static void Main(string[] args)
     var switcher = new BenchmarkSwitcher(new[] {
Beispiel #2
 static void Main(string[] args)
     // Use reflection for a more maintainable way of creating the benchmark switcher,
     // Benchmarks are listed in namespace order first (e.g. BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.CPU,
     // BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IL, etc) then by name, so the output is easy to understand
     var benchmarks = typeof(Program).Assembly().GetTypes()
         .Where(t => t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
                      .Any(m => m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BenchmarkAttribute), false).Any()))
         .OrderBy(t => t.Namespace)
         .ThenBy(t => t.Name)
     var benchmarkSwitcher = new BenchmarkSwitcher(benchmarks);
        public void CmdLineParsingTest()
            // Don't cover every combination, just pick a complex scenarion and check
            // it works end-to-end, i.e. "method=Method1" and "class=ClassB"
            var types = new[] { typeof(ClassA), typeof(ClassB), typeof(ClassC), typeof(NOTIntegrationTests.ClassD) };
            var switcher = new BenchmarkSwitcher(types);

            // BenchmarkSwitcher only picks up config values via the args passed in, not via class annotations (e.g "[DryConfig]")
            var results = switcher.Run(new[] { "job=Dry", "class=ClassA,ClassC", "methods=Method4" });
            Assert.Equal(2, results.Count());
            Assert.Equal(3, results.SelectMany(r => r.Benchmarks).Count());
            Assert.True(results.Any(r => r.Benchmarks.Any(b => b.Target.Type.Name == "ClassA" && b.Target.Method.Name == "Method1")));
            Assert.True(results.Any(r => r.Benchmarks.Any(b => b.Target.Type.Name == "ClassA" && b.Target.Method.Name == "Method2")));
            Assert.True(results.Any(r => r.Benchmarks.Any(b => b.Target.Type.Name == "ClassB" && b.Target.Method.Name == "Method4")));