Beispiel #1
        public double GetScore(Type CustomizationType, StoredBoardState.BoardScoringRuleData Rules)
            //Gamehandler types should have an attribute that points to another type implementing the IGameScoringHandler interface. That will accept a board state
            //and provide the score.

            var scoreattributes = CustomizationType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GameScoringHandlerAttribute), true);

            if (scoreattributes.Length > 0)
                //take the first one.
                GameScoringHandlerAttribute attrib = scoreattributes.First() as GameScoringHandlerAttribute;
                return(attrib.Handler.CalculateScore(Rules, this));

            throw new TypeLoadException("Failed to find GameScoringHandler for type " + CustomizationType.GetType().ToString());
            //calculate the "value" of this state.
            //we need:
            //number of completed rows/lines
            //Aggregate Height (sum of the height of the highest block in each column)
            //Holes- where we have null blocks with non-null blocks above it.
            //bumpiness: sum of the absolute differences of the heights of each adjacent column

             * int Rows = GetCompletedLines();
             * int Aggregate = GetAggregateHeight();
             * int Holes = GetHoles();
             * int Bumpy = GetBumpiness();
             * int Crevice = GetCrevasses();
             * //Debug.Print("Rows=" + Rows + " Aggregate=" + Aggregate + " Holes=" + Holes + " Bumps=" + Bumpy);
             * //double a = -0.610066f;
             * //double b = 0.760666;
             * //double c = -0.55663;
             * ////double d = -.184483;
             * //double d = -.384483;
             * double CreviceScore = (Rules.CrevasseScore * (double)Crevice);
             * return (Rules.AggregateHeightScore * (double)Aggregate) +
             *     (Rules.RowScore * (double)Rows) +
             *     (Rules.HoleScore * (double)Holes) +
             *     (Rules.BumpinessScore * (double)Bumpy) +
             *      CreviceScore;

            /*a = -0.510066
             * b = 0.760666
             * c = -0.35663
             * d = -0.184483
             * a+AggregateHeight+b*completelines+c*holes+d*bumpiness*/
        public double CalculateScore(StoredBoardState.BoardScoringRuleData data, StoredBoardState state)
            StoredBoardState.DrMarioScoringRuleData dat = data as StoredBoardState.DrMarioScoringRuleData;

            var FieldColumnScore = GetFieldColumnScore(dat, state);

            Debug.Print("Field Column Score:" + FieldColumnScore);
            double MassScore = 0;

            foreach (var iterate in FindMasses(dat, state))
                int    VirusCount = (from c in iterate.MassContents where c is LineSeriesPrimaryBlock select c).Count();
                double AddScore   = ((double)VirusCount) * dat.MasterBlockMassValue + iterate.MassSize;
                MassScore += AddScore;
            return(FieldColumnScore + MassScore); //basically random, I think.
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #3
        public static IEnumerable <StoredBoardState> GetPossibleResults(NominoBlock[][] Source, Nomino bg, StoredBoardState.BoardScoringRuleData rules)
            //Debug.Print("Calculating possible results:" + Source.Sum((u)=>u.Count((y)=>y!=null)) + " Non null entries.");
            for (int useRotation = 0; useRotation < 4; useRotation++)
                for (int x = -5; x < Source[0].Length + 5; x++)
                    if (rules.StupidFactor < 1)
                        if (TetrisGame.rgen.NextDouble() < rules.StupidFactor)
                    Nomino cloneFor = new Nomino(bg);
                    foreach (var resetblock in cloneFor)
                        resetblock.Block = new StandardColouredBlock();

                    int XOffset = x - bg.X;
                    StoredBoardState BuildState = new StoredBoardState(Source, cloneFor, XOffset, useRotation);
                    if (!BuildState.InvalidState)
                        yield return(BuildState);