Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the selected code generation.
        /// </summary>
        protected override async Task OnRunAsync(ExecutorRunArgs args)
                if (_args.ScriptFile !.Exists)
                    using var fs = File.OpenText(_args.ScriptFile.FullName);
                    xmlScript    = await XElement.LoadAsync(fs, LoadOptions.None, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    xmlScript = await ResourceManager.GetScriptContentXmlAsync(_args.ScriptFile.Name, _args.Assemblies.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (xmlScript?.Name != "Script")
                    throw new CodeGenException("The Script XML file must have a root element named 'Script'.");

                if (!xmlScript.Elements("Generate").Any())
                    throw new CodeGenException("The Script XML file must have at least a single 'Generate' element.");

                // Create the code generator instance.
                string?outputDir = null;

                using var cfs = File.OpenText(_args.ConfigFile !.FullName);
                var gen = CodeGenerator.Create(await XElement.LoadAsync(cfs, LoadOptions.None, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false), GetLoaders(xmlScript));
                gen.CodeGenerated += (sender, e) => { CodeGenerated(outputDir !, e); };

                // Execute each of the script instructions.
                foreach (var scriptEle in xmlScript.Elements("Generate"))
                    // As this can be long running, check and see if a stop has been initiated.
                    if (State != ExecutionState.Running)

                    string?template        = null;
                    string?outDir          = null;
                    string?helpText        = null;
                    var    otherParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (var att in scriptEle.Attributes())
                        switch (att.Name.LocalName)
                        case "Template": template = att.Value; break;

                        case "OutDir": outDir = att.Value; break;

                        case "HelpText": helpText = att.Value; break;

                        default: otherParameters.Add(att.Name.LocalName, att.Value); break;

                    // Manage the parameters.

                    // Log progress.
                    CreatedCount    = 0;
                    UpdatedCount    = 0;
                    NotChangedCount = 0;
                    Logger.Default.Info("  Template: {0} {1}", template !, helpText == null ? string.Empty : $"({helpText})");

                    XElement xmlTemplate;
                    if (_args.TemplatePath != null)
                        var fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_args.TemplatePath.FullName, template !));
                        if (!fi.Exists)
                            throw new CodeGenException($"The Template XML file '{fi.FullName}' does not exist.");

                        using var fs = File.OpenText(fi.FullName);
                        xmlTemplate  = await XElement.LoadAsync(fs, LoadOptions.None, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        xmlTemplate = await ResourceManager.GetTemplateContentXmlAsync(template !, _args.Assemblies.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false) ??
                                      throw new CodeGenException($"The Template XML resource '{template}' does not exist.");

                    // Execute the code generation itself.
                    outputDir = Path.Combine(_args.OutputPath !.FullName, SubstituteOutputDir(outDir !));
                    await gen.GenerateAsync(xmlTemplate).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // Provide statistics.
                    Logger.Default.Info("   [Files: Unchanged = {0}, Updated = {1}, Created = {2}]", NotChangedCount, UpdatedCount, CreatedCount);