Beispiel #1
        public VoteMessage CreateNewVoteMessage(ulong MsgID, SocketUser Author, string Content)
            VoteMessage NewVoteMessage = new VoteMessage()
                MessageID  = MsgID,
                Suggestion = Content,
                Author     = new VoteAuthor()
                    Username  = Author.Username,
                    AvatarURL = Author.GetAvatarUrl()
            List <VoteMessage> Temp_List = new List <VoteMessage>();

Beispiel #2
        public async Task MainAsync()
            _client     = new DiscordSocketClient();
            VoteHandler = new VoteHandler();

            CommandSys = new CommandHandler(new CommandObject[] {
                new CommandObject("Help", "Shows the help menu", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    // Embed Main
                    EmbedBuilder HelpEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                             .WithColor(new Color(0, 255, 0))
                                             .WithFooter("GeT_ReKt", "");
                    foreach (CommandObject CmdObj in CMDS)
                        HelpEmbed.AddField("!" + CmdObj.CmdName + " " + CmdObj.CmdArgs, CmdObj.CmdDesc);
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("PLEASE SEND ALL COMMANDS IN DIRECT MESSAGE WITH THE BOT IF YOU CAN\nYou can replace `!` with `?`.", false, HelpEmbed.Build());
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("PLEASE SEND ALL COMMANDS IN DIRECT MESSAGE WITH THE BOT IF YOU CAN\nYou can replace `!` with `?`.", false, HelpEmbed.Build());
                new CommandObject("Download", "Get the download link.", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("");
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("");
                new CommandObject("Changelog", "Get the changelog link.", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("");
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("");
                new CommandObject("Editor", "Get JohnGames Level Editor link.", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("");
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("");
                new CommandObject("Reddit", "Get the Autonauts reddit link.", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("");
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("");
                new CommandObject("Twitter", "Get the Autonauts twitter link.", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("");
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("");
                new CommandObject("Instagram", "Get the Autonauts instagram link.", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("");
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("");
                new CommandObject("Denki", "Get the Denki website link.", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("");
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("");
                new CommandObject("CommunityHub", "Get the Unofficial Community Hub link.", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("");
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("");
                new CommandObject("OldSaves", "Where are my old saves located?", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    EmbedBuilder OldSavesEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                                 .WithColor(new Color(0, 255, 0))
                                                 .WithFooter("GeT_ReKt", "")
                                                 .AddField("Windows", @"`%userprofile%\Appdata\LocalLow\Denki\Autonauts`")
                                                 .AddField("Mac", @"`Library/ApplicationSupport/unity.Denki.Autonauts`")
                                                 .AddField("Linux", @"`~/.config/unity3d/Denki/Autonauts`");

                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, OldSavesEmbed.Build());
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("", false, OldSavesEmbed.Build());
                new CommandObject("SaveLocation", "Where are my old saves located?", "", async(MSG, ARGS, CMDS) =>
                    EmbedBuilder OldSavesEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                                 .WithColor(new Color(0, 255, 0))
                                                 .WithFooter("GeT_ReKt", "")
                                                 .AddField("Windows", @"`%userprofile%\Appdata\LocalLow\Denki\Autonauts`")
                                                 .AddField("Mac", @"`Library/ApplicationSupport/unity.Denki.Autonauts`")
                                                 .AddField("Linux", @"`~/.config/unity3d/Denki/Autonauts`");

                    if (MSG.MentionedUsers.Count > 0)
                        await MSG.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, OldSavesEmbed.Build());
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("", false, OldSavesEmbed.Build());
                new CommandObject("Feedback", "Send feedback or information directly to the developer of me!", "<Your Message>", async(SocketMessage MSG, string[] ARGS, CommandObject[] CMDS) =>
                    EmbedBuilder FeedbackEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                                 .WithColor(new Color(255, 0, 0))
                                                 .WithAuthor(MSG.Author.Username, MSG.Author.GetAvatarUrl())
                                                 .AddInlineField("In Channel", "<#" + MSG.Channel.Id + ">")
                                                 .AddInlineField("From User", "<@" + MSG.Author.Id + ">");
                    await _client.GetGuild(345372586378526722).GetTextChannel(354804021300822018).SendMessageAsync("Feedback!", false, FeedbackEmbed.Build());
                    await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("Sent feedback to <@160901181692968971> !");
                new CommandObject("Suggest", "Make a suggestion to improve Autonauts!", "", async(SocketMessage MSG, string[] ARGS, CommandObject[] CMDS) =>
                    if (MSG.Content.Substring(8).Length < 25)
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("Your suggestion was rejected due to a lack of content, please make sure your suggestion is well explained and greater than 25 characters :D");
                    EmbedBuilder NewSuggestEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                                   .WithAuthor(MSG.Author.Username, MSG.Author.GetAvatarUrl())
                                                   .WithColor(new Color(0, 0, 255))
                                                   .WithFooter(_client.GetUser(160901181692968971).Username, _client.GetUser(160901181692968971).GetAvatarUrl())
                                                   .AddInlineField("Rate!", "Once a suggestion recieves a net score of " + new VoteMessage().Threshold + " upvotes it will be added to the suggestions command!");
                    RestUserMessage SentMessage = await _client.GetGuild(331886561044201473).GetTextChannel(332835394620096512).SendMessageAsync("", false, NewSuggestEmbed.Build());

                    await SentMessage.AddReactionAsync(new UpArrow(), null);
                    await SentMessage.AddReactionAsync(new DownArrow(), null);

                    VoteHandler.CreateNewVoteMessage(SentMessage.Id, MSG.Author, MSG.Content.Substring(8));
                new CommandObject("Suggestions", "Get the suggestions made!", "[page]", async(SocketMessage MSG, string[] ARGS, CommandObject[] CMDS) =>
                    if (VoteHandler.Config.SuccesfullMessages.Count == 0)
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("There isn't any successful suggestions to display!");
                        int CurrentPage;
                        if (!Int32.TryParse(ARGS[0], out CurrentPage))
                            CurrentPage = 1;
                        float AmountOfPages = VoteHandler.Config.SuccesfullMessages.Count / 10;
                        int PagesRounded    = (int)Math.Ceiling(AmountOfPages);

                        if (CurrentPage > PagesRounded)
                            CurrentPage = PagesRounded;
                        EmbedBuilder SuggestionsPageEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
                                                            .WithColor(new Color(0, 255, 0))
                                                            .WithDescription("Current Page: " + ARGS[0] + "/" + PagesRounded)
                                                            .WithFooter(_client.GetUser(160901181692968971).Username, _client.GetUser(160901181692968971).GetAvatarUrl());

                        for (int i = CurrentPage * 10 - 10; i == CurrentPage * 10; i++)
                            VoteMessage temp_MSG = VoteHandler.Config.SuccesfullMessages[i];
                            if (temp_MSG != null)
                                SuggestionsPageEmbed.AddInlineField(temp_MSG.Author.Username, temp_MSG.Suggestion);
                        await MSG.Author.SendMessageAsync("", false, SuggestionsPageEmbed.Build());

            _client.Log             += Log;
            _client.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
            _client.ReactionAdded   += ReactionAdded;

            //string token = "MjkxNjc3MTU2Njc1NjgyMzA0.DJN23A.dTSMgGNCWZ0XzxmOpSw-y8Xcj5Y"; //BenderBot
            string token = "MzQ1MzY5NjM3OTYzNDMxOTM3.DIvfgw.Mh5kIKgnPx84gXvNolSbSvjJXrA"; //Autonauts Utility
            await _client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token);

            await _client.StartAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);