Beispiel #1
        static RevSurface FromRevolvedSurface(DB.XYZ origin, DB.XYZ xDir, DB.XYZ yDir, DB.XYZ zDir, DB.Curve curve, DB.BoundingBoxUV bboxUV, double relativeTolerance)
            var atol = relativeTolerance * Revit.AngleTolerance;
            var ctol = relativeTolerance * Revit.ShortCurveTolerance;
            var uu   = new Interval(bboxUV.Min.U - atol, bboxUV.Max.U + atol);

            var plane = new Plane
            var axisDir = AsVector3d(zDir);

            using (var ECStoWCS = new DB.Transform(DB.Transform.Identity)
                Origin = origin, BasisX = xDir.Normalize(), BasisY = yDir.Normalize(), BasisZ = zDir.Normalize()
                var c = ToRhino(curve.CreateTransformed(ECStoWCS));
                c = ctol == 0.0 ? c : c.Extend(CurveEnd.Both, ctol, CurveExtensionStyle.Smooth);

                var axis = new Line(plane.Origin, plane.Normal);
                return(RevSurface.Create(c, axis, uu.Min, uu.Max));
Beispiel #2
        static RevSurface FromCylindricalSurface(DB.XYZ origin, DB.XYZ xDir, DB.XYZ yDir, DB.XYZ zDir, double radius, DB.BoundingBoxUV bboxUV)
            var ctol = Revit.ShortCurveTolerance;
            var atol = Revit.AngleTolerance;
            var uu   = new Interval(bboxUV.Min.U - atol, bboxUV.Max.U + atol);
            var vv   = new Interval(bboxUV.Min.V - ctol, bboxUV.Max.V + ctol);

            var o = origin.ToRhino();
            var x = (Vector3d)xDir.Normalize().ToRhino();
            var z = (Vector3d)zDir.Normalize().ToRhino();

            var axis  = new Line(o, o + z);
            var curve = new LineCurve
                new Line
                    o + (x * radius) + (z * vv.Min),
                    o + (x * radius) + (z * vv.Max)

            return(RevSurface.Create(curve, axis, uu.Min, uu.Max));
Beispiel #3
        static RevSurface FromConicalSurface(DB.XYZ origin, DB.XYZ xDir, DB.XYZ yDir, DB.XYZ zDir, double halfAngle, DB.BoundingBoxUV bboxUV)
            var ctol = Revit.ShortCurveTolerance;
            var atol = Revit.AngleTolerance * 10.0;
            var uu   = new Interval(bboxUV.Min.U - atol, bboxUV.Max.U + atol);
            var vv   = new Interval(bboxUV.Min.V - ctol, bboxUV.Max.V + ctol);

            var o = origin.ToRhino();
            var x = (Vector3d)xDir.Normalize().ToRhino();
            var z = (Vector3d)zDir.Normalize().ToRhino();

            var axis = new Line(o, o + z);

            var dir = z + x * Math.Tan(halfAngle);


            var curve = new LineCurve
                new Line
                    o + (dir * vv.Min),
                    o + (dir * vv.Max)

            return(RevSurface.Create(curve, axis, uu.Min, uu.Max));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a line from start point to end point with the direction and style
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startpt">start point</param>
        /// <param name="endpt">end point</param>
        /// <param name="direction">the direction which decide the plane</param>
        /// <param name="style">line style name</param>
        public void MakeLine(Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ startpt, Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ endpt, Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ direction, string style)
                m_LineCount = m_LineCount + 1;
                Line line = m_app.Application.Create.NewLineBound(startpt, endpt);
                // Line must lie in the sketch plane.  Use the direction of the line to construct a plane that hosts the target line.
                XYZ rotatedDirection = XYZ.BasisX;

                // If the direction is not vertical, cross the direction vector with Z to get a vector rotated ninety degrees.  That vector,
                // plus the original vector, form the axes of the sketch plane.
                if (!direction.IsAlmostEqualTo(XYZ.BasisZ) && !direction.IsAlmostEqualTo(-XYZ.BasisZ))
                    rotatedDirection = direction.Normalize().CrossProduct(XYZ.BasisZ);
                Plane       geometryPlane = m_app.Application.Create.NewPlane(direction, rotatedDirection, startpt);
                SketchPlane skplane       = m_app.ActiveUIDocument.Document.Create.NewSketchPlane(geometryPlane);
                ModelCurve  mcurve        = m_app.ActiveUIDocument.Document.Create.NewModelCurve(line, skplane);
                ElementArray lsArr = mcurve.LineStyles;
                foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element e in lsArr)
                    if (e.Name == style)
                        mcurve.LineStyle = e;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                m_outputInfo.Add("Failed to create lines: " + ex.ToString());
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Project a point on a face
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xyzArray">the face points, them fix a face </param>
        /// <param name="point">the point</param>
        /// <returns>the projected point on this face</returns>
        static private Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ Project(List <XYZ> xyzArray, Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ point)
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ a = xyzArray[0] - xyzArray[1];
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ b = xyzArray[0] - xyzArray[2];
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ c = point - xyzArray[0];

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ normal = (a.CrossProduct(b));

                normal = normal.Normalize();
            catch (Exception)
                normal = Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ.Zero;

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ retProjectedPoint = point - (normal.DotProduct(c)) * normal;
Beispiel #6
        static RevSurface FromRevolvedSurface(DB.XYZ origin, DB.XYZ xDir, DB.XYZ yDir, DB.XYZ zDir, DB.Curve curve, DB.BoundingBoxUV bboxUV)
            var ctol = Revit.ShortCurveTolerance;
            var atol = Revit.AngleTolerance;
            var uu   = new Interval(bboxUV.Min.U - atol, bboxUV.Max.U + atol);

            var o = origin.ToRhino();
            var z = (Vector3d)zDir.Normalize().ToRhino();

            var axis = new Line(o, o + z);

            using (var ECStoWCS = new DB.Transform(DB.Transform.Identity)
                Origin = origin, BasisX = xDir.Normalize(), BasisY = yDir.Normalize(), BasisZ = zDir.Normalize()
                var c = curve.CreateTransformed(ECStoWCS).ToRhino().Extend(CurveEnd.Both, ctol, CurveExtensionStyle.Smooth);
                return(RevSurface.Create(c, axis, uu.Min, uu.Max));
Beispiel #7
        public RevitPipeConverter()
            var ptConv = new PointConverter();

            var planeConv = AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rg.Plane, ppg.Plane>(
                                             (rpl) => {
                return(new ppg.Plane(ptConv.ToPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(rpl.Origin), ptConv.ToPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(rpl.XVec),
                                     ptConv.ToPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(rpl.YVec), ptConv.ToPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(rpl.Normal)));
                                             (ppl) => {
                return(rg.Plane.CreateByOriginAndBasis(ptConv.FromPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(ppl.Origin),
                                                       ptConv.FromPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(ppl.X), ptConv.FromPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(ppl.Y)));

            var geomConv = new GeometryConverter(ptConv, planeConv);


            var polylineListConv = AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rg.Line[], ppc.Polyline>(
                                                    (rlg) =>
                List <rg.XYZ> pts = rlg.Select((ln) => ln.GetEndPoint(0)).ToList();
                return(new ppc.Polyline(pts.Select((pt) => ptConv.ToPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(pt)).ToList()));
                                                    (ppl) =>
                List <ppc.Line> lines = ppl.ExplodedLines();
                return(lines.Select((ln) => (rg.Line)geomConv.FromPipe <rg.GeometryObject, IPipeMemberType>(ln)).ToArray());

            var extrConv = AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rg.Extrusion, pps.Extrusion>(
                                            (rext) => {
                rg.XYZ norm   = rext.Sketch.SketchPlane.GetPlane().Normal.Normalize();
                var startNorm = norm.Multiply(rext.StartOffset);
                var endNorm   = norm.Normalize().Multiply(rext.EndOffset);
                var depthVec  = norm.Normalize().Multiply(rext.EndOffset - rext.StartOffset);

                List <ppc.Curve> curs = new List <ppc.Curve>();
                foreach (rg.Curve cur in rext.Sketch.Profile)
                    curs.Add(geomConv.CurveConverter.ToPipe <rg.Curve, ppc.Curve>(cur.CreateTransformed(

                return(new pps.Extrusion(new ppc.PolyCurve(curs), ptConv.ToPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(depthVec),
                                         rext.EndOffset - rext.StartOffset));
                                            (pe) => {
                double tolerance         = 1e-3;
                rg.CurveArrArray profile = new rg.CurveArrArray();
                rg.CurveArray curs       = new rg.CurveArray();
                List <ppc.Curve> pCurs   = pe.ProfileCurve.FlattenedCurveList();
                rg.Plane plane           = null;
                pCurs.ForEach((cur) => {
                    rg.Curve revitCur = geomConv.CurveConverter.FromPipe <rg.Curve, ppc.Curve>(cur);
                    rg.Plane newPl = Utils.SketchPlaneUtil.GetPlaneForCurve(revitCur);

                    if (plane == null)
                        plane = newPl;
                    else if (Math.Abs(plane.Normal.Normalize().DotProduct(newPl.Normal.Normalize()) - 1) > tolerance)
                        //the two planes are not aligned so throw exception
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create a Revit Extrusion because the profile " +
                                                            "curves are not in the same plane");
                rg.XYZ dir = ptConv.FromPipe <rg.XYZ, ppg.Vec>(pe.Direction);
                if (Math.Abs(plane.Normal.Normalize().DotProduct(dir.Normalize()) - 1) > tolerance)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Extrusions with direction not perpendicular to curve" +
                                                      "cannot be imported into revit, try converting it to a mesh before sending through the pipe");
                return(PipeForRevit.ActiveDocument.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusion(false, profile,
                                                                             rg.SketchPlane.Create(PipeForRevit.ActiveDocument, plane), pe.Height));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will find out a route to avoid the obstruction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pipe">Pipe to resolve</param>
        /// <param name="section">Pipe's one obstruction</param>
        /// <returns>A route which can avoid the obstruction</returns>
        private Line FindRoute(Pipe pipe, Section section)
            // Perpendicular direction minimal length.
            double minLength = pipe.Diameter * 2;

            // Parallel direction jump step.
            double jumpStep = pipe.Diameter;

            // Calculate the directions in which to find the solution.
            List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ> dirs = new List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ>();

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ crossDir = null;
            foreach (ReferenceWithContext gref in section.Refs)
                Element elem                 = m_rvtDoc.GetElement(gref.GetReference());
                Line    locationLine         = (elem.Location as LocationCurve).Curve as Line;
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ refDir = locationLine.GetEndPoint(1) - locationLine.GetEndPoint(0);
                refDir = refDir.Normalize();
                if (refDir.IsAlmostEqualTo(section.PipeCenterLineDirection) || refDir.IsAlmostEqualTo(-section.PipeCenterLineDirection))
                crossDir = refDir.CrossProduct(section.PipeCenterLineDirection);

            // When all the obstruction are parallel with the centerline of the pipe,
            // We can't calculate the direction from the vector.Cross method.
            if (dirs.Count == 0)
                // Calculate perpendicular directions with dir in four directions.
                List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ> perDirs = PerpendicularDirs(section.PipeCenterLineDirection, 4);

            Line foundLine = null;

            while (null == foundLine)
                // Extend the section interval by jumpStep.
                section.Inflate(0, jumpStep);
                section.Inflate(1, jumpStep);

                // Find solution in the given directions.
                for (int i = 0; null == foundLine && i < dirs.Count; i++)
                    // Calculate the intersections.
                    List <ReferenceWithContext> obs1 = m_detector.Obstructions(section.Start, dirs[i]);
                    List <ReferenceWithContext> obs2 = m_detector.Obstructions(section.End, dirs[i]);

                    // Filter out the intersection result.
                    Filter(pipe, obs1);
                    Filter(pipe, obs2);

                    // Find out the minimal intersections in two opposite direction.
                    ReferenceWithContext[] mins1 = GetClosestSectionsToOrigin(obs1);
                    ReferenceWithContext[] mins2 = GetClosestSectionsToOrigin(obs2);

                    // Find solution in the given direction and its opposite direction.
                    for (int j = 0; null == foundLine && j < 2; j++)
                        if (mins1[j] != null && Math.Abs(mins1[j].Proximity) < minLength ||
                            mins2[j] != null && Math.Abs(mins2[j].Proximity) < minLength)

                        // Calculate the maximal height that the parallel line can be reached.
                        double maxHight = 1000 * pipe.Diameter;
                        if (mins1[j] != null && mins2[j] != null)
                            maxHight = Math.Min(Math.Abs(mins1[j].Proximity), Math.Abs(mins2[j].Proximity));
                        else if (mins1[j] != null)
                            maxHight = Math.Abs(mins1[j].Proximity);
                        else if (mins2[j] != null)
                            maxHight = Math.Abs(mins2[j].Proximity);

                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ dir = (j == 1) ? dirs[i] : -dirs[i];

                        // Calculate the parallel line which can avoid obstructions.
                        foundLine = FindParallelLine(pipe, section, dir, maxHight);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect the obstructions of pipe and resolve them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pipe">Pipe to resolve</param>
        private void Resolve(Pipe pipe)
            // Get the centerline of pipe.
            Line pipeLine = (pipe.Location as LocationCurve).Curve as Line;

            // Calculate the intersection references with pipe's centerline.
            List <ReferenceWithContext> obstructionRefArr = m_detector.Obstructions(pipeLine);

            // Filter out the references, just allow Pipe, Beam, and Duct.
            Filter(pipe, obstructionRefArr);

            if (obstructionRefArr.Count == 0)
                // There are no intersection found.

            // Calculate the direction of pipe's centerline.
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ dir = pipeLine.GetEndPoint(1) - pipeLine.GetEndPoint(0);

            // Build the sections from the intersection references.
            List <Section> sections = Section.BuildSections(obstructionRefArr, dir.Normalize());

            // Merge the neighbor sections if the distance of them is too close.
            for (int i = sections.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ detal = sections[i].End - sections[i + 1].Start;
                if (detal.GetLength() < pipe.Diameter * 3)
                    sections[i].Refs.AddRange(sections[i + 1].Refs);
                    sections.RemoveAt(i + 1);

            // Resolve the obstructions one by one.
            foreach (Section sec in sections)
                Resolve(pipe, sec);

            // Connect the neighbor sections with pipe and elbow fittings.
            for (int i = 1; i < sections.Count; i++)
                // Get the end point from the previous section.
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ start = sections[i - 1].End;

                // Get the start point from the current section.
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ end = sections[i].Start;

                // Create a pipe between two neighbor section.
                Pipe tmpPipe = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewPipe(start, end, pipe.PipeType);

                // Copy pipe's parameters values to tmpPipe.
                CopyParameters(pipe, tmpPipe);

                // Create elbow fitting to connect previous section with tmpPipe.
                Connector      conn1 = FindConnector(sections[i - 1].Pipes[2], start);
                Connector      conn2 = FindConnector(tmpPipe, start);
                FamilyInstance fi    = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewElbowFitting(conn1, conn2);

                // Create elbow fitting to connect current section with tmpPipe.
                Connector      conn3 = FindConnector(sections[i].Pipes[0], end);
                Connector      conn4 = FindConnector(tmpPipe, end);
                FamilyInstance f2    = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewElbowFitting(conn3, conn4);

            // Find two connectors which pipe's two ends connector connected to.
            Connector startConn = FindConnectedTo(pipe, pipeLine.GetEndPoint(0));
            Connector endConn   = FindConnectedTo(pipe, pipeLine.GetEndPoint(1));

            Pipe startPipe = null;

            if (null != startConn)
                // Create a pipe between pipe's start connector and pipe's start section.
                startPipe = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewPipe(sections[0].Start, startConn, pipe.PipeType);
                // Create a pipe between pipe's start point and pipe's start section.
                startPipe = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewPipe(sections[0].Start, pipeLine.GetEndPoint(0), pipe.PipeType);

            // Copy parameters from pipe to startPipe.
            CopyParameters(pipe, startPipe);

            // Connect the startPipe and first section with elbow fitting.
            Connector      connStart1 = FindConnector(startPipe, sections[0].Start);
            Connector      connStart2 = FindConnector(sections[0].Pipes[0], sections[0].Start);
            FamilyInstance fii        = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewElbowFitting(connStart1, connStart2);

            Pipe endPipe = null;
            int  count   = sections.Count;

            if (null != endConn)
                // Create a pipe between pipe's end connector and pipe's end section.
                endPipe = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewPipe(sections[count - 1].End, endConn, pipe.PipeType);
                // Create a pipe between pipe's end point and pipe's end section.
                endPipe = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewPipe(sections[count - 1].End, pipeLine.GetEndPoint(1), pipe.PipeType);

            // Copy parameters from pipe to endPipe.
            CopyParameters(pipe, endPipe);

            // Connect the endPipe and last section with elbow fitting.
            Connector      connEnd1 = FindConnector(endPipe, sections[count - 1].End);
            Connector      connEnd2 = FindConnector(sections[count - 1].Pipes[2], sections[count - 1].End);
            FamilyInstance fiii     = m_rvtDoc.Create.NewElbowFitting(connEnd1, connEnd2);

            // Delete the pipe after resolved.