Beispiel #1
 public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
     lock (lockobj)
             using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                 BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                 string sql = @"
     declare @dj varchar(30)
     exec PROC_GETID 'RW03',@dj output
     insert into RW03(RW03001,RW03002,RW03003,RW03004,RW03005,RW03006,RW03007,RW03008)
     select @dj t";
                 DataSet dsdj = ba.GetDataSet(sql, new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID), new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));
                 string dj = "";
                 if (dsdj != null && dsdj.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                     dj = dsdj.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
                 int count = 0;
                 foreach (POLineModel item in this.POLineModels)
                     item.LoginUserID = this.LoginUserID;
                     item.LoginUserName = this.LoginUserName;
                     item.Danju = dj;
                     count += item.BarcodeQTY;
                 DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet("select top " + count + " RW01001 from RW01 order by RW01001 desc");
                 if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                     string[] ids = new string[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count];
                     for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                         ids[i] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0] + "";
                     this.ReturnIDS = ids;
                 return this;
         catch (Exception ex)
             throw ex;
Beispiel #2
 public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
     lock (lockobj)
             using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                 BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                 string sql = @"
     declare @dj varchar(30)
     exec PROC_GETID 'RW03',@dj output
     select @dj t";
                 DataSet dsdj = ba.GetDataSet(sql);
                 string dj = "";
                 if (dsdj != null && dsdj.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                     dj = dsdj.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
                 int count = 0;
                 foreach (WOModel item in this.WOModels)
                     item.LoginUserID = this.LoginUserID;
                     item.LoginUserName = this.LoginUserName;
                     item.Danju = dj;
                     item.WorkOrder = item.WorkOrder;
                     count += item.BarcodeQty;
                 DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet("select top " + count + " RW01001 from RW01 order by RW01001 desc");
                 if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                     string[] ids = new string[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count];
                     for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                         ids[i] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0] + "";
                     this.ReturnIDS = ids;
                 return this;
         catch (Exception ex)
             throw ex;
Beispiel #3
 public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
     List<BaseSearchModel> lst = new List<BaseSearchModel>();
     BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
     DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet("select UR04003 from UR04 where UR04002=@roleID", new SqlParameter("@roleID", this.RoleID));
     if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         string[] rs = new string[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < rs.Length; i++)
             rs[i] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0] + "";
         this.Rights = rs;
     return lst;
        public override BaseSearchModel Insert()
            if (SOLines == null || SOLines.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("请选择发货单项");
            string sql = @"
            declare @id varchar(30)
            exec PROC_GETID 'RW18',@id output
            insert into RW18(RW18001,RW18002,RW18003,RW18004,RW18005,RW18006,RW18007,RW18008,RW18009)
            List<SqlParameter> list = new List<SqlParameter>();
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerCode", SOLines[0].CustomerCode));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerName", SOLines[0].CustomerName));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@so", SOLines[0].OrderNumber));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@dn", SOLines[0].DeliveryNumber));
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            int i = 10;
            foreach (SOLineModel item in this.SOLines)
                sb.Append(string.Format(@"insert into RW19(RW19002,RW19003,RW19004,RW19005,RW19006,RW19007,RW19008,RW19009,RW19010,RW19011,RW19012,RW19013,RW19014)
            ", i));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@line" + i, item.LineNumber));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@stock" + i, item.StockCode));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@stockname" + i, item.StockName));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@orderqty" + i, item.OrderQty));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@unit" + i, item.Unit));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@warehouse" + i, item.Warehouse));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@batch" + i, item.Batch));
                i = i + 10;
            sb.Append("select @id SONO");
            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sb.ToString(), list.ToArray());
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= 1)
                this.SONO = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
            return this;
Beispiel #5
        public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
            if (WOLine == null || WOLine.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("请选择领料单项");
            string sql = @"
            declare @id varchar(30)
            exec PROC_GETID 'RW08',@id output
            insert into RW08(RW08001,RW08002,RW08003,RW08004,RW08005,RW08006,RW08007,RW08008)
            List<SqlParameter> list = new List<SqlParameter>();
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@HopeTime", this.HopeTime));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@isUrgent", this.isUrgent));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@Remark", this.Remark));
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            int i = 10;
            foreach (WOLineModel item in this.WOLine)
                sb.Append(string.Format(@"insert into RW09(RW09002,RW09003,RW09004,RW09005,RW09006,RW09007,RW09008,RW09009,RW09010,RW09011,RW09012)
            ", i));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@line"+i, item.Number));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@stock" + i, item.StockCode));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@stockname" + i, item.StockName));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@planqty" + i, item.PlanQTY));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@unit" + i, item.Unit));
                i = i + 10;
            sb.Append("select @id PLNO");
            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sb.ToString(), list.ToArray());
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count>=1)
                this.PLNO = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
            return this;
Beispiel #6
        public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
            //③:创建connectivity 文件
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                string sql = @"
            declare @pr varchar(30)
            exec PROC_GETID @type,@pr output

            select  @pr PR,RW01008,RW01009 from RW01 where RW01001=@bid
                BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql, new SqlParameter("@bid", this.IssueBarcodes[0]), new SqlParameter("@type", this.Action == 1 ? "PR" : "RN"));
                EnterWarehouseModel ewm = new EnterWarehouseModel();
                ewm.Barcodes = this.ReceiveBarcodes;
                ewm.Bin = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01009"] + "";
                ewm.Warehouse = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01008"] + "";
                ewm.FRNumber = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PR"] + "";

                DestroyBarcodeModel dbm = new DestroyBarcodeModel();
                dbm.Barcodes = this.IssueBarcodes;
                dbm.isExportFile = true;
                dbm.FRNumber = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PR"] + "";
            return this;
        private void ExportXML(string bids)
            string sql = @"
            select FG01016,FG01017,FG01008,FG01009,FG01002,SUM(FG01006) FG01006,FG01007,FG01037 from FG01 where FG01001 IN ([BIDS])
            group by FG01016,FG01017,FG01008,FG01009,FG01002,FG01007,FG01034

            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql.Replace("[BIDS]", bids));
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                string company = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FG01037"] + "";

                StringBuilder export = new StringBuilder();
            <msg:Msg xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/epicor/ScalaMessage.xsd"" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:msg="""">
            <msg:Name>Generic Sender</msg:Name>
            <msg:Req msg-type=""Stock Transaction"" action=""Process"">
                <dta:StockTransaction xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/Scala/1.1/StockTransaction.xsd"" xmlns:msg="""" xmlns:dta="""">");
                export.Replace("[COM]", company);
                string transTemp = @"
                        <dta:BatchCode BatchHandlingMethod=""1"">{7}</dta:BatchCode>
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    export.Append(string.Format(transTemp, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), item["FG01006"], item["FG01002"], item["FG01016"], item["FG01008"], item["FG01009"], item["FG01017"], item["FG01007"]));

                string[] path = SysConfig.GetXMLExportPath(company);
                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999) + ".xml";
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[0] + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[1] + "bak" + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
Beispiel #8
        private void ExportXML(string bids)
            string sql = @"
            select FG01002,SUM(FG01006) FG01006,FG01033,FG01034,FG01008,FG01009,FG01037,FG01007 from FG01 where FG01001 IN ([BIDS])
            group by FG01002,FG01033,FG01034,FG01008,FG01009,FG01037,FG01007
            select SUM(FG01006) FG01006 from FG01 where FG01001 IN ([BIDS])";

            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql.Replace("[BIDS]", bids));
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                string company = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FG01037"] + "";
                string ordernum = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FG01033"] + "";

                StringBuilder export = new StringBuilder();
            <msg:Msg xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/epicor/ScalaMessage.xsd"" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:msg="""">
            <msg:Name>Generic Sender</msg:Name>
            <msg:Req msg-type=""Work Order Receipt"" action=""Process"">
                <dta:WorkOrderReceiptRequest xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/Scala/1.1/WorkOrderReceiptRequest.xsd   "" xmlns:msg="""" xmlns:dta="""">
                export.Replace("[COM]", company);
                export.Replace("[WO]", ordernum);
                export.Replace("[WH]", ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FG01008"] + "");
                export.Replace("[SUMQTY]", ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["FG01006"] + "");
                export.Replace("[DATE]", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                string receTemp = @"
                int i = 0;
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    export.Append(string.Format(receTemp, item["FG01007"], item["FG01008"], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), item["FG01006"], item["FG01009"]));

                string[] path = SysConfig.GetXMLExportPath(company);
                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999) + ".xml";
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[0] + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[1] + "bak" + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
Beispiel #9
        public override List<BaseSearchModel> GetALL(bool enableSearch = false)
            string wherebarcode = "";
            string wherescala = "";
            List<SqlParameter> list = new List<SqlParameter>();
            if (enableSearch)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Stock))
                    wherebarcode += "and RW01002=@stock ";
                    wherescala += "and SC33001=@stock ";
                    list.Add(new SqlParameter("@stock", this.Stock));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SupplierBatch))
                    wherebarcode += "and RW01035=@supbatch ";
                    wherescala += "and SC33022=@supbatch ";
                    list.Add(new SqlParameter("@supbatch", this.SupplierBatch));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Warehouse))
                    wherebarcode += "and RW01008=@wh ";
                    wherescala += "and SC33002=@wh ";
                    list.Add(new SqlParameter("@wh", this.Warehouse));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Bin))
                    wherebarcode += "and RW01009=@bin ";
                    wherescala += "and SC33004=@bin ";
                    list.Add(new SqlParameter("@bin", this.Bin));
            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            string sqlbarcode = @"
            select RW01002,RW01008,RW01009,round(sum(RW01006/RW01040),2) KCQTY,RW01035,RW01034,round(sum(case when RW12001 is null then 0 else RW01006/RW01040 end),2) PDQTY FROM RW01 left join RW12 ON RW01001=RW12006
            WHERE RW01032=2 [WHERE] GROUP BY  RW01002,RW01008,RW01009,RW01035,RW01034 order by RW01002,RW01008,RW01009";
            sqlbarcode = sqlbarcode.Replace("[WHERE]", wherebarcode);
            DataSet dsbarcode = ba.GetDataSet(sqlbarcode, list.ToArray());

            string sqlscala = @"
            SELECT SC33001,SC33002,SC33004,round(SUM(SC33005),2) SC33005,SC33022,'31' Company FROM SC333100
            WHERE  SC33005<>0  [WHERE]
            GROUP BY SC33001,SC33002,SC33004,SC33022
            union all
            SELECT SC33001,SC33002,SC33004,round(SUM(SC33005),2) SC33005,SC33022,'32' Company FROM SC333200
            WHERE  SC33005<>0  [WHERE]
            GROUP BY SC33001,SC33002,SC33004,SC33022 ORDER BY SC33022";
            sqlscala = sqlscala.Replace("[WHERE]", wherescala);
            ba.ConnectionStr = SysConfig.DBScalaConnection;
            DataSet dsscala = ba.GetDataSet(sqlscala, list.ToArray());
            List<RWStockReportModel> result = new List<RWStockReportModel>();
            foreach (DataRow item in dsbarcode.Tables[0].Rows)
                RWStockReportModel rm = new RWStockReportModel()
                    BarcodeQty = float.Parse(item["KCQTY"] + ""),
                    PDQTY = float.Parse(item["PDQTY"] + ""),
                    Bin = (item["RW01009"] + "").Trim(),
                    Warehouse = (item["RW01008"] + "").Trim(),
                    Stock = (item["RW01002"] + "").Trim(),
                    SupplierBatch = (item["RW01035"] + "").Trim(),
                    Company = (item["RW01034"] + "").Trim()
            foreach (DataRow item in dsscala.Tables[0].Rows)
                RWStockReportModel rm = new RWStockReportModel()
                    ScalaQty = float.Parse(item["SC33005"] + ""),
                    Bin = (item["SC33004"] + "").Trim(),
                    Warehouse = (item["SC33002"] + "").Trim(),
                    Stock = (item["SC33001"] + "").Trim(),
                    SupplierBatch = (item["SC33022"] + "").Trim(),
                    Company = (item["Company"] + "").Trim(),
                    PDQTY = 0
                if (result.Exists(m => m.Warehouse == rm.Warehouse && m.Bin == rm.Bin && m.Stock == rm.Stock && m.SupplierBatch == rm.SupplierBatch && m.Company == rm.Company))
                    RWStockReportModel rtemp = result.Find(m => m.Warehouse == rm.Warehouse && m.Bin == rm.Bin && m.Stock == rm.Stock && m.SupplierBatch == rm.SupplierBatch && m.Company == rm.Company);
                    rm.BarcodeQty = rtemp.BarcodeQty;
                    rm.PDQTY = rtemp.PDQTY;
            return result.ConvertAll<BaseSearchModel>(m => m as BaseSearchModel);
        public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
            lock (objLock)
                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                    BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                    BaseAdo bascala = new BaseAdo() { ConnectionStr = SysConfig.DBScalaConnection };
                    string sqlpo = @"
            select * from view_poline where PC01001=@po and SC01003=@stockspec and Company=@company
            select * from view_Stock where SC01003=@stockspec and Company=@company
                    string sql = @"
            insert into RW13(RW13002,RW13003,RW13004,RW13005,RW13006,RW13007,RW13008,RW13009,RW13010,RW13011,RW13012,RW13013,RW13014,RW13015,RW13016,RW13017,RW13018,RW13019,RW13020,RW13021,RW13022)

                    string strImport = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this.Bytes);
                    string[] strImportLine = strImport.Replace("\r", " ").Split('\n');
                    IMPNO = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    for (int i = 1; i < strImportLine.Length; i++)
                        string BarcodeId = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string PackageId = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string StockCode = "";
                        string StockName = "";
                        string StockSpec = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string StockUnit = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string PO = "";//导入文件中获取
                        decimal StockUnitQty = 0;//导入文件中获取
                        string Company = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string SupplierBatch = "";//导入文件中获取
                        string supplierCode = "";
                        string supplierName = "";
                        double purunit = 1;
                        double saleunit = 1;
                        string stockType = "02";
                        string poline = "";
                        DateTime ProductionTime = DateTime.Now;//导入文件中获取
                        DateTime ValidityTime = DateTime.Now;//导入文件中获取

                        string[] strImprotLineItem = strImportLine[i].Split(';');
                        switch (strImprotLineItem[0])
                            case "11117": Company = "31"; break;
                            case "11116": Company = "32"; break;
                            default: Company = "-"; break;
                        PO = strImprotLineItem[2];
                        StockSpec = strImprotLineItem[3];
                        PackageId = strImprotLineItem[5];
                        BarcodeId = strImprotLineItem[6];
                        SupplierBatch = strImprotLineItem[7];
                        StockUnitQty = decimal.Parse(strImprotLineItem[10]);
                        DateTime.TryParse(strImprotLineItem[15], out ProductionTime);
                        DateTime.TryParse(strImprotLineItem[16], out ValidityTime);

                        DataSet ds = bascala.GetDataSet(sqlpo, new SqlParameter("@Company", Company), new SqlParameter("@stockspec", StockSpec), new SqlParameter("@po", PO));
                        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            poline = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PC03002"] + "";
                            supplierCode = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PL01001"] + "";
                            supplierName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PL01002"] + "";
                        if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
                            double.TryParse(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01072"] + "", out purunit);
                            double.TryParse(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01073"] + "", out saleunit);
                            stockType = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01035"] + "";
                            StockCode = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01001"] + "";
                            StockName = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["SC01002"] + "";
                            StockUnit = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["UNIT"] + "";
                        ba.ExecuteSql(sql, new SqlParameter("@IMPNO", IMPNO),
                            new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                            new SqlParameter("@po", PO),
                            new SqlParameter("@poline", poline),
                            new SqlParameter("@stockcode", StockCode),
                            new SqlParameter("@stockname", StockName),
                            new SqlParameter("@stockspec", StockSpec),
                            new SqlParameter("@lpn", BarcodeId),
                            new SqlParameter("@supplierbatch", SupplierBatch),
                            new SqlParameter("@productdate", ProductionTime),
                            new SqlParameter("@exdate", ValidityTime),
                            new SqlParameter("@qty", StockUnitQty),
                            new SqlParameter("@unit", StockUnit),
                            new SqlParameter("@company", Company),
                            new SqlParameter("@boxid", PackageId),
                            new SqlParameter("@supcode", supplierCode),
                            new SqlParameter("@supname", supplierName),
                            new SqlParameter("@pounit", purunit),
                            new SqlParameter("@saleunit", saleunit),
                            new SqlParameter("@stocktype", stockType));

                    ModelAdo<USBarcodeModel> adoUB = new ModelAdo<USBarcodeModel>();
                    this.ReturnUSBarcodes = adoUB.GetList("RW13003=@impno", "", "", new SqlParameter("@impno", IMPNO));
                    ModelAdo<USBarcodeGroup> adoUBG = new ModelAdo<USBarcodeGroup>();
                    this.ReturnUSBarcodeGroups = adoUBG.GetList("RW13003=@impno", "", "", new SqlParameter("@impno", IMPNO));

            return this;
Beispiel #11
 public static List<KeyValuePair<string, double>> GetScalaBatch(string stock, string warehouse, string bin, string supplierbatch, double qty, string company)
     List<KeyValuePair<string, double>> list = new List<KeyValuePair<string, double>>();
     string sql = @"SELECT SC33001,SC33002,SC33003,SC33004,SUM(SC33005) SC33005,SC33022,SC33010 FROM SC33[COM]00 WHERE  SC33005<>0
     and SC33001=@stock and SC33002=@wh and SC33004=@sh and (SC33022=@supbatch or SC33009=@supbatch)
     GROUP BY SC33001,SC33002,SC33003,SC33004,SC33022,SC33010 ORDER BY SC33003
     select SC01002 FROM SC01[COM]00 WHERE SC01001=@stock";
     sql = sql.Replace("[COM]", company);
     double qtytemp = 0;
     double blockqty = 0;
     BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
     ba.ConnectionStr = SysConfig.DBScalaConnection;
     DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql, new SqlParameter("@stock", stock), new SqlParameter("@wh", warehouse), new SqlParameter("@sh", bin), new SqlParameter("@supbatch", supplierbatch));
     string stockname = "";
     if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
         stockname = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0] + "";
     foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
         double q = double.Parse(item["SC33005"] + "");
         //if (item["SC33010"] + "" == "0")
         if (qtytemp + q >= qty)
             list.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, double>(item["SC33003"] + "", qty - qtytemp));
             qtytemp = qty;
             list.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, double>(item["SC33003"] + "", q));
             qtytemp = qtytemp + q;
         //    blockqty += q;
     if (qtytemp < qty)
         throw new Exception("物料" + stock + " " + stockname + " 批次" + supplierbatch + " " + warehouse + "_" + bin + " SCALA可移库存仅有" + qtytemp + ",锁住库存" + blockqty);
     return list;
        public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
            //⑥:插入原材料:   1:插入,父单据号表;
            //                   2:插入,子单据号明细表;
            //                   3:插入,原材料条码表;
            //                   4:插入,条码历史记录表;

            lock (objLock)

                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())

                        BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                        string sql = @"
            declare @billid varchar(30)
            exec PROC_GETID 'RW03',@billid output
            insert into RW03(RW03001,RW03002,RW03003,RW03004,RW03005,RW03006,RW03007,RW03008)
            select @billid t";
                        DataSet dsBillId = ba.GetDataSet(sql, new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                                new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));
                        string BillId = ""; //总单据号
                        if (dsBillId != null && dsBillId.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            BillId = dsBillId.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";

                        string strImport = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this.Bytes);
                        string[] strImportLine = strImport.Replace("\r", " ").Split('\n');
                        for (int i = 1; i < strImportLine.Length; i++)

                            string BarcodeId = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string PackageId = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string StockCode = "";
                            string StockName = "";
                            string StockSpec = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string StockUnit = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string PO = "";//导入文件中获取
                            decimal StockUnitQty = 0;//导入文件中获取
                            string Company = "";//导入文件中获取
                            string SupplierBatch = "";//导入文件中获取
                            DateTime ProductionTime = DateTime.Now;//导入文件中获取
                            DateTime ValidityTime = DateTime.Now;//导入文件中获取

                            string[] strImprotLineItem = strImportLine[i].Split(';');
                            if (strImprotLineItem[0].Contains("17"))
                                Company = "31";
                            else if (strImprotLineItem[0].Contains("16"))
                                Company = "32";
                                throw new Exception("未找到相对应的公司信息!");
                            PO = strImprotLineItem[2];
                            StockSpec = strImprotLineItem[3];
                            PackageId = strImprotLineItem[5];
                            BarcodeId = strImprotLineItem[6];
                            SupplierBatch = strImprotLineItem[7];
                            StockUnitQty = decimal.Parse(strImprotLineItem[10]);
                            DateTime.TryParse(strImprotLineItem[15], out ProductionTime);
                            DateTime.TryParse(strImprotLineItem[16], out ValidityTime);

                            ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel> adoBarcode = new ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel>();
                            RWBarcodeModel rwModel = adoBarcode.GetModelByID(BarcodeId);
                            if (rwModel != null && rwModel.ID.Length >= 1)
                                throw new Exception(BarcodeId + "已存在于条码系统中!");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PackageId))
                                ModelAdo<PackingModel> adoPackage = new ModelAdo<PackingModel>();
                                PackingModel packageModel = adoPackage.GetModelByID(PackageId);
                                if (packageModel != null)

                                    string sqlPackage = @"
            insert into RW07(RW07001,RW07002,RW07003,RW07004,RW07005,RW07006,RW07007,RW07008)
                                    ba.ExecuteSql(sqlPackage, new SqlParameter("packageid", PackageId),
                                            new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                                            new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));

                            ModelAdo<StockModel> adoStock = new ModelAdo<StockModel>();
                            List<StockModel> Stocks = adoStock.GetList("SC01003=@stockspec", "", "", new SqlParameter("@stockspec", StockSpec));
                            if (Stocks != null && Stocks.Count >= 1)
                                StockCode = Stocks[0].StockCode;
                                StockName = Stocks[0].StockName;
                                StockUnit = Stocks[0].Unit;
                                StockUnitQty = Stocks[0].UQTY;
                                //throw new Exception("未找到相对应的物料信息!");

                            string barcodeSql = @"
            insert into RW04(RW04002,RW04003,RW04004,RW04005) values(getdate(),@billid,@barcodeid,N'创建条码')
            insert into RW02(RW02002,RW02003,RW02004,RW02005,RW02010,RW02011)
            insert into RW01(RW01001,RW01002,RW01003,RW01004,RW01005,RW01006,RW01014,RW01024,RW01025,RW01027,RW01031,RW01032,RW01034,RW01035,RW01037,RW01038,RW01040,RW01041,RW01043)
            values(@barcodeid,@stock,@stockname,@stockspec,@unit,@qty,@po,@userid,@username,@billid,@packageid,1,@company,@supplierbatch,@productiontime ,@validitytime,@tqty,@stype,'PO')

                            ba.ExecuteSql(barcodeSql, new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                                new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName),
                                new SqlParameter("@stock", StockCode),
                                new SqlParameter("@stockname", StockName),
                                new SqlParameter("@barcodeid", BarcodeId),
                                new SqlParameter("@stockspec", StockSpec),
                                new SqlParameter("@packageid", PackageId),
                                new SqlParameter("@unit", StockUnit),
                                new SqlParameter("@qty", StockUnitQty),
                                new SqlParameter("@tqty", Stocks[0].UQTY),
                                new SqlParameter("@po", PO),
                                new SqlParameter("@stype", Stocks[0].StockType),
                                new SqlParameter("@company", Company),
                                new SqlParameter("@supplierbatch", SupplierBatch),
                                new SqlParameter("@productiontime", ProductionTime),
                                new SqlParameter("@validitytime", ValidityTime),
                                new SqlParameter("@billid", BillId));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;
            return this;
Beispiel #13
 private void GetLoginUser(string accesstoken, string modeltype)
     string sql = @"
     select UR01001,UR01005 from UR01 where UR01001 in (select UR05002 from UR05 where UR05001=@act and UR05005=1)
     BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
     DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql, new SqlParameter("@act", accesstoken));
     if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         this.loginUserID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
         this.loginUserName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1] + "";
         throw new Exception("无法访问,未登录系统");
Beispiel #14
        private void ExportXML(string bids)
            string sql = @"
            select FG01030,FG01039,FG01002,FG01007,sum(FG01006) FG01006,FG01037 from FG01 where FG01001 in ([BIDS]) GROUP BY FG01030,FG01039,FG01002,FG01007,FG01037";

            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql.Replace("[BIDS]", bids));
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                string company = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FG01037"] + "";
                string ordernum = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FG01030"] + "";

                StringBuilder export = new StringBuilder();
            <msg:Msg xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/epicor/ScalaMessage.xsd"" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:msg="""">
            <msg:Name>Generic Sender</msg:Name>
            <msg:Req msg-type=""Sales Order Delivery"" action=""Process"">
                <dta:SalesOrderDelivery xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/Scala/1.1/SalesOrderDelivery.xsd"" xmlns:msg="""" xmlns:dta="""">
                export.Replace("[COM]", company);
                export.Replace("[SO]", ordernum);
                string delLine = @"
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    export.Append(string.Format(delLine, item["FG01039"], item["FG01002"], item["FG01006"], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));

                string[] path = SysConfig.GetXMLExportPath(company);
                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999) + ".xml";
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[0] + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[1] + "bak" + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
Beispiel #15
        public override BarcodeModel.MODEL.BaseSearchModel Insert()
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel> adoRW = new ModelAdo<RWBarcodeModel>();
                RWBarcodeModel barcode = adoRW.GetModelByID(this.RWID);
                ModelAdo<ReportModel> adoRM = new ModelAdo<ReportModel>();
                ReportModel rm = adoRM.GetModelByID(this.ReportLineID + "");
                if (barcode.Warehouse != rm.Warehouse)
                    throw new Exception("此工单需汇报" + rm.Warehouse + "仓库的料");
                string sql = @"
            declare @lineno varchar(30)
            declare @reportnumber varchar(30)
            declare @stock varchar(40)
            declare @stocktype varchar(40)
            declare @barcodeQTY numeric(15,3)

            select @wo=WK02002,@lineno=WK02012,@reportnumber=WK02013 from WK02 where WK02001=@rlid
            select @stock=RW01002,@stocktype=RW01041,@barcodeQTY=RW01006 from RW01 where RW01001=@bid
            update RW01 set RW01032=3 where RW01001=@bid
            update RW01 set RW01006=RW01006-@deqty where RW01001=@bid

            insert into RW02(RW02002,RW02003,RW02004,RW02005,RW02011)
            select RW01001,getdate(),@userid,@username,N'扣料 工单号'+@wo+' 数量'+convert(varchar(10),@deqty) from RW01 where RW01001=@bid

            update WK02 set WK02008=case when WK02008 is null then getdate() else WK02008 end,WK02009=WK02009+@deqty,WK02010=@wc where WK02001=@rlid
            update WK01 set WK01005=getdate() where WK01001=@wo and WK01005 is null and WK01006 is null

            if not exists(select * from WK04 where WK04001=@wo and WK04002=@wc and WK04004 is null)
            insert into WK04(WK04001,WK04002,WK04003)

            if not exists(select * from WK02 where WK02002=@wo and WK02009<WK02005)
            update WK01 set WK01008=3 where WK01001=@wo
            update WK01 set WK01008=2 where WK01001=@wo

            insert into WK05(WK05002,WK05003,WK05004,WK05005,WK05006,WK05007,WK05008,WK05009,WK05010)
            values(@wc,@wo,@bid,@stock,@deqty,@stocktype,getdate(),case @stocktype when '02' then 1 else 0 end,@rlid)

            select @wo WO,@reportnumber RN,@lineno LN,RW01017,RW01008,RW01009,RW01002,RW01006/RW01040 RW01006,RW01007,RW01034,RW01035,RW01041 from RW01 where RW01001=@bid
                BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql,
                        new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                        new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName),
                        new SqlParameter("@wo", this.WorkOrder),
                        new SqlParameter("@bid", this.RWID),
                        new SqlParameter("@deqty", this.DeQTY),
                        new SqlParameter("@rlid", this.ReportLineID),
                        new SqlParameter("@wc", this.WorkCenter));

                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01041"] + "" != "04" && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01041"] + "" != "00")
                    List<Hashtable> list = new List<Hashtable>();
                    Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
                    //h["Qty"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01006"];
                    h["Qty"] = this.DeQTY;
                    h["StockCode"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01002"];
                    h["ReportNumber"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RN"];
                    h["LineNumber"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LN"];
                    h["Bin"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01009"];
                    h["Company"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01034"];
                    h["SupplierBatch"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01035"];
                    h["WorkOrder"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WO"];
                    h["Warehouse"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01008"];
                return this;
        private void ExportXML(string bids)
            string sql = @"
            select RW01016,RW01017,RW01008,RW01009,RW01002,SUM(RW01006/RW01040) RW01006,RW01007,RW01034,RW01035 from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])
            group by RW01016,RW01017,RW01008,RW01009,RW01002,RW01007,RW01034,RW01035

            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql.Replace("[BIDS]", bids));
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                List<Hashtable> list = new List<Hashtable>();
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
                    h["Qty"] = item["RW01006"];
                    h["StockCode"] = item["RW01002"];
                    h["WhCodeFrom"] = item["RW01016"];
                    h["BinCodeFrom"] = item["RW01017"];
                    h["WhCodeTo"] = item["RW01008"];
                    h["BinCodeTo"] = item["RW01009"];
                    h["Company"] = item["RW01034"];
                    h["SupplierBatch"] = item["RW01035"];
                //                string company = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01034"] + "";

                //                StringBuilder export = new StringBuilder();
                //                export.Append(@"
                //<msg:Msg xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/epicor/ScalaMessage.xsd"" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:msg="""">
                //	<msg:Hdr>
                //		<msg:Sender>
                //			<msg:Name>Generic Sender</msg:Name>
                //			<msg:Subname>[COM]-Scala</msg:Subname>
                //		</msg:Sender>
                //	</msg:Hdr>
                //	<msg:Body>
                //		<msg:Req msg-type=""Stock Transaction"" action=""Process"">
                //			<msg:Dta>
                //				<dta:StockTransaction xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/Scala/1.1/StockTransaction.xsd"" xmlns:msg="""" xmlns:dta="""">");
                //                export.Replace("[COM]", company);
                //                string transTemp = @"
                //					<dta:Movement>
                //						<dta:TransDate>{0}</dta:TransDate>
                //						<dta:Qty>{1}</dta:Qty>
                //						<dta:StockCode>{2}</dta:StockCode>
                //						<dta:WhCodeFrom>{3}</dta:WhCodeFrom>
                //						<dta:BinCodeTo>{4}</dta:BinCodeTo>
                //						<dta:WhCodeTo>{5}</dta:WhCodeTo>
                //						<dta:BinCodeFrom>{6}</dta:BinCodeFrom>
                //						<dta:BatchCode BatchHandlingMethod=""1"">{7}</dta:BatchCode>
                //					</dta:Movement>";
                //                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                //                {
                //                    export.Append(string.Format(transTemp, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), item["RW01006"], item["RW01002"], item["RW01016"], item["RW01009"], item["RW01008"], item["RW01017"], item["RW01007"]));
                //                }

                //                export.Append(@"
                //				</dta:StockTransaction>
                //			</msg:Dta>
                //		</msg:Req>
                //	</msg:Body>
                //                string[] path = SysConfig.GetXMLExportPath(company);
                //                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999) + ".xml";
                //                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[0] + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
                //                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[1] + "bak" + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
Beispiel #17
        private void ExportXML(string bids)
            string sql = @"
            select RW01016,RW01017,RW01008,RW01009,RW01002,SUM(RW01006/RW01040) RW01006,RW01007,RW01034,RW01035 from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])
            group by RW01016,RW01017,RW01008,RW01009,RW01002,RW01007,RW01034,RW01035

            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql.Replace("[BIDS]", bids));
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                List<Hashtable> list = new List<Hashtable>();
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
                    h["Qty"] = item["RW01006"];
                    h["StockCode"] = item["RW01002"];
                    h["Warehouse"] = item["RW01008"];
                    h["Bin"] = item["RW01009"];
                    h["Company"] = item["RW01034"];
                    h["SupplierBatch"] = item["RW01035"];
Beispiel #18
        public override BaseSearchModel Insert()
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
                if (PrintCount == 0)
                    throw new Exception("打印数量不能为空!");
                string sqlStr = @"
            declare @bid varchar(30)
            declare @hid int
            declare @i int
            declare @dj varchar(30)

            exec PROC_GETID 'RW03',@dj output
            insert into RW03(RW03001,RW03002,RW03003,RW03004,RW03005,RW03006,RW03007,RW03008)

            set @i=0
            while @i<@printcount
            exec PROC_GETID 'RW01',@bid output
            insert into RW02(RW02002,RW02003,RW02004,RW02005,RW02010,RW02011)

            insert into RW01(RW01001,RW01002,RW01003,RW01004,RW01005,RW01006,RW01012,RW01013,RW01014,RW01015,RW01018,RW01024,RW01025,RW01027,RW01032,RW01034,RW01035,RW01037,RW01038,RW01040,RW01041,RW01043)
            values(@bid,@stock,@stockname,@stockspec,@unit,@qty,@sup,@supname,@po,@poline,@remark,@userid,@username,@dj,1,@company,@SupplierBatch,@ProductionTime ,@ValidityTime,@tqty,@type,'REC')

            insert into RW04(RW04002,RW04003,RW04004,RW04005) values(getdate(),@dj,@bid,N'创建条码')

            set @i=@i+1
            select top [COUNT] RW01001 from RW01 order by RW01001 desc
                sqlStr = sqlStr.Replace("[COUNT]", this.PrintCount + "");
                ModelAdo<StockModel> adoStock = new ModelAdo<StockModel>();
                StockModel sm = adoStock.GetModelByID(this.StockCode);
                BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
                DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sqlStr, new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID),
                                  new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName),
                                  new SqlParameter("@stock", this.StockCode),
                                  new SqlParameter("@stockname", sm.StockName),
                                  new SqlParameter("@stockspec", sm.StockSpec),
                                  new SqlParameter("@unit", this.StockUnit),
                                  new SqlParameter("@qty", this.StockUnitQty),
                                  new SqlParameter("@tqty", sm.StockType == "02" ? 1 : sm.UQTY),
                                  new SqlParameter("@po", this.PO),
                                  new SqlParameter("@poline", this.POLine),
                                  new SqlParameter("@sup", this.SupplierCode),
                                  new SqlParameter("@supname", this.SupplierName),
                                  new SqlParameter("@remark", this.Remark1),
                                  new SqlParameter("@company", this.CompanyCode),
                                  new SqlParameter("@SupplierBatch", this.SupplierBatch),
                                  new SqlParameter("@printcount", this.PrintCount),
                                  new SqlParameter("@type", sm.StockType),
                                  new SqlParameter("@ProductionTime", this.ProductDate),
                                  new SqlParameter("@ValidityTime", this.ExpirationDate)
                //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                //foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                //    sb.Append(",'" + item[0] + "'");
                //sb.Remove(0, 1);
            return this;
Beispiel #19
 private string GetLineNO(string po, string stock, string company)
     BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
     ba.ConnectionStr = SysConfig.DBScalaConnection;
     string sql = "select PC03002 from PC03[COM]00 where PC03001=@po and PC03005=@stock";
     DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql.Replace("[COM]", company), new SqlParameter("@po", po), new SqlParameter("@stock", stock));
     if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         return ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
         return "";
Beispiel #20
        private void ExportXMLPO(string bids)
            string sql = @"
            select RW01014,RW01015,RW01002,SUM(RW01006) RW01006,RW01035,RW01008,RW01009,convert(varchar(10),RW01037,121) RW01037,convert(varchar(10),RW01038,121) RW01038,RW01034,RW01043,RW01033 from RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS])
            group by RW01014,RW01015,RW01002,RW01035,RW01037,RW01038,RW01034,RW01008,RW01009,RW01043,RW01033
            order by RW01014,RW01015,RW01035
            select SUM(RW01006) RW01006 FROM RW01 where RW01001 IN ([BIDS]) ";

            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql.Replace("[BIDS]", bids));
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                string company = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01034"] + "";
                string receivetype = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01043"] + "";
                if (receivetype == "WO")//WO收货入库
                    string ordernum = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01033"] + "";
                    StringBuilder export = new StringBuilder();
            <msg:Msg xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/epicor/ScalaMessage.xsd"" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:msg="""">
            <msg:Name>Generic Sender</msg:Name>
            <msg:Req msg-type=""Work Order Receipt"" action=""Process"">
                <dta:WorkOrderReceiptRequest xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/Scala/1.1/WorkOrderReceiptRequest.xsd   "" xmlns:msg="""" xmlns:dta="""">
                    export.Replace("[COM]", company);
                    export.Replace("[WO]", ordernum);
                    export.Replace("[WH]", ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01008"] + "");
                    export.Replace("[SUMQTY]", ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["RW01006"] + "");
                    export.Replace("[DATE]", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    string receTemp = @"
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        export.Append(string.Format(receTemp, item["RW01035"], item["RW01008"], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), item["RW01006"], item["RW01009"], item["RW01037"], item["RW01038"]));

                    string[] path = SysConfig.GetXMLExportPath(company);
                    string filename = "WORECEIVE" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999) + ".xml";
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[0] + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[1] + "bak" + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
                else if (receivetype == "REC")//Receive收货
                    List<Hashtable> list = new List<Hashtable>();
                    foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
                        h["Qty"] = item["RW01006"];
                        h["StockCode"] = item["RW01002"];
                        h["Warehouse"] = item["RW01008"];
                        h["Bin"] = item["RW01009"];
                        h["Company"] = item["RW01034"];
                        h["SupplierBatch"] = item["RW01035"];
                        h["FRNUMBER"] = this.FRNumber;
                else if (receivetype == "PO")//PO收货
                    string ordernum = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01014"] + "";
                    StringBuilder export = new StringBuilder();
            <msg:Msg xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/epicor/ScalaMessage.xsd"" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:msg="""">
            <msg:Name>Generic Sender</msg:Name>
            <msg:Req msg-type=""Goods Receive Note"" action=""Process"">
                <dta:PurchaseOrderDelivery xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/Scala/1.1/PurchaseOrderDelivery.xsd"" xmlns:msg="""" xmlns:dta="""">
                    export.Replace("[COM]", company);
                    export.Replace("[ORDERNO]", ordernum);
                    export.Replace("[NOTENUM]", "");
                    string lineno = "";
                    string lineBegin = @"
                    string delLine = @"
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        string line = item["RW01015"] + "";
                        if (line.Length == 0)
                            line = this.GetLineNO(ordernum, item["RW01002"] + "", company);
                        if (lineno != line)
                            if (i != 0)//行结束
                            i = 0;
                            export.Append(string.Format(lineBegin, line, item["RW01002"]));
                        i = i + 10;
                        export.Append(string.Format(delLine, "", item["RW01006"], item["RW01035"], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), item["RW01037"], item["RW01038"], item["RW01009"]));

                    string[] path = SysConfig.GetXMLExportPath(company);
                    string filename = "PORECEV" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999) + ".xml";
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[0] + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[1] + "bak" + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
Beispiel #21
        public override BaseSearchModel Insert()
            if (SOLines == null || SOLines.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("请选择发货单项");
            string sql = @"
            declare @id varchar(30)
            exec PROC_GETID 'FG08',@id output
            insert into FG08(FG08001,FG08002,FG08003,FG08004,FG08005,FG08006,FG08007,FG08008,FG08011,FG08012)
            List<SqlParameter> list = new List<SqlParameter>();
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@userid", this.LoginUserID));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", this.LoginUserName));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@HopeTime", this.HopeTime));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@isUrgent", this.isUrgent));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@Remark", this.Remark));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerCode", SOLines[0].CustomerCode));
            list.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerName", SOLines[0].CustomerName));
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            int i = 10;
            foreach (SOLineModel item in this.SOLines)
                sb.Append(string.Format(@"insert into FG09(FG09002,FG09003,FG09004,FG09005,FG09006,FG09007,FG09008,FG09009,FG09010,FG09011,FG09012)
            ", i));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@line" + i, item.LineNumber));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@stock" + i, item.StockCode));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@stockname" + i, item.StockName));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@orderqty" + i, item.OrderQty));
                list.Add(new SqlParameter("@unit" + i, item.Unit));
                i = i + 10;
            sb.Append("select @id SONO");
            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sb.ToString(), list.ToArray());
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= 1)
                this.SONO = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] + "";
            return this;
Beispiel #22
        private void ExportXML(string bids)
            string sql = @"
            select RW01030,RW01039,RW01002,RW01007,RW01008,RW01009,sum(RW01006) RW01006,RW01034,RW01035 from RW01 where RW01001 IN (SELECT RW20007 FROM RW20 INNER JOIN RW19 ON RW19001=RW20006 WHERE RW20007 IN ([BIDS]) and RW19013 NOT LIKE 'CW%')
            GROUP BY RW01030,RW01039,RW01002,RW01007,RW01034,RW01035,RW01008,RW01009";

            BaseAdo ba = new BaseAdo();
            DataSet ds = ba.GetDataSet(sql.Replace("[BIDS]", bids));
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                string company = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01034"] + "";
                string ordernum = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RW01030"] + "";

                StringBuilder export = new StringBuilder();
            <msg:Msg xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/epicor/ScalaMessage.xsd"" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:msg="""">
            <msg:Name>Generic Sender</msg:Name>
            <msg:Req msg-type=""Sales Order Delivery"" action=""Process"">
                <dta:SalesOrderDelivery xsi:schemaLocation="" http://scshost/schemas/Scala/1.1/SalesOrderDelivery.xsd"" xmlns:msg="""" xmlns:dta="""">
                export.Replace("[COM]", company);
                export.Replace("[SO]", ordernum);
                string delLine = @"
                foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows)

                    string stock = item["RW01002"] + "";
                    string warehouse = item["RW01008"] + "";
                    string bin = item["RW01009"] + "";
                    string SupplierBatch = item["SupplierBatch"] + "";
                    double qty = double.Parse(item["Qty"] + "");
                    List<KeyValuePair<string, double>> list = StockTransactionXml.GetScalaBatch(stock, warehouse, bin, SupplierBatch, qty, company);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> batch in list)
                        export.Append(string.Format(delLine, item["RW01039"], stock, batch.Value, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), batch.Key));

                string[] path = SysConfig.GetXMLExportPath(company);
                string filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + new Random().Next(1000, 9999) + ".xml";
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[0] + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path[1] + "bak" + filename, export.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode);