Beispiel #1
        protected override UsageRule DeserializeEntity(XmlElement element, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces)
            var raw = XmlHelpers.Deserialize <UsageRuleElement>(element);


            var rule = new UsageRule
                KeyId = raw.KeyId

            // This disables all usage rule processing, basically, and treats this particular rule as read-only.
            // The unknown filters will be preserved unless the rule is removed, just no rules from this document can be used.
            if (raw.UnknownFilters?.Any() == true)
                rule.ContainsUnsupportedFilters = true;

            if (raw.VideoFilters?.Length > 0)
                rule.VideoFilters = raw.VideoFilters
                                    .Select(f => new VideoFilter
                    MinPixels          = f.MinPixels,
                    MaxPixels          = f.MaxPixels,
                    MinFramesPerSecond = f.MinFps,
                    MaxFramesPerSecond = f.MaxFps,
                    WideColorGamut     = f.Wcg,
                    HighDynamicRange   = f.Hdr

            if (raw.AudioFilters?.Length > 0)
                rule.AudioFilters = raw.AudioFilters
                                    .Select(f => new AudioFilter
                    MinChannels = f.MinChannels,
                    MaxChannels = f.MaxChannels

            if (raw.BitrateFilters?.Length > 0)
                rule.BitrateFilters = raw.BitrateFilters
                                      .Select(f => new BitrateFilter
                    MinBitrate = f.MinBitrate,
                    MaxBitrate = f.MaxBitrate

            if (raw.LabelFilters?.Length > 0)
                rule.LabelFilters = raw.LabelFilters
                                    .Select(f => new LabelFilter
                    Label = f.Label

Beispiel #2
        protected override XmlElement SerializeEntity(XmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces, XmlElement container, Recipient entity)
            var recipientRsa = entity.Certificate.GetRSAPublicKey();

            // Ensure that we have the document-scoped cryptographic material available.
            if (Document.DocumentKey == null)

            var encryptedDocumentKey = recipientRsa.Encrypt(Document.DocumentKey, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA1);
            var encryptedMacKey      = recipientRsa.Encrypt(Document.MacKey, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA1);

            var element = new DeliveryDataElement
                DeliveryKey = new DeliveryKeyElement
                    X509Data = new X509Data
                        Certificate = entity.Certificate.GetRawCertData()
                DocumentKey = new DocumentKeyElement
                    Algorithm = Constants.Aes256CbcAlgorithm,
                    Data      = new DataElement
                        Secret = new SecretDataElement
                            EncryptedValue = new EncryptedXmlValue
                                EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethodDeclaration
                                    Algorithm = Constants.RsaOaepAlgorithm
                                CipherData = new CipherDataContainer
                                    CipherValue = encryptedDocumentKey
                MacMethod = new MacMethodElement
                    Algorithm = Constants.HmacSha512Algorithm,
                    Key       = new EncryptedXmlValue
                        EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethodDeclaration
                            Algorithm = Constants.RsaOaepAlgorithm
                        CipherData = new CipherDataContainer
                            CipherValue = encryptedMacKey

            return(XmlHelpers.AppendChildAndReuseNamespaces(element, container));
Beispiel #3
        protected override XmlElement SerializeEntity(XmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces, XmlElement container, ContentKey entity)
            var element = new ContentKeyElement
                KeyId      = entity.Id,
                ExplicitIv = entity.ExplicitIv,
                Data       = new DataElement
                    Secret = new SecretDataElement()

            if (Document.Recipients.Any())
                // We have to encrypt the key. Okay. Ensure we have the crypto values available.
                if (Document.DocumentKey == null)

                // Unique IV is generated for every content key.
                var iv = new byte[128 / 8];

                using (var random = RandomNumberGenerator.Create())

                var aes = new AesManaged
                    BlockSize = 128,
                    KeySize   = 256,
                    Key       = Document.DocumentKey,
                    Mode      = CipherMode.CBC,
                    Padding   = PaddingMode.PKCS7,
                    IV        = iv

                var mac = new HMACSHA512(Document.MacKey);

                using (var encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor())
                    var encryptedValue = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(entity.Value, 0, entity.Value.Length);

                    // NB! We prepend the IV to the value when saving an encrypted value to the document field.
                    var fieldValue = iv.Concat(encryptedValue).ToArray();

                    element.Data.Secret.EncryptedValue = new EncryptedXmlValue
                        CipherData = new CipherDataContainer
                            CipherValue = fieldValue
                        EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethodDeclaration
                            Algorithm = Constants.Aes256CbcAlgorithm

                    // Never not MAC.
                    element.Data.Secret.ValueMAC = mac.ComputeHash(fieldValue);
                // We are saving the key in the clear.
                element.Data.Secret.PlainValue = entity.Value;

            return(XmlHelpers.AppendChildAndReuseNamespaces(element, container));