLineForVertical(touchY);
            var touchOffset = layout.GetOffsetForHorizontal(touchedLine, touchX);

            _touchedLineBounds.Left   = layout.GetLineLeft(touchedLine);
            _touchedLineBounds.Top    = layout.GetLineTop(touchedLine);
            _touchedLineBounds.Right  = layout.GetLineWidth(touchedLine) + _touchedLineBounds.Left;
            _touchedLineBounds.Bottom = layout.GetLineBottom(touchedLine);

            if (_touchedLineBounds.Contains(touchX, touchY))
                // Find any ClickableSpan that lies under the touched area
                var spans = text.GetSpans(touchOffset, touchOffset, SpanClass);
                foreach (var span in spans)
                    if (span is ClickableSpan)
                        return(ClickableSpanWithText.OfSpan(textView, span as ClickableSpan));

                // No ClickableSpan found under the touched location.

            // Touch lies outside the line's horizontal bounds where no spans should exist.