/// <summary>
        /// Creates a revolved surface from a list of wireframe.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotationAxis">The axis around which to revolve the surface.</param>
        /// <param name="angleOfRevolution">The angle round which to revolve.</param>
        /// <param name="wireframe">The wireframe representing the profile of the surface.</param>
        /// <returns>A revolved surface.</returns>
        public PSSurfaceRevolution CreateRevolvedSurface(
            Axes rotationAxis,
            Geometry.Degree angleOfRevolution,
            PSWireframe wireframe)
            // Set the principal plane

            // Select the wireframe

            // Create revolved surface
            _powerSHAPE.DoCommand("CREATE SURFACE REVOLUTION");

            // Check that surface has been created
            PSSurfaceRevolution createdSurface = null;

            if (_powerSHAPE.ActiveModel.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("No surface was created from the revolution");
            createdSurface = (PSSurfaceRevolution)_powerSHAPE.ActiveModel.SelectedItems[0];

            // Change the revolution angle if required
            if (angleOfRevolution != 360)
                createdSurface.Angle = angleOfRevolution;

        internal PSSurfaceRevolution(
            PSAutomation powershape,
            Planes principalPlane,
            PSWireframe[] wireframeToExtrude) : base(powershape)
            // Clear CreatedItems

            // Add the wireframe to the selection
            foreach (PSWireframe wireframe in wireframeToExtrude)

            // Create a revolution using the principal plane and wireframe specified
            _powerSHAPE.DoCommand("CREATE SURFACE REVOLUTION");

            // Get created revolution id
            PSSurfaceRevolution newRevolution = (PSSurfaceRevolution)_powerSHAPE.ActiveModel.CreatedItems[0];

            _id = newRevolution.Id;