Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an AES helper based on a previously saved keyfile and a password to decrypt it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AesHelper CreateFromKeyFile(byte[] file, string password)
            Dictionary <string, byte[]> savedobjects = BinaryEncoding.dict_decode(file);
            var phasher     = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, savedobjects["passwordsalt-v1"]);
            var datakeykey  = phasher.GetBytes(16);
            var phashhasher = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(datakeykey, savedobjects["datakeykeyhashsalt-v1"], 8192);
            var phashhash   = phashhasher.GetBytes(IVSize);

            if (phashhash.SequenceEqual(savedobjects["datakeykeyhash-v1"]))
                return(new AesHelper(datakeykey, savedobjects["passwordsalt-v1"], savedobjects["datakeykeyhash-v1"],
                                     DecryptAesDataKey(savedobjects["encrypteddatakey-v1"], datakeykey, savedobjects["datakeyiv-v1"]),
                throw new PasswordIncorrectException("The password used to decrypt the keyfile " +
                                                     "does not match the file used to creat it.");
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Store this node and its descendents in a blobstore
        /// Breaks with circular references, but these should only occur
        /// with hard- (and soft-?) -links TODO: handle links
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blobs"></param>
        /// <param name="storeGetHash">Function called to store node data, returns hash</param>
        /// <returns>The hash of the stored tree and a tree of its child hashes.</returns>
        public (byte[] nodehash, HashTreeNode node) Store(Func <byte[], byte[]> storeGetHash)
            List <(byte[] nodehash, HashTreeNode node)> children = new List <(byte[] nodehash, HashTreeNode node)>();
            List <byte[]> dirhashes = new List <byte[]>();

            foreach (MetadataNode dir in Directories.Values)
                var(newhash, newnode) = dir.Store(storeGetHash);
                children.Add((newhash, newnode));
            foreach (var fm in Files.Values.AsEnumerable())
                children.Add((fm.FileHash, null));
            Dictionary <string, byte[]> mtdata = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>();

            // -"-v1"
            // DirMetadata = FileMetadata DirMetadata.serialize()
            // Directories = enum_encode([Directories.Values MetadataNode.serialize(),... ])
            // Files = enum_encode([Files.Values FileMetadata.serialize(),... ])
            // -"-v2"
            // Directories = enum_encode([dirrefs,...])
            // "-v3"
            // DirectoriesMultiblock = enum_encode([BitConverter.GetBytes(multiblock),...])
            // -v4
            // removed DirectoriesMultiblock
            mtdata.Add("DirMetadata-v1", DirMetadata.serialize());
            mtdata.Add("Files-v1", BinaryEncoding.enum_encode(Files.Values.AsEnumerable()
                                                              .Select(fm => fm.serialize())));

            mtdata.Add("Directories-v2", BinaryEncoding.enum_encode(dirhashes));

            byte[]       nodehash = storeGetHash(BinaryEncoding.dict_encode(mtdata));
            HashTreeNode node     = new HashTreeNode(children);

            return(nodehash, node);
Beispiel #3
        public static BlobLocation deserialize(byte[] data)
            Dictionary <string, byte[]> savedobjects = BinaryEncoding.dict_decode(data);

            byte[]? encryptedHash = savedobjects["EncryptedHash-v9"].Length == 0 ? null : savedobjects["EncryptedHash-v9"];
            string relfilepath = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(savedobjects["RelativeFilePath-v1"]);
            int    bytelength  = BitConverter.ToInt32(savedobjects["ByteLength-v1"], 0);

            var encodedBackupSets = BinaryEncoding.enum_decode(savedobjects["BSetReferenceCounts.BackupSets-v5"]);

            if (encodedBackupSets == null)
                throw new Exception("Backup sets are required");
            List <BackupSetKey> backupsets = new List <BackupSetKey>();

            foreach (var bin in encodedBackupSets)
                if (bin == null)
                    throw new Exception("Backup sets cannot be null");

            List <byte[]?>?encodedRefCounts = BinaryEncoding.enum_decode(savedobjects["BSetReferenceCounts.ReferenceCounts-v5"]);

            if (encodedRefCounts == null)
                throw new Exception("Reference counts are required");
            List <int> referencecounts = new List <int>();

            foreach (var bin in encodedRefCounts)
                if (bin == null)
                    throw new Exception("Reference counts cannot be null");
                referencecounts.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(bin, 0));
            Dictionary <BackupSetKey, int> bsrc = new Dictionary <BackupSetKey, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < backupsets.Count; i++)
                bsrc[backupsets[i]] = referencecounts[i];
            var           multiblock  = BitConverter.ToBoolean(savedobjects["IsMultiBlockReference-v7"], 0);
            List <byte[]>?childhashes = null;

            if (multiblock)
                childhashes = new List <byte[]>();
                var binchildhashes = BinaryEncoding.enum_decode(savedobjects["BlockHashes-v8"]);
                if (binchildhashes == null)
                    throw new Exception("Multiblock blobs must have child hashes");
                foreach (var bin in binchildhashes)
                    if (bin == null)
                        throw new Exception("Child hashes cannot be null");

            return(new BlobLocation(encryptedHash, relfilepath, bytelength, childhashes, bsrc));