Ball-like shape.
Inheritance: ConvexShape
Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes contact data for two spheres.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">First sphere.</param>
        /// <param name="b">Second sphere.</param>
        /// <param name="positionA">Position of the first sphere.</param>
        /// <param name="positionB">Position of the second sphere.</param>
        /// <param name="contact">Contact data between the spheres, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the spheres are touching.</returns>
        public static bool AreSpheresColliding(SphereShape a, SphereShape b, ref Vector3 positionA, ref Vector3 positionB, out ContactData contact)
            contact = new ContactData();

            float radiusSum = a.collisionMargin + b.collisionMargin;
            Vector3 centerDifference;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref positionB, ref positionA, out centerDifference);
            float centerDistance = centerDifference.LengthSquared();

            if (centerDistance < (radiusSum + CollisionDetectionSettings.maximumContactDistance) * (radiusSum + CollisionDetectionSettings.maximumContactDistance))
                //In collision!

                if (radiusSum > Toolbox.Epsilon) //This would be weird, but it is still possible to cause a NaN.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref centerDifference, a.collisionMargin / (radiusSum), out  contact.Position);
                else contact.Position = new Vector3();
                Vector3.Add(ref contact.Position, ref positionA, out contact.Position);

                centerDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt(centerDistance);
                if (centerDistance > Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                    Vector3.Divide(ref centerDifference, centerDistance, out contact.Normal);
                    contact.Normal = Toolbox.UpVector;
                contact.PenetrationDepth = radiusSum - centerDistance;

                return true;

            return false;
 /// Initializes the pair tester.
 ///<param name="convex">Convex shape to use.</param>
 ///<param name="triangle">Triangle shape to use.</param>
 public override void Initialize(ConvexShape convex, TriangleShape triangle)
     this.sphere = (SphereShape)convex;
     this.triangle = triangle;
 /// <summary>
 /// Cleans up the pair tester.
 /// </summary>
 public override void CleanUp()
     triangle = null;
     sphere = null;
     Updated = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Cleans up the pair tester.
 /// </summary>
 public override void CleanUp()
     sphere = null;
     Updated = false;
Beispiel #5
        /// Tests if a box and sphere are colliding.
        ///<param name="box">Box to test.</param>
        ///<param name="sphere">Sphere to test.</param>
        ///<param name="boxTransform">Transform to apply to the box.</param>
        ///<param name="spherePosition">Transform to apply to the sphere.</param>
        ///<param name="contact">Contact point between the shapes, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the shapes were colliding.</returns>
        public static bool AreShapesColliding(BoxShape box, SphereShape sphere, ref RigidTransform boxTransform, ref Vector3 spherePosition, out ContactData contact)
            contact = new ContactData();

            Vector3 localPosition;
            RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref spherePosition, ref boxTransform, out localPosition);
            Vector3 localClosestPoint = new Vector3();
            Vector3 localClosestPoint;
            localClosestPoint.X = MathHelper.Clamp(localPosition.X, -box.halfWidth, box.halfWidth);
            localClosestPoint.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(localPosition.Y, -box.halfHeight, box.halfHeight);
            localClosestPoint.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(localPosition.Z, -box.halfLength, box.halfLength);

            RigidTransform.Transform(ref localClosestPoint, ref boxTransform, out contact.Position);

            Vector3 offset;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref spherePosition, ref contact.Position, out offset);
            float offsetLength = offset.LengthSquared();

            if (offsetLength > (sphere.collisionMargin + CollisionDetectionSettings.maximumContactDistance) * (sphere.collisionMargin + CollisionDetectionSettings.maximumContactDistance))
                return false;

            if (offsetLength > Toolbox.Epsilon)
                offsetLength = (float)Math.Sqrt(offsetLength);
                //Outside of the box.
                Vector3.Divide(ref offset, offsetLength, out contact.Normal);
                contact.PenetrationDepth = sphere.collisionMargin - offsetLength;
                //Inside of the box.
                Vector3 penetrationDepths;
                penetrationDepths.X = localClosestPoint.X < 0 ? localClosestPoint.X + box.halfWidth : box.halfWidth - localClosestPoint.X;
                penetrationDepths.Y = localClosestPoint.Y < 0 ? localClosestPoint.Y + box.halfHeight : box.halfHeight - localClosestPoint.Y;
                penetrationDepths.Z = localClosestPoint.Z < 0 ? localClosestPoint.Z + box.halfLength : box.halfLength - localClosestPoint.Z;
                if (penetrationDepths.X < penetrationDepths.Y && penetrationDepths.X < penetrationDepths.Z)
                    contact.Normal = localClosestPoint.X > 0 ? Toolbox.RightVector : Toolbox.LeftVector; 
                    contact.PenetrationDepth = penetrationDepths.X;
                else if (penetrationDepths.Y < penetrationDepths.Z)
                    contact.Normal = localClosestPoint.Y > 0 ? Toolbox.UpVector : Toolbox.DownVector; 
                    contact.PenetrationDepth = penetrationDepths.Y;
                    contact.Normal = localClosestPoint.Z > 0 ? Toolbox.BackVector : Toolbox.ForwardVector; 
                    contact.PenetrationDepth = penetrationDepths.X;
                contact.PenetrationDepth += sphere.collisionMargin;
                Vector3.Transform(ref contact.Normal, ref boxTransform.Orientation, out contact.Normal);

            return true;
Beispiel #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Create new StaticCollider from existing collision data<para/>
		/// Создание нового коллайдера из существующих данных
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="colmesh">Collision data<para/>Данные о коллизиях</param>
		public StaticCollider(CollisionFile.Group colmesh, Vector3 position, Quaternion angles, Vector3 scale) {

			// Create base transformation matrix
			// Создание базовой матрицы трансформации
			Matrix4 mat =
				Matrix4.CreateScale(scale) *
				Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(angles) *

			// Create bodies
			// Создание тел
			List<CollisionEntry> col = new List<CollisionEntry>();

			// Spheres
			// Сферы
			if (colmesh.Spheres!=null) {
				foreach (CollisionFile.Sphere s in colmesh.Spheres) {
					// Transforming positions to world coordinates
					// Трансформация расположения в мировые координаты
					Vector3 pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(s.Center, mat);
					float radius = Vector3.TransformVector(Vector3.UnitX * s.Radius, mat).Length;
					// Create primitive
					// Создание примитива
					EntityShape shape = new SphereShape(radius);
					col.Add(new CollisionEntry() {
						Type = PrimitiveType.Sphere,
						Position = pos,
						Rotation = Quaternion.Identity,
						Shape = shape,
						Body = new Entity(shape)

			// Cubes
			// Кубы
			if (colmesh.Boxes!=null) {
				foreach (CollisionFile.Box b in colmesh.Boxes) {
					// Transforming positions to world coordinates
					// Трансформация расположения в мировые координаты
					Vector3 pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(
						new Vector3(
					, mat);
					float factor = Vector3.TransformVector(Vector3.UnitX, mat).Length;

					// Create primitive
					// Создание примитива
					EntityShape shape = new BoxShape(
						(float)Math.Abs(b.Max.X-b.Min.X) * factor,
						(float)Math.Abs(b.Max.Y-b.Min.Y) * factor,
						(float)Math.Abs(b.Max.Z-b.Min.Z) * factor
					col.Add(new CollisionEntry() {
						Type = PrimitiveType.Box,
						Position = pos,
						Rotation = angles,
						Shape = shape,
						Body = new Entity(shape)

			// Trimeshes
			// Тримеши
			if (colmesh.Meshes!=null) {
				// Creating vertices array
				// Создание массива вершин
				BEPUutilities.Vector3[] verts = new BEPUutilities.Vector3[colmesh.Vertices.Length];
				for (int i = 0; i < colmesh.Vertices.Length; i++)
					verts[i] = new BEPUutilities.Vector3(

				foreach (CollisionFile.Trimesh m in colmesh.Meshes) {
					// Creating affine transformation
					// Создание трансформации
					BEPUutilities.AffineTransform transform = new BEPUutilities.AffineTransform(
						new BEPUutilities.Vector3(scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z),
						new BEPUutilities.Quaternion(angles.X, angles.Y, angles.Z, angles.W),
						new BEPUutilities.Vector3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z)

					// Create primitive
					// Создание примитива
					col.Add(new CollisionEntry() {
						Type = PrimitiveType.Mesh,
						Mesh = new StaticMesh(verts, m.Indices, transform)
			subColliders = col.ToArray();
 /// Initializes the pair tester.
 ///<param name="convex">Convex shape to use.</param>
 public override void Initialize(ConvexShape convex)
     this.sphere = (SphereShape)convex;
Beispiel #8
        public static void Test()
            var f0 = BuildHull();
            f0.CollisionMargin = 0;

            //Generate spheres all around the central froxel in such a way that we know that they're not colliding.
            var froxelSphereSurface = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-1.51f, -1.51f, -1.51f), new Vector3(1.51f, 1.51f, 1.51f));

            int testIterations = 1000;
            int innerIterations = 1000;
            Random random = new Random(5);
            long sphereFroxelSeparatedTicks = 0;
            SphereShape sphere = new SphereShape(1);
            for (int i = 0; i < testIterations; ++i)
                var ray = GetRandomRay(ref froxelSphereSurface, random);
                float t;
                ray.Intersects(ref froxelSphereSurface, out t);
                var sphereTransform = new RigidTransform { Position = ray.Position + ray.Direction * t, Orientation = Quaternion.Identity };

                var start = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                for (int j = 0; j < innerIterations; ++j)
                    if (MPRToolbox.AreLocalShapesOverlapping(f0, sphere, ref sphereTransform))
                        Trace.Fail("By construction there can be no intersection!");
                var end = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                sphereFroxelSeparatedTicks += (end - start);
            Console.WriteLine($"Sphere-froxel separated: {(1e6 * sphereFroxelSeparatedTicks) / (testIterations * innerIterations * Stopwatch.Frequency)}");

            //Do the same kind of test, but now with intersection.
            froxelSphereSurface = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f), new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));

            long sphereFroxelIntersectingTicks = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < testIterations; ++i)
                var ray = GetRandomRay(ref froxelSphereSurface, random);
                float t;
                ray.Intersects(ref froxelSphereSurface, out t);
                var sphereTransform = new RigidTransform { Position = ray.Position + ray.Direction * (t - 0.99f), Orientation = Quaternion.Identity };

                var start = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                for (int j = 0; j < innerIterations; ++j)
                    if (!MPRToolbox.AreLocalShapesOverlapping(f0, sphere, ref sphereTransform))
                        Trace.Fail("By construction there can be no separation!");
                var end = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                sphereFroxelIntersectingTicks += (end - start);

            Console.WriteLine($"Sphere-froxel intersecting: {(1e6 * sphereFroxelIntersectingTicks) / (testIterations * innerIterations * Stopwatch.Frequency)}");

            //Create a surface for the rays to hit such that every query froxel will be just outside of the central froxel.
            var froxelFroxelSurface = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-1.01f, -1.01f, -1.01f), new Vector3(1.01f, 1.01f, 1.01f));

            var queryHull = BuildHull();
            queryHull.CollisionMargin = 0;
            long froxelFroxelSeparatedTicks = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < testIterations; ++i)
                var ray = GetRandomRay(ref froxelFroxelSurface, random);
                float t;
                ray.Intersects(ref froxelFroxelSurface, out t);

                var queryTransform = new RigidTransform(ray.Position + ray.Direction * t);

                var start = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                for (int j = 0; j < innerIterations; ++j)
                    if (MPRToolbox.AreLocalShapesOverlapping(f0, queryHull, ref queryTransform))
                        Trace.Fail("By construction there can be no intersection!");
                var end = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                froxelFroxelSeparatedTicks += (end - start);

            Console.WriteLine($"Froxel-froxel separated: {(1e6 * froxelFroxelSeparatedTicks) / (testIterations * innerIterations * Stopwatch.Frequency)}");

            //Same thing as above, but now with slight intersection.
            froxelFroxelSurface = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(-.99f, -.99f, -.99f), new Vector3(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f));

            long froxelFroxelIntersectingTicks = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < testIterations; ++i)
                var ray = GetRandomRay(ref froxelFroxelSurface, random);
                float t;
                ray.Intersects(ref froxelFroxelSurface, out t);

                var queryTransform = new RigidTransform(ray.Position + ray.Direction * t);

                var start = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                for (int j = 0; j < innerIterations; ++j)
                    if (!MPRToolbox.AreLocalShapesOverlapping(f0, queryHull, ref queryTransform))
                        Trace.Fail("By construction there can be no separation!");
                var end = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                froxelFroxelIntersectingTicks += (end - start);

            Console.WriteLine($"Froxel-froxel intersecting: {(1e6 * froxelFroxelIntersectingTicks) / (testIterations * innerIterations * Stopwatch.Frequency)}");
Beispiel #9
        // Steer away from obstacles in the way. This method returns a zero vector if no correction is required.
        // It should be high priority and the steering from other behaviors should blend into the remaining space.
        // So if this returns a length 1.0f vector, avoiding the obstacle is most urgent and there is no room for other
        // steering.
        private Vector2 AvoidObstacles(Actor owner)
            BipedControllerComponent bcc = owner.GetComponent<BipedControllerComponent>(ActorComponent.ComponentType.Control);

            // Conditions where we do not want to use this steering force.
            if (GetAngleFromVertical(bcc.Controller.Body.LinearVelocity) < MathHelper.PiOver4 ||    // We're probably falling...
                !bcc.Controller.SupportFinder.HasSupport ||
                return Vector2.Zero;

            // Sphere cast ahead along facing.
            List<RayCastResult> obstacles = new List<RayCastResult>();
            SphereShape probe = new SphereShape(bcc.Controller.BodyRadius * 1.1f);
            RigidTransform probeStartPosition = new RigidTransform(bcc.Controller.Body.Position);
            // Add a small constant to the probe length because we want a minimum amount of forward probing, even if we are not moving.
            float probeLength = Math.Max(BepuVec3.Dot(bcc.Controller.Body.LinearVelocity, bcc.Controller.ViewDirection), 0.0f) + 1.0f;
            BepuVec3 probeSweep = bcc.Controller.ViewDirection * probeLength;
            ObstacleFilter filter = new ObstacleFilter(bcc.Controller.Body.CollisionInformation);
            GameResources.ActorManager.SimSpace.ConvexCast(probe, ref probeStartPosition, ref probeSweep, filter.Test, obstacles);

            RayCastDistanceComparer rcdc = new RayCastDistanceComparer();


            BEPUutilities.Vector3 cross = BEPUutilities.Vector3.Zero;
            int obstacleIndex = 0;
                if (obstacles.Count == obstacleIndex)
                    return Vector2.Zero;

                cross = BEPUutilities.Vector3.Cross(bcc.Controller.ViewDirection, -obstacles[obstacleIndex++].HitData.Normal);
            while (cross.X > 0.7f); // if cross.X > 0.7f, the obstacle is some kind of gentle ramp; ignore it.

            // dot will typically be negative and magnitude indicates how directly ahead the obstacle is.
            float dot = BEPUutilities.Vector3.Dot(bcc.Controller.ViewDirection, -obstacles[0].HitData.Normal);
            if (dot >= 0.0f) // The obstacle won't hinder us if we touch it.
                return Vector2.Zero;

            // When cross.Y is positive, the object is generally to the right, so veer left (and vice versa).
            float directionSign = cross.Y >= 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
            BEPUutilities.Vector2 result = BEPUutilities.Vector2.UnitX * directionSign * -dot;

            // Also scale response by how close the obstacle is.
            float distance = (obstacles[0].HitData.Location - bcc.Controller.Body.Position).Length();

            result *= MathHelper.Clamp((1.0f - distance / probeLength), 0.0f, 1.0f); // / Math.Abs(dot);

            // So far the result is in terms of 'velocity space'. Rotate it to align with the controller facing.
            float velocityTheta = (float)(Math.Atan2(-probeSweep.X, -probeSweep.Z));
            BEPUutilities.Matrix2x2 velocityWorld = SpaceUtils.Create2x2RotationMatrix(velocityTheta);
            float facingTheta = (float)(Math.Atan2(-bcc.Controller.HorizontalViewDirection.X, -bcc.Controller.HorizontalViewDirection.Z));
            BEPUutilities.Matrix2x2 facingWorldInv = SpaceUtils.Create2x2RotationMatrix(facingTheta);
            facingWorldInv.Transpose(); // We want the transpose/inverse of the facing transform because we want to transform the movement into 'facing space'.

            return BepuConverter.Convert(SpaceUtils.TransformVec2(SpaceUtils.TransformVec2(result, velocityWorld), facingWorldInv));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the list of ConvexCollidable's and Entities inside or touching the specified sphere.
        /// Result does not include static geometry and non-entity physical objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world"></param>
        /// <param name="origin"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<Entity> WeaponOverlap( Vector3 origin, float radius, Entity entToSkip )
            BU.BoundingSphere	sphere		= new BU.BoundingSphere(MathConverter.Convert(origin), radius);
            SphereShape			sphereShape = new SphereShape(radius);
            BU.Vector3			zeroSweep	= BU.Vector3.Zero;
            BU.RigidTransform	rigidXForm	= new BU.RigidTransform( MathConverter.Convert(origin) );

            var candidates = PhysicsResources.GetBroadPhaseEntryList();
            physSpace.BroadPhase.QueryAccelerator.BroadPhase.QueryAccelerator.GetEntries(sphere, candidates);

            var result = new List<Entity>();

            foreach ( var candidate in candidates )	{

                BU.RayHit rayHit;
                bool r = candidate.ConvexCast( sphereShape, ref rigidXForm, ref zeroSweep, out rayHit );

                if (r) {

                    var collidable	=	candidate as ConvexCollidable;
                    var entity		=	collidable==null ? null : collidable.Entity.Tag as Entity;

                    if (collidable==null) continue;
                    if (entity==null) continue;

                    result.Add( entity );

            result.RemoveAll( e => e == entToSkip );

            return result;
Beispiel #11
 public void PreHandleSpawn()
     model = TheClient.Models.GetModel(mod);
     int ignoreme;
     if (mode == ModelCollisionMode.PRECISE)
         Shape = TheClient.Models.Handler.MeshToBepu(model.Original, out ignoreme);
     else if (mode == ModelCollisionMode.CONVEXHULL)
         Shape = TheClient.Models.Handler.MeshToBepuConvex(model.Original, out ignoreme);
     else if (mode == ModelCollisionMode.AABB)
         List<BEPUutilities.Vector3> vecs = TheClient.Models.Handler.GetCollisionVertices(model.Original);
         Location zero = new Location(vecs[0]);
         AABB abox = new AABB() { Min = zero, Max = zero };
         for (int v = 1; v < vecs.Count; v++)
             abox.Include(new Location(vecs[v]));
         Location size = abox.Max - abox.Min;
         Location center = abox.Max - size / 2;
         Shape = new BoxShape((float)size.X * (float)scale.X, (float)size.Y * (float)scale.Y, (float)size.Z * (float)scale.Z);
         Offset = -center;
         List<BEPUutilities.Vector3> vecs = TheClient.Models.Handler.GetCollisionVertices(model.Original);
         // Location zero = new Location(vecs[0].X, vecs[0].Y, vecs[0].Z);
         double distSq = 0;
         for (int v = 1; v < vecs.Count; v++)
             if (vecs[v].LengthSquared() > distSq)
                 distSq = vecs[v].LengthSquared();
         double size = Math.Sqrt(distSq);
         Offset = Location.Zero;
         Shape = new SphereShape((float)size * (float)scale.X);
Beispiel #12
 public override void SpawnBody()
     Model smod = TheServer.Models.GetModel(model);
     if (smod == null) // TODO: smod should return a cube when all else fails?
         // TODO: Make it safe to -> TheRegion.DespawnEntity(this);
     Model3D smodel = smod.Original;
     if (smodel == null) // TODO: smodel should return a cube when all else fails?
         // TODO: Make it safe to -> TheRegion.DespawnEntity(this);
     if (mode == ModelCollisionMode.PRECISE)
         Shape = TheServer.Models.handler.MeshToBepu(smodel, out modelVerts); // TODO: Scale!
     if (mode == ModelCollisionMode.CONVEXHULL)
         Shape = TheServer.Models.handler.MeshToBepuConvex(smodel, out modelVerts); // TODO: Scale!
     else if (mode == ModelCollisionMode.AABB)
         List<BEPUutilities.Vector3> vecs = TheServer.Models.handler.GetCollisionVertices(smodel);
         Location zero = new Location(vecs[0]);
         AABB abox = new AABB() { Min = zero, Max = zero };
         for (int v = 1; v < vecs.Count; v++)
             abox.Include(new Location(vecs[v]));
         Location size = abox.Max - abox.Min;
         Location center = abox.Max - size / 2;
         offset = -center;
         Shape = new BoxShape((double)size.X * (double)scale.X, (double)size.Y * (double)scale.Y, (double)size.Z * (double)scale.Z);
         List<BEPUutilities.Vector3> vecs = TheServer.Models.handler.GetCollisionVertices(smodel);
         double distSq = 0;
         for (int v = 1; v < vecs.Count; v++)
             if (vecs[v].LengthSquared() > distSq)
                 distSq = vecs[v].LengthSquared();
         double size = Math.Sqrt(distSq);
         offset = Location.Zero;
         Shape = new SphereShape((double)size * (double)scale.X);
     if (mode == ModelCollisionMode.PRECISE)
         offset = InternalOffset;