Beispiel #1
        protected void gvHosts_OnRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.DataItem != null)
                Button btnHost            = (e.Row.FindControl("btnGoToHost") as Button);
                Label  lblHostname        = (e.Row.FindControl("lblHostname") as Label);
                Label  lblOverallRisk     = (e.Row.FindControl("lblOverallRisk") as Label);
                Label  lblNessusGrade     = (e.Row.FindControl("lblNessusGrade") as Label);
                Label  lblNexposeGrade    = (e.Row.FindControl("lblNexposeGrade") as Label);
                Label  lblOpenVASGrade    = (e.Row.FindControl("lblOpenVASGrade") as Label);
                Label  lblMetasploitGrade = (e.Row.FindControl("lblMetasploitGrade") as Label);
                Label  lblExploitable     = (e.Row.FindControl("lblExploitable") as Label);

                DataTableObject obj = e.Row.DataItem as DataTableObject;

                lblHostname.Text        = obj.HostName;
                btnHost.Text            = obj.IP;
                btnHost.CommandArgument = obj.HostID.ToString();
                lblOverallRisk.Text     = (((double)(obj.NexposeGrade + obj.NessusGrade + obj.OpenVASGrade + obj.MetasploitGrade)) / 4d).ToString();
                lblMetasploitGrade.Text = obj.MetasploitGrade.ToString();
                lblNessusGrade.Text     = obj.NessusGrade.ToString();
                lblNexposeGrade.Text    = obj.NexposeGrade.ToString();
                lblOpenVASGrade.Text    = obj.OpenVASGrade.ToString();
                lblExploitable.Text     = obj.Exploits.ToString();
Beispiel #2
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            bool isNessus     = false;
            bool isOpenvas    = false;
            bool isNexpose    = false;
            bool isMetasploit = false;

            PersistentProfile profile = this.CurrentScanSession.Get <PersistentProfile>(new Guid(this.Request["pid"]));

            if (profile.CurrentResults == null)

            foreach (PersistentNMapHost host in profile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts)
                foreach (PersistentPort port in host.PersistentPorts)

            this.CurrentProfile = profile;

            PersistentScan latestScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentScan>()
                                        .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentProfileID", profile.ID))
                                        .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HasRun", true))
                                        .List <PersistentScan>()

            PersistentNessusScan nssScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentNessusScan>()
                                           .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                           .List <PersistentNessusScan>()

            if (nssScan != null)
                isNessus = true;

            PersistentOpenVASScan ovasScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentOpenVASScan>()
                                             .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                             .List <PersistentOpenVASScan>()

            if (ovasScan != null)
                isOpenvas = true;

            PersistentNexposeScan nxScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentNexposeScan>()
                                           .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                           .List <PersistentNexposeScan>()

            if (nxScan != null)
                isNexpose = true;

            PersistentMetasploitScan msfScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentMetasploitScan>()
                                               .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                               .List <PersistentMetasploitScan>()

            if (msfScan != null)
                isMetasploit = true;

            List <DataTableObject> objs = new List <DataTableObject>();

            foreach (PersistentNMapHost host in profile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts)
                DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject();

                obj.IP       = host.IPAddressv4;
                obj.HostName = host.Hostname;

                PersistentNessusReportHost nssHost = null;
                if (isNessus)
                    nssHost = nssScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.PersistentHostProperties.HostIP == host.IPAddressv4).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (nssHost != null)
                        obj.ScannedByNessus = true;
                        obj.NessusGrade     = nssHost.PersistentReportItems.Where(r => int.Parse(r.Severity) > 0).Count();
                        obj.ScannedByNessus = false;

                PersistentMetasploitHost msfHost = null;
                if (isMetasploit)
                    msfHost = msfScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.Address == host.IPAddressv4).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (msfHost != null)
                        obj.ScannedByMetasploit = true;
                        obj.Exploits            = msfHost.PersistentSessions.Count();
                        obj.MetasploitGrade     = msfHost.PersistentVulnerabilities.Count();
                        obj.ScannedByMetasploit = false;
                    obj.ScannedByMetasploit = false;

                PersistentNexposeAsset nxHost = null;
                if (isNexpose)
                    nxHost = nxScan.PersistentAssets.Where(a => a.IPAddressV4 == host.IPAddressv4).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (nxHost != null)
                        obj.ScannedByNexpose = true;
                        obj.NexposeGrade     = nxHost.PersistentHostTests.Where(t => t.Status == "vulnerable-version" || t.Status == "vulnerable-exploited").Count();

                        foreach (PersistentNexposeHostService service in nxHost.PersistentServices)
                            obj.NexposeGrade += service.PersistentTests.Where(t => t.Status == "vulnerable-version" || t.Status == "vulnerable-exploited").Count();
                        obj.ScannedByNexpose = false;
                    obj.ScannedByNexpose = false;

                List <PersistentReportResult> ovasHost = null;
                if (isOpenvas)
                    ovasHost = new List <PersistentReportResult>();
                    foreach (PersistentReportResult result in ovasScan.PersistentResults)
                        if (result.Host == host.IPAddressv4)

                    if (ovasHost.Count() > 0)
                        obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = true;
                        obj.OpenVASGrade     = ovasHost.Count();
                        obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = false;
                    obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = false;

                obj.HostID = host.ProfileHost.ID;

            gvHosts.DataSource = objs;
Beispiel #3
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            Guid hpid = new Guid(this.Request ["hpid"]);
            Guid hid  = new Guid(this.Request ["hid"]);

            PersistentNMapHost host = this.CurrentProfile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts
                                      .Where(h => h.ProfileHost.ID == hid)

            PersistentPort port = host.PersistentPorts
                                  .Where(p => p.ID == hpid)

            if (port == null)

            bool isNessus             = false;
            bool isNexpose            = false;
            bool isOpenVAS            = false;
            bool isMetasploit         = false;
            PersistentProfile profile = this.CurrentProfile;

            host = profile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.ProfileHost.ID == hid && h.IsActive).SingleOrDefault();

            PersistentScan latestScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentScan> ()
                                        .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentProfileID", profile.ID))
                                        .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HasRun", true))
                                        .List <PersistentScan> ()

            PersistentNessusScan nssScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentNessusScan> ()
                                           .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                           .List <PersistentNessusScan> ()

            if (nssScan != null)
                isNessus = true;

            PersistentOpenVASScan ovasScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentOpenVASScan> ()
                                             .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                             .List <PersistentOpenVASScan> ()

            if (ovasScan != null)
                isOpenVAS = true;

            PersistentNexposeScan nxScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentNexposeScan> ()
                                           .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                           .List <PersistentNexposeScan> ()

            if (nxScan != null)
                isNexpose = true;

            PersistentMetasploitScan msfScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentMetasploitScan> ()
                                               .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                               .List <PersistentMetasploitScan> ()

            if (msfScan != null)
                isMetasploit = true;

            if (isOpenVAS)
                lblOpenVASPortResults.Text = "<h2><u>OpenVAS Results</u></h2>";

                var results = ovasScan.PersistentResults.Where(r => r.Threat != "Log" && r.Host == host.IPAddressv4 && r.Port.Contains("(" + port.PortNumber + "/")).ToList();

                List <DataTableObject> objs = new List <DataTableObject> ();
                foreach (var result in results)
                    DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject();

                    obj.Name   = result.PersistentNVT.Name;
                    obj.Threat = result.Threat;


                if (objs.Count() == 0)
                    lblOpenVASPortResults.Text    = string.Empty;
                    lblOpenVASPortResults.Visible = false;
                    gvOpenVASPortResults.Visible  = false;
                    gvOpenVASPortResults.DataSource = objs.Where(o => o.Threat != "Log").ToList();
                gvOpenVASPortResults.Visible = false;

            if (isNessus)
                lblNessusPortResults.Text = "<h2><u>Nessus Results</u></h2>";

                PersistentNessusReportHost nssHost = nssScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.PersistentHostProperties.HostIP == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                var items = nssHost.PersistentReportItems.Where(i => i.Severity != "0" && i.Port == port.PortNumber.ToString());

                List <DataTableObject> objs = new List <DataTableObject> ();
                foreach (var item in items)
                    DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject();

                    obj.Name   = item.PluginName;
                    obj.Threat = item.Severity;


                if (objs.Count() == 0)
                    lblNessusPortResults.Text    = string.Empty;
                    lblNessusPortResults.Visible = false;
                    gvNessusPortResults.Visible  = false;
                    gvNessusPortResults.DataSource = objs.OrderByDescending(o => o.Threat).ToList();
                gvNessusPortResults.Visible = false;

            if (isNexpose)
                lblNexposePortResults.Text = "<h2><u>Nexpose Results</u></h2>";

                List <DataTableObject> objs   = new List <DataTableObject> ();
                PersistentNexposeAsset nxHost = nxScan.PersistentAssets.Where(a => a.IPAddressV4 == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                if (nxHost.PersistentServices.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber && s.Protocol == (port.IsTCP ? "tcp" : "udp")).Count() > 0)
                    PersistentNexposeHostService service = nxHost.PersistentServices.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber && s.Protocol == (port.IsTCP ? "tcp" : "udp")).Single();

                    var tests = service.PersistentTests.Where(s => s.Status == "vulnerable-exploited" || s.Status == "vulnerable-version");

                    foreach (var test in tests)
                        DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject();

                        string n = (new Regex("<.*?>", RegexOptions.Compiled)).Replace((test as NexposeTest).NexposeParagraph, string.Empty).Replace("&lt;", "<").Replace("&gt;", ">");

                        if (objs.Where(o => o.Name == n).Count() > 0)

                        obj.Name   = n;
                        obj.Threat = test.IsPCICompliant ? "Pass" : "Fail";


                if (objs.Count() == 0)
                    lblNexposePortResults.Text    = string.Empty;
                    lblNexposePortResults.Visible = false;
                    gvNexposePortResults.Visible  = false;
                    gvNexposePortResults.DataSource = objs.OrderByDescending(o => o.Name).ToList();
                gvNexposePortResults.Visible = false;

            if (isMetasploit)
                PersistentMetasploitHost msfHost = msfScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.Address == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                var creds    = msfHost.PersistentCredentials.Where(c => c.Port == port.PortNumber);
                var sessions = msfHost.PersistentSessions.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber.ToString());

            if (port.Service == "ssh")
                PersistentSSLScanResults sslResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentSSLScanResults> ()
                                                      .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HostPortID", hpid))
                                                      .List <PersistentSSLScanResults> ()

                if (sslResults != null)
                    //lblSSLScanHeader.Text = "<br /><br /><h3><u>SSL Scan Results</u></h3>";
                    //lblSSLScan.Text = sslResults.FullOutput.Replace ("\n", ",<br />");

            if (port.Service == "snmp")
                PersistentOneSixtyOneResults snmpResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentOneSixtyOneResults> ()
                                                           .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HostPortID", hpid))
                                                           .List <PersistentOneSixtyOneResults> ()

                if (snmpResults != null)
                    lblSNMPResultsHeader.Text = "<br /><br /><h3><u>SNMP Results</u></h3>";
                    lblSNMPResults.Text       = snmpResults.FullOutput.Replace("\n", ",<br />");
            else if (port.Service == "smb")
                PersistentSMBClientResults smbResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentSMBClientResults> ()
                                                        .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HostPortID", hpid))
                                                        .List <PersistentSMBClientResults> ()
                if (smbResults != null)
                    lblSMBScanHeader.Text = "<br /><br /><h3><u>SMB Results</u></h3>";
                    lblSMBScan.Text       = smbResults.FullOutput.Replace("\n", ",<br />");
            else if (port.Service == "http" || port.Service == "https")
                if (port.Service == "https")
                    PersistentSSLScanResults sslResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentSSLScanResults> ()
                                                          .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HostPortID", hpid))
                                                          .List <PersistentSSLScanResults> ()

                    if (sslResults != null)
                        //lblSSLScanHeader.Text = "<br /><br /><h3><u>SSL Scan Results</u></h3>";
                        //lblSSLScan.Text = sslResults.FullOutput.Replace ("\n", ",<br />");
                PersistentWapitiResults wapitiResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentWapitiResults> ()
                                                        .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HostPortID", hpid))
                                                        .List <PersistentWapitiResults> ()

                IList <PersistentSQLMapResults> results = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentSQLMapResults> ()
                                                          .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentHostPortID", hpid))
                                                          .List <PersistentSQLMapResults> ();

                List <PersistentSQLMapVulnerability> vulns = new List <PersistentSQLMapVulnerability> ();

                foreach (var result in results)

                if (wapitiResults != null && wapitiResults.Bugs != null)
                    var sqlInjectionPoints = wapitiResults.Bugs.Where(b => b.Info.Contains("SQL Injection") && !b.Info.Contains("Blind")).ToList();
                    var wxss       = wapitiResults.Bugs.Where(b => b.Info.Contains("XSS")).ToList();
                    var wincludes  = wapitiResults.Bugs.Where(b => b.Info.Contains("include"));
                    var wexecution = wapitiResults.Bugs.Where(b => b.Info.Contains("execution"));

                    List <NotSQLWebVuln> xss       = new List <NotSQLWebVuln> ();
                    List <NotSQLWebVuln> includes  = new List <NotSQLWebVuln> ();
                    List <NotSQLWebVuln> execution = new List <NotSQLWebVuln> ();

                    foreach (var x in wxss)
                        NotSQLWebVuln v = new NotSQLWebVuln();

                        v.Method    = x.URL.Contains(x.Parameter) ? "GET" : "POST";
                        v.Parameter = x.Parameter;
                        v.URL       = x.URL;


                    foreach (var x in wincludes)
                        NotSQLWebVuln i = new NotSQLWebVuln();

                        i.Method    = x.URL.Contains(x.Parameter) ? "GET" : "POST";
                        i.Parameter = x.Parameter;
                        i.URL       = x.URL;


                    foreach (var x in wexecution)
                        NotSQLWebVuln ex = new NotSQLWebVuln();

                        ex.Method    = x.URL.Contains(x.Parameter) ? "GET" : "POST";
                        ex.Parameter = x.Parameter;
                        ex.URL       = x.URL;


                    lblXSS.Text      = "XSS Vulnerabilities";
                    gvXSS.DataSource = xss;

                    lblIncludes.Text      = "Remote and Local File Include Vulnerabilities";
                    gvIncludes.DataSource = includes;

                    lblCommandExecution.Text      = "Remote Command Execution Vulnerabilities";
                    gvCommandExecution.DataSource = execution;

                    if (sqlInjectionPoints.Count() > 0)
                        List <WebVuln> exploitedVulns = new List <WebVuln> ();
                        List <WebVuln> otherVulns     = new List <WebVuln> ();

                        foreach (var bug in sqlInjectionPoints)
                            WebVuln v = new WebVuln();

                            v.URL    = bug.URL;
                            v.Method = (bug.URL.Contains(bug.Parameter) ? "GET" : "POST");

                            var vul = vulns.Where(vuln => vuln.Target == bug.URL).FirstOrDefault();

                            v.IsExploitable = (vul != null) ? "Exploited with " + vul.PayloadType + " SQL injection." : string.Empty;

                            foreach (string parm in bug.Parameter.Split('&'))
                                if (parm.Contains("%BF%27%22%28"))
                                    v.Parameter = "<b>" + parm.Split('=') [0] + "</b>";
                                else if (parm.Contains("%27+or+sleep%287%29%23"))
                                    v.Parameter = parm.Split('=') [0];

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.IsExploitable))
                                        v.IsExploitable = "Exploited with a blind SQL injection.";

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.IsExploitable))


                        lblPossibleSQLInjections.Text        = "Possible SQL Injection Vulnerabilities";
                        gvPossibleInjectionPoints.DataSource = otherVulns;

                        lblSQLInjections.Text      = "Exploitable SQL Injection Vulnerabilities";
                        gvSQLInjections.DataSource = exploitedVulns;

                PersistentNiktoResults niktoResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentNiktoResults> ()
                                                      .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HostPortID", hpid))
                                                      .List <PersistentNiktoResults> ()

                if (niktoResults != null)
                    lblNiktoResultsHeader.Text = "<h3><u>General Information or Insecure Configurations</u></h3>";
                    lblNiktoResults.Text       = "<ul>";

                    foreach (var item in niktoResults.Items.Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Data)))
                        lblNiktoResults.Text += "<li style=\"margin:5px;\">" + item.Data.Remove(0, 2) + "</li>";

                    lblNiktoResults.Text += "</ul>";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblNiktoResults.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(port.DeepScan))
                lblNiktoResultsHeader.Text = "<h2><u>Deep scan results</u></h2>";
                lblNiktoResults.Text       = port.DeepScan.Replace("\n", "<br />");
Beispiel #4
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            base.OnInit (e);

            bool isNessus = false;
            bool isNexpose = false;
            bool isOpenVAS = false;
            bool isMetasploit = false;
            Guid hid = new Guid (Request ["hid"]);
            PersistentProfile profile = this.CurrentProfile;
            PersistentNMapHost host;
            host = profile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts.Where (h => h.ProfileHost.ID == hid && h.IsActive).SingleOrDefault ();

            PersistentScan latestScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentScan>()
                .Add(Restrictions.Eq ("ParentProfileID", profile.ID))
                .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HasRun", true))

            PersistentNessusScan nssScan = null;

            if (latestScan != null)
                nssScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentNessusScan>()
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))

            if (nssScan != null)
                isNessus = true;

            PersistentOpenVASScan ovasScan = null;

            if (latestScan != null)
                ovasScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentOpenVASScan>()
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))

            if (ovasScan != null)
                isOpenVAS = true;

            PersistentNexposeScan nxScan = null;

            if (latestScan != null)
                nxScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentNexposeScan>()
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq ("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))

            if (nxScan != null)
                isNexpose = true;

            PersistentMetasploitScan msfScan = null;

            if (latestScan != null)
                msfScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentMetasploitScan>()
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq ("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))

            if (msfScan != null)
                isMetasploit = true;

            lblHostname.Text = host.Hostname;
            lblDeviceType.Text = host.DeviceType;
            lblIPv4.Text = host.IPAddressv4;
            lblNetworkDistance.Text = host.NetworkDistance;
            lblOS.Text = host.OS;

            List<DataTableObject> objs = new List<DataTableObject>();

            foreach (PersistentPort port in host.PersistentPorts.Where(p => p.IsTCP))
                DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject();

                obj.PortID = port.ID;
                obj.Port = port.PortNumber;
                obj.ServiceName = port.Service;

                if (isMetasploit)
                    PersistentMetasploitHost msfHost = msfScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.Address == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                    obj.MetasploitCredentials = msfHost.PersistentCredentials.Where(c => c.Port == port.PortNumber).Count();
                    obj.MetasploitExploits = msfHost.PersistentSessions.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber.ToString()).Count();
                    obj.ScannedByMetasploit = true;
                    obj.ScannedByMetasploit = false;

                if (isNessus)
                    PersistentNessusReportHost nssHost = nssScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.PersistentHostProperties.HostIP == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                    obj.NessusGrade = nssHost.PersistentReportItems.Where(i => i.Severity != "0" && i.Port == port.PortNumber.ToString()).Count();
                    obj.ScannedByNessus = true;
                    obj.ScannedByNessus = false;

                if (isNexpose)
                    PersistentNexposeAsset nxHost = nxScan.PersistentAssets.Where(a => a.IPAddressV4 == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                    if (nxHost.PersistentServices.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber && s.Protocol == (port.IsTCP ? "tcp" : "udp")).Count() != 0)
                        PersistentNexposeHostService service = nxHost.PersistentServices.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber && s.Protocol == (port.IsTCP ? "tcp" : "udp") ).Single();

                        obj.NexposeGrade = service.PersistentTests.Where(t => t.Status == "vulnerable-exploited" || t.Status == "vulnerable-version").Count();
                        obj.ScannedByNexpose = true;
                        obj.ScannedByNexpose = false;
                    obj.ScannedByNexpose = false;

                if (isOpenVAS)
                    obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = true;
                    obj.OpenVASGrade = ovasScan.PersistentResults.Where(r => r.Host == host.IPAddressv4 && r.Port.Contains("(" + port.PortNumber + "/")).Count();
                    obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = false;


                gvPorts.DataSource = objs.OrderBy(o => o.Port);
Beispiel #5
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            base.OnInit (e);

            bool isNessus = false;
            bool isOpenvas = false;
            bool isNexpose = false;
            bool isMetasploit = false;

            PersistentProfile profile = this.CurrentScanSession.Get<PersistentProfile>(new Guid(this.Request["pid"]));

            if (profile.CurrentResults == null)

            //should be eager loading these.
            foreach (PersistentNMapHost host in profile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts)
                foreach (PersistentPort port in host.PersistentPorts)


            this.CurrentProfile = profile;

            PersistentScan latestScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentScan>()
                .Add(Restrictions.Eq ("ParentProfileID", profile.ID))
                .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HasRun", true))

            PersistentNessusScan nssScan = null;
            if (latestScan != null)
                nssScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentNessusScan>()
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))

            if (nssScan != null)
                isNessus = true;

            PersistentOpenVASScan ovasScan = null;

            if (latestScan != null)
                ovasScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentOpenVASScan>()
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))

            if (ovasScan != null)
                isOpenvas = true;

            PersistentNexposeScan nxScan = null;

            if (latestScan != null)
                nxScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentNexposeScan>()
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq ("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))

            if (nxScan != null)
                isNexpose = true;

            PersistentMetasploitScan msfScan = null;

            if (latestScan != null)
                msfScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentMetasploitScan>()
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq ("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))

            if (msfScan != null)
                isMetasploit = true;

            List<DataTableObject> objs = new List<DataTableObject>();

            foreach (PersistentNMapHost host in profile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts)
                DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject();

                obj.IP = host.IPAddressv4;
                obj.HostName = host.Hostname;

                PersistentNessusReportHost nssHost = null;
                if (isNessus)
                    nssHost = nssScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.PersistentHostProperties.HostIP == host.IPAddressv4).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (nssHost != null)
                        obj.ScannedByNessus = true;
                        obj.NessusGrade = nssHost.PersistentReportItems.Where(r => int.Parse(r.Severity) > 0).Count();
                        obj.ScannedByNessus = false;

                PersistentMetasploitHost msfHost = null;
                if (isMetasploit)
                    msfHost = msfScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.Address == host.IPAddressv4).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (msfHost != null)
                        obj.ScannedByMetasploit = true;
                        obj.Exploits = msfHost.PersistentSessions.Count();
                        obj.MetasploitGrade = msfHost.PersistentVulnerabilities.Count();
                        obj.ScannedByMetasploit = false;
                    obj.ScannedByMetasploit = false;

                PersistentNexposeAsset nxHost = null;
                if (isNexpose)
                    nxHost = nxScan.PersistentAssets.Where(a => a.IPAddressV4 == host.IPAddressv4).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (nxHost != null)
                        obj.ScannedByNexpose = true;
                        obj.NexposeGrade = nxHost.PersistentHostTests.Where(t => t.Status == "vulnerable-version" || t.Status == "vulnerable-exploited").Count();

                        foreach (PersistentNexposeHostService service in nxHost.PersistentServices)
                            obj.NexposeGrade += service.PersistentTests.Where(t => t.Status == "vulnerable-version" || t.Status == "vulnerable-exploited").Count();
                        obj.ScannedByNexpose = false;
                    obj.ScannedByNexpose = false;

                List<PersistentReportResult> ovasHost = null;
                if (isOpenvas)
                    ovasHost = new List<PersistentReportResult>();
                    foreach (PersistentReportResult result in ovasScan.PersistentResults)
                        if (result.Host == host.IPAddressv4)

                    if (ovasHost.Count() > 0)
                        obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = true;
                        obj.OpenVASGrade = ovasHost.Count();
                        obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = false;
                    obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = false;

                obj.HostID = host.ProfileHost.ID;

            gvHosts.DataSource = objs;
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            base.OnInit (e);

            Guid hpid = new Guid (this.Request ["hpid"]);
            Guid hid = new Guid (this.Request ["hid"]);

            PersistentNMapHost host = this.CurrentProfile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts
                .Where (h => h.ProfileHost.ID == hid)
                .Single ();

            PersistentPort port = host.PersistentPorts
                .Where (p => p.ID == hpid)
                .SingleOrDefault ();

            if (port == null)

            bool isNessus = false;
            bool isNexpose = false;
            bool isOpenVAS = false;
            bool isMetasploit = false;
            PersistentProfile profile = this.CurrentProfile;
            host = profile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts.Where (h => h.ProfileHost.ID == hid && h.IsActive).SingleOrDefault ();

            PersistentScan latestScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentScan> ()
                .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("ParentProfileID", profile.ID))
                .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("HasRun", true))
                .List<PersistentScan> ()
                .LastOrDefault ();

            PersistentNessusScan nssScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentNessusScan> ()
                .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                .List<PersistentNessusScan> ()
                .SingleOrDefault ();

            if (nssScan != null)
                isNessus = true;

            PersistentOpenVASScan ovasScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentOpenVASScan> ()
                .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                .List<PersistentOpenVASScan> ()
                .SingleOrDefault ();

            if (ovasScan != null)
                isOpenVAS = true;

            PersistentNexposeScan nxScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentNexposeScan> ()
                .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                .List<PersistentNexposeScan> ()
                .SingleOrDefault ();

            if (nxScan != null)
                isNexpose = true;

            PersistentMetasploitScan msfScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentMetasploitScan> ()
                .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                .List<PersistentMetasploitScan> ()
                .SingleOrDefault ();

            if (msfScan != null)
                isMetasploit = true;

            if (isOpenVAS) {
                lblOpenVASPortResults.Text = "<h2><u>OpenVAS Results</u></h2>";

                var results = ovasScan.PersistentResults.Where (r => r.Threat != "Log" && r.Host == host.IPAddressv4 && r.Port.Contains ("(" + port.PortNumber + "/")).ToList ();

                List<DataTableObject> objs = new List<DataTableObject> ();
                foreach (var result in results) {
                    DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject ();

                    obj.Name = result.PersistentNVT.Name;
                    obj.Threat = result.Threat;

                    objs.Add (obj);

                if (objs.Count () == 0) {
                    lblOpenVASPortResults.Text = string.Empty;
                    lblOpenVASPortResults.Visible = false;
                    gvOpenVASPortResults.Visible = false;
                } else {
                    gvOpenVASPortResults.DataSource = objs.Where(o => o.Threat != "Log").ToList();
                    gvOpenVASPortResults.DataBind ();
            } else {
                gvOpenVASPortResults.Visible = false;

            if (isNessus) {
                lblNessusPortResults.Text = "<h2><u>Nessus Results</u></h2>";

                PersistentNessusReportHost nssHost = nssScan.PersistentHosts.Where (h => h.PersistentHostProperties.HostIP == host.IPAddressv4).Single ();

                var items = nssHost.PersistentReportItems.Where (i => i.Severity != "0" && i.Port == port.PortNumber.ToString ());

                List<DataTableObject> objs = new List<DataTableObject> ();
                foreach (var item in items) {
                    DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject ();

                    obj.Name = item.PluginName;
                    obj.Threat = item.Severity;

                    objs.Add (obj);

                if (objs.Count () == 0) {
                    lblNessusPortResults.Text = string.Empty;
                    lblNessusPortResults.Visible = false;
                    gvNessusPortResults.Visible = false;
                } else {
                    gvNessusPortResults.DataSource = objs.OrderByDescending(o => o.Threat).ToList();
                    gvNessusPortResults.DataBind ();
            } else {
                gvNessusPortResults.Visible = false;

            if (isNexpose) {
                lblNexposePortResults.Text = "<h2><u>Nexpose Results</u></h2>";

                List<DataTableObject> objs = new List<DataTableObject> ();
                PersistentNexposeAsset nxHost = nxScan.PersistentAssets.Where (a => a.IPAddressV4 == host.IPAddressv4).Single ();

                if (nxHost.PersistentServices.Where (s => s.Port == port.PortNumber && s.Protocol == (port.IsTCP ? "tcp" : "udp")).Count () > 0) {
                    PersistentNexposeHostService service = nxHost.PersistentServices.Where (s => s.Port == port.PortNumber && s.Protocol == (port.IsTCP ? "tcp" : "udp")).Single ();

                    var tests = service.PersistentTests.Where (s => s.Status == "vulnerable-exploited" || s.Status == "vulnerable-version");

                    foreach (var test in tests) {
                        DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject ();

                        string n = (new Regex ("<.*?>", RegexOptions.Compiled)).Replace ((test as NexposeTest).NexposeParagraph, string.Empty).Replace ("&lt;", "<").Replace ("&gt;", ">");

                        if (objs.Where (o => o.Name == n).Count () > 0)

                        obj.Name = n;
                        obj.Threat = test.IsPCICompliant ? "Pass" : "Fail";

                        objs.Add (obj);

                if (objs.Count () == 0) {
                    lblNexposePortResults.Text = string.Empty;
                    lblNexposePortResults.Visible = false;
                    gvNexposePortResults.Visible = false;
                } else {
                    gvNexposePortResults.DataSource = objs.OrderByDescending (o => o.Name).ToList ();
                    gvNexposePortResults.DataBind ();
            } else {
                gvNexposePortResults.Visible = false;

            if (isMetasploit) {
                PersistentMetasploitHost msfHost = msfScan.PersistentHosts.Where (h => h.Address == host.IPAddressv4).Single ();

                var creds = msfHost.PersistentCredentials.Where (c => c.Port == port.PortNumber);
                var sessions = msfHost.PersistentSessions.Where (s => s.Port == port.PortNumber.ToString ());
            } else {

            if (port.Service == "ssh") {
                PersistentSSLScanResults sslResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentSSLScanResults> ()
                    .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("HostPortID", hpid))
                    .List<PersistentSSLScanResults> ()
                    .FirstOrDefault ();

                if (sslResults != null) {
                    //lblSSLScanHeader.Text = "<br /><br /><h3><u>SSL Scan Results</u></h3>";
                    //lblSSLScan.Text = sslResults.FullOutput.Replace ("\n", ",<br />");

            if (port.Service == "snmp") {

                PersistentOneSixtyOneResults snmpResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentOneSixtyOneResults> ()
                    .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("HostPortID", hpid))
                    .List<PersistentOneSixtyOneResults> ()
                    .FirstOrDefault ();

                if (snmpResults != null) {
                    lblSNMPResultsHeader.Text = "<br /><br /><h3><u>SNMP Results</u></h3>";
                    lblSNMPResults.Text = snmpResults.FullOutput.Replace ("\n", ",<br />");
            } else if (port.Service == "smb") {
                PersistentSMBClientResults smbResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentSMBClientResults> ()
                    .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("HostPortID", hpid))
                    .List<PersistentSMBClientResults> ()
                    .FirstOrDefault ();
                if (smbResults != null) {
                    lblSMBScanHeader.Text = "<br /><br /><h3><u>SMB Results</u></h3>";
                    lblSMBScan.Text = smbResults.FullOutput.Replace ("\n", ",<br />");
            } else if (port.Service == "http" || port.Service == "https") {

                if (port.Service == "https") {
                    PersistentSSLScanResults sslResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentSSLScanResults> ()
                        .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("HostPortID", hpid))
                        .List<PersistentSSLScanResults> ()
                        .FirstOrDefault ();

                    if (sslResults != null) {
                        //lblSSLScanHeader.Text = "<br /><br /><h3><u>SSL Scan Results</u></h3>";
                        //lblSSLScan.Text = sslResults.FullOutput.Replace ("\n", ",<br />");
                PersistentWapitiResults wapitiResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentWapitiResults> ()
                    .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("HostPortID", hpid))
                    .List<PersistentWapitiResults> ()
                    .FirstOrDefault ();

                IList<PersistentSQLMapResults> results = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentSQLMapResults> ()
                    .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("ParentHostPortID", hpid))
                    .List<PersistentSQLMapResults> ();

                List<PersistentSQLMapVulnerability> vulns = new List<PersistentSQLMapVulnerability> ();

                foreach (var result in results)
                    vulns.AddRange (result.PersistentVulnerabilities.ToList ());

                var sqlInjectionPoints = wapitiResults.Bugs.Where (b => b.Info.Contains ("SQL Injection") && !b.Info.Contains ("Blind")).ToList ();
                var wxss = wapitiResults.Bugs.Where (b => b.Info.Contains ("XSS")).ToList ();
                var wincludes = wapitiResults.Bugs.Where (b => b.Info.Contains ("include"));
                var wexecution = wapitiResults.Bugs.Where (b => b.Info.Contains ("execution"));

                List<NotSQLWebVuln> xss = new List<NotSQLWebVuln> ();
                List<NotSQLWebVuln> includes = new List<NotSQLWebVuln> ();
                List<NotSQLWebVuln> execution = new List<NotSQLWebVuln> ();

                foreach (var x in wxss) {
                    NotSQLWebVuln v = new NotSQLWebVuln ();

                    v.Method = x.URL.Contains (x.Parameter) ? "GET" : "POST";
                    v.Parameter = x.Parameter;
                    v.URL = x.URL;

                    xss.Add (v);

                foreach (var x in wincludes) {
                    NotSQLWebVuln i = new NotSQLWebVuln ();

                    i.Method = x.URL.Contains (x.Parameter) ? "GET" : "POST";
                    i.Parameter = x.Parameter;
                    i.URL = x.URL;

                    includes.Add (i);

                foreach (var x in wexecution) {
                    NotSQLWebVuln ex = new NotSQLWebVuln ();

                    ex.Method = x.URL.Contains (x.Parameter) ? "GET" : "POST";
                    ex.Parameter = x.Parameter;
                    ex.URL = x.URL;

                    execution.Add (ex);

                lblXSS.Text = "XSS Vulnerabilities";
                gvXSS.DataSource = xss;
                gvXSS.DataBind ();

                lblIncludes.Text = "Remote and Local File Include Vulnerabilities";
                gvIncludes.DataSource = includes;
                gvIncludes.DataBind ();

                lblCommandExecution.Text = "Remote Command Execution Vulnerabilities";
                gvCommandExecution.DataSource = execution;
                gvCommandExecution.DataBind ();

                if (sqlInjectionPoints.Count () > 0) {
                    List<WebVuln> exploitedVulns = new List<WebVuln> ();
                    List<WebVuln> otherVulns = new List<WebVuln> ();

                    foreach (var bug in sqlInjectionPoints) {
                        WebVuln v = new WebVuln ();

                        v.URL = bug.URL;
                        v.Method = (bug.URL.Contains (bug.Parameter) ? "GET" : "POST");

                        var vul = vulns.Where (vuln => vuln.Target == bug.URL).FirstOrDefault ();

                        v.IsExploitable = (vul != null) ? "Exploited with " + vul.PayloadType + " SQL injection." : string.Empty;

                        foreach (string parm in bug.Parameter.Split('&')) {
                            if (parm.Contains ("%BF%27%22%28"))
                                v.Parameter = "<b>" + parm.Split ('=') [0] + "</b>";
                            else if (parm.Contains ("%27+or+sleep%287%29%23")) {
                                v.Parameter = parm.Split ('=') [0];

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (v.IsExploitable))
                                    v.IsExploitable = "Exploited with a blind SQL injection.";

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (v.IsExploitable)) {
                            otherVulns.Add (v);

                        exploitedVulns.Add (v);

                    lblPossibleSQLInjections.Text = "Possible SQL Injection Vulnerabilities";
                    gvPossibleInjectionPoints.DataSource = otherVulns;
                    gvPossibleInjectionPoints.DataBind ();

                    lblSQLInjections.Text = "Exploitable SQL Injection Vulnerabilities";
                    gvSQLInjections.DataSource = exploitedVulns;
                    gvSQLInjections.DataBind ();

                PersistentNiktoResults niktoResults = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<PersistentNiktoResults> ()
                    .Add (Restrictions.Eq ("HostPortID", hpid))
                    .List<PersistentNiktoResults> ()
                    .FirstOrDefault ();

                if (niktoResults != null) {
                    lblNiktoResultsHeader.Text = "<h3><u>General Information or Insecure Configurations</u></h3>";
                    lblNiktoResults.Text = "<ul>";

                    foreach (var item in niktoResults.Items.Where(i=>!string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Data)))
                        lblNiktoResults.Text += "<li style=\"margin:5px;\">" + item.Data.Remove (0, 2) + "</li>";

                    lblNiktoResults.Text += "</ul>";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (lblNiktoResults.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (port.DeepScan)) {
                lblNiktoResultsHeader.Text = "<h2><u>Deep scan results</u></h2>";
                lblNiktoResults.Text = port.DeepScan.Replace ("\n", "<br />");
Beispiel #7
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            bool isNessus              = false;
            bool isNexpose             = false;
            bool isOpenVAS             = false;
            bool isMetasploit          = false;
            Guid hid                   = new Guid(Request ["hid"]);
            PersistentProfile  profile = this.CurrentProfile;
            PersistentNMapHost host;

            host = profile.CurrentResults.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.ProfileHost.ID == hid && h.IsActive).SingleOrDefault();

            PersistentScan latestScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentScan>()
                                        .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentProfileID", profile.ID))
                                        .Add(Restrictions.Eq("HasRun", true))
                                        .List <PersistentScan>()

            PersistentNessusScan nssScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentNessusScan>()
                                           .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                           .List <PersistentNessusScan>()

            if (nssScan != null)
                isNessus = true;

            PersistentOpenVASScan ovasScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentOpenVASScan>()
                                             .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                             .List <PersistentOpenVASScan>()

            if (ovasScan != null)
                isOpenVAS = true;

            PersistentNexposeScan nxScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentNexposeScan>()
                                           .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                           .List <PersistentNexposeScan>()

            if (nxScan != null)
                isNexpose = true;

            PersistentMetasploitScan msfScan = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria <PersistentMetasploitScan>()
                                               .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentScanID", latestScan.ID))
                                               .List <PersistentMetasploitScan>()

            if (msfScan != null)
                isMetasploit = true;

            lblHostname.Text        = host.Hostname;
            lblDeviceType.Text      = host.DeviceType;
            lblIPv4.Text            = host.IPAddressv4;
            lblNetworkDistance.Text = host.NetworkDistance;
            lblOS.Text = host.OS;

            List <DataTableObject> objs = new List <DataTableObject>();

            foreach (PersistentPort port in host.PersistentPorts.Where(p => p.IsTCP))
                DataTableObject obj = new DataTableObject();

                obj.PortID      = port.ID;
                obj.Port        = port.PortNumber;
                obj.ServiceName = port.Service;

                if (isMetasploit)
                    PersistentMetasploitHost msfHost = msfScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.Address == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                    obj.MetasploitCredentials = msfHost.PersistentCredentials.Where(c => c.Port == port.PortNumber).Count();
                    obj.MetasploitExploits    = msfHost.PersistentSessions.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber.ToString()).Count();
                    obj.ScannedByMetasploit   = true;
                    obj.ScannedByMetasploit = false;

                if (isNessus)
                    PersistentNessusReportHost nssHost = nssScan.PersistentHosts.Where(h => h.PersistentHostProperties.HostIP == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                    obj.NessusGrade     = nssHost.PersistentReportItems.Where(i => i.Severity != "0" && i.Port == port.PortNumber.ToString()).Count();
                    obj.ScannedByNessus = true;
                    obj.ScannedByNessus = false;

                if (isNexpose)
                    PersistentNexposeAsset nxHost = nxScan.PersistentAssets.Where(a => a.IPAddressV4 == host.IPAddressv4).Single();

                    if (nxHost.PersistentServices.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber && s.Protocol == (port.IsTCP ? "tcp" : "udp")).Count() != 0)
                        PersistentNexposeHostService service = nxHost.PersistentServices.Where(s => s.Port == port.PortNumber && s.Protocol == (port.IsTCP ? "tcp" : "udp")).Single();

                        obj.NexposeGrade     = service.PersistentTests.Where(t => t.Status == "vulnerable-exploited" || t.Status == "vulnerable-version").Count();
                        obj.ScannedByNexpose = true;
                        obj.ScannedByNexpose = false;
                    obj.ScannedByNexpose = false;

                if (isOpenVAS)
                    obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = true;
                    obj.OpenVASGrade     = ovasScan.PersistentResults.Where(r => r.Host == host.IPAddressv4 && r.Port.Contains("(" + port.PortNumber + "/")).Count();
                    obj.ScannedByOpenVAS = false;


            gvPorts.DataSource = objs.OrderBy(o => o.Port);