Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="LineFeature"/> using the session sequence number
        /// that was previously recorded via a call to <see cref="AddFeatureDescription"/>.
        /// <para/>
        /// Only the session sequence number will be used when creating the section (any
        /// entity type and feature ID that may have been presented through <see cref="AddFeatureDescription"/>
        /// will be ignored - the values from the parent line will be applied instead).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">The name for the item involved (must refer to information
        /// previously attached via a call to <see cref="AddFeatureDescription"/>)</param>
        /// <param name="baseLine">The line that's being subdivided</param>
        /// <param name="from">The point at the start of the section (not null).</param>
        /// <param name="to">The point at the end of the section (not null).</param>
        /// <returns>The created feature (null if a feature description was not previously added)</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">If information for the item has not been
        /// attached to this factory.</exception>
        LineFeature MakeSection(DataField field, LineFeature baseLine, PointFeature from, PointFeature to)
            IFeature f = FindFeatureDescription(field.ToString());

            if (f == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            SectionGeometry section = new SectionGeometry(baseLine, from, to);

            return(baseLine.MakeSubSection(m_Operation, f.InternalId, section));
Beispiel #2
        IRing GetRing(Ring r)
            CurveSegmentCollection csc = new CurveSegmentCollection();

            foreach (IDivider d in r.Edge)
                LineGeometry          line = d.LineGeometry;
                ICurveSegmentAbstract cseg = null;

                if (line is SectionGeometry)
                    SectionGeometry section = (line as SectionGeometry);
                    line = section.Make();

                if (line is MultiSegmentGeometry)
                    MultiSegmentGeometry     mseg = (line as MultiSegmentGeometry);
                    DirectPositionCollection dpc  = GetDirectPositions(mseg.Data);
                    cseg = m_Factory.CreateLineStringSegment(dpc);
                else if (line is SegmentGeometry)
                    SegmentGeometry          segment = (line as SegmentGeometry);
                    DirectPositionCollection dpc     = GetDirectPositions(new IPosition[] { segment.Start, segment.End });
                    cseg = m_Factory.CreateLineStringSegment(dpc);
                else if (line is ArcGeometry)
                    ArcGeometry     arc = (line as ArcGeometry);
                    IPosition       mp  = arc.GetMidPosition();
                    IDirectPosition bc  = m_Factory.CreatePositionXY(arc.BC.X, arc.BC.Y);
                    IDirectPosition mid = m_Factory.CreatePositionXY(mp.X, mp.Y);
                    IDirectPosition ec  = m_Factory.CreatePositionXY(arc.EC.X, arc.EC.Y);
                    cseg = m_Factory.CreateCircularArcSegment(bc, mid, ec);
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown line type: " + line.GetType().Name);


Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Mark this line as inactive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="op">The operation that is doing this</param>
        internal void SetInactive(Operation op)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        //	@mfunc	Mark this arc as inactive. When you do this, any
        //			system-defined split sections will be eliminated.
        //	@parm	The operation that is doing this. This operation will
        //			hold any sub-features that get created as a result of
        //			de-activating this arc. Only SetDeleted is expected to
        //			pass in a null value.
        //	@parm	Is the arc being de-activated in order to trim a
        //			dangling system-generated arc section? If so, DON'T
        //			undo any splits that are incident on this arc. A
        //			TRUE value should be specified ONLY by <mf CeSplit::
        //			Trim>. Default=FALSE.
        //	@rdesc	Any sub-feature that was created to represent the
        //			layers that this feature was NOT de-activated on.

        CeFeature* CeArc::SetInactive ( CeOperation* pop
                              , const LOGICAL isTrim ) {

        // Return if this arc is already inactive (or marked for deletion).
        if ( this->IsInactive() ) return 0;

        // De-activate the base class.
        CeFeature* pSub = CeFeature::SetInactive(pop);

        // Ensure polygons on the left and right have been marked
        // for deletion.

        // Get any split operation listing arc sections (only returns
        // something if FFL_SYSTOPOL is set).

        CeSplit* pSplit = GetpSplit();

        if ( pSplit ) {

        // Return if the splits have been revealed.
        if ( pSplit->IsRevealed() ) return pSub;

        // Mark all splits for deletion.

        // If we created a sub-arc to represent layers that are
        // not being de-activated, mark it as moved, to force
        // re-intersection.
        if ( pSub ) pSub->SetMoved();

        // Check for overlaps with the line's end locations.
        if ( !isTrim ) m_pLine->UndoEndOverlaps(*this);

        return pSub;

        } // end of SetInactive
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a new line that corresponds to a sub-section of this line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="creator">The operation that should be noted as the creator of the new line.</param>
        /// <param name="id">The internal ID to assign to the sub-section.</param>
        /// <param name="section">The geometry for the new line.</param>
        /// <returns>The new line</returns>
        internal LineFeature MakeSubSection(Operation creator, InternalIdValue id, SectionGeometry section)
            LineFeature result = new LineFeature(creator, id, section);

            //PointFeature start = (PointFeature)section.Start;
            //PointFeature end = (PointFeature)section.End;

            //LineFeature result = new LineFeature(this.EntityType, op, start, end, section);

            // The resultant sub-section should always have the same topological status
            //if (result.IsTopological)
            //    result.m_Topology = Topology.CreateTopology(result);

            return result;
Beispiel #4
 internal LineFeature(Operation creator, InternalIdValue id, SectionGeometry section)
     : this(creator, id, section.BaseLine.EntityType, (PointFeature)section.Start,
             (PointFeature)section.End, section)
Beispiel #5
 void WriteSection(SectionGeometry line)
Beispiel #6
 void WriteSection(SectionGeometry line)