Beispiel #1
        public CustomerBase CustomerAdd(CustomerAdd newItem)
            // Attempt to add the object
            var addedItem = ds.Customers.Add(Mapper.Map <Customer>(newItem));


            // Return the result, or null if there was an error
        // Attention 26 - Customer add new, returns extra data
        // Must do a bit more than a normal "add new", because of the association
        // First, check whether an identifier (for Employee) was provided
        // It may or may not be there - it's optional
        // If present, validate, and if valid, must do one extra fetch before return
        // so that the associated data comes back; if invalid, set it to null
        // Please be aware that there could be alternative coding plans -
        // the following plan is not authoritative, and others could work
        public CustomerWithData CustomerAdd(CustomerAdd newItem)
            // Employee object (support rep)
            Employee associatedItem = null;

            // Is there a SupportRepId value?
            if (newItem.SupportRepId != null)
                // Attempt to get the associated item
                associatedItem = ds.Employees.Find(newItem.SupportRepId.GetValueOrDefault());

                // If the attempt fails, must remove the invalid support rep identifier
                if (associatedItem == null)
                    newItem.SupportRepId = null;

            // Attempt to add the object
            var addedItem = ds.Customers.Add(Mapper.Map <Customer>(newItem));


            if (addedItem == null)
                // If associated item is null, just return the added item
                // Else, do the extra fetch

                if (associatedItem == null)
                    return(Mapper.Map <CustomerWithData>(addedItem));
                    // Set the association
                    addedItem.Employee = associatedItem;

                    // Fetch the just-added object, with extra data
                    var o = ds.Customers.Include("Employee")
                            .SingleOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == addedItem.CustomerId);

                    // Return the result
                    return(Mapper.Map <CustomerWithData>(o));
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new customer info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newItem">Json structured customer information see tempate for details</param>
        /// <returns>Newly created custoemr information</returns>
        // POST: api/Customers
        public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] CustomerAdd newItem)
            // Ensure that the URI is clean (and does not have an id parameter)
            if (Request.GetRouteData().Values["id"] != null)
                return(BadRequest("Invalid request URI"));

            // Ensure that a "newItem" is in the entity body
            if (newItem == null)
                return(BadRequest("Must send an entity body with the request"));

            // Ensure that we can use the incoming data
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // Attempt to add the new object
            var addedItem = m.CustomerAdd(newItem);

            // Continue?
            if (addedItem == null)
                return(BadRequest("Cannot add the object"));

            // HTTP 201 with the new object in the entity body
            // Notice how to create the URI for the Location header
            var uri = Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { id = addedItem.CustomerId });

            // Create a hypermedia representation

            // ****** Error during automapping *******

            //CustomerLinked result = new CustomerLinked(Mapper.Map<CustomerWithLink>(addedItem));

            //return Created(uri, result);
            // ******** error end ************
            return(Created(uri, addedItem));