Beispiel #1
Datei: Doc.cs Projekt: azist/azos
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to perform dynamic substitute of field def for the specified field.
 /// This method is used by client ui/scaffolding to extract dynamic definition for a field
 /// (i.e. field description, requirement, value list etc.) as dictated by business logic.
 /// This method IS NOT used by doc validation, only by client that feeds from doc metadata.
 /// The default implementation returns the original field def, you can return a substituted field def
 ///  for a specific business logic need
 /// </summary>
 public virtual Schema.FieldDef GetClientFieldDef(Schema.FieldDef fdef,
                                                  string targetName,
                                                  Atom isoLang)
Beispiel #2
Datei: Doc.cs Projekt: azist/azos
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to perform dynamic substitute of field value for the specified field.
 /// This method is used by client ui/scaffolding to extract field values for a field as dictated by business logic.
 /// This method IS NOT used by doc validation, only by client that feeds from doc metadata.
 /// The default implementation returns the original GetFieldValue(fdef), you can return a substituted field value
 ///  per particular business logic
 /// </summary>
 public virtual object GetClientFieldValue(Schema.FieldDef fdef,
                                           string targetName,
                                           Atom isoLang)
Beispiel #3
Datei: Doc.cs Projekt: azist/azos
        private bool isFieldDefLoaded(string target, Schema.FieldDef def)
            var atr = def[target];

            return((atr == null) ? true : (atr.StoreFlag == StoreFlag.LoadAndStore || atr.StoreFlag == StoreFlag.OnlyLoad));
Beispiel #4
Datei: Doc.cs Projekt: azist/azos
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to get a list of permissible field values for the specified field for the specified target.
 /// This method is used by validation to extract dynamic pick list entries form data stores
 /// as dictated by business logic. The override must be efficient and typically rely on caching of
 /// values gotten from the datastore. This method should NOT return more than a manageable limited number of records (e.g. less than 100)
 /// in a single form drop-down/combo, as the large lookups are expected to be implemented using complex lookup models (e.g. dialog boxes in UI).
 /// Return a null to indicate an absence of a value list for the specified field.
 /// Return an empty JsonDataMap to indicate that dynamic value list is present, but there is nothing to check against - this is used to
 /// override a static fdef.ValueList which would be enforced otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual JsonDataMap GetDynamicFieldValueList(Schema.FieldDef fdef,
                                                     string targetName,
                                                     Atom isoLang)
Beispiel #5
 public override void SetFieldValue(Schema.FieldDef fdef, object value)
     value = ConvertFieldValueToDef(fdef, value);
     fdef.SetPropertyValue(this, value);
Beispiel #6
        private void field(string targetName, Schema.FieldDef def, IMetadataGenerator context, ConfigSectionNode data, TypedDoc doc)
            var fname = def.GetBackendNameForTarget(targetName, out var fatr);

            if (fatr == null)

            if (context.DetailLevel > MetadataDetailLevel.Public)
                data.AddAttributeNode("prop-name", def.Name);
                data.AddAttributeNode("prop-type", def.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName);
                data.AddAttributeNode("non-ui", fatr.NonUI);
                data.AddAttributeNode("is-arow", fatr.IsArow);
                data.AddAttributeNode("store-flag", fatr.StoreFlag);
                data.AddAttributeNode("backend-type", fatr.BackendType);

                //try to disclose ALL metadata (as we are above PUBLIC)
                if (fatr.Metadata != null && fatr.Metadata.Exists)
                    var metad = data.AddChildNode("meta");
            else //try to disclose pub-only metadata
                var pubSection = context.PublicMetadataSection;
                if (fatr.Metadata != null && pubSection.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    var metasrc = fatr.Metadata[pubSection];//<-- pub metadata only
                    if (metasrc.Exists)
                        var metad = data.AddChildNode("meta");

            data.AddAttributeNode("name", fname);
            data.AddAttributeNode("type", context.AddTypeToDescribe(def.Type));
            data.AddAttributeNode("order", def.Order);

            if (fatr.Description.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                data.AddAttributeNode("description", fatr.Description);
            data.AddAttributeNode("key", fatr.Key);

            data.AddAttributeNode("kind", fatr.Kind);

            data.AddAttributeNode("required", fatr.Required);
            data.AddAttributeNode("visible", fatr.Required);
            data.AddAttributeNode("case", fatr.CharCase);
            if (fatr.Default != null)
                data.AddAttributeNode("default", fatr.Default);
            if (fatr.DisplayFormat.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                data.AddAttributeNode("display-format", fatr.DisplayFormat);
            if (fatr.FormatRegExp.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                data.AddAttributeNode("format-reg-exp", fatr.FormatRegExp);
            if (fatr.FormatDescription.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                data.AddAttributeNode("format-description", fatr.FormatDescription);
            if (fatr.Max != null)
                data.AddAttributeNode("max", fatr.Max);
            if (fatr.Min != null)
                data.AddAttributeNode("min", fatr.Min);
            if (fatr.MinLength > 0 || fatr.MaxLength > 0)
                data.AddAttributeNode("min-len", fatr.MinLength);
            if (fatr.MinLength > 0 || fatr.MaxLength > 0)
                data.AddAttributeNode("max-len", fatr.MaxLength);

            //add values from field attribute .ValueList property
            var nvlist = new Lazy <ConfigSectionNode>(() => data.AddChildNode("value-list"));

            if (fatr.HasValueList)
                fatr.ParseValueList().ForEach(item => nvlist.Value.AddAttributeNode(item.Key, item.Value));

            //if doc!=null call doc.GetClientFieldValueList on the instance to get values from Database lookups etc...
            if (doc != null)
                var lookup = doc.GetDynamicFieldValueList(def, targetName, Atom.ZERO);
                if (lookup != null)//non-null blank lookup is treated as blank lookup overshadowing the hard-coded choices from .ValueList
                    if (nvlist.IsValueCreated)

                    lookup.ForEach(item => nvlist.Value.AddAttributeNode(item.Key, item.Value));
Beispiel #7
        protected virtual Exception CheckValueLength(string targetName, Schema.FieldDef fdef, FieldAttribute atr, object value, string scope)
            if (atr.MinLength < 1 && atr.MaxLength < 1)

            if (value is ILengthCheck lc)
                if (atr.MinLength > 0 && !lc.CheckMinLength(targetName, atr.MinLength))
                    return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.DisplayName, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_MIN_LENGTH_ERROR.Args(atr.MinLength)));

                if (atr.MaxLength > 0 && !lc.CheckMaxLength(targetName, atr.MaxLength))
                    return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.DisplayName, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH_ERROR.Args(atr.MaxLength)));


            var isString = value is string;
            var eobj     = value as IEnumerable;
            var ecount   = !isString && eobj != null?eobj.Cast <object>().Count() : -1;

            if (atr.MinLength > 0)
                if (ecount >= 0)
                    if (ecount < atr.MinLength)
                        return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.DisplayName, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_MIN_LENGTH_ERROR.Args(atr.MinLength)));
                    if (value.ToString().Length < atr.MinLength)
                        return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.DisplayName, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_MIN_LENGTH_ERROR.Args(atr.MinLength)));

            if (atr.MaxLength > 0)
                if (ecount >= 0)
                    if (ecount > atr.MaxLength)
                        return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.DisplayName, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH_ERROR.Args(atr.MaxLength)));
                    if (value.ToString().Length > atr.MaxLength)
                        return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.DisplayName, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH_ERROR.Args(atr.MaxLength)));

Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets value of the field, for typeddocs it accesses property using reflection/lambda; for dynamic rows it sets data into
 ///  row buffer array using field index(order)
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void SetFieldValue(Schema.FieldDef fdef, object value);
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to perform dynamic lookup of field value list for the specified field.
 /// This method is used by client ui/scaffolding to extract dynamic lookup values
 /// as dictated by business logic. This method IS NOT used by doc validation, only by client
 /// that feeds from doc metadata.
 /// This is a simplified version of GetClientFieldDef
 /// </summary>
 public virtual JSONDataMap GetClientFieldValueList(Schema.FieldDef fdef,
                                                    string targetName,
                                                    string isoLang)
Beispiel #10
        protected virtual (bool hasValue, Exception error) CheckValueRequired(string targetName, Schema.FieldDef fdef, FieldAttribute atr, object value, string scope)
            var missing =
                (value == null) ||
                (value is string strv && strv.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) || //string null, or whitespace are treated as missing
                (value is IRequiredCheck ireq && !ireq.CheckRequired(targetName));

            if (missing)
                if (atr.Required)
                    return(false, new FieldValidationException(Schema.DisplayName, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_REQUIRED_ERROR));

                return(false, null); //no other validations are needed as field is null anyway

            return(true, null);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates row field using Schema.FieldDef settings.
        /// This method is invoked by base Validate() implementation.
        /// The method is not expected to throw exception in case of failed validation, rather return exception instance because
        ///  throwing exception really hampers validation performance when many rows need to be validated
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Exception ValidateField(string targetName, Schema.FieldDef fdef)
            if (fdef == null)
                throw new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name,
                                                   StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + ".ValidateField(fdef=null)");

            var atr = fdef[targetName];

            if (atr == null)

            var value = GetFieldValue(fdef);

            if (value == null ||
                (value is string && ((string)value).IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) ||
                (value is GDID && ((GDID)value).IsZero)
                if (atr.Required)
                    return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_REQUIRED_ERROR));


            if (value is IValidatable)

            var enumerableIValidatable = value as IEnumerable <IValidatable>;

            if (enumerableIValidatable != null)//List<IValidatable>, IValidatable[]
                foreach (var v in enumerableIValidatable)
                    if (v == null)
                    var error = v.Validate(targetName);
                    if (error != null)

            var enumerableKVP = value as IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, IValidatable> >;

            if (enumerableKVP != null)//Dictionary<string, IValidatable>
                foreach (var kv in enumerableKVP)
                    var v = kv.Value;
                    if (v == null)
                    var error = v.Validate(targetName);
                    if (error != null)

            if (atr.HasValueList)//check dictionary
                var parsed = atr.ParseValueList();
                if (isSimpleKeyStringMap(parsed))
                    if (!parsed.ContainsKey(value.ToString()))
                        return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_IS_NOT_IN_LIST_ERROR));

            if (atr.MinLength > 0)
                if (value.ToString().Length < atr.MinLength)
                    return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_MIN_LENGTH_ERROR));

            if (atr.MaxLength > 0)
                if (value.ToString().Length > atr.MaxLength)
                    return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH_ERROR));

            if (atr.Kind == DataKind.ScreenName)
                if (!Azos.Text.DataEntryUtils.CheckScreenName(value.ToString()))
                    return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_SCREEN_NAME_ERROR));
            else if (atr.Kind == DataKind.EMail)
                if (!Azos.Text.DataEntryUtils.CheckEMail(value.ToString()))
                    return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_EMAIL_ERROR));
            else if (atr.Kind == DataKind.Telephone)
                if (!Azos.Text.DataEntryUtils.CheckTelephone(value.ToString()))
                    return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name, fdef.Name, StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_PHONE_ERROR));

            if (value is IComparable)
                var error = CheckMinMax(atr, fdef.Name, (IComparable)value);
                if (error != null)

            if (atr.FormatRegExp.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                //For those VERY RARE cases when RegExpFormat may need to be applied to complex types, i.e. StringBuilder
                //set the flag in metadata to true, otherwise regexp gets matched only for STRINGS
                var complex = atr.Metadata == null? false
                                            : atr.Metadata
                if (complex || value is string)
                    if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(value.ToString(), atr.FormatRegExp))
                        return(new FieldValidationException(Schema.Name, fdef.Name,
                                                            StringConsts.CRUD_FIELD_VALUE_REGEXP_ERROR.Args(atr.FormatDescription ?? "Input format: {0}".Args(atr.FormatRegExp))));

Beispiel #12
        private void field(Schema.FieldDef def, IMetadataGenerator context, ConfigSectionNode data, TypedDoc doc)
            var fname = def.GetBackendNameForTarget(context.DataTargetName, out var fatr);

            if (fatr == null)

            if (context.DetailLevel > MetadataDetailLevel.Public)
                data.AddAttributeNode("prop-name", def.Name);
                data.AddAttributeNode("prop-type", def.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName);
                data.AddAttributeNode("non-ui", fatr.NonUI);
                data.AddAttributeNode("is-arow", fatr.IsArow);
                data.AddAttributeNode("store-flag", fatr.StoreFlag);
                data.AddAttributeNode("backend-type", fatr.BackendType);
                if (fatr.Metadata != null)

            data.AddAttributeNode("name", fname);
            data.AddAttributeNode("type", context.AddTypeToDescribe(def.Type));
            data.AddAttributeNode("order", def.Order);

            if (fatr.Description.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                data.AddAttributeNode("description", fatr.Description);
            data.AddAttributeNode("key", fatr.Key);

            if (def.Type == typeof(string))
                data.AddAttributeNode("kind", fatr.Kind);

            data.AddAttributeNode("required", fatr.Required);
            data.AddAttributeNode("visible", fatr.Required);
            data.AddAttributeNode("case", fatr.CharCase);
            if (fatr.Default != null)
                data.AddAttributeNode("default", fatr.Default);
            if (fatr.DisplayFormat.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                data.AddAttributeNode("display-format", fatr.DisplayFormat);
            if (fatr.FormatRegExp.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                data.AddAttributeNode("format-reg-exp", fatr.FormatRegExp);
            if (fatr.FormatDescription.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                data.AddAttributeNode("format-description", fatr.FormatDescription);
            if (fatr.Max != null)
                data.AddAttributeNode("max", fatr.Max);
            if (fatr.Min != null)
                data.AddAttributeNode("min", fatr.Min);
            if (fatr.MinLength > 0 || fatr.MaxLength > 0)
                data.AddAttributeNode("min-len", fatr.MinLength);
            if (fatr.MinLength > 0 || fatr.MaxLength > 0)
                data.AddAttributeNode("max-len", fatr.MaxLength);

            //add values from field attribute .ValueList property
            var nvlist = new Lazy <ConfigSectionNode>(() => data.AddChildNode("value-list"));

            if (fatr.HasValueList)
                fatr.ParseValueList().ForEach(item => nvlist.Value.AddAttributeNode(item.Key, item.Value));

            //if doc!=null call doc.GetClientFieldValueList on the instance to get values from Database lookups etc...
            if (doc != null)
                var lookup = doc.GetClientFieldValueList(def, context.DataTargetName, null);
                if (lookup != null)
                    lookup.ForEach(item => nvlist.Value.AddAttributeNode(item.Key, item.Value));
Beispiel #13
 internal FieldDescriptor(string name, Schema.FieldDef def, FieldAttribute atr)
     TargetFieldName = name;
     FieldDef        = def;
     Attr            = atr;
Beispiel #14
Datei: Doc.cs Projekt: azist/azos
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to perform custom transformation of value/add extra values to JSON output map.
 /// For example, this is used to normalize phone numbers by adding a field with `_normalized` suffix to every field containing a phone.
 /// Default base implementation just writes value into named map key. FieldDef is null for amorphous fields
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void AddJsonSerializerField(Schema.FieldDef def, JsonWritingOptions options, Dictionary <string, object> jsonMap, string name, object value)
     jsonMap[name] = value;
Beispiel #15
 protected string GetInnerScope(Schema.FieldDef fdef, string scope) => scope.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? fdef.Name : scope + "." + fdef.Name;
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets value of the field, for typeddocs it accesses property using reflection; for dynamic rows it reads data from
 ///  row buffer array using field index(order)
 /// </summary>
 public abstract object GetFieldValue(Schema.FieldDef fdef);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates document field using Schema.FieldDef settings.
        /// This method is invoked by base Validate() implementation.
        /// The method is not expected to throw exception in case of failed validation, rather return exception instance because
        ///  throwing exception really impedes validation performance when many document instances need to be validated
        /// </summary>
        public virtual ValidState ValidateField(ValidState state, Schema.FieldDef fdef, string scope = null)
            if (fdef == null)
                throw new FieldValidationException(Schema.DisplayName,
                                                   StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + ".ValidateField(fdef=null)");

            var atr = fdef[state.TargetName];

            if (atr == null)
                return(state);     //not found per target
            var value = GetFieldValue(fdef);

            var(hasValue, error) = CheckValueRequired(state.TargetName, fdef, atr, value, scope);
            if (error != null)
                return(new ValidState(state, error));
            if (!hasValue)
                return(state);    //nothing else left to check
            state = CheckValueIValidatable(state, fdef, atr, value, scope);
            if (state.ShouldStop)

            error = CheckValueLength(state.TargetName, fdef, atr, value, scope);
            if (error != null)
                state = new ValidState(state, error);
                if (state.ShouldStop)

            error = CheckValueKind(state.TargetName, fdef, atr, value, scope);
            if (error != null)
                state = new ValidState(state, error);
                if (state.ShouldStop)

            error = CheckValueMinMax(state.TargetName, fdef, atr, value, scope);
            if (error != null)
                state = new ValidState(state, error);
                if (state.ShouldStop)

            error = CheckValueRegExp(state.TargetName, fdef, atr, value, scope);
            if (error != null)
                state = new ValidState(state, error);
                if (state.ShouldStop)

            //this is at the end as ValueList check might induce a database call  to get a pick list (when it is not cached)
            error = CheckValueList(state.TargetName, fdef, atr, value, scope);
            if (error != null)
                state = new ValidState(state, error);
                if (state.ShouldStop)

Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts field value to the type specified by Schema.FieldDef. For example converts GDID->ulong or ulong->GDID.
        /// This method can be overridden to perform custom handling of types,
        ///  for example one can assign bool field as "Si" that would convert to TRUE.
        /// This method is called by SetFieldValue(...) before assigning actual field buffer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fdef">Field being converted</param>
        /// <param name="value">Value to convert</param>
        /// <returns>Converted value before assignment to field buffer</returns>
        public virtual object ConvertFieldValueToDef(Schema.FieldDef fdef, object value)
            if (value == DBNull.Value)
                value = null;

            if (value == null)

            var tv = value.GetType();

            if (tv != fdef.NonNullableType && !fdef.NonNullableType.IsAssignableFrom(tv))
                if (value is ObjectValueConversion.TriStateBool)
                    var tsb = (ObjectValueConversion.TriStateBool)value;
                    if (tsb == ObjectValueConversion.TriStateBool.Unspecified)
                        value = null;
                        value = tsb == ObjectValueConversion.TriStateBool.True;


                if (fdef.NonNullableType == typeof(ObjectValueConversion.TriStateBool))
                    var nb = value.AsNullableBool();
                    if (!nb.HasValue)
                        value = ObjectValueConversion.TriStateBool.Unspecified;
                        value = nb.Value ? ObjectValueConversion.TriStateBool.True : ObjectValueConversion.TriStateBool.False;


                // 20150224 DKh, addedEra to GDID. Only GDIDS with ERA=0 can be converted to/from INT64
                if (fdef.NonNullableType == typeof(GDID))
                    if (tv == typeof(byte[]))//20151103 DKh GDID support for byte[]
                        value = new GDID((byte[])value);
                    else if (tv == typeof(string))//20160504 Spol GDID support for string
                        var sv = (string)value;
                        if (sv.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                            value = GDID.Parse((string)value);
                            value = fdef.Type == typeof(GDID?) ? (GDID?)null : GDID.ZERO;
                        value = new GDID(0, (UInt64)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(UInt64)));


                if (tv == typeof(GDID))
                    if (fdef.NonNullableType == typeof(byte[]))
                        value = ((GDID)value).Bytes;
                    else if (fdef.NonNullableType == typeof(string))
                        value = value.ToString();
                        var gdid = (GDID)value;
                        if (gdid.Era != 0)
                            throw new DataException(StringConsts.CRUD_GDID_ERA_CONVERSION_ERROR.Args(fdef.Name, fdef.NonNullableType.Name));
                        value = gdid.ID;


                // 20161026 Serge: handle values of enumerated field types
                if (fdef.NonNullableType.IsEnum)
                    value = value.AsString().AsType(fdef.NonNullableType);

                value = Convert.ChangeType(value, fdef.NonNullableType);
            }//Types Differ

Beispiel #19
 public override void SetFieldValue(Schema.FieldDef fdef, object value)
     value = ConvertFieldValueToDef(fdef, value);
     m_Data[fdef.Order] = value;