// projectile in principal space
        // Create a principalSpace3D and PrincipalTrajectory from a given Projectile3D,
        // the launch position and another point on the plane (e.g. a 3d target).
        // Implements Equation 10 from the paper.
        public static PrincipalSpace3D Create(
            Projectile3D projectile3D,      // projectile in world space
            Vector3 worldP0,  	            // the launch position
            Vector3 worldP1,                // any other position on the principal plane
            out PrincipalProjectile principalProjectile)
            principalProjectile = new PrincipalProjectile(
                projectile3D.k, projectile3D.vInfinity.magnitude);
            Vector3 yAxis = projectile3D.vInfinity / -principalProjectile.vInfinity;

            Vector3 deltaPos = worldP1 - worldP0;
            Vector3 xAxis = deltaPos - Vector3.Dot(yAxis, deltaPos) * yAxis;
            float squaredXScale = xAxis.sqrMagnitude;
            if (squaredXScale == 0)
                xAxis = Misc.GetAnyVector3PerpendicularTo(yAxis);
                squaredXScale = xAxis.sqrMagnitude;
            xAxis /= Mathf.Sqrt(squaredXScale);

            return new PrincipalSpace3D(worldP0, xAxis, yAxis);
        // Create a principalSpace3D and PrincipalTrajectory from a given Projectile3D, 
        // the launch position and another point on the plane (e.g. a 3d target).
		// Implements Equation 10 from the paper.		
        public static PrincipalSpace3D Create(
            Projectile3D projectile3D,      // projectile in world space
            Vector3 worldP0,  	            // the launch position
            Vector3 worldP1,                // any other position on the principal plane
            out PrincipalProjectile principalProjectile) // projectile in principal space

			principalProjectile = new PrincipalProjectile(
                projectile3D.k, projectile3D.vInfinity.magnitude);
            Vector3 yAxis = projectile3D.vInfinity / -principalProjectile.vInfinity;

            Vector3 deltaPos = worldP1 - worldP0;
            Vector3 xAxis = deltaPos - Vector3.Dot(yAxis, deltaPos) * yAxis;
            float squaredXScale = xAxis.sqrMagnitude;
            if (squaredXScale == 0)
                xAxis = Misc.GetAnyVector3PerpendicularTo(yAxis);
                squaredXScale = xAxis.sqrMagnitude;
            xAxis /= Mathf.Sqrt(squaredXScale);

            return new PrincipalSpace3D(worldP0, xAxis, yAxis);
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory that also hits the line exactly 'b' above the
 // line from the origin to r. This is equivalent to saying that the trajectory
 // will touch the line y(x) = r.y/r.x * x + b, and that it is exactly contained
 // by the parallelogram formed by the vectors (0, 0)-(r.x, r.y) and (0, 0)-(0, b)
 // Uses Equation 27 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenArcHeightB(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, float b)
                projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, b));
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory that also passes through position q.
 // Uses Equation 23 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenIntermediatePositionQ(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, Vector2 q)
                projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, q.x, q.y));
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory with the initial velocity s. When s is too small
 // to hit r at all, the functions return 0. But when it great enough, the
 // problem has two solutions: One arc that's higher and one arc that's lower
 // than the one that's found by GetTimeToTargetRWithMinimalInitialSpeed().
 // Use highArc to select which one to return the time for.
 // Uses Equation 30 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenInitialSpeedS(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, double s, bool highArc)
                projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, s, highArc));
Beispiel #6
 public PrincipalTrajectory(PrincipalProjectile principalProjectile, Vector2 v0) :
     this.v0 = v0;
 public PrincipalTrajectory(PrincipalProjectile principalProjectile, Vector2 v0)
     : base(principalProjectile)
     this.v0 = v0;
Beispiel #8
        public float vInfinity;         // velocity of projectile falling indefinitely

        public PrincipalProjectile(PrincipalProjectile principalProjectile)
            k         = principalProjectile.k;
            vInfinity = principalProjectile.vInfinity;
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory that has slope a at position r. Use
 // principalSpace3D.ToPrincipalSlope() to get the principal slope a from
 // a slope in world space. Uses Equation 26 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenTargetSlopeA(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, float a)
                projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, a));
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory that also passes through position q.
 // Uses Equation 23 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenIntermediatePositionQ(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, Vector2 q)
     return GetTimeToTargetRGivenIntermediatePositionQ(
         projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, q.x, q.y);
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory with the initial velocity s. When s is too small
 // to hit r at all, the functions return 0. But when it great enough, the
 // problem has two solutions: One arc that's higher and one arc that's lower
 // than the one that's found by GetTimeToTargetRWithMinimalInitialSpeed().
 // Use highArc to select which one to return the time for.
 // Uses Equation 30 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenInitialSpeedS(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, double s, bool highArc)
     return (float)GetTimeToTargetRGivenInitialSpeedS(
         projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, s, highArc);
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory with curviness 'h'. h is defined as the ratio between
 // the height of the parallelogram (as defined in
 // GetTimeToTargetRGivenArcHeightB()) and the distance to the target.
 // Consequently, small values result in low arcs, and high values result in high
 // arcs. h = 0.25 roughly approximates a 'minimal effort' arc.
 // Uses Equation 27 and 28 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenCurvinessH(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, float h)
     return GetTimeToTargetRGivenCurvinessH(
         projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, h);
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory that also hits the line exactly 'b' above the
 // line from the origin to r. This is equivalent to saying that the trajectory
 // will touch the line y(x) = r.y/r.x * x + b, and that it is exactly contained
 // by the parallelogram formed by the vectors (0, 0)-(r.x, r.y) and (0, 0)-(0, b)
 // Uses Equation 27 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenArcHeightB(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, float b)
     return GetTimeToTargetRGivenArcHeightB(
         projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, b);
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory with the smallest possible initial velocity.
 // Uses Equation 29 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRWithMinimalInitialSpeed(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r)
     return (float)GetTimeToTargetRWithMinimalInitialSpeed(
         projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y);
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory with curviness 'h'. h is defined as the ratio between
 // the height of the parallelogram (as defined in
 // GetTimeToTargetRGivenArcHeightB()) and the distance to the target.
 // Consequently, small values result in low arcs, and high values result in high
 // arcs. h = 0.25 roughly approximates a 'minimal effort' arc.
 // Uses Equation 27 and 28 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenCurvinessH(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, float h)
                projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, h));
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory that touches the line y(x) = a*x + b. Use
 // principalSpace3D.ToPrincipalIntersectionLine() to get the (a,b) line
 // parameters from a world space plane. Uses Equation 24 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenLineToTouch(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, Vector2 lineAB)
     return GetTimeToTargetRGivenLineToTouch(
         projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, lineAB.x, lineAB.y);
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory that touches the line y(x) = a*x + b. Use
 // principalSpace3D.ToPrincipalIntersectionLine() to get the (a,b) line
 // parameters from a world space plane. Uses Equation 24 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenLineToTouch(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, Vector2 lineAB)
                projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, lineAB.x, lineAB.y));
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory that has slope a at position r. Use
 // principalSpace3D.ToPrincipalSlope() to get the principal slope a from
 // a slope in world space. Uses Equation 26 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRGivenTargetSlopeA(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r, float a)
     return GetTimeToTargetRGivenTargetSlopeA(
         projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y, a);
 // Get the time at which the (principal-space) target position r will be hit
 // as part of a trajectory with the smallest possible initial velocity.
 // Uses Equation 29 from the paper.
 public static float GetTimeToTargetRWithMinimalInitialSpeed(
     PrincipalProjectile projectile, Vector2 r)
                projectile.k, projectile.vInfinity, r.x, r.y));
Beispiel #20
        public Vector2 v0;                      // projectile velocity at t = 0

        public PrincipalTrajectory(PrincipalProjectile principalProjectile) :
        public float vInfinity; // velocity of projectile falling indefinitely

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public PrincipalProjectile(PrincipalProjectile principalProjectile)
            k = principalProjectile.k;
            vInfinity = principalProjectile.vInfinity;
        public Vector2 v0; // projectile velocity at t = 0

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public PrincipalTrajectory(PrincipalProjectile principalProjectile)
            : base(principalProjectile)