/// <summary>
 /// Spawns the addition meteors
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Lmeteor">Meteor List</param>
 /// <param name="oldMeteor">Meteor object</param>
 public void SpawnMeteors(Meteor oldMeteor, int potShotPenalty)
     for (int i = Settings.meteorPotshotPenalty ? -(Settings.meteorMinSpawns) : 0;
         i < (Settings.meteorPotshotPenalty ? potShotPenalty : Settings.meteorSpawnNumber); i++)
         if (!Settings.useFancyCollisions)
             newSizeSubtractor = 200 - Utilities.getRand10() * 10;
         newMeteors.Add(new Meteor(oldMeteor.Position.X, oldMeteor.Position.Y,
             oldMeteor.Velocity.X + (Utilities.getRandBase(Settings.meteorSpawnSpeed) - Settings.meteorSpawnSpeed / 2) * (potShotPenalty + 1) / 10.0F,
             oldMeteor.Velocity.Y + (Utilities.getRandBase(Settings.meteorSpawnSpeed) - Settings.meteorSpawnSpeed / 2) * (potShotPenalty + 1) / 10.0F,
             Settings.useFancyCollisions ? oldMeteor.biggerDimension * (Utilities.getRandBase(Settings.meteorDimUpperLim) + Settings.meteorDimLowerLim) / Settings.meteorDimRandDivisor : Math.Abs(oldMeteor.Dimensions.X - newSizeSubtractor) + 30,
             Settings.useFancyCollisions ? oldMeteor.biggerDimension * (Utilities.getRandBase(Settings.meteorDimUpperLim) + Settings.meteorDimLowerLim) / Settings.meteorDimRandDivisor : Math.Abs(oldMeteor.Dimensions.X - newSizeSubtractor) + 30,
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the collision of a bullet and a meteor (meteor spawning called from here)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m">The Meteor</param>
 /// <param name="b">The Weapon</param>
 private void bulletHitMeteor(Meteor m, Weapon b)
     if (Settings.debug && Settings.useFancyCollisions)
         m.isCollidedFoReal = true;
         b.isCollidedFoReal = true;
     m.IsDying  = true;
     b.IsActive = false;
     MainGame.score             += Settings.meteorScoreBase / (int)m.biggerDimension;
     MainGame.extraLivesCounter += Settings.meteorScoreBase / (int)m.biggerDimension;
     if (MainGame.extraLivesCounter > Settings.scoreToNextLife)
         MainGame.extraLivesCounter = 0;
         MainGame.extraLifeAdded = true;
     if (m.biggerDimension > Settings.meteorMinSize)
         Meteor TmpMeteor = m;
         int    potShotPenalty;
         if (Settings.meteorPotshotPenalty && m.Dimensions.X > Settings.meteorMinSize)
             potShotPenalty = (int)(Math.Abs(b.Velocity.getDirection() - b.Position.getDirectionTo(m.Position)) * Settings.meteorPotShotPenaltyMult);
             if (potShotPenalty > Settings.meteorMaxExtraSpawns)
                 potShotPenalty = Settings.meteorMaxExtraSpawns;
             //Threads.MeteorSpawningTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => meteorSpawner.SpawnMeteors(TmpMeteor, potShotPenalty)));
             meteorSpawner.SpawnMeteors(TmpMeteor, potShotPenalty);
             meteorSpawner.SpawnMeteors(TmpMeteor, 0);
         //Threads.MeteorSpawningTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => meteorSpawner.SpawnMeteors(TmpMeteor, 0)));
 /// <summary>
 /// This was going to be a cool method for having meteors split down the middle where the player shoots
 /// them, breaking into two semi-circular pieces instead of many smaller round meteors.  It is doable - I
 /// just didn't have time.  The drawImage method has overloads that allow you to just draw a portion of an image,
 /// and my fancyCollisions SAT algorithm would allow for non-ellipsoid meteors, too.  It was going to be awesome.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="meteor">the old meteor</param>
 /// <param name="bullet">the bullet that hit it</param>
 /// <param name="potShotPenalty">the inaccuracy penalty</param>
 public void SplitMeteor(Meteor meteor, Weapon bullet, int potShotPenalty) // Not yet implemented
     float splitLineAngle = bullet.Position.getDirectionTo(meteor.Position);