LoginAgentToGrid() public method

public LoginAgentToGrid ( Aurora.Framework.AgentCircuitData aCircuit, GridRegion gatekeeper, GridRegion destination, IPEndPoint ipaddress, string &reason ) : bool
aCircuit Aurora.Framework.AgentCircuitData
gatekeeper OpenSim.Services.Interfaces.GridRegion
destination OpenSim.Services.Interfaces.GridRegion
ipaddress System.Net.IPEndPoint
reason string
return bool
        public override bool InformClientOfNeighbor(UUID AgentID, ulong requestingRegion, AgentCircuitData circuitData, ref GridRegion neighbor, uint TeleportFlags, AgentData agentData, out string reason, out bool useCallbacks)
            useCallbacks = true;
            if (neighbor == null)
                reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";
                return false;

            MainConsole.Instance.Info ("[AgentProcessing]: Starting to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);

            //Notes on this method
            // 1) the SimulationService.CreateAgent MUST have a fixed CapsUrl for the region, so we have to create (if needed)
            //       a new Caps handler for it.
            // 2) Then we can call the methods (EnableSimulator and EstatablishAgentComm) to tell the client the new Urls
            // 3) This allows us to make the Caps on the grid server without telling any other regions about what the
            //       Urls are.

            ISimulationService SimulationService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ISimulationService> ();
            if (SimulationService != null)
                ICapsService capsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ICapsService> ();
                IClientCapsService clientCaps = capsService.GetClientCapsService (AgentID);
                GridRegion originalDest = neighbor;
                if ((neighbor.Flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink)
                    neighbor = GetFinalDestination (neighbor);
                    if (neighbor == null || neighbor.RegionHandle == 0)
                        reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";
                        return false;
                    //Remove any offenders
                    clientCaps.RemoveCAPS (originalDest.RegionHandle);
                    clientCaps.RemoveCAPS (neighbor.RegionHandle);

                IRegionClientCapsService oldRegionService = clientCaps.GetCapsService (neighbor.RegionHandle);

                //If its disabled, it should be removed, so kill it!
                if (oldRegionService != null && oldRegionService.Disabled)
                    clientCaps.RemoveCAPS (neighbor.RegionHandle);
                    oldRegionService = null;

                bool newAgent = oldRegionService == null;
                IRegionClientCapsService otherRegionService = clientCaps.GetOrCreateCapsService (neighbor.RegionHandle,
                    CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath (CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath ()), circuitData, 0);

                if (!newAgent)
                    //Note: if the agent is already there, send an agent update then
                    bool result = true;
                    if (agentData != null)
                        agentData.IsCrossing = false;
                        result = SimulationService.UpdateAgent (neighbor, agentData);
                    if (result)
                        oldRegionService.Disabled = false;
                    reason = "";
                    return result;

                ICommunicationService commsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<ICommunicationService> ();
                if (commsService != null)
                    commsService.GetUrlsForUser (neighbor, circuitData.AgentID);//Make sure that we make userURLs if we need to

                circuitData.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetCapsPathFromCapsSeed (otherRegionService.CapsUrl);
                if (clientCaps.AccountInfo != null)
                    circuitData.firstname = clientCaps.AccountInfo.FirstName;
                    circuitData.lastname = clientCaps.AccountInfo.LastName;
                bool regionAccepted = false;
                int requestedUDPPort = 0;
                if ((originalDest.Flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink)
                    if (circuitData.ServiceURLs == null || circuitData.ServiceURLs.Count == 0)
                        if (clientCaps.AccountInfo != null)
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs = new Dictionary<string, object> ();
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_HomeURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_GatekeeperURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_InventoryServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_AssetServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_ProfileServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_FriendsServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_IMServerURI] = GetHandlers.IM_URL;
                            clientCaps.AccountInfo.ServiceURLs = circuitData.ServiceURLs;
                            //Store the new urls
                            m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IUserAccountService> ().StoreUserAccount (clientCaps.AccountInfo);
                    string userAgentDriver = circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_HomeURI].ToString ();
                    IUserAgentService connector = new UserAgentServiceConnector (userAgentDriver);
                    regionAccepted = connector.LoginAgentToGrid (circuitData, originalDest, neighbor, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(circuitData.IPAddress), circuitData.RegionUDPPort), out reason);
                        circuitData.reallyischild = true;
                    regionAccepted = SimulationService.CreateAgent (neighbor, circuitData,
                            TeleportFlags, agentData, out requestedUDPPort, out reason);
                if (regionAccepted)
                    IPAddress ipAddress = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    string otherRegionsCapsURL;
                    //If the region accepted us, we should get a CAPS url back as the reason, if not, its not updated or not an Aurora region, so don't touch it.
                    if (reason != "" && reason != "authorized")
                        OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(reason);
                        OSDMap SimSeedCaps = (OSDMap)responseMap["CapsUrls"];
                        if (responseMap.ContainsKey("OurIPForClient"))
                            string ip = responseMap["OurIPForClient"].AsString();
                            ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = otherRegionService.CapsUrl;
                        //We are assuming an OpenSim region now!
                        #region OpenSim teleport compatibility!

                        useCallbacks = false;
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = neighbor.ServerURI +
                        otherRegionService.CapsUrl = otherRegionsCapsURL;


                    if (requestedUDPPort == 0)
                        requestedUDPPort = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Port;
                    if(ipAddress == null)
                        ipAddress = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    circuitData.RegionUDPPort = requestedUDPPort;
                    otherRegionService = clientCaps.GetCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle);
                    otherRegionService.LoopbackRegionIP = ipAddress;
                    otherRegionService.CircuitData.RegionUDPPort = requestedUDPPort;

                    IEventQueueService EQService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueueService> ();

                    EQService.EnableSimulator (neighbor.RegionHandle,
                        requestedUDPPort, AgentID,
                        neighbor.RegionSizeX, neighbor.RegionSizeY, requestingRegion);

                    // EnableSimulator makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination,
                    // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                    // So let's wait
                    Thread.Sleep (300);
                    EQService.EstablishAgentCommunication (AgentID, neighbor.RegionHandle,
                        requestedUDPPort, otherRegionsCapsURL, neighbor.RegionSizeX,

                    if (!useCallbacks)
                        Thread.Sleep (3000); //Give it a bit of time, only for OpenSim...

                    MainConsole.Instance.Info ("[AgentProcessing]: Completed inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);
                    clientCaps.RemoveCAPS (neighbor.RegionHandle);
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error ("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason);
                    return false;
                return true;
            reason = "SimulationService does not exist";
            MainConsole.Instance.Error ("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason + "!");
            return false;
Beispiel #2
        public override bool InformClientOfNeighbor(UUID AgentID, ulong requestingRegion, AgentCircuitData circuitData, ref GridRegion neighbor, uint TeleportFlags, AgentData agentData, out string reason, out bool useCallbacks)
            useCallbacks = true;
            if (neighbor == null)
                reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";

            MainConsole.Instance.Info("[AgentProcessing]: Starting to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);

            //Notes on this method
            // 1) the SimulationService.CreateAgent MUST have a fixed CapsUrl for the region, so we have to create (if needed)
            //       a new Caps handler for it.
            // 2) Then we can call the methods (EnableSimulator and EstatablishAgentComm) to tell the client the new Urls
            // 3) This allows us to make the Caps on the grid server without telling any other regions about what the
            //       Urls are.

            ISimulationService SimulationService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ISimulationService> ();

            if (SimulationService != null)
                ICapsService       capsService  = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ICapsService> ();
                IClientCapsService clientCaps   = capsService.GetClientCapsService(AgentID);
                GridRegion         originalDest = neighbor;
                if ((neighbor.Flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink)
                    neighbor = GetFinalDestination(neighbor);
                    if (neighbor == null || neighbor.RegionHandle == 0)
                        reason = "Could not find neighbor to inform";
                    //Remove any offenders

                IRegionClientCapsService oldRegionService = clientCaps.GetCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle);

                //If its disabled, it should be removed, so kill it!
                if (oldRegionService != null && oldRegionService.Disabled)
                    oldRegionService = null;

                bool newAgent = oldRegionService == null;
                IRegionClientCapsService otherRegionService = clientCaps.GetOrCreateCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle,
                                                                                                CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath()), circuitData, 0);

                if (!newAgent)
                    //Note: if the agent is already there, send an agent update then
                    bool result = true;
                    if (agentData != null)
                        agentData.IsCrossing = false;
                        result = SimulationService.UpdateAgent(neighbor, agentData);
                    if (result)
                        oldRegionService.Disabled = false;
                    reason = "";

                ICommunicationService commsService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <ICommunicationService> ();
                if (commsService != null)
                    commsService.GetUrlsForUser(neighbor, circuitData.AgentID); //Make sure that we make userURLs if we need to
                circuitData.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetCapsPathFromCapsSeed(otherRegionService.CapsUrl);
                if (clientCaps.AccountInfo != null)
                    circuitData.firstname = clientCaps.AccountInfo.FirstName;
                    circuitData.lastname  = clientCaps.AccountInfo.LastName;
                bool regionAccepted   = false;
                int  requestedUDPPort = 0;
                if ((originalDest.Flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Hyperlink)
                    if (circuitData.ServiceURLs == null || circuitData.ServiceURLs.Count == 0)
                        if (clientCaps.AccountInfo != null)
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs = new Dictionary <string, object> ();
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_HomeURI]            = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_GatekeeperURI]      = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_InventoryServerURI] = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_AssetServerURI]     = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_ProfileServerURI]   = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_FriendsServerURI]   = GetHandlers.GATEKEEPER_URL;
                            circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_IMServerURI]        = GetHandlers.IM_URL;
                            clientCaps.AccountInfo.ServiceURLs = circuitData.ServiceURLs;
                            //Store the new urls
                            m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IUserAccountService> ().StoreUserAccount(clientCaps.AccountInfo);
                    string            userAgentDriver = circuitData.ServiceURLs[GetHandlers.Helpers_HomeURI].ToString();
                    IUserAgentService connector       = new UserAgentServiceConnector(userAgentDriver);
                    regionAccepted = connector.LoginAgentToGrid(circuitData, originalDest, neighbor, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(circuitData.IPAddress), circuitData.RegionUDPPort), out reason);
                    if (circuitData.child)
                        circuitData.reallyischild = true;
                    regionAccepted = SimulationService.CreateAgent(neighbor, circuitData,
                                                                   TeleportFlags, agentData, out requestedUDPPort, out reason);
                if (regionAccepted)
                    IPAddress ipAddress = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    string    otherRegionsCapsURL;
                    //If the region accepted us, we should get a CAPS url back as the reason, if not, its not updated or not an Aurora region, so don't touch it.
                    if (reason != "" && reason != "authorized")
                        OSDMap responseMap = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(reason);
                        OSDMap SimSeedCaps = (OSDMap)responseMap["CapsUrls"];
                        if (responseMap.ContainsKey("OurIPForClient"))
                            string ip = responseMap["OurIPForClient"].AsString();
                            ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = otherRegionService.CapsUrl;
                        //We are assuming an OpenSim region now!
                        #region OpenSim teleport compatibility!

                        useCallbacks        = false;
                        otherRegionsCapsURL = neighbor.ServerURI +
                        otherRegionService.CapsUrl = otherRegionsCapsURL;


                    if (requestedUDPPort == 0)
                        requestedUDPPort = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Port;
                    if (ipAddress == null)
                        ipAddress = neighbor.ExternalEndPoint.Address;
                    circuitData.RegionUDPPort                    = requestedUDPPort;
                    otherRegionService                           = clientCaps.GetCapsService(neighbor.RegionHandle);
                    otherRegionService.LoopbackRegionIP          = ipAddress;
                    otherRegionService.CircuitData.RegionUDPPort = requestedUDPPort;

                    IEventQueueService EQService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IEventQueueService> ();

                                              requestedUDPPort, AgentID,
                                              neighbor.RegionSizeX, neighbor.RegionSizeY, requestingRegion);

                    // EnableSimulator makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination,
                    // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                    // So let's wait
                    EQService.EstablishAgentCommunication(AgentID, neighbor.RegionHandle,
                                                          requestedUDPPort, otherRegionsCapsURL, neighbor.RegionSizeX,

                    if (!useCallbacks)
                        Thread.Sleep(3000);  //Give it a bit of time, only for OpenSim...
                    MainConsole.Instance.Info("[AgentProcessing]: Completed inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName);
                    MainConsole.Instance.Error("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason);
            reason = "SimulationService does not exist";
            MainConsole.Instance.Error("[AgentProcessing]: Failed to inform client about neighbor " + neighbor.RegionName + ", reason: " + reason + "!");