Support for loading and extracting data from a Quake3 level file.
This class implements the required methods for opening Quake3 level files and extracting the pertinent data within. Ogre supports BSP based levels through it's own BspLevel class, which is not specific to any file format, so this class is here to source that data from the Quake3 format.

Quake3 levels include far more than just data for rendering - typically the leaves of the tree are used for rendering, and brushes, are used to define convex hulls made of planes for collision detection. There are also entities which define non-visual elements like player start points, triggers etc and models which are used for movable scenery like doors and platforms. Shaders meanwhile are textures with extra effects and 'content flags' indicating special properties like water or lava.

I will try to support as much of this as I can in Ogre, but I won't duplicate the structure or necesarily use the same terminology. Quake3 is designed for a very specific purpose and code structure, whereas Ogre is designed to be more flexible, so for example I'm likely to separate game-related properties like surface flags from the generics of materials in my implementation.

This is a utility class only - a single call to loadFromChunk should be enough. You should not expect the state of this object to be consistent between calls, since it uses pointers to memory which may no longer be valid after the original call. This is why it has no accessor methods for reading it's internal state.
Beispiel #1
        private void LoadLevelFaces(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            // Faces
            leafFaceGroups = new int[q3lvl.LeafFaces.Length];
            Array.Copy(q3lvl.LeafFaces, 0, leafFaceGroups, 0, leafFaceGroups.Length);

            faceGroups = new BspStaticFaceGroup[q3lvl.Faces.Length];

            // Set up index buffer
            // NB Quake3 indexes are 32-bit
            // Copy the indexes into a software area for staging
            numIndexes = q3lvl.NumElements + patchIndexCount;

            // Create an index buffer manually in system memory, allow space for patches
            indexes = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateIndexBuffer(

            // Write main indexes
            indexes.WriteData(0, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(uint)) * q3lvl.NumElements, q3lvl.Elements, true);
Beispiel #2
        private void CreateLeaves(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            for (int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumLeaves; ++i)
                BspNode         node   = nodes[i + this.LeafStart];
                InternalBspLeaf q3leaf = q3lvl.Leaves[i];

                node.IsLeaf = true;
                node.Owner  = this;

                // Set bounding box
                node.BoundingBox.Minimum = new Vector3(
                node.BoundingBox.Maximum = new Vector3(

                // Set faces
                node.FaceGroupStart = q3leaf.faceStart;
                node.NumFaceGroups  = q3leaf.faceCount;
                node.VisCluster     = q3leaf.cluster;

                // Load Brushes for this leaf
                int realBrushIdx = 0, solidIdx = 0;
                int brushCount = q3leaf.brushCount;
                int brushIdx   = q3leaf.brushStart;

                node.SolidBrushes = new BspBrush[brushCount];

                while (brushCount-- > 0)
                    realBrushIdx = q3lvl.LeafBrushes[brushIdx];
                    InternalBspBrush q3brush = q3lvl.Brushes[realBrushIdx];

                    // Only load solid ones, we don't care about any other types
                    // Shader determines this.
                    InternalBspShader brushShader = q3lvl.Shaders[q3brush.shaderIndex];

                    if ((brushShader.contentFlags & ContentFlags.Solid) == ContentFlags.Solid)
                        node.SolidBrushes[solidIdx] = brushes[realBrushIdx];

Beispiel #3
        public void InitQuake3Patches(Quake3Level q3lvl, VertexDeclaration decl)
            int face;

            patchVertexCount = 0;
            patchIndexCount  = 0;

            // We're just building the patch here to get a hold on the size of the mesh
            // although we'll reuse this information later
            face = q3lvl.NumFaces;

            while (face-- > 0)
                InternalBspFace src = q3lvl.Faces[face];

                if (src.type == BspFaceType.Patch)
                    // Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0?
                    if ((src.vertCount == 0) || (src.meshCtrl[0] == 0))

                    PatchSurface ps = new PatchSurface();

                    // Set up control points & format.
                    // Reuse the vertex declaration.
                    // Copy control points into a buffer so we can convert their format.
                    BspVertex[]     controlPoints = new BspVertex[src.vertCount];
                    TextureLightMap texLightMap;

                    for (int v = 0; v < src.vertCount; v++)
                        QuakeVertexToBspVertex(q3lvl.Vertices[src.vertStart + v], out controlPoints[v], out texLightMap);

                    // Define the surface, but don't build it yet (no vertex / index buffer)

                    // Get stats
                    patchVertexCount += ps.RequiredVertexCount;
                    patchIndexCount  += ps.RequiredIndexCount;

                    // Save the surface for later
                    patches.Add(face, ps);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        ///		Generic load - called by <see cref="Plugin_BSPSceneManager.BspResourceManager"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Load()
            Hashtable options = SceneManagerEnumerator.Instance.GetSceneManager(SceneType.Interior).Options;

            if (options.ContainsKey("SetYAxisUp"))
                bspOptions.setYAxisUp = (bool)options["SetYAxisUp"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("Scale"))
                bspOptions.scale = (float)options["Scale"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("Move"))
                bspOptions.move = (Vector3)options["Move"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("UseLightmaps"))
                bspOptions.useLightmaps = (bool)options["UseLightmaps"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("AmbientEnabled"))
                bspOptions.ambientEnabled = (bool)options["AmbientEnabled"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("AmbientRatio"))
                bspOptions.ambientRatio = (float)options["AmbientRatio"];

            Quake3Level q3 = new Quake3Level(bspOptions);

            Stream chunk = BspResourceManager.Instance.FindResourceData(name);


            isLoaded = true;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        ///		/** Internal utility function for loading data from Quake3.
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadQuake3Level(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            SceneManager sm = SceneManagerEnumerator.Instance.GetSceneManager(SceneType.Interior);





            // now build patch information
            BuildQuake3Patches(q3lvl.NumVertices, q3lvl.NumElements);

            // Create materials for shaders
            CreateShaderMaterials(q3lvl, sm);

            // Nodes

            // Brushes

            // Leaves

            // Vis - just copy
            visData.numClusters = q3lvl.VisData.clusterCount;
            visData.rowLength   = q3lvl.VisData.rowSize;
            visData.tableData   = new byte[q3lvl.VisData.rowSize * q3lvl.VisData.clusterCount];

            Array.Copy(, 0, visData.tableData, 0, visData.tableData.Length);
Beispiel #6
        private void CreateBrushes(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            // Reserve enough memory for all brushes, solid or not (need to maintain indexes)
            brushes = new BspBrush[q3lvl.NumBrushes];

            for (int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumBrushes; i++)
                InternalBspBrush q3brush = q3lvl.Brushes[i];

                // Create a new OGRE brush
                BspBrush brush         = new BspBrush();
                int      numBrushSides = q3brush.numSides;
                int      brushSideIdx  = q3brush.firstSide;

                // Iterate over the sides and create plane for each
                while (numBrushSides-- > 0)
                    InternalBspPlane side = q3lvl.Planes[q3lvl.BrushSides[brushSideIdx].planeNum];

                    // Notice how we normally invert Q3A plane distances, but here we do not
                    // Because we want plane normals pointing out of solid brushes, not in.
                    Plane brushSide = new Plane(
                        new Vector3(
                            ), q3lvl.Planes[q3lvl.BrushSides[brushSideIdx].planeNum].distance);


                // Build world fragment
                brush.Fragment.FragmentType = WorldFragmentType.PlaneBoundedRegion;
                brush.Fragment.Planes       = brush.Planes;

                brushes[i] = brush;
        private BspStaticFaceGroup CopyShaderFaceData(Quake3Level q3lvl, int face, Material shadMat, int shadIdx)
            BspStaticFaceGroup dest = new BspStaticFaceGroup();
            InternalBspFace src = q3lvl.Faces[face];

            if((q3lvl.Shaders[src.shader].surfaceFlags & SurfaceFlags.Sky) == SurfaceFlags.Sky)
                dest.isSky = true;
                dest.isSky = false;

            dest.materialHandle = shadMat.Handle;
            dest.elementStart = src.elemStart;
            dest.numElements = src.elemCount;
            dest.numVertices = src.vertCount;
            dest.vertexStart = src.vertStart;
            dest.plane = new Plane();

            if (Quake3ShaderManager.Instance.GetByName(q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name) != null)
                // it's a quake shader
                dest.isQuakeShader = true;

            if(src.type == BspFaceType.Normal)
                dest.type = FaceGroup.FaceList;

                // Assign plane
                dest.plane.Normal = new Vector3(
                dest.plane.D = -dest.plane.Normal.Dot(
                               	new Vector3(

                // Don't rebase indexes here - Quake3 re-uses some indexes for multiple vertex
                // groups eg repeating small details have the same relative vertex data but
                // use the same index data.
            else if(src.type == BspFaceType.Patch)
                // Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0?
                if((dest.numVertices == 0) || (src.meshCtrl[0] == 0))
                    dest.type = FaceGroup.Unknown;
                    // Set up patch surface
                    dest.type = FaceGroup.Patch;

                    // Locate the patch we already built
                        throw new AxiomException("Patch not found from previous built state.");

                    dest.patchSurf = (PatchSurface) patches[face];
            else if(src.type == BspFaceType.Mesh)
                dest.type = FaceGroup.FaceList;

                // Assign plane
                dest.plane.Normal = new Vector3(src.normal[0], src.normal[1], src.normal[2]);
                dest.plane.D = -dest.plane.Normal.Dot(new Vector3([0],[1],[2]));
                LogManager.Instance.Write("!!! Unknown face type !!!");
            return dest;
        /// <summary>
        ///		/** Internal utility function for loading data from Quake3.
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadQuake3Level(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            SceneManager sm = SceneManagerEnumerator.Instance.GetSceneManager(SceneType.Interior);




            // now build patch information
            BuildQuake3Patches(q3lvl.NumVertices, q3lvl.NumElements);

            // Create materials for shaders
            CreateShaderMaterials(q3lvl, sm);

            // Nodes

            // Brushes

            // Leaves

            // Vis - just copy
            visData.numClusters = q3lvl.VisData.clusterCount;
            visData.rowLength = q3lvl.VisData.rowSize;
            visData.tableData = new byte[q3lvl.VisData.rowSize * q3lvl.VisData.clusterCount];

            Array.Copy(, 0, visData.tableData, 0, visData.tableData.Length);
        /// <summary>
        ///		Internal method for parsing chosen entities.
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadEntities(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            Vector3 origin = new Vector3();
            float angle = 0;
            bool isPlayerStart = false;
            string[] entities = q3lvl.Entities.Split('\n');

            for(int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                // Remove whitespace and quotes.
                entities[i] = entities[i].Trim().Replace("\"", "");

                if(entities[i].Length == 0)

                string[] paramList = entities[i].Split(' ');

                if(paramList[0] == "origin")
                    float[] vector = new float[3];
                    for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                        vector[v] = StringConverter.ParseFloat(paramList[v + 1]);


                    origin = new Vector3(vector[0], vector[1], vector[2]);

                if(paramList[0] == "angle")
                    angle = StringConverter.ParseFloat(paramList[1]);

                if((paramList[0] == "classname") && (paramList[1] == "info_player_deathmatch"))
                    isPlayerStart = true;

                if(paramList[0] == "}")
                        ViewPoint vp = new ViewPoint();
                        vp.position = origin;

                        if (q3lvl.Options.setYAxisUp)
                            vp.orientation = Quaternion.FromAngleAxis(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(angle), Vector3.UnitY);
                            vp.orientation = Quaternion.FromAngleAxis(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(angle), Vector3.UnitZ);


                    isPlayerStart = false;
        /// <summary>
        ///		Generic load - called by <see cref="Plugin_BSPSceneManager.BspResourceManager"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Load()
            Hashtable options = SceneManagerEnumerator.Instance.GetSceneManager(SceneType.Interior).Options;

            if (options.ContainsKey("SetYAxisUp"))
                bspOptions.setYAxisUp = (bool)options["SetYAxisUp"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("Scale"))
                bspOptions.scale = (float)options["Scale"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("Move"))
                bspOptions.move = (Vector3)options["Move"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("UseLightmaps"))
                bspOptions.useLightmaps = (bool)options["UseLightmaps"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("AmbientEnabled"))
                bspOptions.ambientEnabled = (bool)options["AmbientEnabled"];

            if (options.ContainsKey("AmbientRatio"))
                bspOptions.ambientRatio = (float)options["AmbientRatio"];

            Quake3Level q3 = new Quake3Level(bspOptions);

            Stream chunk = BspResourceManager.Instance.FindResourceData(name);

            isLoaded = true;
        public void InitQuake3Patches(Quake3Level q3lvl, VertexDeclaration decl)
            int face;

            patchVertexCount = 0;
            patchIndexCount = 0;

            // We're just building the patch here to get a hold on the size of the mesh
            // although we'll reuse this information later
            face = q3lvl.NumFaces;

            while(face-- > 0)
                InternalBspFace src = q3lvl.Faces[face];

                if(src.type == BspFaceType.Patch)
                    // Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0?
                    if((src.vertCount == 0) || (src.meshCtrl[0] == 0))

                    PatchSurface ps = new PatchSurface();

                    // Set up control points & format.
                    // Reuse the vertex declaration.
                    // Copy control points into a buffer so we can convert their format.
                    BspVertex[] controlPoints = new BspVertex[src.vertCount];
                    TextureLightMap texLightMap;

                    for(int v = 0; v < src.vertCount; v++)
                        QuakeVertexToBspVertex(q3lvl.Vertices[src.vertStart + v], out controlPoints[v], out texLightMap);

                    // Define the surface, but don't build it yet (no vertex / index buffer)

                    // Get stats
                    patchVertexCount += ps.RequiredVertexCount;
                    patchIndexCount += ps.RequiredIndexCount;

                    // Save the surface for later
                    patches.Add(face, ps);
Beispiel #12
		/// <summary>
		///		/** Internal utility function for loading data from Quake3.
		/// </summary>
		protected void LoadQuake3Level( Quake3Level q3lvl )
			ResourceGroupManager rgm = ResourceGroupManager.Instance;
			rgm.notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted( "Parsing entities" );
			LoadEntities( q3lvl );

			rgm.notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted( "Extracting lightmaps" );

			// Vertices
			// Allocate memory for vertices & copy
			vertexData = new VertexData();

			// Create vertex declaration
			VertexDeclaration decl = vertexData.vertexDeclaration;
			int offset = 0;
			int lightTexOffset = 0;
			decl.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Position );
			offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize( VertexElementType.Float3 );
			decl.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Normal );
			offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize( VertexElementType.Float3 );
			decl.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 0 );
			offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize( VertexElementType.Float2 );
			decl.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 1 );

			// Build initial patches - we need to know how big the vertex buffer needs to be
			// to accommodate the subdivision
			// we don't want to include the elements for texture lighting, so we clone it
			rgm.notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted( "Initializing patches" );
			InitQuake3Patches( q3lvl, (VertexDeclaration)decl.Clone() );

			// this is for texture lighting color and alpha
			decl.AddElement( 1, lightTexOffset, VertexElementType.Color, VertexElementSemantic.Diffuse );
			lightTexOffset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize( VertexElementType.Color );
			// this is for texture lighting coords
			decl.AddElement( 1, lightTexOffset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 2 );

			rgm.notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted( "Setting up vertex data" );
			// Create the vertex buffer, allow space for patches
			HardwareVertexBuffer vbuf = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer( decl.Clone(0), q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount,	BufferUsage.StaticWriteOnly /* the vertices will be read often for texture lighting, use shadow buffer */, true );

			// Create the vertex buffer for texture lighting, allow space for patches
			HardwareVertexBuffer texLightBuf = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer( decl.Clone(1), q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount, BufferUsage.DynamicWriteOnly, false );

			// COPY static vertex data - Note that we can't just block-copy the vertex data because we have to reorder
			// our vertex elements; this is to ensure compatibility with older cards when using
			// hardware vertex buffers - Direct3D requires that the buffer format maps onto a
			// FVF in those older drivers.
			// Lock just the non-patch area for now.

				BspVertex vert = new BspVertex();
				TextureLightMap texLightMap = new TextureLightMap();

				// Keep another base pointer for use later in patch building
				for ( int v = 0; v < q3lvl.NumVertices; v++ )
					QuakeVertexToBspVertex( q3lvl.Vertices[ v ], out vert, out texLightMap );

					BspVertex* bvptr = &vert;
					TextureLightMap* tlptr = &texLightMap;

						v * sizeof( BspVertex ),
						sizeof( BspVertex ),

						v * sizeof( TextureLightMap ),
						sizeof( TextureLightMap ),


			// Setup binding
			vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding( 0, vbuf );

			// Setup texture lighting binding
			vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding( 1, texLightBuf );

			// Set other data
			vertexData.vertexStart = 0;
			vertexData.vertexCount = q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount;

			// Faces
			rgm.notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted( "Setting up face data" );
			leafFaceGroups = new int[ q3lvl.LeafFaces.Length ];
			Array.Copy( q3lvl.LeafFaces, 0, leafFaceGroups, 0, leafFaceGroups.Length );

			faceGroups = new BspStaticFaceGroup[ q3lvl.Faces.Length ];

			// Set up index buffer
			// NB Quake3 indexes are 32-bit
			// Copy the indexes into a software area for staging
			numIndexes = q3lvl.NumElements + patchIndexCount;

			// Create an index buffer manually in system memory, allow space for patches
			indexes = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateIndexBuffer(

			// Write main indexes
			indexes.WriteData( 0, Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( uint ) ) * q3lvl.NumElements, q3lvl.Elements, true );

			// now build patch information
			rgm.notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted( "Building patches" );
			BuildQuake3Patches( q3lvl.NumVertices, q3lvl.NumElements );

			// Create materials for shaders
			// NB this only works for the 'default' shaders for now
			// i.e. those that don't have a .shader script and thus default
			// to just texture + lightmap
			// TODO: pre-parse all .shader files and create lookup for next stage (use ROGL shader_file_t)

			// Material names are shadername#lightmapnumber
			// This is because I like to define materials up front completely
			// rather than combine lightmap and shader dynamically (it's
			// more generic). It results in more materials, but they're small
			// beer anyway. Texture duplication is prevented by infrastructure.
			// To do this I actually need to parse the faces since they have the
			// shader/lightmap combo (lightmap number is not in the shader since
			// it can be used with multiple lightmaps)
			string shaderName;
			int face = q3lvl.Faces.Length;
			int progressCountdown = 100;
			int progressCount = 0;

			while ( face-- > 0 )
				// Progress reporting
				if ( progressCountdown == 100 )
					String str = String.Format( "Loading materials (phase {0})", progressCount );
					rgm.notifyWorldGeometryStageStarted( str );
				else if ( progressCountdown == 0 )
					// stage report
					progressCountdown = 100 + 1;

				// Check to see if existing material
				// Format shader#lightmap
				int shadIdx = q3lvl.Faces[ face ].shader;

				shaderName = String.Format( "{0}#{1}", q3lvl.Shaders[ shadIdx ].name, q3lvl.Faces[ face ].lmTexture );
				Material shadMat = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName( shaderName );

				if ( shadMat == null && !bspOptions.useLightmaps )
					// try the no-lightmap material
					shaderName = String.Format( "{0}#n", q3lvl.Shaders[ shadIdx ].name );
					shadMat = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName( shaderName );

				if ( shadMat == null )
					// Color layer
					// NB no extension in Q3A(doh), have to try shader, .jpg, .tga
					string tryName = q3lvl.Shaders[ shadIdx ].name;

					// Try shader first
					Quake3Shader shader = (Quake3Shader)Quake3ShaderManager.Instance.GetByName( tryName );

					if ( shader != null )
						shadMat = shader.CreateAsMaterial( q3lvl.Faces[ face ].lmTexture );
						// No shader script, try default type texture
						shadMat = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.Create( shaderName, rgm.WorldResourceGroupName );
						Pass shadPass = shadMat.GetTechnique( 0 ).GetPass( 0 );

						// Try jpg
						TextureUnitState tex = null;
						if ( ResourceGroupManager.Instance.ResourceExists( rgm.WorldResourceGroupName, tryName + ".jpg" ) )
							tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState( tryName + ".jpg" );
						if ( ResourceGroupManager.Instance.ResourceExists( rgm.WorldResourceGroupName, tryName + ".tga" ) )
							tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState( tryName + ".tga" );

						if ( tex != null )
							// Set replace on all first layer textures for now
							tex.SetColorOperation( LayerBlendOperation.Replace );
                            tex.SetTextureAddressingMode( TextureAddressing.Wrap );
							// for ambient lighting
							tex.ColorBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Manual;

						if ( bspOptions.useLightmaps && q3lvl.Faces[ face ].lmTexture != -1 )
							// Add lightmap, additive blending
							tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState( String.Format( "@lightmap{0}", q3lvl.Faces[ face ].lmTexture ) );

							// Blend
							tex.SetColorOperation( LayerBlendOperation.Modulate );

							// Use 2nd texture co-ordinate set
							tex.TextureCoordSet = 1;

							// Clamp
                            tex.SetTextureAddressingMode( TextureAddressing.Clamp );

						shadMat.CullingMode = CullingMode.None;
						shadMat.Lighting = false;


				// Copy face data
				BspStaticFaceGroup dest = new BspStaticFaceGroup();
				InternalBspFace src = q3lvl.Faces[ face ];

				if ( ( q3lvl.Shaders[ src.shader ].surfaceFlags & SurfaceFlags.Sky ) == SurfaceFlags.Sky )
					dest.isSky = true;
					dest.isSky = false;

				dest.materialHandle = shadMat.Handle;
				dest.elementStart = src.elemStart;
				dest.numElements = src.elemCount;
				dest.numVertices = src.vertCount;
				dest.vertexStart = src.vertStart;
				dest.plane = new Plane();

				if ( Quake3ShaderManager.Instance.GetByName( q3lvl.Shaders[ shadIdx ].name ) != null )
					// it's a quake shader
					dest.isQuakeShader = true;

				if ( src.type == BspFaceType.Normal )
					dest.type = FaceGroup.FaceList;

					// Assign plane
					dest.plane.Normal = new Vector3(
						src.normal[ 0 ],
						src.normal[ 1 ],
						src.normal[ 2 ]
					dest.plane.D = -dest.plane.Normal.Dot(
						new Vector3([ 0 ],[ 1 ],[ 2 ]

					// Don't rebase indexes here - Quake3 re-uses some indexes for multiple vertex
					// groups eg repeating small details have the same relative vertex data but
					// use the same index data.
				else if ( src.type == BspFaceType.Patch )
					// Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0?
					if ( ( dest.numVertices == 0 ) || ( src.meshCtrl[ 0 ] == 0 ) )
						dest.type = FaceGroup.Unknown;
						// Set up patch surface
						dest.type = FaceGroup.Patch;

						// Locate the patch we already built
						if ( !patches.ContainsKey( face ) )
							throw new AxiomException( "Patch not found from previous built state." );

						dest.patchSurf = (PatchSurface)patches[ face ];
				else if ( src.type == BspFaceType.Mesh )
					dest.type = FaceGroup.FaceList;

					// Assign plane
					dest.plane.Normal = new Vector3( src.normal[ 0 ], src.normal[ 1 ], src.normal[ 2 ] );
					dest.plane.D = -dest.plane.Normal.Dot( new Vector3([ 0 ],[ 1 ],[ 2 ] ) );
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "!!! Unknown face type !!!" );

				faceGroups[ face ] = dest;

			// Nodes
			// Allocate memory for all nodes (leaves and splitters)
			nodes = new BspNode[ q3lvl.NumNodes + q3lvl.NumLeaves ];
			numLeaves = q3lvl.NumLeaves;
			leafStart = q3lvl.NumNodes;

			// Run through and initialize the array so front/back node pointers
			// aren't null.
			for ( int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++ )
				nodes[ i ] = new BspNode();

			// Convert nodes
			// In our array, first q3lvl.NumNodes are non-leaf, others are leaves
			for ( int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumNodes; i++ )
				BspNode node = nodes[ i ];
				InternalBspNode q3node = q3lvl.Nodes[ i ];

				node.IsLeaf = false;
				node.Owner = this;

				Plane splitPlane = new Plane();

				// Set plane
				splitPlane.Normal = new Vector3(
					q3lvl.Planes[ q3node.plane ].normal[ 0 ],
					q3lvl.Planes[ q3node.plane ].normal[ 1 ],
					q3lvl.Planes[ q3node.plane ].normal[ 2 ]
				splitPlane.D = -q3lvl.Planes[ q3node.plane ].distance;

				node.SplittingPlane = splitPlane;

				// Set bounding box
				node.BoundingBox = new AxisAlignedBox(
					new Vector3(
						q3node.bbox[ 0 ],
						q3node.bbox[ 1 ],
						q3node.bbox[ 2 ]
					new Vector3(
						q3node.bbox[ 3 ],
						q3node.bbox[ 4 ],
						q3node.bbox[ 5 ]

				// Set back pointer
				// Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves.
				if ( q3node.back < 0 )
					node.BackNode = nodes[ leafStart + ( ~( q3node.back ) ) ];
					node.BackNode = nodes[ q3node.back ];

				// Set front pointer
				// Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves
				if ( q3node.front < 0 )
					node.FrontNode = nodes[ leafStart + ( ~( q3node.front ) ) ];
					node.FrontNode = nodes[ q3node.front ];

			// Brushes
			// Reserve enough memory for all brushes, solid or not (need to maintain indexes)
			brushes = new BspBrush[ q3lvl.NumBrushes ];

			for ( int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumBrushes; i++ )
				InternalBspBrush q3brush = q3lvl.Brushes[ i ];

				// Create a new OGRE brush
				BspBrush brush = new BspBrush();
				int numBrushSides = q3brush.numSides;
				int brushSideIdx = q3brush.firstSide;

				// Iterate over the sides and create plane for each
				while ( numBrushSides-- > 0 )
					InternalBspPlane side = q3lvl.Planes[ q3lvl.BrushSides[ brushSideIdx ].planeNum ];

					// Notice how we normally invert Q3A plane distances, but here we do not
					// Because we want plane normals pointing out of solid brushes, not in.
					Plane brushSide = new Plane(
						new Vector3(
							q3lvl.Planes[ q3lvl.BrushSides[ brushSideIdx ].planeNum ].normal[ 0 ],
							q3lvl.Planes[ q3lvl.BrushSides[ brushSideIdx ].planeNum ].normal[ 1 ],
							q3lvl.Planes[ q3lvl.BrushSides[ brushSideIdx ].planeNum ].normal[ 2 ]
						), q3lvl.Planes[ q3lvl.BrushSides[ brushSideIdx ].planeNum ].distance );

					brush.Planes.Add( brushSide );

				// Build world fragment
				brush.Fragment.FragmentType = WorldFragmentType.PlaneBoundedRegion;
				brush.Fragment.Planes = brush.Planes;

				brushes[ i ] = brush;

			// Leaves
			for ( int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumLeaves; ++i )
				BspNode node = nodes[ i + this.LeafStart ];
				InternalBspLeaf q3leaf = q3lvl.Leaves[ i ];

				node.IsLeaf = true;
				node.Owner = this;

				// Set bounding box
				node.BoundingBox.Minimum = new Vector3(
					q3leaf.bbox[ 0 ],
					q3leaf.bbox[ 1 ],
					q3leaf.bbox[ 2 ]
				node.BoundingBox.Maximum = new Vector3(
					q3leaf.bbox[ 3 ],
					q3leaf.bbox[ 4 ],
					q3leaf.bbox[ 5 ]

				// Set faces
				node.FaceGroupStart = q3leaf.faceStart;
				node.NumFaceGroups = q3leaf.faceCount;
				node.VisCluster = q3leaf.cluster;

				// Load Brushes for this leaf
				int realBrushIdx = 0, solidIdx = 0;
				int brushCount = q3leaf.brushCount;
				int brushIdx = q3leaf.brushStart;

				node.SolidBrushes = new BspBrush[ brushCount ];

				while ( brushCount-- > 0 )
					realBrushIdx = q3lvl.LeafBrushes[ brushIdx ];
					InternalBspBrush q3brush = q3lvl.Brushes[ realBrushIdx ];

					// Only load solid ones, we don't care about any other types
					// Shader determines this.
					InternalBspShader brushShader = q3lvl.Shaders[ q3brush.shaderIndex ];

					if ( ( brushShader.contentFlags & ContentFlags.Solid ) == ContentFlags.Solid )
						node.SolidBrushes[ solidIdx ] = brushes[ realBrushIdx ];


			// Vis - just copy
			visData.numClusters = q3lvl.VisData.clusterCount;
			visData.rowLength = q3lvl.VisData.rowSize;
			visData.tableData = new byte[ q3lvl.VisData.rowSize * q3lvl.VisData.clusterCount ];

			Array.Copy(, 0, visData.tableData, 0, visData.tableData.Length );
        private void LoadLevelFaces(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            // Faces
            leafFaceGroups = new int[q3lvl.LeafFaces.Length];
            Array.Copy(q3lvl.LeafFaces, 0, leafFaceGroups, 0, leafFaceGroups.Length);

            faceGroups = new BspStaticFaceGroup[q3lvl.Faces.Length];

            // Set up index buffer
            // NB Quake3 indexes are 32-bit
            // Copy the indexes into a software area for staging
            numIndexes = q3lvl.NumElements + patchIndexCount;

            // Create an index buffer manually in system memory, allow space for patches
            indexes = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateIndexBuffer(

            // Write main indexes
            indexes.WriteData(0, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(uint)) * q3lvl.NumElements, q3lvl.Elements, true);
        private void CreateNodes(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            // Allocate memory for all nodes (leaves and splitters)
            nodes = new BspNode[q3lvl.NumNodes + q3lvl.NumLeaves];
            numLeaves = q3lvl.NumLeaves;
            leafStart = q3lvl.NumNodes;

            // Run through and initialize the array so front/back node pointers
            // aren't null.
            for(int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                nodes[i] = new BspNode();

            // Convert nodes
            // In our array, first q3lvl.NumNodes are non-leaf, others are leaves
            for(int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumNodes; i++)
                BspNode node = nodes[i];
                InternalBspNode q3node = q3lvl.Nodes[i];

                node.IsLeaf = false;
                node.Owner = this;

                Plane splitPlane = new Plane();

                // Set plane
                splitPlane.Normal = new Vector3(
                splitPlane.D = -q3lvl.Planes[q3node.plane].distance;

                node.SplittingPlane = splitPlane;

                // Set bounding box
                node.BoundingBox = new AxisAlignedBox(
                    new Vector3(
                    new Vector3(

                // Set back pointer
                // Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves.
                if(q3node.back < 0)
                    node.BackNode = nodes[leafStart + (~(q3node.back))];
                    node.BackNode = nodes[q3node.back];

                // Set front pointer
                // Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves
                if(q3node.front < 0)
                    node.FrontNode = nodes[leafStart + (~(q3node.front))];
                    node.FrontNode = nodes[q3node.front];
        private void CreateBrushes(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            // Reserve enough memory for all brushes, solid or not (need to maintain indexes)
            brushes = new BspBrush[q3lvl.NumBrushes];

            for(int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumBrushes; i++)
                InternalBspBrush q3brush = q3lvl.Brushes[i];

                // Create a new OGRE brush
                BspBrush brush = new BspBrush();
                int numBrushSides = q3brush.numSides;
                int brushSideIdx = q3brush.firstSide;

                // Iterate over the sides and create plane for each
                while(numBrushSides-- > 0)
                    InternalBspPlane side = q3lvl.Planes[q3lvl.BrushSides[brushSideIdx].planeNum];

                    // Notice how we normally invert Q3A plane distances, but here we do not
                    // Because we want plane normals pointing out of solid brushes, not in.
                    Plane brushSide = new Plane(
                        new Vector3(
                            ), q3lvl.Planes[q3lvl.BrushSides[brushSideIdx].planeNum].distance);


                // Build world fragment
                brush.Fragment.FragmentType = WorldFragmentType.PlaneBoundedRegion;
                brush.Fragment.Planes = brush.Planes;

                brushes[i] = brush;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        ///		Internal method for parsing chosen entities.
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadEntities(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            Vector3 origin        = new Vector3();
            float   angle         = 0;
            bool    isPlayerStart = false;

            string[] entities = q3lvl.Entities.Split('\n');

            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                // Remove whitespace and quotes.
                entities[i] = entities[i].Trim().Replace("\"", "");

                if (entities[i].Length == 0)

                string[] paramList = entities[i].Split(' ');

                if (paramList[0] == "origin")
                    float[] vector = new float[3];
                    for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                        vector[v] = StringConverter.ParseFloat(paramList[v + 1]);


                    origin = new Vector3(vector[0], vector[1], vector[2]);

                if (paramList[0] == "angle")
                    angle = StringConverter.ParseFloat(paramList[1]);

                if ((paramList[0] == "classname") && (paramList[1] == "info_player_deathmatch"))
                    isPlayerStart = true;

                if (paramList[0] == "}")
                    if (isPlayerStart)
                        ViewPoint vp = new ViewPoint();
                        vp.position = origin;

                        if (q3lvl.Options.setYAxisUp)
                            vp.orientation = Quaternion.FromAngleAxis(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(angle), Vector3.UnitY);
                            vp.orientation = Quaternion.FromAngleAxis(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(angle), Vector3.UnitZ);


                    isPlayerStart = false;
Beispiel #17
        private void LoadLevelVertices(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            // Vertices
            // Allocate memory for vertices & copy
            vertexData = new VertexData();

            // Create vertex declaration
            VertexDeclaration decl = vertexData.vertexDeclaration;
            int offset             = 0;
            int lightTexOffset     = 0;

            decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Position);
            offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float3);
            decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Normal);
            offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float3);
            decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 0);
            offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float2);
            decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 1);

            // Build initial patches - we need to know how big the vertex buffer needs to be
            // to accommodate the subdivision
            // we don't want to include the elements for texture lighting, so we clone it
            InitQuake3Patches(q3lvl, (VertexDeclaration)decl.Clone());

            // this is for texture lighting color and alpha
            decl.AddElement(1, lightTexOffset, VertexElementType.Color, VertexElementSemantic.Diffuse);
            lightTexOffset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Color);
            // this is for texture lighting coords
            decl.AddElement(1, lightTexOffset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 2);

            // Create the vertex buffer, allow space for patches
            HardwareVertexBuffer vbuf = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer(
                q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount,
                // the vertices will be read often for texture lighting, use shadow buffer

            // Create the vertex buffer for texture lighting, allow space for patches
            HardwareVertexBuffer texLightBuf = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer(
                q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount,

            // COPY static vertex data - Note that we can't just block-copy the vertex data because we have to reorder
            // our vertex elements; this is to ensure compatibility with older cards when using
            // hardware vertex buffers - Direct3D requires that the buffer format maps onto a
            // FVF in those older drivers.
            // Lock just the non-patch area for now.

                BspVertex       vert        = new BspVertex();
                TextureLightMap texLightMap = new TextureLightMap();

                // Keep another base pointer for use later in patch building
                for (int v = 0; v < q3lvl.NumVertices; v++)
                    QuakeVertexToBspVertex(q3lvl.Vertices[v], out vert, out texLightMap);

                    BspVertex *      bvptr = &vert;
                    TextureLightMap *tlptr = &texLightMap;

                        v * sizeof(BspVertex),

                        v * sizeof(TextureLightMap),

            // Setup binding
            vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding(0, vbuf);

            // Setup texture lighting binding
            vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding(1, texLightBuf);

            // Set other data
            vertexData.vertexStart = 0;
            vertexData.vertexCount = q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount;
Beispiel #18
        private BspStaticFaceGroup CopyShaderFaceData(Quake3Level q3lvl, int face, Material shadMat, int shadIdx)
            BspStaticFaceGroup dest = new BspStaticFaceGroup();
            InternalBspFace    src  = q3lvl.Faces[face];

            if ((q3lvl.Shaders[src.shader].surfaceFlags & SurfaceFlags.Sky) == SurfaceFlags.Sky)
                dest.isSky = true;
                dest.isSky = false;

            dest.materialHandle = shadMat.Handle;
            dest.elementStart   = src.elemStart;
            dest.numElements    = src.elemCount;
            dest.numVertices    = src.vertCount;
            dest.vertexStart    = src.vertStart;
            dest.plane          = new Plane();

            if (Quake3ShaderManager.Instance.GetByName(q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name) != null)
                // it's a quake shader
                dest.isQuakeShader = true;

            if (src.type == BspFaceType.Normal)
                dest.type = FaceGroup.FaceList;

                // Assign plane
                dest.plane.Normal = new Vector3(
                dest.plane.D = -dest.plane.Normal.Dot(
                    new Vector3(

                // Don't rebase indexes here - Quake3 re-uses some indexes for multiple vertex
                // groups eg repeating small details have the same relative vertex data but
                // use the same index data.
            else if (src.type == BspFaceType.Patch)
                // Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0?
                if ((dest.numVertices == 0) || (src.meshCtrl[0] == 0))
                    dest.type = FaceGroup.Unknown;
                    // Set up patch surface
                    dest.type = FaceGroup.Patch;

                    // Locate the patch we already built
                    if (!patches.ContainsKey(face))
                        throw new AxiomException("Patch not found from previous built state.");

                    dest.patchSurf = (PatchSurface)patches[face];
            else if (src.type == BspFaceType.Mesh)
                dest.type = FaceGroup.FaceList;

                // Assign plane
                dest.plane.Normal = new Vector3(src.normal[0], src.normal[1], src.normal[2]);
                dest.plane.D      = -dest.plane.Normal.Dot(new Vector3([0],[1],[2]));
                LogManager.Instance.Write("!!! Unknown face type !!!");
Beispiel #19
        private void CreateShaderMaterials(Quake3Level q3lvl, SceneManager sm)
            // NB this only works for the 'default' shaders for now
            // i.e. those that don't have a .shader script and thus default
            // to just texture + lightmap
            // TODO: pre-parse all .shader files and create lookup for next stage (use ROGL shader_file_t)

            // Material names are shadername#lightmapnumber
            // This is because I like to define materials up front completely
            // rather than combine lightmap and shader dynamically (it's
            // more generic). It results in more materials, but they're small
            // beer anyway. Texture duplication is prevented by infrastructure.
            // To do this I actually need to parse the faces since they have the
            // shader/lightmap combo (lightmap number is not in the shader since
            // it can be used with multiple lightmaps)
            string shaderName;
            int    face = q3lvl.Faces.Length;

            while (face-- > 0)
                // Check to see if existing material
                // Format shader#lightmap
                int shadIdx = q3lvl.Faces[face].shader;

                shaderName = String.Format("{0}#{1}", q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name, q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture);
                Material shadMat = sm.GetMaterial(shaderName);

                if (shadMat == null && !bspOptions.useLightmaps)
                    // try the no-lightmap material
                    shaderName = String.Format("{0}#n", q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name);
                    shadMat    = sm.GetMaterial(shaderName);

                if (shadMat == null)
                    // Colour layer
                    // NB no extension in Q3A(doh), have to try shader, .jpg, .tga
                    string tryName = q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name;

                    // Try shader first
                    Quake3Shader shader = (Quake3Shader)Quake3ShaderManager.Instance.GetByName(tryName);

                    if (shader != null)
                        shadMat = shader.CreateAsMaterial(sm, q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture);
                        // No shader script, try default type texture
                        shadMat = sm.CreateMaterial(shaderName);
                        Pass shadPass = shadMat.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0);

                        // Try jpg
                        TextureUnitState tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState(tryName + ".jpg");

                        if (tex.IsBlank)
                            // Try tga
                            tex.SetTextureName(tryName + ".tga");

                        // Set replace on all first layer textures for now
                        tex.TextureAddressing = TextureAddressing.Wrap;

                        // for ambient lighting
                        tex.ColorBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Manual;

                        if (bspOptions.useLightmaps && q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture != -1)
                            // Add lightmap, additive blending
                            tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState(String.Format("@lightmap{0}", q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture));

                            // Blend

                            // Use 2nd texture co-ordinate set
                            tex.TextureCoordSet = 1;

                            // Clamp
                            tex.TextureAddressing = TextureAddressing.Clamp;

                        shadMat.CullingMode = CullingMode.None;
                        shadMat.Lighting    = false;


                // Copy face data
                BspStaticFaceGroup dest = CopyShaderFaceData(q3lvl, face, shadMat, shadIdx);

                faceGroups[face] = dest;
Beispiel #20
        private void CreateNodes(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            // Allocate memory for all nodes (leaves and splitters)
            nodes     = new BspNode[q3lvl.NumNodes + q3lvl.NumLeaves];
            numLeaves = q3lvl.NumLeaves;
            leafStart = q3lvl.NumNodes;

            // Run through and initialize the array so front/back node pointers
            // aren't null.
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                nodes[i] = new BspNode();

            // Convert nodes
            // In our array, first q3lvl.NumNodes are non-leaf, others are leaves
            for (int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumNodes; i++)
                BspNode         node   = nodes[i];
                InternalBspNode q3node = q3lvl.Nodes[i];

                node.IsLeaf = false;
                node.Owner  = this;

                Plane splitPlane = new Plane();

                // Set plane
                splitPlane.Normal = new Vector3(
                splitPlane.D = -q3lvl.Planes[q3node.plane].distance;

                node.SplittingPlane = splitPlane;

                // Set bounding box
                node.BoundingBox = new AxisAlignedBox(
                    new Vector3(
                    new Vector3(

                // Set back pointer
                // Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves.
                if (q3node.back < 0)
                    node.BackNode = nodes[leafStart + (~(q3node.back))];
                    node.BackNode = nodes[q3node.back];

                // Set front pointer
                // Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves
                if (q3node.front < 0)
                    node.FrontNode = nodes[leafStart + (~(q3node.front))];
                    node.FrontNode = nodes[q3node.front];
        private void CreateLeaves(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            for(int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumLeaves; ++i)
                BspNode node = nodes[i + this.LeafStart];
                InternalBspLeaf q3leaf = q3lvl.Leaves[i];

                node.IsLeaf = true;
                node.Owner = this;

                // Set bounding box
                node.BoundingBox.Minimum = new Vector3(
                node.BoundingBox.Maximum = new Vector3(

                // Set faces
                node.FaceGroupStart = q3leaf.faceStart;
                node.NumFaceGroups = q3leaf.faceCount;
                node.VisCluster = q3leaf.cluster;

                // Load Brushes for this leaf
                int realBrushIdx = 0, solidIdx = 0;
                int brushCount = q3leaf.brushCount;
                int brushIdx = q3leaf.brushStart;

                node.SolidBrushes = new BspBrush[brushCount];

                while(brushCount-- > 0)
                    realBrushIdx = q3lvl.LeafBrushes[brushIdx];
                    InternalBspBrush q3brush = q3lvl.Brushes[realBrushIdx];

                    // Only load solid ones, we don't care about any other types
                    // Shader determines this.
                    InternalBspShader brushShader = q3lvl.Shaders[q3brush.shaderIndex];

                    if((brushShader.contentFlags & ContentFlags.Solid) == ContentFlags.Solid)
                        node.SolidBrushes[solidIdx] = brushes[realBrushIdx];

Beispiel #22
		/// <summary>
		///		Generic load - called by <see cref="Plugin_BSPSceneManager.BspResourceManager"/>.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void load()
			//if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "SetYAxisUp" ) )
			//    bool.TryParse( createParam[ "SetYAxisUp" ], out bspOptions.setYAxisUp);

			//if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "Scale" ) )
			//    float.TryParse( createParam[ "Scale" ], out bspOptions.scale );

			//Vector3 move = Vector3.Zero;
			//if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "MoveX" ) )
			//     float.TryParse( createParam[ "MoveX" ], out move.x );

			//if ( createParam.ContainsKey("MoveY" ) )
			//    float.TryParse( createParam["MoveY"], out move.y );

			//if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "MoveZ" ) )
			//    float.TryParse( createParam["MoveZ"], out move.z );

			//if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "UseLightmaps" ) )
			//     bool.TryParse( createParam[ "UseLightmaps" ], out bspOptions.useLightmaps );

			//if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "AmbientEnabled" ) )
			//     bool.TryParse( createParam[ "AmbientEnabled" ], out bspOptions.ambientEnabled );

			//if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "AmbientRatio") )
			//     float.TryParse( createParam[ "AmbientRatio" ], out bspOptions.ambientRatio );

			Quake3Level q3 = new Quake3Level( bspOptions );

			Stream chunk = ResourceGroupManager.Instance.OpenResource( Name, ResourceGroupManager.Instance.WorldResourceGroupName );
			q3.LoadFromStream( chunk );
			LoadQuake3Level( q3 );

        private void CreateShaderMaterials(Quake3Level q3lvl, SceneManager sm)
            // NB this only works for the 'default' shaders for now
            // i.e. those that don't have a .shader script and thus default
            // to just texture + lightmap
            // TODO: pre-parse all .shader files and create lookup for next stage (use ROGL shader_file_t)

            // Material names are shadername#lightmapnumber
            // This is because I like to define materials up front completely
            // rather than combine lightmap and shader dynamically (it's
            // more generic). It results in more materials, but they're small
            // beer anyway. Texture duplication is prevented by infrastructure.
            // To do this I actually need to parse the faces since they have the
            // shader/lightmap combo (lightmap number is not in the shader since
            // it can be used with multiple lightmaps)
            string shaderName;
            int face = q3lvl.Faces.Length;

            while(face-- > 0)
                // Check to see if existing material
                // Format shader#lightmap
                int shadIdx = q3lvl.Faces[face].shader;

                shaderName = String.Format("{0}#{1}", q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name, q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture);
                Material shadMat = sm.GetMaterial(shaderName);

                if (shadMat == null && !bspOptions.useLightmaps)
                    // try the no-lightmap material
                    shaderName = String.Format("{0}#n", q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name);
                    shadMat = sm.GetMaterial(shaderName);

                if(shadMat == null)
                    // Colour layer
                    // NB no extension in Q3A(doh), have to try shader, .jpg, .tga
                    string tryName = q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name;

                    // Try shader first
                    Quake3Shader shader = (Quake3Shader) Quake3ShaderManager.Instance.GetByName(tryName);

                    if(shader != null)
                        shadMat = shader.CreateAsMaterial(sm, q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture);
                        // No shader script, try default type texture
                        shadMat = sm.CreateMaterial(shaderName);
                        Pass shadPass = shadMat.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0);

                        // Try jpg
                        TextureUnitState tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState(tryName + ".jpg");

                            // Try tga
                            tex.SetTextureName(tryName + ".tga");

                        // Set replace on all first layer textures for now
                        tex.TextureAddressing = TextureAddressing.Wrap;

                        // for ambient lighting
                        tex.ColorBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Manual;

                        if(bspOptions.useLightmaps && q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture != -1)
                            // Add lightmap, additive blending
                            tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState(String.Format("@lightmap{0}", q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture));

                            // Blend

                            // Use 2nd texture co-ordinate set
                            tex.TextureCoordSet = 1;

                            // Clamp
                            tex.TextureAddressing = TextureAddressing.Clamp;

                        shadMat.CullingMode = CullingMode.None;
                        shadMat.Lighting = false;


                // Copy face data
                BspStaticFaceGroup dest = CopyShaderFaceData(q3lvl, face, shadMat, shadIdx);

                faceGroups[face] = dest;
Beispiel #24
		private static int calculateLoadingStages( Stream stream )
			Quake3Level q3 = new Quake3Level( null );

			// Load header only
			q3.LoadHeaderFromStream( stream );

			// Ok, count up the things that we will report
			int stages = 0;

			// loadEntities (1 stage)
			// extractLightmaps (external, 1 stage)
			// initQuake3Patches
			// vertex setup
			// face setup
			// patch building
			// material setup
			// this is not strictly based on load, since we only know the number
			// of faces, not the number of materials
			// raise one event for every 50 faces, plus one at the end
			//stages += (q3.Faces.Length / NUM_FACES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) + 1;
			// node setup
			//stages += (q3.Nodes.Length / NUM_NODES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) + 1;
			// brush setup
			//stages += (q3.Brushes.Length / NUM_BRUSHES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) + 1;
			// leaf setup
			//stages += (q3.Leaves.Length / NUM_LEAVES_PER_PROGRESS_REPORT) + 1;
			// vis

			return stages;

        private void LoadLevelVertices(Quake3Level q3lvl)
            // Vertices
            // Allocate memory for vertices & copy
            vertexData = new VertexData();

            // Create vertex declaration
            VertexDeclaration decl = vertexData.vertexDeclaration;
            int offset = 0;
            int lightTexOffset = 0;
            decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Position);
            offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float3);
            decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Normal);
            offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float3);
            decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 0);
            offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float2);
            decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 1);

            // Build initial patches - we need to know how big the vertex buffer needs to be
            // to accommodate the subdivision
            // we don't want to include the elements for texture lighting, so we clone it
            InitQuake3Patches(q3lvl, (VertexDeclaration) decl.Clone());

            // this is for texture lighting color and alpha
            decl.AddElement(1, lightTexOffset, VertexElementType.Color, VertexElementSemantic.Diffuse);
            lightTexOffset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Color);
            // this is for texture lighting coords
            decl.AddElement(1, lightTexOffset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 2);

            // Create the vertex buffer, allow space for patches
            HardwareVertexBuffer vbuf = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer(
                q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount,
                // the vertices will be read often for texture lighting, use shadow buffer

            // Create the vertex buffer for texture lighting, allow space for patches
            HardwareVertexBuffer texLightBuf = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer(
                q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount,

            // COPY static vertex data - Note that we can't just block-copy the vertex data because we have to reorder
            // our vertex elements; this is to ensure compatibility with older cards when using
            // hardware vertex buffers - Direct3D requires that the buffer format maps onto a
            // FVF in those older drivers.
            // Lock just the non-patch area for now.

                BspVertex vert = new BspVertex();
                TextureLightMap texLightMap = new TextureLightMap();

                // Keep another base pointer for use later in patch building
                for(int v = 0; v < q3lvl.NumVertices; v++)
                    QuakeVertexToBspVertex(q3lvl.Vertices[v], out vert, out texLightMap);

                    BspVertex* bvptr = &vert;
                    TextureLightMap* tlptr = &texLightMap;

                        v * sizeof(BspVertex),

                        v * sizeof(TextureLightMap),


            // Setup binding
            vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding(0, vbuf);

            // Setup texture lighting binding
            vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding(1, texLightBuf);

            // Set other data
            vertexData.vertexStart = 0;
            vertexData.vertexCount = q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount;
Beispiel #26
		public void Load( Stream stream )
			if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "SetYAxisUp" ) )
				bool.TryParse( createParam[ "SetYAxisUp" ], out bspOptions.setYAxisUp );

			if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "Scale" ) )
				float.TryParse( createParam[ "Scale" ], out bspOptions.scale );

			Vector3 move = Vector3.Zero;
			if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "MoveX" ) )
				Real.TryParse( createParam[ "MoveX" ], out move.x );

			if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "MoveY" ) )
				Real.TryParse( createParam[ "MoveY" ], out move.y );

			if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "MoveZ" ) )
				Real.TryParse( createParam[ "MoveZ" ], out move.z );

			if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "UseLightmaps" ) )
				bool.TryParse( createParam[ "UseLightmaps" ], out bspOptions.useLightmaps );

			if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "AmbientEnabled" ) )
				bool.TryParse( createParam[ "AmbientEnabled" ], out bspOptions.ambientEnabled );

			if ( createParam.ContainsKey( "AmbientRatio" ) )
				float.TryParse( createParam[ "AmbientRatio" ], out bspOptions.ambientRatio );

			Quake3Level q3 = new Quake3Level( bspOptions );

			q3.LoadFromStream( stream );

			LoadQuake3Level( q3 );
