Beispiel #1
        public void Save(string fileName)
            if (Bitmap.ColorType != SKColorType.Bgra8888)
                using (var tmp = new BitmapImpl(Bitmap.Copy(SKColorType.Bgra8888)))

            IntPtr length;
            using (var sdb = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(PixelWidth, PixelHeight, Bitmap.RowBytes,


                                                       Bitmap.GetPixels(out length)))
            //SkiaSharp doesn't expose image encoders yet
        internal PaintWrapper CreatePaint(IBrush brush, Size targetSize)
            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint();
            var rv = new PaintWrapper(paint);
            paint.IsStroke = false;

            // TODO: SkiaSharp does not contain alpha yet!
            double opacity = brush.Opacity * _currentOpacity;
            //paint.SetAlpha(paint.GetAlpha() * opacity);
            paint.IsAntialias = true;

            SKColor color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 255);

            var solid = brush as ISolidColorBrush;
            if (solid != null)
                color = solid.Color.ToSKColor();

            paint.Color = (new SKColor(color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, (byte)(color.Alpha * opacity)));

            if (solid != null)
                return rv;

            var gradient = brush as GradientBrush;
            if (gradient != null)
                var tileMode = gradient.SpreadMethod.ToSKShaderTileMode();
                var stopColors = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => s.Color.ToSKColor()).ToArray();
                var stopOffsets = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => (float)s.Offset).ToArray();

                var linearGradient = brush as LinearGradientBrush;
                if (linearGradient != null)
                    var start = linearGradient.StartPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();
                    var end = linearGradient.EndPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();

                    // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly?
                    var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(start, end, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode);
                    paint.Shader = shader;
                    var radialGradient = brush as RadialGradientBrush;
                    if (radialGradient != null)
                        var center = radialGradient.Center.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();
                        var radius = (float)radialGradient.Radius;

                        // TODO: There is no SetAlpha in SkiaSharp

                        // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly?
                        var shader = SKShader.CreateRadialGradient(center, radius, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode);
                        paint.Shader = shader;

                return rv;

            var tileBrush = brush as TileBrush;
            if (tileBrush != null)
                var helper = new TileBrushImplHelper(tileBrush, targetSize);
                var bitmap = new BitmapImpl((int)helper.IntermediateSize.Width, (int)helper.IntermediateSize.Height);
                using (var ctx = bitmap.CreateDrawingContext())
                SKMatrix translation = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(-(float)helper.DestinationRect.X, -(float)helper.DestinationRect.Y);
                SKShaderTileMode tileX =
                    tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None
                        ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp
                        : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipX || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY
                            ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror
                            : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat;

                SKShaderTileMode tileY =
                    tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None
                        ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp
                        : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipY || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY
                            ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror
                            : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat;
                paint.Shader = SKShader.CreateBitmap(bitmap.Bitmap, tileX, tileY, translation);

            return rv;
        internal PaintWrapper CreatePaint(IBrush brush, Size targetSize)
            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint();
            var     rv    = new PaintWrapper(paint);

            paint.IsStroke = false;

            double opacity = brush.Opacity * _currentOpacity;

            paint.IsAntialias = true;

            var solid = brush as ISolidColorBrush;

            if (solid != null)
                paint.Color = new SKColor(solid.Color.R, solid.Color.G, solid.Color.B, (byte)(solid.Color.A * opacity));
            paint.Color = (new SKColor(255, 255, 255, (byte)(255 * opacity)));

            var gradient = brush as IGradientBrush;

            if (gradient != null)
                var tileMode    = gradient.SpreadMethod.ToSKShaderTileMode();
                var stopColors  = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => s.Color.ToSKColor()).ToArray();
                var stopOffsets = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => (float)s.Offset).ToArray();

                var linearGradient = brush as ILinearGradientBrush;
                if (linearGradient != null)
                    var start = linearGradient.StartPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();
                    var end   = linearGradient.EndPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();

                    // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly?
                    using (var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(start, end, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode))
                        paint.Shader = shader;
                    var radialGradient = brush as IRadialGradientBrush;
                    if (radialGradient != null)
                        var center = radialGradient.Center.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();
                        var radius = (float)radialGradient.Radius;

                        // TODO: There is no SetAlpha in SkiaSharp

                        // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly?
                        using (var shader = SKShader.CreateRadialGradient(center, radius, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode))
                            paint.Shader = shader;


            var tileBrush      = brush as ITileBrush;
            var visualBrush    = brush as IVisualBrush;
            var tileBrushImage = default(BitmapImpl);

            if (visualBrush != null)
                if (_visualBrushRenderer != null)
                    var intermediateSize = _visualBrushRenderer.GetRenderTargetSize(visualBrush);

                    if (intermediateSize.Width >= 1 && intermediateSize.Height >= 1)
                        var intermediate = new BitmapImpl((int)intermediateSize.Width, (int)intermediateSize.Height);

                        using (var ctx = intermediate.CreateDrawingContext(_visualBrushRenderer))
                            _visualBrushRenderer.RenderVisualBrush(ctx, visualBrush);

                        tileBrushImage = intermediate;
                    throw new NotSupportedException("No IVisualBrushRenderer was supplied to DrawingContextImpl.");
                tileBrushImage = (BitmapImpl)((tileBrush as IImageBrush)?.Source?.PlatformImpl);

            if (tileBrush != null && tileBrushImage != null)
                var calc   = new TileBrushCalculator(tileBrush, new Size(tileBrushImage.PixelWidth, tileBrushImage.PixelHeight), targetSize);
                var bitmap = new BitmapImpl((int)calc.IntermediateSize.Width, (int)calc.IntermediateSize.Height);
                using (var context = bitmap.CreateDrawingContext(null))
                    var rect = new Rect(0, 0, tileBrushImage.PixelWidth, tileBrushImage.PixelHeight);

                    context.Transform = calc.IntermediateTransform;
                    context.DrawImage(tileBrushImage, 1, rect, rect);

                SKMatrix         translation = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(-(float)calc.DestinationRect.X, -(float)calc.DestinationRect.Y);
                SKShaderTileMode tileX       =
                    tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None
                        ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp
                        : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipX || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY
                            ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror
                            : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat;

                SKShaderTileMode tileY =
                    tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None
                        ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp
                        : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipY || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY
                            ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror
                            : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat;
                using (var shader = SKShader.CreateBitmap(bitmap.Bitmap, tileX, tileY, translation))
                    paint.Shader = shader;

        internal PaintWrapper CreatePaint(IBrush brush, Size targetSize)
            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint();
            var     rv    = new PaintWrapper(paint);

            paint.IsStroke = false;

            // TODO: SkiaSharp does not contain alpha yet!
            double opacity = brush.Opacity * _currentOpacity;

            //paint.SetAlpha(paint.GetAlpha() * opacity);
            paint.IsAntialias = true;

            SKColor color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 255);

            var solid = brush as ISolidColorBrush;

            if (solid != null)
                color = solid.Color.ToSKColor();

            paint.Color = (new SKColor(color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, (byte)(color.Alpha * opacity)));

            if (solid != null)

            var gradient = brush as GradientBrush;

            if (gradient != null)
                var tileMode    = gradient.SpreadMethod.ToSKShaderTileMode();
                var stopColors  = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => s.Color.ToSKColor()).ToArray();
                var stopOffsets = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => (float)s.Offset).ToArray();

                var linearGradient = brush as LinearGradientBrush;
                if (linearGradient != null)
                    var start = linearGradient.StartPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();
                    var end   = linearGradient.EndPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();

                    // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly?
                    using (var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(start, end, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode))
                        paint.Shader = shader;
                    var radialGradient = brush as RadialGradientBrush;
                    if (radialGradient != null)
                        var center = radialGradient.Center.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();
                        var radius = (float)radialGradient.Radius;

                        // TODO: There is no SetAlpha in SkiaSharp

                        // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly?
                        using (var shader = SKShader.CreateRadialGradient(center, radius, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode))
                            paint.Shader = shader;


            var tileBrush = brush as TileBrush;

            if (tileBrush != null)
                var helper = new TileBrushImplHelper(tileBrush, targetSize);
                var bitmap = new BitmapImpl((int)helper.IntermediateSize.Width, (int)helper.IntermediateSize.Height);
                using (var ctx = bitmap.CreateDrawingContext())
                SKMatrix         translation = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(-(float)helper.DestinationRect.X, -(float)helper.DestinationRect.Y);
                SKShaderTileMode tileX       =
                    tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None
                        ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp
                        : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipX || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY
                            ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror
                            : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat;

                SKShaderTileMode tileY =
                    tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None
                        ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp
                        : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipY || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY
                            ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror
                            : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat;
                using (var shader = SKShader.CreateBitmap(bitmap.Bitmap, tileX, tileY, translation))
                    paint.Shader = shader;
