Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Called for each request to the userinfo endpoint to give the application code
 /// a chance to manually extract the userinfo request from the ambient HTTP context.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
 /// <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
 public virtual Task ExtractUserinfoRequest(ExtractUserinfoRequestContext context) => OnExtractUserinfoRequest(context);
        private async Task <bool> InvokeUserinfoEndpointAsync()
            OpenIdConnectRequest request;

            if (string.Equals(Request.Method, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                request = new OpenIdConnectRequest(Request.Query);

            else if (string.Equals(Request.Method, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // See
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.ContentType))
                    Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because " +
                                    "the mandatory 'Content-Type' header was missing.");

                    return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                        Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                        ErrorDescription = "A malformed userinfo request has been received: " +
                                           "the mandatory 'Content-Type' header was missing from the POST request."

                // May have media/type; charset=utf-8, allow partial match.
                if (!Request.ContentType.StartsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because an invalid 'Content-Type' " +
                                    "header was received: {ContentType}.", Request.ContentType);

                    return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                        Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                        ErrorDescription = "A malformed userinfo request has been received: " +
                                           "the 'Content-Type' header contained an unexcepted value. " +
                                           "Make sure to use 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'."

                request = new OpenIdConnectRequest(await Request.ReadFormAsync(Context.RequestAborted));

                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because an invalid " +
                                "HTTP method was received: {Method}.", Request.Method);

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = "A malformed userinfo request has been received: " +
                                       "make sure to use either GET or POST."

            // Note: set the message type before invoking the ExtractUserinfoRequest event.

            // Insert the userinfo request in the ASP.NET context.

            var @event = new ExtractUserinfoRequestContext(Context, Options, request);
            await Options.Provider.ExtractUserinfoRequest(@event);

            if (@event.HandledResponse)

            else if (@event.Skipped)

            else if (@event.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ @event.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                    Error = @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = @event.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = @event.ErrorUri

            string token;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.AccessToken))
                token = request.AccessToken;

                string header = Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Authorization];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
                    Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because " +
                                    "the 'Authorization' header was missing.");

                    return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                        Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                        ErrorDescription = "A malformed userinfo request has been received."

                if (!header.StartsWith("Bearer ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because the " +
                                    "'Authorization' header was invalid: {Header}.", header);

                    return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                        Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                        ErrorDescription = "A malformed userinfo request has been received."

                token = header.Substring("Bearer ".Length);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                    Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because the access token was missing.");

                    return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                        Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                        ErrorDescription = "A malformed userinfo request has been received."

            var context = new ValidateUserinfoRequestContext(Context, Options, request);
            await Options.Provider.ValidateUserinfoRequest(context);

            if (context.HandledResponse)

            else if (context.Skipped)

            else if (!context.IsValidated)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ context.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                    Error = context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = context.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = context.ErrorUri

            var ticket = await DeserializeAccessTokenAsync(token, request);

            if (ticket == null)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because the access token was invalid.");

                // Note: an invalid token should result in an unauthorized response
                // but returning a 401 status would invoke the previously registered
                // authentication middleware and potentially replace it by a 302 response.
                // To work around this limitation, a 400 error is returned instead.
                // See
                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                    ErrorDescription = "Invalid token."

            if (ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc.HasValue &&
                ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc < Options.SystemClock.UtcNow)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because the access token was expired.");

                // Note: an invalid token should result in an unauthorized response
                // but returning a 401 status would invoke the previously registered
                // authentication middleware and potentially replace it by a 302 response.
                // To work around this limitation, a 400 error is returned instead.
                // See
                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                    ErrorDescription = "Expired token."

            var notification = new HandleUserinfoRequestContext(Context, Options, request, ticket);

            notification.Subject = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
            notification.Issuer  = Context.GetIssuer(Options);

            // Note: when receiving an access token, its audiences list cannot be used for the "aud" claim
            // as the client application is not the intented audience but only an authorized presenter.
            // See
            foreach (var presenter in ticket.GetPresenters())

            // The following claims are all optional and should be excluded when
            // no corresponding value has been found in the authentication ticket.
            if (ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.Profile))
                notification.FamilyName = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.Surname);
                notification.GivenName  = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.GivenName);
                notification.BirthDate  = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.DateOfBirth);

            if (ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.Email))
                notification.Email = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.Email);

            if (ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.Phone))
                notification.PhoneNumber = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.HomePhone) ??
                                           ticket.Principal.GetClaim(ClaimTypes.MobilePhone) ??

            await Options.Provider.HandleUserinfoRequest(notification);

            if (notification.HandledResponse)

            else if (notification.Skipped)

            else if (notification.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ notification.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                    Error = notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = notification.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = notification.ErrorUri

            // Ensure the "sub" claim has been correctly populated.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notification.Subject))
                Logger.LogError("The mandatory 'sub' claim was missing from the userinfo response.");

                Response.StatusCode = 500;

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse {
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.ServerError,
                    ErrorDescription = "The mandatory 'sub' claim was missing."

            return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse(notification.Claims)));
        private async Task <bool> InvokeUserinfoEndpointAsync()
            OpenIdConnectRequest request;

            if (HttpMethods.IsGet(Request.Method))
                request = new OpenIdConnectRequest(Request.Query);

            else if (HttpMethods.IsPost(Request.Method))
                // Note: if no Content-Type header was specified, assume the userinfo request
                // doesn't contain any parameter and create an empty OpenIdConnectRequest.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.ContentType))
                    request = new OpenIdConnectRequest();

                    // May have media/type; charset=utf-8, allow partial match.
                    if (!Request.ContentType.StartsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because an invalid 'Content-Type' " +
                                        "header was specified: {ContentType}.", Request.ContentType);

                        return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                            Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                            ErrorDescription = "The specified 'Content-Type' header is not valid."

                    request = new OpenIdConnectRequest(await Request.ReadFormAsync());

                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because an invalid " +
                                "HTTP method was specified: {Method}.", Request.Method);

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = "The specified HTTP method is not valid."

            // Note: set the message type before invoking the ExtractUserinfoRequest event.

            // Insert the userinfo request in the ASP.NET context.

            var @event = new ExtractUserinfoRequestContext(Context, Scheme, Options, request);
            await Provider.ExtractUserinfoRequest(@event);

            if (@event.Result != null)
                if (@event.Result.Handled)
                    Logger.LogDebug("The userinfo request was handled in user code.");


                else if (@event.Result.Skipped)
                    Logger.LogDebug("The default userinfo request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (@event.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ @event.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = @event.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = @event.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = @event.ErrorUri

            Logger.LogInformation("The userinfo request was successfully extracted " +
                                  "from the HTTP request: {Request}.", request);

            string token = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.AccessToken))
                token = request.AccessToken;

                string header = Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Authorization];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
                    if (!header.StartsWith("Bearer ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because the " +
                                        "'Authorization' header was invalid: {Header}.", header);

                        return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                            Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                            ErrorDescription = "The specified 'Authorization' header is invalid."

                    token = header.Substring("Bearer ".Length);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because the access token was missing.");

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = "The mandatory 'access_token' parameter is missing."

            var context = new ValidateUserinfoRequestContext(Context, Scheme, Options, request);
            await Provider.ValidateUserinfoRequest(context);

            if (context.Result != null)
                if (context.Result.Handled)
                    Logger.LogDebug("The userinfo request was handled in user code.");


                else if (context.Result.Skipped)
                    Logger.LogDebug("The default userinfo request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (context.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ context.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = context.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = context.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = context.ErrorUri

            Logger.LogInformation("The userinfo request was successfully validated.");

            var ticket = await DeserializeAccessTokenAsync(token, request);

            if (ticket == null)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because the access token was invalid.");

                // Note: an invalid token should result in an unauthorized response
                // but returning a 401 status would invoke the previously registered
                // authentication middleware and potentially replace it by a 302 response.
                // To work around this limitation, a 400 error is returned instead.
                // See
                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                    ErrorDescription = "The specified access token is not valid."

            if (ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc.HasValue &&
                ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc < Options.SystemClock.UtcNow)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected because the access token was expired.");

                // Note: an invalid token should result in an unauthorized response
                // but returning a 401 status would invoke the previously registered
                // authentication middleware and potentially replace it by a 302 response.
                // To work around this limitation, a 400 error is returned instead.
                // See
                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
                    ErrorDescription = "The specified access token is no longer valid."

            var notification = new HandleUserinfoRequestContext(Context, Scheme, Options, request, ticket)
                Issuer  = Context.GetIssuer(Options),
                Subject = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Subject)

            // Note: when receiving an access token, its audiences list cannot be used for the "aud" claim
            // as the client application is not the intented audience but only an authorized presenter.
            // See

            // The following claims are all optional and should be excluded when
            // no corresponding value has been found in the authentication ticket.
            if (ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.Profile))
                notification.FamilyName = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.FamilyName);
                notification.GivenName  = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.GivenName);
                notification.BirthDate  = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Birthdate);

            if (ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.Email))
                notification.Email = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Email);

            if (ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.Phone))
                notification.PhoneNumber = ticket.Principal.GetClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.PhoneNumber);

            await Provider.HandleUserinfoRequest(notification);

            if (notification.Result != null)
                if (notification.Result.Handled)
                    Logger.LogDebug("The userinfo request was handled in user code.");


                else if (notification.Result.Skipped)
                    Logger.LogDebug("The default userinfo request handling was skipped from user code.");


            else if (notification.IsRejected)
                Logger.LogError("The userinfo request was rejected with the following error: {Error} ; {Description}",
                                /* Error: */ notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                                /* Description: */ notification.ErrorDescription);

                return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(new OpenIdConnectResponse
                    Error = notification.Error ?? OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidRequest,
                    ErrorDescription = notification.ErrorDescription,
                    ErrorUri = notification.ErrorUri

            // Ensure the "sub" claim has been correctly populated.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notification.Subject))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The subject claim cannot be null or empty.");

            var response = new OpenIdConnectResponse
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Subject]             = notification.Subject,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Address]             = notification.Address,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Birthdate]           = notification.BirthDate,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Email]               = notification.Email,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.EmailVerified]       = notification.EmailVerified,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.FamilyName]          = notification.FamilyName,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.GivenName]           = notification.GivenName,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Issuer]              = notification.Issuer,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.PhoneNumber]         = notification.PhoneNumber,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.PhoneNumberVerified] = notification.PhoneNumberVerified,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.PreferredUsername]   = notification.PreferredUsername,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Profile]             = notification.Profile,
                [OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Website]             = notification.Website

            switch (notification.Audiences.Count)
            case 0: break;

            case 1:
                response[OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Audience] = notification.Audiences.ElementAt(0);

                response[OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Audience] = new JArray(notification.Audiences);

            foreach (var claim in notification.Claims)
                response.SetParameter(claim.Key, claim.Value);

            return(await SendUserinfoResponseAsync(response));