public void CreateWithFlagsTrueAppCollectionTest()
            AppCollection appCollection = new AppCollection
                Default = true,
                Dated = true,

            Assert.AreEqual(true, appCollection.Default);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, appCollection.Dated);
        public static IEnumerable<AppCollection> ReplaceById(this IEnumerable<AppCollection> collections, AppCollection replaceItem)
            if (collections == null)
                return null;

            List<AppCollection> result = new List<AppCollection>(collections);
            int index = result.IndexOfId(replaceItem.Id);

            if (index >= 0)
                result[index] = replaceItem;

            return result;
        internal static List<AppCollection> MakeAppCollections(int count)
            List<AppCollection> result = new List<AppCollection>();

            for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < count; loopIndex++)

                AppCollection appCollection = new AppCollection()
                    Default = true,
                    Dated = true,


            return result;
 public AppCollection RemoveCollection(AppCollection c)
   var cs = Collections.ToList();
   Collections = cs;
   return c;
 public AppCollection AddCollection(AppCollection c)
   var cs = Collections.ToList();
   Collections = cs;
   return c;
    public ActionResult NewCollection(string workspace, AdminSettingsCollectionModel m)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Owner)) throw new Exception("Owner is required.");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workspace) && workspace != Atom.DefaultWorkspaceName)
          if (!m.Owner.StartsWith(workspace)) throw new Exception("Owner must start with workspace name:");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Name)) throw new Exception("Name is required.");
        if (m.Name.ToLowerInvariant() != m.Name.CleanSlug().ToLowerInvariant()) throw new Exception("Name has invalid characters.");
        string collection = m.Name.ToLowerInvariant();

        if (Workspace.Collections.Where(coll => coll.Id.Collection == collection).Count() > 0) 
            throw new Exception("The collection already exists.  Please choose a different name.");
        AppWorkspace w = AppService.GetWorkspace(workspace);
        bool @default = w.Collections.Count() == 0;

        AppCollection c = new AppCollection() { Id = new Id(m.Owner, collection), Dated = m.Dated ?? false, Default = @default };

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Title)) throw new Exception("Title is required.");
        c.Title = new AtomTitle() { Text = m.Title };
        c.Subtitle = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Subtitle) ? null : new AtomSubtitle() { Text = m.Subtitle };
        c.AnnotationsOn = m.AnnotationsOn ?? false;
        c.Visible = m.Visible ?? false;
        c.SyndicationOn = m.SyndicationOn ?? false;
        c.Href = new Uri(collection + ".atom", UriKind.Relative);

        TempData["new"] = "New Collection";
        return RedirectToAction("Settings", new { workspace = workspace, collection = collection });
      catch (Exception ex)
      return View("AdminSettingsCollection", "Admin", m);
    public static AtomFeed BuildFeed(AppCollection coll, IEnumerable<AtomEntry> entries,
      int total)//, int pageIndex, int pageSize), Func<string, Id, RouteValueDictionary, Uri> routeUri,
      //string atomRouteName, string webRouteName, bool addPaging)
      AtomFeed feed = new AtomFeed();
      feed.Generator = new AtomGenerator { Text = "" };
      feed.Title = coll.Title;
      feed.Subtitle = coll.Subtitle;
      feed.Id = coll.Id;
      feed.Logo = coll.Logo;
      feed.Icon = coll.Icon;
      feed.Rights = coll.Rights;
      feed.Updated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
      feed.TotalResults = total;
      feed.Entries = entries;

      //refresh links in case they change
      //foreach (AtomEntry e in feed.Entries) e.UpdateLinks(routeUri);

      //use newest updated date as feed updated date
      if (feed.Entries.Count() > 0)
        feed.Updated = feed.Entries.Max().Updated;

      //feed.GenerateLinks(routeUri, atomRouteName, webRouteName, pageIndex, pageSize, addPaging);

      //TODO: ensure all entries have author
      //NOTE: the below two statements would break any Views built on a FeedModel
      //TODO: save bandwidth, add author at feed level if all authors are the same, remove from entries
      //TODO: save bandwidth, add contrib at feed level if all contrib are the same, remove from entries
      return feed;
        private AppCollection MakeTestCollection(string collectionTitle)
            string owner = MakeOwnerFromWorkspaceName(TestWorkspaceName);

            var result = new AppCollection
                Title = new AtomText
                    Text = collectionTitle,
                    Type = "text"
                Id = new Id(owner, DateTime.Now, collectionTitle, ""),
                Theme = "aTheme"

            result.Categories = MakeCollectionCategories();
            return result;
 protected virtual bool CollectionFilter(AppCollection coll)
   return true;
    void ImportCategories(BlogMLBlog blog, AppCollection coll)
      var cats = coll.Categories.FirstOrDefault();
      if (cats == null)
        cats = new AppCategories();
        coll.Categories = Enumerable.Repeat(cats, 1);

      foreach (BlogMLCategory cat in blog.Categories)
        LogProgress("Processing blog category with ID={0}", cat.ID);
        if (cats.AddCategory(new AtomCategory() { Term = cat.Title }))
          LogProgress("Adding blog category with ID={0}", cat.ID);
          LogProgress("Blog category with ID={0} already exists", cat.ID);
 protected override bool CollectionFilter(AppCollection coll)
   return new RaterAppCollection(coll).RatingsOn;
        public void FullCreateAppCollectionTest()
            AppCollection appCollection = new AppCollection
                      Title = new AtomTitle
                              Text = "A title"
                      Href = new Uri(""),
                      Default = false,
                      Dated = true,
                      Accepts = new List<AppAccept> { new AppAccept("text"), new AppAccept("html")},
                      Categories = new List<AppCategories>(),
                      Id = new Id("test", DateTime.Now, "test", "test"),
                      Subtitle = new AtomSubtitle
                               Text = "A subtitle"
                      Icon = new Uri(""),
                      Logo = new Uri(""),
                      Rights = new AtomRights
                               Text = "All rights reversed"
                      Theme = "bTheme",
                    //TODO: Authors = new List<AtomPerson>(),
                    //TODO: Contributors = new List<AtomPerson>()

            Assert.IsNotNull(appCollection.Title, "No title found");
            Assert.AreEqual("A title", appCollection.Title.Text);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(""), appCollection.Href);

            // default set false but is now true - is this expected ?
            Assert.AreEqual(false, appCollection.Default);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, appCollection.Dated);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, appCollection.Accepts.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual("A subtitle", appCollection.Subtitle.Text);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(""), appCollection.Icon);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(""), appCollection.Logo);

            Assert.AreEqual("All rights reversed", appCollection.Rights.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("bTheme", appCollection.Theme);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, appCollection.Authors.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(0, appCollection.Contributors.Count());
        public void SimpleCreateAppCollectionTest()
             AppCollection appCollection = new AppCollection();

        public void CreateWithCategoriesTest()
            AppCollection appCollection = new AppCollection
                Categories = TestHelper.MakeAppCategoriesList(5)

            Assert.AreEqual(5, appCollection.Categories.Count());
        public void CreateWithContributorsTest()
            AppCollection appCollection = new AppCollection
              //TODO: Contributors = TestHelper.MakePersonList(5, Atom.AtomNs+"contributor")
              Contributors = Enumerable.Repeat<string>("contributor", 5)

            // contribs are not present - is this expected?
            Assert.AreEqual(5, appCollection.Contributors.Count());
 protected override bool CollectionFilter(AppCollection coll)
   return new BlogAppCollection(coll).TrackbacksOn;
 public int GetMetric(AppCollection c, string metricName)
   return Metrics.Where(m => m.Scope.Workspace == c.Id.Workspace && m.Scope.Collection == c.Id.Collection)
     .SelectMany(m => m.Metrics).Where(m => m.Key == metricName).Sum(m => m.Value);
 protected override bool CollectionFilter(AppCollection coll)
   return new BlogAppCollection(coll).BloggingOn;
    public virtual AnnotationState GetAnnotationState(AppCollection coll, Id entryId)
      LogService.Info("AnnotateService.GetAnnotationState entryId={0}", entryId);

      if (!coll.AnnotationsOn)
        return AnnotationState.Off;
      else if (!AuthorizeService.IsAuthorized(GetUser(), entryId.ToScope(), AuthAction.Annotate))
        return AnnotationState.Unauthorized;
      else if (!AtomEntryRepository.GetEntry(entryId).AllowAnnotate)
        return AnnotationState.Closed;
      //TODO: handle expired
      return AnnotationState.On;
        public static AppCollection MakeTestAppCollection()
            // containing a collection
            string collectionTitle = "Test collection title " + Guid.NewGuid();
            AppCollection result = new AppCollection
                Title = new AtomText
                    Text = collectionTitle,
                    Type = "text"
                Icon = new Uri("" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
                Href = new Uri("" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
                Theme = "aTheme",
                Dated = true,
                Default = false,
                Id = new Id("test", DateTime.Now, RandomChars(12), "")

            return result;
 public RaterAppCollection(AppCollection coll) : base(coll.Xml) { }
 public BlogAppCollection(AppCollection coll) : base(coll.Xml) { }