private bool check_ma_nhan_vien_is_ok(DataRow dataRow)
            decimal v_id_nhan_vien = find_id_nhan_vien_by_ma_nv(dataRow["MA_NV"].ToString().Trim());
            if (v_id_nhan_vien == -1) return false;
            US_GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG v_us_gd_loai_lao_dong = new US_GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG();
            DS_GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG v_ds_gd_loai_lao_dong = new DS_GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG();
            v_us_gd_loai_lao_dong.FillDataset(v_ds_gd_loai_lao_dong, "where id_nhan_vien = " + v_id_nhan_vien);

            if (v_ds_gd_loai_lao_dong.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                return false;
                return true;
        //Tim id_nhan_vien da co trong bang GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG
        //Neu nhan vien da co loai lao dong thi khong the them duoc ma chi co the sua
        private decimal find_id_gd_nv_loai_ld(decimal ip_dc_id_nv)
            US_GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG v_us = new US_GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG();
            DS_GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG v_ds = new DS_GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG();

            string v_str_filter = "ID_NHAN_VIEN = " + ip_dc_id_nv;
            DataRow[] v_dr = v_ds.GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG.Select(v_str_filter);

            if (v_dr.Count() == 0)
                return 0; // m_id_gd_loai_ld = 0 tuc la trong bang GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG chua co nhan vien nay
            else return 1; // m_id_gd_loai_ld = 1 tuc la trong bang GD_LOAI_LAO_DONG da co nhan vien nay