public Goal Suggest(KinematicData character, GlobalPath path, Goal goal)
            Vector3 characterPoint = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0].ClosestPointOnGraph(character.position, aMaxYOffset);
            NavigationGraphNode characterNodeInGraph = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0].QuantizeToNode(characterPoint, 1.0f);

            Vector3 suggestedPoint = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0].ClosestPointOnGraph(suggestedPosition, aMaxYOffset);
            NavigationGraphNode nodeInGraph = NavigationManager.Instance.NavMeshGraphs [0].QuantizeToNode(suggestedPoint, 1.0f);

            Debug.DrawRay(characterPoint, (suggestedPoint - characterPoint), Color.cyan);

            Goal suggestedGoal = new Goal()
                HasPosition = true,
                position = suggestedPoint,
                IsNew = true

            GlobalPath suggestedPath = new GlobalPath();


            suggestedGoal.Path = suggestedPath;

            forgive = true;

            return suggestedGoal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to smooth a received path, using a string pulling technique
        /// it returns a new path, where the path positions are selected in order to provide a smoother path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="globalPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GlobalPath SmoothPath(KinematicData data, GlobalPath globalPath)
            var smoothedPath = new GlobalPath
                IsPartial = globalPath.IsPartial

            var endPoint = globalPath.PathPositions[globalPath.PathPositions.Count - 1];
            var nextPoint = globalPath.PathPositions[globalPath.PathPositions.Count - 1];
            for(int i = globalPath.PathNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                var node = globalPath.PathNodes[i];
                var edge = node as RAIN.Navigation.NavMesh.NavMeshEdge;
                if (edge != null)
                    var pointInEdge = Utils.MathHelper.ClosestPointInLineSegment2ToLineSegment1(data.position, endPoint, edge.PointOne, edge.PointTwo, nextPoint);
                    nextPoint = pointInEdge;

            return smoothedPath;
 public SteeringPipeline()
     Target = new KinematicData();
     Targeters = new List<ITargeter>();
     Decomposers = new List<IDecomposer>();
     Constraints = new List<IConstraint>();
     MaxConstraintSteps = 10;
 public GlobalPath GetPath(KinematicData character, Goal goal)
     if (goal.HasPosition && goal.Path != null)
         return goal.Path;
     return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to smooth a received path, using a string pulling technique
        /// it returns a new path, where the path positions are selected in order to provide a smoother path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="globalPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GlobalPath SmoothPath(KinematicData data, GlobalPath globalPath)
            var smoothedPath = new GlobalPath
                IsPartial = globalPath.IsPartial

            Vector3 initialPosition = data.position;
            int closestIndex = globalPath.PathNodes.Count - 1;

            if (globalPath.PathNodes.Count > 0)
                float minMagnitude = float.MaxValue;
                for (int i = globalPath.PathNodes.Count - 1; i >= previousIndex; i--)
                    if ((globalPath.PathNodes[i].Position - data.position).sqrMagnitude < minMagnitude
                        && i >= previousIndex)
                        minMagnitude = (globalPath.PathNodes[i].Position - data.position).sqrMagnitude;
                        closestIndex = i;
                previousIndex = closestIndex;

                NavMeshEdge edge;
                Vector3 previousPoint = globalPath.PathPositions[globalPath.PathPositions.Count - 1];

                for (int i = globalPath.PathNodes.Count - 1; i > previousIndex; i--)
                    edge = globalPath.PathNodes[i] as NavMeshEdge;
                    if (edge == null)

                    Vector3 newPoint = MathHelper.ClosestPointInLineSegment2ToLineSegment1(initialPosition,
                        previousPoint, edge.PointTwo, edge.PointOne, initialPosition);

                    var distance = (newPoint - previousPoint).sqrMagnitude;
                    if (distance < 1.44f) // 1.44 = 1.2^2

                    previousPoint = newPoint;


            return smoothedPath;
 public MovementOutput GetMovement(KinematicData character, GlobalPath path, Goal goal)
     if (goal.HasPosition && path != null)
         movement.Character = character;
         movement.Path = path;
         movement.CurrentParam = goal.CurrentParam;
         MovementOutput movementOut = movement.GetMovement();
         goal.CurrentParam = movement.CurrentParam;
         return movementOut;
     return movement.EmptyMovementOutput;
Beispiel #7
 public SteeringPipeline(KinematicData character)
     this.Target = new KinematicData();
     this.Character = character;
     this.DeadlockMovement = new DynamicWander
         Character = this.Character,
         MaxAcceleration = 10.0f
     this.Targeters = new List<Targeter>();
     this.Decomposers = new List<Decomposer>();
     this.Constraints = new List<Constraint>();
 public void Search(KinematicData characterData)
     if (this.searchAlgorithm.InProgress)
         var finished = this.searchAlgorithm.Search(out this.currentSolution, true);
         if (finished && this.currentSolution != null)
             //lets smooth out the Path
             this.currentSmoothedSolution = StringPullingPathSmoothing.SmoothPath(characterData, this.currentSolution);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to smooth a received path, using a string pulling technique
        /// it returns a new path, where the path positions are selected in order to provide a smoother path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="globalPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GlobalPath SmoothPath(KinematicData data, GlobalPath globalPath)
            var smoothedPath = new GlobalPath
                IsPartial = globalPath.IsPartial

            Vector3 currentPos = data.position;
            Vector3 Pnext = globalPath.PathPositions[globalPath.PathPositions.Count - 1];

            int index = globalPath.PathPositions.Count - 2;
            if (index <= 0)
                return globalPath;

            bool finish = false;
            while (true)

                NavigationGraphNode node = globalPath.PathNodes[index];
                LocalPath L = new LineSegmentPath(currentPos, Pnext);

                Vector3 closestPoint = GetShortestDistancePositionInEdge(node, L);

                if ((closestPoint - smoothedPath.PathPositions[smoothedPath.PathPositions.Count - 1]).sqrMagnitude >= (MinWidth * MinWidth))
                    Pnext = closestPoint;

                if (index <= 0 || finish)
                    //return smoothedPath;
                if ((closestPoint - currentPos).sqrMagnitude < MinDistanceToCharacter * MinDistanceToCharacter)
                    finish = true;

            return smoothedPath;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to smooth a received path, using a string pulling technique
        /// it returns a new path, where the path positions are selected in order to provide a smoother path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="globalPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GlobalPath SmoothPath(KinematicData data, GlobalPath globalPath)
            NavMeshEdge edge;
            var lookAhead = 3;
            Vector3 lookAheadTarget;

            var smoothedPath = new GlobalPath
                IsPartial = globalPath.IsPartial

            //we will string pull from the begginning to the end
            var endPosition = globalPath.PathPositions.Last();

            var currentPosition = data.position;

            for (int i = 0; i < globalPath.PathNodes.Count; i++)
                edge = globalPath.PathNodes[i] as NavMeshEdge;
                if (edge != null)

                    if ((i + lookAhead) < globalPath.PathNodes.Count)
                        lookAheadTarget = globalPath.PathNodes[i + lookAhead].LocalPosition;
                        lookAheadTarget = endPosition;

                    if (!lookAheadTarget.Equals(currentPosition))
                        var closestPointInEdge = MathHelper.ClosestPointInLineSegment2ToLineSegment1(currentPosition, lookAheadTarget, edge.PointOne, edge.PointTwo, lookAheadTarget);
                        currentPosition = closestPointInEdge;


            return smoothedPath;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to smooth a received path, using a string pulling technique
        /// it returns a new path, where the path positions are selected in order to provide a smoother path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="globalPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GlobalPath SmoothPath(KinematicData data, GlobalPath globalPath)
            var smoothedPath = new GlobalPath
                IsPartial = globalPath.IsPartial

            Vector3 currentPos = globalPath.PathPositions[0];
            Vector3 Pnext = globalPath.PathPositions[globalPath.PathPositions.Count - 1];

            int index = globalPath.PathPositions.Count - 2;
            if (index <= 0)
                return globalPath;

            while (true)

                NavigationGraphNode node = globalPath.PathNodes[index];
                LocalPath L = new LineSegmentPath(currentPos, Pnext);

                Vector3 closestPoint = GetShortestDistancePositionInEdge(node, L);
                if ((closestPoint - smoothedPath.PathPositions[smoothedPath.PathPositions.Count - 1]).sqrMagnitude >= (MinWidth * MinWidth))

                if (index <= 0)
                    return smoothedPath;
                    Pnext = closestPoint;
 public Goal Decompose(KinematicData character, Goal goal)
     if (goal != null && goal.HasPosition)
         if (goal.IsNew)
             this.aStarPathFinding.InitializePathfindingSearch(character.position, goal.position);
             this.currentSolution = null;
         if (this.aStarPathFinding.InProgress)
             this.aStarPathFinding.Search(out this.currentSolution, true);
             if (currentSolution != null)
                 goal.Path = currentSolution;
     return goal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to smooth a received path, using a string pulling technique
        /// it returns a new path, where the path positions are selected in order to provide a smoother path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="globalPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GlobalPath SmoothPath(KinematicData data, GlobalPath globalPath)
            if (globalPath.PathNodes.Count <= 2)
                return globalPath;

            var smoothedPath = new GlobalPath
                IsPartial = globalPath.IsPartial


            NavMeshEdge goalNode = globalPath.PathNodes[0] as NavMeshEdge;
            Vector3 pnext = globalPath.PathPositions[0];


            foreach (var node in globalPath.PathNodes)
                NavMeshEdge edge = node as NavMeshEdge;
                if (edge != null)
                    Vector3 point = MathHelper.ClosestPointInLineSegment2ToLineSegment1(data.position, pnext, edge.PointOne, edge.PointTwo, edge.PointOne);
                    pnext = point;


            return smoothedPath;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        var textObj = GameObject.Find("InstructionsText");
        if (textObj != null)
            textObj.GetComponent<Text>().text =
                "Instructions\n\n" +
                "Red Character\n" +
                "Q - Stationary\n" +
                "W - Seek\n" +
                "E - Flee\n" +
                "R - Arrive\n" +
                "T - Wander\n\n" +
                "Green Character\n" +
                "A - Stationary\n" +
                "S - Seek\n" +
                "D - Flee\n" +
                "F - Arrive\n" +
                "G - Wander\n";

        var redObj = GameObject.Find("Red");
        if (redObj != null) this.RedCharacter = new DynamicCharacter(redObj)
             Drag = DRAG,
             MaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED
        var greenObj = GameObject.Find("Green");
        if (greenObj != null) this.GreenCharacter = new DynamicCharacter(greenObj)
            Drag = DRAG,
            MaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED

        this.RedMovementText = GameObject.Find("RedMovement").GetComponent<Text>();
        this.GreenMovementText = GameObject.Find("GreenMovement").GetComponent<Text>();

        #region movement initialization

        var redKinematicData = new KinematicData(new StaticData(this.RedCharacter.GameObject.transform.position));
        var greenKinematicData = new KinematicData(new StaticData(this.GreenCharacter.GameObject.transform.position));

        this.RedDynamicSeek = new DynamicSeek
            Character = redKinematicData,
            Target = this.GreenCharacter.KinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION

        this.RedDynamicFlee = new DynamicFlee
            Character = redKinematicData,
            Target = this.GreenCharacter.KinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION

        this.RedDynamicWander = new DynamicWander()
            Character = redKinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION

        this.RedDynamicArrive = new DynamicArrive()
            Character = redKinematicData,
            Target = this.GreenCharacter.KinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION,
            MaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED

        this.GreenDynamicSeek = new DynamicSeek
            Character = greenKinematicData,
            Target = this.RedCharacter.KinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION

        this.GreenDynamicFlee = new DynamicFlee
            Character = greenKinematicData,
            Target = this.RedCharacter.KinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION

        this.GreenDynamicWander = new DynamicWander()
            Character = greenKinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION

        this.GreenDynamicArrive = new DynamicArrive()
            Character = greenKinematicData,
            Target = this.RedCharacter.KinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION,
            MaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED,
            SlowRadius = 30f,
            StopRadius = 3f

        public bool WillViolate(KinematicData character, GlobalPath path)
            //Vector3 beginPath = path.GetPosition(0);
            //Vector3 endPath = path.GetPosition(1);

            if (forgive)
                forgive = false;
                return forgive;

            bool violation = false;

            if (character.velocity ==
                return violation;

            Vector3 characterPosition = character.position;

            for (int index = 0; violation == false && index < obstacle.Length; index++)

                //check if obstacle is worth considering
                if ((characterPosition - obstacle[index].transform.position).sqrMagnitude < MinimumDistance * MinimumDistance)
                    Vector3 rayVector = character.velocity.normalized * MaxLookAhead;
                    bool hit = false;

                    Debug.DrawRay(character.position, rayVector,;
                    hit = SetTargetPosition(characterPosition, rayVector, MaxLookAhead, AvoidMargin, index);

                    if (!hit)
                        Vector3 leftWhisker = MathHelper.ConvertOrientationToVector(MathHelper.ConvertVectorToOrientation(rayVector) + WhiskersAngle);
                        Vector3 rayLeftWhisker = leftWhisker.normalized * MaxWhiskersLookAhead;
                        Debug.DrawRay(character.position, rayLeftWhisker,;
                        hit = SetTargetPosition(characterPosition, rayLeftWhisker, MaxWhiskersLookAhead, AvoidMargin, index);

                        Vector3 rightWhisker = MathHelper.ConvertOrientationToVector(MathHelper.ConvertVectorToOrientation(rayVector) - WhiskersAngle);
                        Vector3 rayRightWhisker = rightWhisker.normalized * MaxWhiskersLookAhead;
                        if (!hit)
                            Debug.DrawRay(character.position, rayRightWhisker,;
                            hit = SetTargetPosition(characterPosition, rayRightWhisker, MaxWhiskersLookAhead, AvoidMargin, index);

                            if (hit)
                                suggestedPosition = rayLeftWhisker + character.position;
                            suggestedPosition = rayRightWhisker + character.position;

                    if (hit)
                        violation = true;

            return violation;
Beispiel #16
    public SteeringPipeline InitializeSteeringPipeline(DynamicCharacter orig, KinematicData dest)
        SteeringPipeline pipe = new SteeringPipeline(orig.KinematicData)
            MaxAcceleration = 15.0f


        Targeter MouseClickTargeter = new Targeter()
            Target = dest

        pathfindingDecomposer = new PathfindingDecomposer()
            Graph = this.navMesh,
            Heuristic = new EuclideanDistanceHeuristic()

        //Actuator - Default: Car behaviour
        Actuator actuator = new CarActuator()
            MaxAcceleration = 15.0f,
            Character = orig.KinematicData

        if (orig.GameObject.tag.Equals("Enemies"))
            actuator = new TrollActuator()
                MaxAcceleration = 10.0f,
                Character = orig.KinematicData
        pipe.Actuator = actuator;

        foreach (DynamicCharacter troll in enemies)
            TrollConstraint trollConstraint = new TrollConstraint()
                Troll = troll,
                margin = 1.0f

        MapConstraint mapConstraint = new MapConstraint()
            chars = character,
            navMeshP = navMesh,
            margin = 1.0f

        return pipe;
 public Goal Decompose(KinematicData character, Goal goal)
     personPath.LocalPaths [0] = new LineSegmentPath(character.position, goal.position);
     goal.Path = personPath;
     return goal;
    private void InitializeMainCharacter(GameObject[] obstacles)
        this.Priority = new PriorityMovement
            Character = this.RedCharacter.KinematicData

        this.Blended = new BlendedMovement
            Character = this.RedCharacter.KinematicData

        foreach (var obstacle in obstacles)
            //TODO: add your AvoidObstacle movement here
            //avoidObstacleMovement = new DynamicAvoidObstacle(obstacle)
            //    MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION,
            //    AvoidMargin = AVOID_MARGIN,
            //    MaxLookAhead = MAX_LOOK_AHEAD,
            //    Character = this.RedCharacter.KinematicData,
            //    MovementDebugColor = Color.magenta
            //this.Blended.Movements.Add(new MovementWithWeight(avoidObstacleMovement,5.0f));

        foreach (var otherCharacter in this.Characters)
            if (otherCharacter != this.RedCharacter)
                //TODO: add your AvoidCharacter movement here
                //var avoidCharacter = new DynamicAvoidCharacter(otherCharacter.KinematicData)
                //    Character = this.RedCharacter.KinematicData,
                //    MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION,
                //    AvoidMargin = AVOID_MARGIN,
                //    MovementDebugColor = Color.cyan


        var redKinematicData = new KinematicData(new StaticData(this.RedCharacter.GameObject.transform.position));
        var wander = new DynamicWander
            Character = this.RedCharacter.KinematicData,
            Target = redKinematicData,
            MaxAcceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION,
            MovementDebugColor = Color.yellow

        this.Blended.Movements.Add(new MovementWithWeight(wander,obstacles.Length+this.Characters.Count));

        this.RedCharacter.Movement = this.Blended;
        public bool WillViolate(KinematicData character, GlobalPath path)
            //Vector3 beginPath = path.GetPosition(0);
            //Vector3 endPath = path.GetPosition(1);

            if (forgive)
                forgive = false;
                return forgive;

            bool violation = false;

            if (character.velocity ==
                return violation;

            Vector3 characterPosition = character.position;

            for (int index = 0; violation == false && index < peopleToCollide.Length; index++)

                Vector3 direction = peopleToCollide [index].transform.position - characterPosition;
                //dentro do circulo
                if (direction.sqrMagnitude <= this.MinimumDistance * this.MinimumDistance)
                    float angle = MathHelper.ConvertVectorToOrientation(direction);
                    float angleDifference = MathHelper.SmallestDifferenceBetweenTwoAngles(character.orientation, angle);
                    //dentro do cone
                    if (Mathf.Abs(angleDifference) <= FanAngle)
                        Vector3 rayVector = character.velocity.normalized * 10f;
                        if (angleDifference >= 0)
                            Vector3 rightWhisker = MathHelper.ConvertOrientationToVector(MathHelper.ConvertVectorToOrientation(rayVector) + FanAngle);
                            Vector3 rayRightWhisker = rightWhisker.normalized * 10f;
                            suggestedPosition = rayRightWhisker + character.position;
                        } else
                            Vector3 leftWhisker = MathHelper.ConvertOrientationToVector(MathHelper.ConvertVectorToOrientation(rayVector) + FanAngle);
                            Vector3 rayLeftWhisker = leftWhisker.normalized * 10f;
                            suggestedPosition = rayLeftWhisker + character.position;

                        violation = true;


            return violation;