Beispiel #1
        private void ShowDiff(string oldFile, string newFile, bool bIgnoreCase, bool bIgnoreEOL, bool bIgnoreWhiteSpace, string sOldFileName, string sNewFileName)
            string sCustomDiffViewer = CustomDiffViewer;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCustomDiffViewer))
                    int iOldFile = sCustomDiffViewer.IndexOf('?');
                    int iNewFile = sCustomDiffViewer.LastIndexOf('?');
                    sCustomDiffViewer = sCustomDiffViewer.Substring(0, iOldFile) + '"' + oldFile + '"' + sCustomDiffViewer.Substring(iOldFile + 1, iNewFile - iOldFile - 1) + '"' + newFile + '"' + sCustomDiffViewer.Substring(iNewFile + 1);
                    Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Shell(sCustomDiffViewer, Microsoft.VisualBasic.AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus, true, -1);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("There was a problem using the custom diff viewer: " + sCustomDiffViewer, ex);

            //try the VS2012 built-in diff viewer
            string sVS2012Error = string.Empty;

#if DENALI || SQL2014
            if (this.ApplicationObject.Version.CompareTo("11.") == 1 || this.ApplicationObject.Version.CompareTo("12.") == 1)
                    System.Reflection.Assembly vsAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(VS2012_SHELL_INTEROP_ASSEMBLY_FULL_NAME);

                    UIHierarchy     solExplorer = this.ApplicationObject.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer;
                    UIHierarchyItem hierItem    = (UIHierarchyItem)((System.Array)solExplorer.SelectedItems).GetValue(0);
                    ProjectItem     projItem    = (ProjectItem)hierItem.Object;
                    string          sTabName    = projItem.Name + " (BIDS Helper Smart Diff)";

                    System.IServiceProvider provider = null;
                    if (projItem.ContainingProject is System.IServiceProvider)
                        provider = (System.IServiceProvider)projItem.ContainingProject;
                        provider = TabularHelpers.GetTabularServiceProviderFromBimFile(hierItem, false);
                    //TODO: test .rdlc inside C# projects

                    Type   t = vsAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsDifferenceService");
                    object oVsDifferenceService = provider.GetService(vsAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.SVsDifferenceService"));
                    Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsWindowFrame frame = (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsWindowFrame)t.InvokeMember("OpenComparisonWindow2", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, oVsDifferenceService, new object[] { oldFile, newFile, sTabName, "BIDS Helper Smart Diff", sOldFileName, sNewFileName, "", "", (uint)0 });

                catch (Exception exVS2012)
                    sVS2012Error = exVS2012.Message;

            int    fFlags = 0;
            string sFlags = "";
            if (bIgnoreCase)
                fFlags |= 1;
                sFlags += " -ic";
            if (bIgnoreEOL)
                fFlags |= 4;
                sFlags += " -ie";
            if (bIgnoreWhiteSpace)
                fFlags |= 2;
                sFlags += " -iw";

                MSDiff_ShowDiffUI(IntPtr.Zero, oldFile, newFile, fFlags, sOldFileName, sNewFileName);
            catch (Exception exMSDiff)
                //couldn't use MSDiff (which gets intalled with TFS2010 and below)
                //try VSS EXE
                    string sVSSDir = VSSInstallDir;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sVSSDir))
                        throw new Exception("");
                        Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Shell("\"" + sVSSDir + "ssexp.exe\" /diff" + sFlags + " \"" + oldFile + "\" \"" + newFile + "\"", Microsoft.VisualBasic.AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus, true, -1);
                catch (Exception exVSS)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sVS2012Error))
                        sVS2012Error = "\r\n\r\nCould not use the built-in Visual Studio diff viewer:\r\n" + sVS2012Error;
                    throw new Exception("Could not start Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 2005 to view diff. " + exVSS.Message + "\r\n\r\nCould not utilize Microsoft Team Foundation Server to view diff. " + exMSDiff.Message + sVS2012Error);