public int CalculateRiskFor(AffectedGraph graph)
     if (graph == null) return 0;
     var root = graph.GetRootNode();
     if (root == null) return 0;
     var connections = GraphNodeHashBuilder.GetHashFrom(graph);
     var risk = RecurseRisk(root.FullName, connections, new Dictionary<string, bool>());
     if (risk.nottested + risk.tested == 0) return 0;
     return (int)(risk.tested / (decimal)(risk.nottested + risk.tested) * 100.0m);
 public int CalculateRiskFor(AffectedGraph graph)
     //TODO make interface take the hash not the graph (so it canbe reused between strategies instead of built n times)
     if (graph == null) return 0;
     var root = graph.GetRootNode();
     if (root == null) return 0;
     var visited = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     var hash = GraphNodeHashBuilder.GetHashFrom(graph);
     var testsScore = RecurseFrom(root.FullName, hash, 0, 0, visited);
     var complexity = root.Complexity > 1.0m ? root.Complexity : 1.0m;
     var overallScore = testsScore/complexity;
     var ret = overallScore > 1.0m ? 1.0m : overallScore;
     return (int) (ret * 100m);
 public void when_root_node_get_root_node_returns_root_node()
     var g = new AffectedGraph();
     var root = new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, true, "name", "bar::foo", "assembly", "type", new List<TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0);
     g.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, false, "name", "bar::foo2", "assembly", "type", new List<TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));
     Assert.AreEqual(root, g.GetRootNode());
 public void when_no_root_node_get_root_node_returns_null()
     var g = new AffectedGraph();
     g.AddNode(new AffectedGraphNode("foo", false, false, false, "name", "bar::foo", "assembly", "type", new List<TestDescriptor>(), false, false, 0));