Beispiel #1
        // ---------------------- LoadEmail ---------------------------
        private void LoadEmail(SocketExchange InEx, Int64 InMailDropPosition)
            // tell the server we want to read the message.
            InEx.Send("retr " + InMailDropPosition + PopConstants.CrLf);

            InEx.ExpectedResponseCodes =
                new ExpectedResponseCodes(PopConstants.Ok, PopConstants.Error);
            InEx.SendReceive("retr " + InMailDropPosition + PopConstants.CrLf);
            InEx.ThrowIfUnexpectedResponse( );

            // -ERR response. no such message number.
            if (InEx.ResponseCode == PopConstants.Error)

                // for now, receive SSL link messages in the same thread.
                if (InEx.ConnectedSecureSocket != null)
                    StringBuilder mail = null;
                    mail = ReceiveMessage_SameThread(InEx);
                    InEx.LoadResponseMessage(mail.ToString( ));

                // receive in a background thread.
                    InEx.LoadResponseMessage( ));

            // parse email ...
            mParts = MimeCommon.MessagePartSplitter(InEx.ResponseMessage);

            string[] lines = MimeCommon.MessageLineSplitter(InEx.ResponseMessage);

            mAttachments = null;
            MimeAttachment attach = (MimeAttachment)Attachments.FirstAttachment( ).Current;

            if (attach != null)

//      if (1 == 2)
//        DumpHeader(InEx, InMailDropPosition);

            for (int ix = 0; ix < lines.Length; ++ix)
                InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, lines[ix]);

            // remove reading pop3State ...
            mSockThreadState = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Build list of attachments in the mime message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InPartList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MimeAttachmentList BuildList(MimeMessagePartList InPartList)
            // clear the list
            Clear( );

            AcEnumerator it = InPartList.BeginParts( );

            for (it = InPartList.FirstPart( ); it.Current != null; it.MoveNext( ))
                MimeMessagePart part = (MimeMessagePart)it.Current;
                PartProperty.ContentDisposition disp = part.Properties.ContentDisposition;
                if ((disp != null) && (disp.Disposition == "attachment"))
Beispiel #3
        // -------------------------- MessagePartSplitter -----------------------
        // input is an array holding the unfolded lines of the message.
        // Build and return a list of MimeMessagePart objects.  Each part object holds the
        // lines of a part of the message.
        // ( a part is either the header part or the boundary string delimited content parts.
        public static InMail.MimeMessagePartList MessagePartSplitter(string InStream)
            InMail.MimeMessagePartList parts  = new InMail.MimeMessagePartList( );
            bool        currentlyBetweenParts = false;
            StringStack bdryStack             = new StringStack( );

            int    Ex   = -1;
            string line = null;

            MimeMessagePart.PartInProgress pip =
                new MimeMessagePart.PartInProgress(MimePartCode.Top);

            while (true)
                // advance in string.
                int lineBx = Ex + 1;
                if (lineBx >= InStream.Length)

                // the next line in the stream. recognize folds depending on if currently within
                // a part header or within the message lines of the part ( no folding there )
                if (pip.CurrentlyAmoungPropertyLines == true)
                    IntStringPair rv = ScanEndUnfoldedLine(InStream, lineBx);
                    Ex   = rv.a;
                    line = rv.b;
                    IntStringPair rv = ScanEndLine(InStream, lineBx);
                    Ex   = rv.a;
                    line = rv.b;

                // calc what kind of a line in the mime document we have here.
                MimeLineCode lc = MimeParser.CalcLineCode(line, bdryStack.GetTop( ));
                if ((lc == MimeLineCode.Property) &&
                    (pip.CurrentlyAmoungMessageLines == true))
                    lc = MimeLineCode.Text;

                switch (lc)
                case MimeLineCode.Property:
                    StringPair propPair = MimeParser.SplitPropertyLine(line);

                    // the content-type property.  Could have an boundary="xxxxx" element.
                    // Boundary strings in a mime document have scope. That is, within one
                    // boundary ( section ) of the document, there can be sub boundaries
                    // ( sub sections )
                    if (propPair.a.ToLower( ) == "content-type")
                        PartProperty.ContentType ct =
                        if ((ct.Boundary != null) && (ct.Boundary != ""))
                    pip.AddLine(lineBx, line);

                // part boundary line. load the lines of the current part and reset the line
                // counter of this new part.
                case MimeLineCode.PartBdry:
                    if (pip.HasLines == true)
                        parts.AddNewPart(InStream, pip);
                    pip = new MimeMessagePart.PartInProgress(MimePartCode.Content);
                    currentlyBetweenParts = false;

                case MimeLineCode.PartEndBdry:
                    if (pip.HasLines == true)
                        parts.AddNewPart(InStream, pip);
                    pip = new MimeMessagePart.PartInProgress(MimePartCode.Content);
                    if (bdryStack.IsNotEmpty)
                        bdryStack.Pop( );
                    currentlyBetweenParts = true;

                // we have a line which is not a property line, not a boundary line.
                    // just starting out.  discard the "+OK" response sent by the server immed
                    // before the start of the message.
                    if ((pip.PartCode == MimePartCode.Top) &&
                        (pip.PartIsJustStarting == true) &&
                        (line.Length >= 3) &&
                        (line.Substring(0, 3) == "+OK"))

                    // currently handling property lines.
                    else if (pip.CurrentlyAmoungPropertyLines == true)
                        // a blank line switches from property lines to message lines.
                        if (line.Length == 0)
                            pip.CurrentlyAmoungPropertyLines = false;
                            pip.CurrentlyAmoungMessageLines  = true;

                        // what is this text line doing amoung the property lines ??
                        // for now, just ignore it.

                    else if (currentlyBetweenParts == false)
                        pip.AddLine(lineBx, line);

            // load the lines of the final in progress part.
            if (pip.HasLines == true)
                parts.AddNewPart(InStream, pip);

Beispiel #4
        // -------------------------- MessagePartSplitter -----------------------
        // input is an array holding the unfolded lines of the message.
        // Build and return a list of MimeMessagePart objects.  Each part object holds the
        // lines of a part of the message.
        // ( a part is either the header part or the boundary string delimited content parts.
        public static InMail.MimeMessagePartList MessagePartSplitter(string[] InLines)
            InMail.MimeMessagePartList parts   = new InMail.MimeMessagePartList( );
            int          curPartBx             = -1;
            int          curPartCx             = 0;
            MimePartCode curPartCode           = MimePartCode.Top;
            bool         currentlyBetweenParts = false;
            bool         partIsJustStarting    = true;
            StringStack  bdryStack             = new StringStack( );

            for (int Ix = 0; Ix < InLines.Length; ++Ix)
                string       line = InLines[Ix];
                MimeLineCode lc   = MimeParser.CalcLineCode(line, bdryStack.GetTop( ));

                switch (lc)
                case MimeLineCode.Property:
                    StringPair propPair = MimeParser.SplitPropertyLine(line);

                    // the content-type property.  Could have an boundary="xxxxx" element.
                    // Boundary strings in a mime document have scope. That is, within one
                    // boundary ( section ) of the document, there can be sub boundaries
                    // ( sub sections )
                    if (propPair.a.ToLower( ) == "content-type")
                        PartProperty.ContentType ct =
                        if ((ct.Boundary != null) && (ct.Boundary != ""))

                // part boundary line. load the lines of the current part and reset the line
                // counter of this new part.
                case MimeLineCode.PartBdry:
                    if (curPartBx != -1)
                        .LoadLines(InLines, curPartBx, curPartCx);
                    curPartCx             = 0;
                    curPartBx             = -1;
                    curPartCode           = MimePartCode.Content;
                    currentlyBetweenParts = false;
                    partIsJustStarting    = true;

                case MimeLineCode.PartEndBdry:
                    if (curPartBx != -1)
                        .LoadLines(InLines, curPartBx, curPartCx);
                    curPartCx = 0;
                    curPartBx = -1;
                    if (bdryStack.IsNotEmpty)
                        bdryStack.Pop( );
                    currentlyBetweenParts = true;


                // add to range of lines in the current part.
                if ((currentlyBetweenParts == false) && (lc != MimeLineCode.PartBdry))
                    if ((partIsJustStarting == true) && (line == ""))
                        if (curPartBx == -1)
                            curPartBx = Ix;
                    partIsJustStarting = false;

            // load the lines of the final in progress part.
            if (curPartBx != -1)
                .LoadLines(InLines, curPartBx, curPartCx);

        // ---------------------- LoadEmail ---------------------------
        private void LoadEmail(SocketExchange InEx, System.Int64 InMailDropPosition)
            // tell the server we want to read the message.
            InEx.Send("retr " + InMailDropPosition + PopConstants.CrLf);

            InEx.ExpectedResponseCodes =
                new ExpectedResponseCodes(PopConstants.Ok, PopConstants.Error);
            InEx.SendReceive("retr " + InMailDropPosition + PopConstants.CrLf);
            InEx.ThrowIfUnexpectedResponse( );

            // -ERR response. no such message number.
            if (InEx.ResponseCode == PopConstants.Error)

                // for now, receive SSL link messages in the same thread.
                if (InEx.ConnectedSecureSocket != null)
                    StringBuilder mail = null;
                    mail = ReceiveMessage_SameThread(InEx);
                    InEx.LoadResponseMessage(mail.ToString( ));

                // receive in a background thread.
                    InEx.LoadResponseMessage( ));

            // parse email ...
            mParts = MimeCommon.MessagePartSplitter(InEx.ResponseMessage);

            string[] lines = MimeCommon.MessageLineSplitter(InEx.ResponseMessage);
            if (1 == 2)
                mParts = MimeCommon.MessagePartSplitter(lines);

            mAttachments = null;
            MimeAttachment attach = (MimeAttachment)Attachments.FirstAttachment( ).Current;

            if (attach != null)

            if (1 == 2)
                // dump the header lines of the top part.
                InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, "--- start header line dump ---");
                MimeTopPart topPart = ( MimeTopPart )mParts.GetTopPart( );
                for (int Ix = 0; Ix < topPart.PropertyLines.Length; ++Ix)
                    InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, topPart.PropertyLines[Ix]);
                for (int Ix = 0; Ix < topPart.MessageLines.Length; ++Ix)
                    InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, topPart.MessageLines[Ix]);
                InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, "--- end of header line dump ---");

                // dump the lines of each part.
                foreach (MimeMessagePart part in mParts)
                    InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, "** message part **");
                    InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, "** property lines **");
                    foreach (string line in part.PropertyLines)
                        InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, line);
                    InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, "** message lines **");
                    foreach (string line in part.MessageLines)
                        InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, line);
                InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, "---- end of parts ----------");

            for (int ix = 0; ix < lines.Length; ++ix)
                InEx.Logger.AddMessage(NetworkRole.Server, lines[ix]);

            // remove reading pop3State ...
            mSockThreadState = null;