//protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        //    try
        //    {
        //        if (Session["AuthenticatedUser"] != null)
        //        {
        //            userData = ((User)Session["AuthenticatedUser"]);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            //return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login", new { lbl = "Your Session Expired" });
        //            filterContext.Controller.TempData.Add("UserLogin", "Login");
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //        //filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Login/UserLogin");
        //        filterContext.Controller.TempData.Add("UserLogin", "Login");
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// CreatedBy : Kanishka SHM
        /// CreatedDate: 2016/01/16
        /// Inserting user details
        /// argument: None
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Return view</returns>

        // GET: CreateUser
        public ActionResult Create(string lbls)

            if (lbls != null)
                ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User Successfully Created";
            //int id = (int)Session["userId"];
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userId"].ToString());
            UserAccess ua = new UserAccess();
            User curUser = ua.retreiveUserByUserId(id);
            ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType = curUser.RoleId;

            //Restrict to create above user role 
            RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess();
            List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles();
            List<UserRole> tempRoleList = new List<UserRole>();

            //if current user is first super admin he can create aditional super admin
            if (curUser.UserId == curUser.CreatedBy)
                //ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(roleList, "RoleId", "RoleName");
                tempRoleList = roleList;
                for (int i = 1; i < roleList.Count && ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType != 3; i++)
                    UserRole tempRole = new UserRole()
                        RoleId = roleList[i].RoleId,
                        RoleName = roleList[i].RoleName
            _createById = curUser.UserId;
            _companyId = curUser.Company_Id;
            _curUserRoleId = curUser.RoleId;
            ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(tempRoleList, "RoleId", "RoleName");
            _curBranchId = curUser.BranchId;

            // get all branches
            List<Branch> branchesLists = (new BranchAccess()).getBranches(curUser.Company_Id);

            //if current user is admin restrict to creat user for another branch
            if (ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType == 2)
                //ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName", curUser.BranchId);
                _curBranchId = curUser.BranchId;
                ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName");

            return PartialView("Create"); 
        /// <summary>
        /// CreatedBy:Piyumi
        /// CreatedDate:4/27/2016
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="company_Id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<UserRole> GetAllUserRoles(int company_Id)
            DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler();
            List<object[]> paramertList = new List<object[]>();
            paramertList.Add(new object[] { "@company_id", company_Id });

            List<UserRole> userRoleList = new List<UserRole>();
                DataSet dataSet = dataHandler.GetDataSet("spGetAllUserRolsByCompany", paramertList);
                if (dataSet != null && dataSet.Tables.Count != 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
                        UserRole role = new UserRole
                            RoleId = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["role_id"]),
                            RoleName = dataRow["role_name"].ToString()
                    return userRoleList;
                    return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public ActionResult Create(User user)

            int currentUser =0;
                currentUser = int.Parse(Session["userId"].ToString());
            catch (Exception) {
                return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");

            user.CreatedBy = _createById;
            user.IsDelete = false;
            user.Status = false;

            //Set admin branch to new user 
            if (_curUserRoleId == 2)
                user.BranchId = _curBranchId;

            //Check role is selected
            if (user.RoleId == 0)
                user.RoleId = 2;

            //Check branch is selected
            if (_curUserRoleId == 1 && user.BranchId == 0)
                user.BranchId = _curBranchId;
            string passwordTemp = user.Password;

            UserAccess ua = new UserAccess();

            string newSalt = PasswordEncryption.RandomString();
            user.Password = PasswordEncryption.encryptPassword(user.Password, newSalt);
            user.Email = user.NewEmail;

            //Check this
            CompanyAccess ca = new CompanyAccess();
            Company company = new Company();//ca.GetCompanyDetailsByFirstSpUserId(currentUser);
            //Insert user
            user.Company_Id = company.CompanyId;
            int res = ua.InsertUser(user);

            //Insert new user to user activation table
            string activationCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            int userId = (new UserAccess()).getUserId(user.Email);
            res = ua.InsertUserActivation(userId, activationCode);
            if (res == 1)
                ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "Data Successfully inserted!";
                string body = "Hi " + user.FirstName + "! <br /><br /> Your account has been successfully created. Below in your account detail." +
                              "<br /><br /> User name: " + user.UserName +
                                    "<br /> Password : <b>" + passwordTemp +
                              "<br />Click <a href='http://localhost:57318/CreateUser/ConfirmAccount?userId=" + userId + "&activationCode=" + activationCode + "'>here</a> to activate your account." +
                              "<br /><br/> Thanks,<br /> Admin.";

                Email email = new Email(user.Email);
                email.SendMail(body, "Account details");

                // check the user as superadmin or admin..
                if (user.RoleId == 1 || user.RoleId == 2)
                    ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User Successfully Created";

                    return RedirectToAction("create",new { lbls = ViewBag.SuccessMsg });

                Session["editUserIds"] = userId;

                return RedirectToAction("SetRights", "EditRights", new {@lbl1 = ViewBag.SuccessMsg });
                ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to create user!";

                //Restrict to create above user role 
                RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess();
                List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles();
                List<UserRole> tempRoleList = new List<UserRole>();

                for (int i = roleList[_curUserRoleId - 1].RoleId; i <= roleList.Count && _curUserRoleId != 3; i++)
                    UserRole tempRole = new UserRole()
                        RoleId = roleList[i - 1].RoleId,
                        RoleName = roleList[i - 1].RoleName

                ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(tempRoleList, "RoleId", "RoleName");

                // get all branches
                List<Branch> branchesLists = (new BranchAccess()).getBranches(_companyId);
                ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName");

                return PartialView("Create");
        /// <summary>
        /// CreatedBy : Piyumi
        /// CreatedDate: 2016/04/22
        /// edit user(not include edit rights)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult EditUserAtDashboard()
            if (Session["AuthenticatedUser"] != null)
                ViewBag.UserRole = userData.RoleId;

                        ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User is successfully updated";
                   else if (int.Parse(TempData["UpdteReslt"].ToString()) == 0)
                        ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to update user";
                    else if (int.Parse(TempData["UpdteReslt"].ToString()) == -1)
                        ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to update user";

                RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess();
                List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles(userData.Company_Id);
                List<UserRole> tempRoleList = new List<UserRole>();

                for (int i = 0; i < roleList.Count; i++)
                    if ((userData.RoleId == 2) && (roleList[i].RoleId == 1))
                    //if (roleList[i].RoleId == 4)
                    //    continue;
                    UserRole tempRole = new UserRole()
                        RoleId = roleList[i].RoleId,
                        RoleName = roleList[i].RoleName

                ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(tempRoleList, "RoleId", "RoleName");
                if ((userData.RoleId == 1) ||(userData.RoleId == 2))
                    User eum = new User();
                    List<User> usrList = new List<User>();
                    List<Branch> brList = new List<Branch>();
                    UserAccess uas = new UserAccess();
                    //usrList = uas.GetAllUsersByCompanyId(userData.Company_Id);

                    if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                        //get all branches for the company
                        BranchAccess ba = new BranchAccess();

                        eum.BranchList = ba.GetBranchesByCompanyId(userData.Company_Id);

                        if (eum.BranchList == null)
                            eum.BranchList = new List<Branch>();
                        eum.UserList = new List<User>();

                        ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(eum.BranchList, "BranchId", "BranchNameAddress");
                        ViewBag.UserId = new SelectList(eum.UserList, "UserId", "UserName");

                        //return View(eum);
                    else if (userData.RoleId == 2)
                        eum.BranchList = new List<Branch>();
                        eum.UserList = new List<User>();
                        ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(eum.BranchList, "BranchId", "BranchNameAddress");
                        ViewBag.UserId = new SelectList(eum.UserList, "UserId", "UserName");

                    return View(eum);
                    return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");
                return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");
            //return View();
        public ActionResult CreateDashboardUser(string lbls)

            // take firstsuperadmin userid....
            int userId = userData.UserId;
            StepAccess sa = new StepAccess();
            DashBoardAccess da = new DashBoardAccess();
            User us = new User();
            // check he is a super admin or admin

            int roleId = userData.RoleId;
            //Check user role is user or dealer user
            if ((roleId == 3)||(roleId == 4))
                //return to login page
                return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");
            //Check result of insert user details
            if (TempData["createUserResult"] != null)
                //result is 1 = success
            if(int.Parse(TempData["createUserResult"].ToString()) == 1) {
                    ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User Successfully Created";
                //result is 0 = failure
                else if (int.Parse(TempData["createUserResult"].ToString()) == 0)
                    ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed To Create User";

            ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType = roleId;
            int loanCount = -1;
            //Check user role is admin
            if (userData.RoleId == 2)
                //get loan count for branch which admin is assigned to
                loanCount = da.GetLoanCount(userData.BranchId, 2);

            //Check user role is super admin
            else if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                //get loan count for company which super admin is assigned to
                loanCount = da.GetLoanCount(userData.Company_Id, 1);
            RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess();
            List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles();
            List<UserRole> tempRoleList = new List<UserRole>();
            // filter user roles for page user role drop down compairing with role of user who logged in
            for (int i = roleId - 1; i < roleList.Count && ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType != 3; i++)
                //Check role is dealer user 
                if (roleList[i].RoleId == 4)
                //Check role is user and loan count is 0
                else if ((roleList[i].RoleId == 3) &&(loanCount==0)) 
                //Check role is super admin and logged user role is admin
                else if ((userData.RoleId==2)&&(roleList[i].RoleId == 1)) {
                UserRole tempRole = new UserRole()
                    RoleId = roleList[i].RoleId,
                    RoleName = roleList[i].RoleName

            ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(tempRoleList, "RoleId", "RoleName");

            // get all branches which belong to company
            List<Branch> branchesLists = (new BranchAccess()).getBranches(userData.Company_Id);
            List<Branch> branchesListAdmin = new List<Branch>();
            //Check user is super admin
            if (userData.RoleId == 1) {
                ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName");
            else {
                //filter retrieved branch list for admin
                branchesListAdmin = branchesLists.FindAll(t => t.BranchId == userData.BranchId);
                ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesListAdmin, "BranchId", "BranchName");

            List<Branch> branchesListsLoan =  new List<Branch>();
            List<Branch> branchesListsLoanAd = new List<Branch>();
            //get list of branches which has atleast one loan 
            branchesListsLoan = (new BranchAccess()).GetLoansBranches(userData.Company_Id);
           //check user is super admin
            if (userData.RoleId == 1)
                //convert branch list to select list
                ViewBag.BranchIdUser = new SelectList(branchesListsLoan, "BranchId", "BranchName");
            else {
                //filter branch which admin is assigned
                branchesListsLoanAd = branchesListsLoan.FindAll(t => t.BranchId == userData.BranchId);
                //convert branch list to select list
                ViewBag.BranchIdUser = new SelectList(branchesListsLoanAd, "BranchId", "BranchName");
           //check request is ajax request
            if (HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                ViewBag.AjaxRequest = 1;
                return PartialView();

                return View();

        public ActionResult Step3(string lbls)

            // if there is no session exist - redirect to login -- wrong access
            if (Session["companyStep"] == null)
                if (HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())

                    return new HttpStatusCodeResult(404, "Due to inactivity your session has timed out, please log in again.");

                    return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");

            int userId = userData.UserId; // current user id
            StepAccess sa = new StepAccess();


            int roleId = userData.RoleId; // current user's role

            // if he is not a super admin or admin , not allowed -- wrong access
            if (roleId > 2)
                return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");

            // check if the user completed the step 1 and 2, if not redirect to login -- wrong access
            if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyStep"]) < 3)
                return RedirectToAction("UserLogin", "Login");

            // after user created 
            // if user scussefully created
            if (lbls != null && lbls.Equals("User Successfully Created"))

                // pass the sucessfull message to view
                ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "User Successfully Created";
                int rol = int.Parse(Session["abcRol"].ToString());
                int br = int.Parse(Session["abcBrnc"].ToString());
                if ((rol == 1) && (br == 0))
                    sa.UpdateCompanySetupStep(userData.Company_Id, userData.BranchId, 4);
                else if ((rol == 2) && (br != 0))
                    sa.UpdateCompanySetupStep(userData.Company_Id, br, 4);
                Session["abcRol"] = "";
                Session["abcBrnc"] = "";

                if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["companyStep"].ToString()) < 4)
                    Session["companyStep"] = 4;


                if (HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    ViewBag.AjaxRequest = 1;
                    return PartialView();

                    return View();

            // if error occurs while creating the user
            else if (lbls != null && lbls.Equals("Failed to create user!"))

                ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Failed to create user";

                if (HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    ViewBag.AjaxRequest = 1;
                    return PartialView();

                    return View();

            ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType = roleId;

            RoleAccess ra = new RoleAccess();
            List<UserRole> roleList = ra.GetAllUserRoles();
            List<UserRole> tempRoleList = new List<UserRole>();

            for (int i = roleId - 1; i < roleList.Count && ViewBag.CurrUserRoleType != 3; i++)
                if ((roleList[i].RoleId == 3)||(roleList[i].RoleId == 4))
                UserRole tempRole = new UserRole()
                    RoleId = roleList[i].RoleId,
                    RoleName = roleList[i].RoleName

            ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(tempRoleList, "RoleId", "RoleName");

            // get all branches
            List<Branch> branchesLists = (new BranchAccess()).getBranches(userData.Company_Id);

            ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(branchesLists, "BranchId", "BranchName");

            //return PartialView(userViewModel);

            if (HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                ViewBag.AjaxRequest = 1;
                return PartialView();

                return View();
