Beispiel #1
        private void OnNodeSocketClicked(NodeSocket socket)
            switch (socket.SocketType)
            //return when there wasnt any socket clicked
            case NodeSocket.NodeSocketType.In when NodeSocket.CurrentClickedSocket == null:

            //return if the socket is hooked and the current clicked socket is not a parent
            case NodeSocket.NodeSocketType.In
                when socket.IsHooked && !NodeSocket.CurrentClickedSocket.Node.IsParentView:

            case NodeSocket.NodeSocketType.In:
                var clickedSocket = NodeSocket.CurrentClickedSocket;

                _connections.Add(NodeSocket.CurrentClickedSocket.Node is EntryNodeView
                        ? new NodeConnection(clickedSocket, socket, Color.white, true)
                        : new NodeConnection(clickedSocket, socket, Color.white, false));
                clickedSocket.IsHooked = true;
                socket.IsHooked        = true;

                NodeSocket.CurrentClickedSocket = null;

            case NodeSocket.NodeSocketType.Out when socket.Node.IsParentView || !socket.IsHooked:
                NodeSocket.CurrentClickedSocket = socket;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Emulates the constructor of the class. Override this method calling the base one for your custom initialization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"> If the node has been created before and only a copy is need, the GUID parameter MUST BE NULL</param>
        /// <param name="isRootView"> Is the entry view of the graph</param>
        /// <param name="isParentView"> Is allowed to have children</param>
        public virtual void Init(string id, bool isEntryPoint, bool isRootView, bool isParentView)
            if (variables == null)
                variables = new List <BlackBoardVariable>();

            _skin = Resources.Load <GUISkin>("BTSkin");

            if (isEntryPoint)
                exitSocket = new NodeSocket(new Rect(windowRect.xMin, windowRect.yMax, SocketWidth, SocketHeight), NodeSocket.NodeSocketType.Out, this);
                entrySocket = new NodeSocket(new Rect(windowRect.xMin, windowRect.yMax, SocketWidth, SocketHeight), NodeSocket.NodeSocketType.In, this);
                exitSocket  = new NodeSocket(new Rect(windowRect.xMin, windowRect.yMax, SocketWidth, SocketHeight), NodeSocket.NodeSocketType.Out, this);
                windowTitle = task.GetType().Name; //only when its not the entry point has a task associated

            if (id == null)
                this.guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                children  = new List <BaseNodeView>();
                this.guid = id;

            this.isRootView   = isRootView;
            this.isParentView = isParentView;
            this.isEntryPoint = isEntryPoint;