protected void NextQuestionBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int crrQuestionNum = (int) ViewState["CurrentQuestionNumber"];
            TestService testService = new TestService(_db);
            QuestionService questionService = new QuestionService(_db);
            TestReportService testReportService = new TestReportService();

            Test ts = Session["Test"] as Test;

            Question q = null;

            if (ts!= null)
                q = testService.FindQuestionInTestByIndex(ts.Id, crrQuestionNum);
                if (q != null)
                    QuestionText.Text = q.Description;
                    NextQuestionBtn.Text = testService.IsLastQuestionInTest(q, ts) ? "Finish Test" : "Next";
                    string type = questionService.GetQuestionType(q);
                    IRuleAction rule = ruleActions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.IsValidated(type));

                    QuestionText.Text = "";
                    NextQuestionBtn.Visible = false;
                    SubmitTestBtn.Visible = true;

            ViewState["CurrentQuestionNumber"] = crrQuestionNum;
        public void AddQuestionToTest(int questionId, int testId, DbContext dbCtx)
            QuestionService qservice= new QuestionService(dbCtx);
            TestService tservice = new TestService(dbCtx);

            Question q = qservice.Find(questionId);
            Test t = tservice.Find(testId);


        // This is the Insert method to insert the entered TestSetup item
        // USAGE: <asp:FormView InsertMethod="InsertItem">
        public void InsertItem()
            using (_db)
                var testDropdown = formviewID.FindControl("testDrpdwn") as DropDownList;
                var item = new Authorization_App.Model.TestSetup();

                if (ViewState["expDate"]!=null)
                    item.ExpiresAt = (DateTime)ViewState["expDate"];

                //We use System.Guid to generate a random string. The parameter "N" is used to set the format.
                //It means 32 digits without hyphens and braces.
                string rand32digString = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

                //We will need only the first 8 digits of this string.
                item.Code = rand32digString.Substring(0,8);

                string userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();
                item.AuthorId = userId;

                var selectedTest = testDropdown.SelectedItem;
                TestService testService = new TestService(_db);

                Model.Test t =testService.Find(selectedTest.Text);

                    item.TestId = t.Id;


                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // Save changes

        protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Click the button --> search for TestSetup with the same code as the code in the TextField --> if yes
            // open the test with the same ID as the TestId field of TestSetup. If no, redirect to error page.

            string code = CodeTextBox.Text;
            TestService testService = new TestService(_db);
            Test ts = testService.FindTestByCode(code);
            if (ts!= null)
                Session["Test"] = ts;

                wrongCodeLabel.Visible = true;
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         ViewState["CurrentQuestionNumber"] = 0;
         NextQuestionBtn.Text = "Start";
         Test ts = Session["Test"] as Test;
         TestService testService = new TestService(_db);
         TestReportService testReportService = new TestReportService();
         if (ts != null)
             testReport = new TestReport();
             testReport.AuthorId = ts.AuthorId;
             testReport.TestId = ts.Id;
             testReport.QuestionIds = testService.GetQuestionIds(ts);
             //testReportService.Add(new TestReport() { AuthorId = ts.AuthorId, TestId = ts.Id, QuestionIds = testService.GetQuestionIds(ts)});
 private void DisplayTextOption()
     int crrQuestionNum = (int) ViewState["CurrentQuestionNumber"];
     TestService testService = new TestService(_db);
     QuestionService questionService = new QuestionService(_db);
     Test ts = Session["Test"] as Test;
     Question q = testService.FindQuestionInTestByIndex(ts.Id, crrQuestionNum);
     TextBoxAnswer.Visible = true;
 private void DisplayRadioBoxOptions()
     int crrQuestionNum = (int) ViewState["CurrentQuestionNumber"];
     TestService testService = new TestService(_db);
     QuestionService questionService = new QuestionService(_db);
     Test ts = Session["Test"] as Test;
     Question q = testService.FindQuestionInTestByIndex(ts.Id, crrQuestionNum);
     RadioButtonListAnswer.Visible = true;
     List<string> optionsContent = new List<string>();
     foreach(QuestionOption qo in q.QuestionOption)
     RadioButtonListAnswer.DataSource = optionsContent;
        protected void QuestionCheckbox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CheckBox cb = sender as CheckBox;
            HiddenField hf = null;
            foreach (Control c in cb.Parent.Controls)
                if (c is HiddenField)
                    hf = c as HiddenField;
            int id;
            List<int> checkBoxIds = new List<int>();

            if (!Int32.TryParse(hf.Value, out id))
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            TestService testService = new TestService(_db);

            foreach (string key in ViewState.Keys)
                if (key == "checkBoxIds")
                    checkBoxIds = ViewState["checkBoxIds"] as List<int>;
                    testService.manageList(checkBoxIds, cb.Checked, id);
                    ViewState["checkBoxIds"] = checkBoxIds;
            testService.manageList(checkBoxIds, cb.Checked, id);
            ViewState["checkBoxIds"] = checkBoxIds;
        protected void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IList<string> segments = null;
            int itemId=0;

            if (Request != null)
                segments = Request.GetFriendlyUrlSegments();
                Int32.TryParse(segments[0], out itemId);

            TestService testService = new TestService(_db);
            List<int> checkBoxIds = ViewState["checkBoxIds"] as List<int>;
            if (checkBoxIds != null)
                foreach (int questionId in checkBoxIds)
                    testService.AddQuestionToTest(questionId, itemId, _db);

                StatusLabel.Text = "Questions successfuly added!";
                StatusLabel.Text= "You did not make any changes to the questions.";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                ViewState["expDate"] = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
                var ExpiresAtClndr = formviewID.FindControl("ExpiresAtClndr") as Calendar;
                ExpiresAtClndr.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(this.ExpiresAtClndr_SelectionChanged);
                var testDropdown = formviewID.FindControl("testDrpdwn") as DropDownList;

                //populate dropdown list here

                TestService testService = new TestService(_db);

                var testQuery = testService.GetAll();
                List<string> testList = new List<string>();
                foreach (Model.Test t in testQuery)

                testDropdown.DataSource = testList;