Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ages and prunes the log based on the System.MaxLogEntries and System.MaxLogDays AppConfigs
        /// </summary>
        private void Age()
            var currentErrors = DB.GetSqlN("select count(*) as N from aspdnsf_SysLog");

            var earliestDayToKeep = DateTime.Now.AddDays((MaxLogDays * -1));

            DB.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("delete from aspdnsf_syslog where createdon < {0}", DB.SQuote(Localization.DateStringForDB(earliestDayToKeep))));

            //Make space for new entries
            var entriesToDelete = currentErrors - MaxLogEntries;

            if (entriesToDelete > 0)
                DB.ExecuteSQL(string.Format("delete from aspdnsf_syslog where SysLogID in (select top {0} SysLogID from aspdnsf_syslog order by createdon)", entriesToDelete + 5));