Beispiel #1
        private void MergeDiscoveredTaxonomy(string fn, Taxonomy depTax, out int numErrors )
            numErrors = 0;
            if (this.dependantTaxonomyFilenames.Contains(fn)) return;


            this.infos.Add(new TaxonomyItem(depTax.GetTargetNamespace(), depTax.schemaFile, depTax.GetNSPrefix(), depTax.IsAucentExtension, depTax.DefinesCustomTypes));
            ArrayList tmp;

            //merge the presentation, calculation, definition linkbases...

            if (!this.innerTaxonomy)
                presentationInfo = MergePresentations(presentationInfo, depTax.presentationInfo,
                    out tmp);
                depTax.presentationInfo = null;
                if (tmp.Count > 0)
                    numErrors += tmp.Count;

                calculationInfo = MergePresentations(calculationInfo,
                    depTax.calculationInfo, out tmp);
                if (tmp.Count > 0)
                    numErrors += tmp.Count;
                if (this.netDefinisionInfo == null)
                    this.netDefinisionInfo = depTax.netDefinisionInfo;
                    netDefinisionInfo.MergeDimensionLinks(depTax.netDefinisionInfo, out tmp);
                    if (tmp.Count > 0)
                        numErrors += tmp.Count;

        private bool IsValidMarkup(ContextProperty cp,
			Dimension.MeasureHyperCubeInfo mhci,
			ref ArrayList errors)
            ListDictionary instanceDimensionInfos = new ListDictionary();
            if (mhci.IsScenario)
                foreach (Scenario sc in cp.Scenarios)
                    if (sc.DimensionInfo != null)
                        instanceDimensionInfos[sc.DimensionInfo.dimensionId] = sc.DimensionInfo;
                //TODO: same thing for segments..

            ListDictionary validationByDimension = new ListDictionary();

            int baseValidationData = 0;
            if (mhci.IsAllRelationShip)
                baseValidationData += ValidationDataEnum.ALLRelationShip.GetHashCode();
                baseValidationData += ValidationDataEnum.NotAllRelationShip.GetHashCode();


            if (mhci.IsClosed)
                baseValidationData += ValidationDataEnum.IsClosed.GetHashCode();

                baseValidationData += ValidationDataEnum.IsNotClosed.GetHashCode();


            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in validMembersByDimension)
                int validationData = baseValidationData;
                bool found = false;
                bool hasDefault = false;

                ContextDimensionInfo cdi = instanceDimensionInfos[de.Key] as ContextDimensionInfo;
                if (cdi == null)
                    validationData += ValidationDataEnum.DimensionNotInInstance.GetHashCode();
                    HybridDictionary validMembers = de.Value as HybridDictionary;
                    if (validMembers != null)
                        found = validMembers[cdi.Id] != null;

                if (found)
                    validationData += ValidationDataEnum.Found.GetHashCode();

                    validationData += ValidationDataEnum.NotFound.GetHashCode();


                if (hasDefault)
                    validationData += ValidationDataEnum.DimensionHasDefault.GetHashCode();

                    //TODO: determine if the default value is being used
                    //which is not a good thing and is an error condition.

                ValidateResult(validationData, errors);


            if (instanceDimensionInfos.Keys.Count != 0)
                if (mhci.IsClosed)
                    //this is an error condition as we have dimensions that are not part of
                    //the cube in the instance but the cube is a closed cube and does not
                    //allow other dimension infos
                    //TODO: enhance the error message...
                    string error = "Found invalid dimension for an element that is using a closed hypercube";


            return errors.Count == 0;
Beispiel #3
        private void LoadDefinitionLinkbase( Dimension d, string linkbase, out int numErrors )
            numErrors = 0;

            string baseUri = GetTargetNamespace();

            if ( baseUri[baseUri.Length - 1] != '/' && baseUri[baseUri.Length - 1] != '\\' )
                baseUri += "/";
            string bs = baseUri + schemaFilename;

            Dictionary<string, string> discoveredSchemas = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            if ( linkbase.StartsWith( "http" ) )
                baseUri = linkbase.Replace( Path.GetFileName( linkbase ), string.Empty );

            d.BaseSchema = bs;
            d.OwnerHandle = OwnerHandle;
            d.Load( linkbase );
            if (IsAucentExtension && skipAucentExtensions && !this.innerTaxonomy &&
                //if this is a top level aucent extension taxonomy and ...
                //if the skipAucentExtensions is set to true ... we want to load just the no rivet created files...
                //as we will merge the rivet created files later....
            if ( d.ErrorList.Count > 0 )
                for ( int i = 0; i < d.ErrorList.Count; i++ )
                    Common.WriteError( "XBRLParser.Error.Exception", validationErrors,
                        SchemaFile + ": DEFINITION_ROLE Error: " + d.ErrorList[i] );

            d.Parse( discoveredSchemas,
                out numErrors );

            foreach ( string val in discoveredSchemas.Values )
                string filename = Path.GetFileName( val );
                string hintPath = val.Replace(filename, string.Empty);

                LoadAdditionalDependantTaxonomy(filename, hintPath, ref  numErrors);

Beispiel #4
        private Dimension LoadDefinitionSchema( out int numErrors )
            numErrors = 0;
            definitionFile = GetLinkbaseReference( TARGET_LINKBASE_URI + DEFINISION_ROLE );

            if ( definitionFile == null )
                return null;

            Hashtable tempDefHash = new Hashtable();
            Dimension tempD = new Dimension();
            tempD.loadingTaxonomy = this.GetLoadingTaxonomy();
            tempD.PromptUser = this.PromptUser;
            foreach ( string file in definitionFile )

                LoadDefinitionLinkbase( tempD, file, out numErrors );

                //build the presentation links
                if ( tempD.DefinitionLinks != null )
                    IDictionaryEnumerator linkEnumer = tempD.DefinitionLinks.GetEnumerator();
                    while (linkEnumer.MoveNext())
                        if (!tempDefHash.ContainsKey(linkEnumer.Key))
                            tempDefHash[linkEnumer.Key] = linkEnumer.Value;

                            //need to merge the info..
                            ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList();
                            DefinitionLink orig = tempDefHash[linkEnumer.Key] as DefinitionLink;
                            orig.Append(linkEnumer.Value as DefinitionLink, tmp);



                //build the roleRefs
                this.MergeRoleRefsFromLinkbase(tempD.roleRefs, tempD.BaseSchema,
                     tempD.SchemaFile, LinkbaseFileInfo.LinkbaseType.Definition);
                tempD.roleRefs = null;


            Dimension d = new Dimension();
            d.DefinitionLinks = tempDefHash;

            return d;
Beispiel #5
        private void LoadDefinition( out int numErrors )
            numErrors = 0;

            Dimension d = LoadDefinitionSchema( out numErrors );

            if ( d == null && innerTaxonomy )
                return;	// nothing to do

            if ( d == null )
                d = new Dimension();
                d.DefinitionLinks = new Hashtable();

            netDefinisionInfo = d;

            if ( !innerTaxonomy )
                if ( dependantTaxonomies.Count > 0 )
                    foreach ( Taxonomy depTax in dependantTaxonomies )
                        ArrayList tmp;
                        netDefinisionInfo.MergeDimensionLinks( depTax.netDefinisionInfo, out tmp );
                        if ( tmp.Count > 0 )
                            numErrors += tmp.Count;
                            errorList.AddRange( tmp );


            //if ( netDefinisionInfo != null )
            //    netDefinisionInfo.RemoveRecursiveLocator( ref numErrors );
            if ( numErrors > 0 )
                numDefErrors += numErrors;
                errorList.AddRange( d.ErrorList );
        public Node CreateNode( string lang, string role, int level,
			string currentId, Node parentNode, LocatorRelationshipInfo relation, 
			PresentationLink pLink, bool recursive,
			Dimension dimensionInfo )
            Node current = null;

            if (e == null && pLink != null)
                /* Something went wrong during mergePresentation because we should have an element at
                 * this point.  Go to the presentationLink and try to get the element. */
                PresentationLocator loc = null;
                pLink.TryGetLocator(this.HRef, out loc);
                if (loc != null && loc.MyElement != null)
                    //update the element and the child locators
                    e = loc.MyElement;
                    this.childLocatorsByHRef = loc.childLocatorsByHRef;
            if (e == null)
                //it is a locator to an invalid element

                //just return null at this point...
                return null;
            //make sure we have the right element if there's a parent (there could be clones)
            Element elementToUse = e;

            if (dimensionInfo != null && elementToUse != null)
                if (elementToUse.IsDimensionItem())
                    //get the parent node
                    if (parentNode != null)

                            //DimensionNode hierNode;
                            //if (dimensionInfo.TryGetHypercubeNode(lang,
                            //    role, pLink.Role, parentNode.Id, out hierNode))
                            //    foreach (DimensionNode dn in hierNode.Children)
                            //    {
                            //        if (dn.Id == elementToUse.Id)
                            //        {
                            //            if (parentNode != null)
                            //            {

                            //                 and add it
                            //                parentNode.AddChild(dn);

                            //            }

                            //            return dn;
                            //        }
                            //    }


                        DimensionNode hierNode;
                        if (dimensionInfo.TryGetHypercubeNode(lang,
                            role, pLink.Role, parentNode.Id,true, out hierNode))
                            if (hierNode.Children != null)
                                foreach (DimensionNode dn in hierNode.Children)
                                    if (dn.Id == elementToUse.Id)
                                        if (parentNode != null)

                                            // and add it


                                        return dn;


                            return null; //strange ..could not find the correct hierarchy..
                            return null;

            current = elementToUse==null ? new Node( href ) : elementToUse.CreateNode( lang, role, false );

            if (relation != null)
                current.CalculationWeight = relation.CalculationWeight;

                if (preferredLabelRole.Equals(role))
                    if (relation.PrefLabel != null)
                        current.UpdatePreferredLabel(lang, relation.PrefLabel);
                // now check to see if it's prohibited
                current.IsProhibited = relation.IsProhibited;

            if (parentNode != null)

                // and add it


            if ( childLocatorsByHRef != null && recursive )

                foreach( ChildPresentationLocator cpl in childLocatorsByHRef.Values )
                    PresentationLocator childLocator;
                    if ( !pLink.TryGetLocator( cpl.HRef, out childLocator ))

                    bool innerRecursive = true;
                    if (parentNode != null && parentNode.GetParent(cpl.HRef) != null)
                        //this might be ok if one of the links is a prohibitted link...
                        innerRecursive = false; //looks like we have a recursion...

                    //organize locators by base order
                    //we should have only one valid LocatorRelationshipInfo for each non xlink information...
                    LocatorRelationshipInfo currentRelationShip=null;
                    for (int i = cpl.LocatorRelationshipInfos.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        LocatorRelationshipInfo lri = cpl.LocatorRelationshipInfos[i] as LocatorRelationshipInfo;
                        if (currentRelationShip != null && lri.IsNonXlinkEquivalentRelationship(currentRelationShip)) continue;
                        currentRelationShip = lri;

                        // always create the child

                        childLocator.CreateNode(lang, role,
                            level + 1, cpl.HRef, current, lri, pLink, innerRecursive, dimensionInfo);


                //need to sort the nodes
                if (current.Children != null)
                    current.Children.Sort(new NodeOrderSorter());

            return current;
Beispiel #7
        /// <returns>The parent node for this link</returns>
        /// <exception cref="AucentException">throws if this link does not contain any locator objects</exception>
        public Node CreateNode( string lang, string role , Dimension dimension )
            ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList( locators.Count +1 );

            Node parent = new Node(title);
            parent.MyPresentationLink = this;

            IDictionaryEnumerator enumer = locators.GetEnumerator();

            while ( enumer.MoveNext() )
                PresentationLocator pl = (PresentationLocator)enumer.Value;
                if ( !pl.HasParent )

                    // create all the nodes for this presentationLink
                        Node childNode = pl.CreateNode(lang, role, 0,
                            pl.href, parent, null, this, true, dimension);

                        if ( childNode.Children == null &&
                            childNode.MyElement != null && childNode.MyElement.IsHyperCubeItem())
                            //we might have decided to not show an hypercube.. as it does not have
                            //any children nodes that are valid segments...
                            return null;

                    catch ( Exception ex )
                        string msg = ex.Message;

            return parent;
Beispiel #8
        internal Dimension CreateCopyForMerging()
            Dimension copy = new Dimension();

            copy.BaseSchema = this.BaseSchema;
            copy.MyHref = this.MyHref;

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in this.definitionLinks)
                DefinitionLink dl = de.Value as DefinitionLink;

                copy.definitionLinks[de.Key] = dl.CreateCopyForMerging();
            return copy;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the <see cref="DefinitionLinks"/> for a parameter-supplied <see cref="Dimension"/> 
        /// into the <see cref="DefinitionLinks"/> for this <see cref="Dimension"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="child">The <see cref="Dimension"/> whose <see cref="DefinitionLinks"/> are to 
        /// be merged.</param>
        /// <param name="errors">Initialized by method to new <see cref="ArrayList"/>; however, not 
        /// otherwise updated.</param>
        public void MergeDimensionLinks(Dimension child, out ArrayList errors)
            errors = new ArrayList();
            if (child == null || child.DefinitionLinks == null || child.DefinitionLinks.Count == 0)

            if (this.DefinitionLinks == null || this.DefinitionLinks.Count == 0)
                this.DefinitionLinks = child.DefinitionLinks;

            IDictionaryEnumerator enumer = child.DefinitionLinks.GetEnumerator();
            while (enumer.MoveNext())
                if (this.DefinitionLinks.ContainsKey(enumer.Key))
                    ((DefinitionLink)this.DefinitionLinks[enumer.Key]).Append(enumer.Value as DefinitionLink, errors);
                    // otherwise, add it
                    this.DefinitionLinks[enumer.Key] = enumer.Value;