Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Read from config & set app settings
            //Dictionary<string, string> config = FileOperations.ReadConfig();
            Config conf = new Config();


            //set up variables from config that need to be used multiple times.
            string rootFolderLocation   = conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("ProjectDriveLocation");
            string metaDataFileLocation = conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("DocumentListCsv");
            string metaDataHeader       = conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("MetaDataHeader");
            string logFileLocation      = conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("LogFileLocation");
            string ProjectCheckList     = conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("ProjectCheckList");

            //Create log file and start logging, based on the current config context

            //setup network credentials
            NetworkCredential auth = RequestHandler.CreateCredentials(conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("User"), conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("Pwd"));

            //get project list from making a HTTP call to the BIW API for all project. $Top=100000 is used to get very project.
            var projectList = RequestHandler.ParseProjectRequest(RequestHandler.HttpRequest("$top=100000", auth, "GET", logFileLocation));

            //Uncomment the below & change the configuration file path to read from a file for the project to download.
            //var projectList = FileOperations.ReadProjectsFromCSV("/Volumes/Kracken/BIW_Migration/UpdatedProjects.txt");

            List <string> completedProjects = null;

            //Obtain a list of already completed project in order to avoid redownloading. Useful for failover and dealing with the flaky BIW API
            if (File.Exists(ProjectCheckList))
                completedProjects = FileOperations.ReadFile(ProjectCheckList);

            //write project list to disk, un comment to write the full list of projects to a CSV. Only required in the first instance of running.
            //FileOperations.WriteCsv(conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("ProjectListCsv"), projectList, conf.ConfigList.GetValueOrDefault("ProjectHeader"), "");

             * The below foreahc loop is the main part of the extraction, due to the API constraints and nesting of projects, actions need to be taken sequentally
             * first by getting the Document Register, which responds with the list of created folders within the project, then make a call based on the project & the DocumentRegister
             * to ascertain if there are any documents to download, then download the projects and log to metadata & save to the file system.
            foreach (var project in projectList)
                if (!completedProjects.Contains(
                    //Take the project ID and make request for folders
                    var docRegList = RequestHandler.ParseRegisterRequest(RequestHandler.HttpRequest($"{}/DocumentRegisters", auth, "GET", logFileLocation));
                    //create folder based on docRegList
                    FileOperations.CreateFolderStructure($"{rootFolderLocation}/{}", docRegList);

                    //get the project docs based on the docRegList
                    foreach (var doc in docRegList)
                        var documentList = RequestHandler.ParseDocumentJsonResponse(RequestHandler.HttpRequest($"{}/{doc.Id}/Documents", auth, "GET", logFileLocation));
                        if (documentList.Count == 0)
                            //Download each document from the doclist for the current DocumentRegister
                            RequestHandler.DownloadDocuments($"{rootFolderLocation}/{}/{doc.Name}/", documentList, auth, logFileLocation, doc.Name);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logging.LogOperation("DocumentDownload", doc.ToString(), "Unsuccessful: " + e.Message, logFileLocation);