protected override object GetEditedValue(Control EditControl, string PropertyName, object oldValue, object currentObj)
            ObjectWrapper placeHolder = currentObj as ObjectWrapper;

            // DragDropList selectedElement = placeHolder.SelectedObject as DragDropList;
            BSkyTextBox tb = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkyTextBox;

            if (EditControl is textboxsubstitution)
                textboxsubstitution w = EditControl as textboxsubstitution;
                tb.PrefixTxt = w.PrefixString.Text;
                FrameworkElement selectedElement = currentObj as FrameworkElement;
                if (w.DialogResult.HasValue && w.DialogResult.Value)
        protected override Control GetEditControl(string PropName, object CurrentValue, object CurrentObj)
            textboxsubstitution w;
            ObjectWrapper       placeHolder = CurrentObj as ObjectWrapper;
            // DragDropList selectedElement = placeHolder.SelectedObject as DragDropList;
            BSkyTextBox tb = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkyTextBox;

            //Added by Aaron 10/10/2013
            //This ensures that the variable filer dialog is opened with the correct filter settings for the number of
            //ordinal and nominal levels
            w = new textboxsubstitution(tb.PrefixTxt);

            if (CurrentValue == null)
                w.SubstituteSettings = "";
                w.SubstituteSettings = CurrentValue.ToString();