void SkillListView_OnFormatRow(object sender, FormatRowEventArgs e)
            const float fLightValue = 1.5f;

            Skill sk = (Skill)e.Model;

            // get the real class color
            Color clrClass = UITools.GetClassColor(sk.Class);

            // lighten it up (god damn it looks bad otherwise)
            int nR = Math.Min(255, (int)(clrClass.R * fLightValue));
            int nG = Math.Min(255, (int)(clrClass.G * fLightValue));
            int nB = Math.Min(255, (int)(clrClass.B * fLightValue));

            e.Item.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(nR, nG, nB);

            // check availability of this skill
            if (IsSkillGood(sk))
                e.Item.Decoration = null;
                e.Item.ForeColor  = Color.Black;
                e.Item.Decoration = m_decorRowRed;
                e.Item.ForeColor  = Color.FromArgb(128, UITools.Red);
Beispiel #2
        static void ExportAsImage()
            // build the display string list
            List <Data.ExportDataEntry> vExportData = Data.ExportData;

            // build the shared line height between calculation (here) and drawing (below)
            const int EXPORTPADDING = 5;
            int       nTextHeight   = 0;

            using (Bitmap bmpTemp = new Bitmap(1, 1))
                using (Graphics gfxTemp = Graphics.FromImage(bmpTemp))
                    nTextHeight = (int)gfxTemp.MeasureString("OK", m_ftExportFont).Height; // just get a line height with this font
            Dictionary <Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE, int> vHeights = new Dictionary <Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE, int>();

            vHeights.Add(Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE, nTextHeight);
            vHeights.Add(Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.ABILITY, nTextHeight);
            vHeights.Add(Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.AE, nTextHeight);
            vHeights.Add(Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.LEVEL, nTextHeight);
            vHeights.Add(Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.TALENT, nTextHeight);
            vHeights.Add(Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.TE, nTextHeight);
            vHeights.Add(Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.TITLE, nTextHeight);
            vHeights.Add(Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.CLASSTAG, Properties.Resources.classtag_Druid_Balance.Height + EXPORTPADDING);

            // calculate total height based on the heights list and the data
            int nTotalHeight = 0;

            foreach (var entry in vExportData)
                if (entry == null) // default line height on a fake newline
                    nTotalHeight += vHeights[Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE];

                // real height for this line
                nTotalHeight += vHeights[entry.Type];

            // create bitmap storage
            // dont use line height, just size of the classtag height
            Bitmap bmpFinal = new Bitmap(355, nTotalHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);

            // create a gfx from the bitmap for rendering
            Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmpFinal);

            // graphics settings
            gfx.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            gfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
            gfx.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;

            // render
            // background
            GraphicsUnit unit        = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
            RectangleF   rectfBounds = bmpFinal.GetBounds(ref unit);

            Brush brBackground;

            // background gradient?
            if (Options.ExportBackground == "")
                brBackground = new LinearGradientBrush(rectfBounds, Options.ExportGradientLeft, Options.ExportGradientRight, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
            else // background image
                brBackground = new TextureBrush(Ascension_Calculator.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("tiled_" + Options.ExportBackground) as Bitmap, WrapMode.Tile);
            gfx.FillRectangle(brBackground, rectfBounds);
            brBackground.Dispose(); // done with background

            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.Black, 3.0f))
                gfx.DrawRectangle(p, 0, 0, rectfBounds.Width, rectfBounds.Height);

            // string lines
            PointF ptLocation = new PointF(EXPORTPADDING, EXPORTPADDING);

            foreach (var data in vExportData)
                if (data == null)
                    ptLocation.Y += vHeights[Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE];
                    continue; // dont handle this line, only "newline" it

                Bitmap bmpShared   = null; // should get set
                PointF ptTemp      = new PointF(ptLocation.X, ptLocation.Y);
                string szText      = data.Text;
                Brush  brForeColor = Brushes.White;
                switch (data.Type)
                case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.CLASSTAG:
                    // draw classtag image
                    object[] arr         = (object[])data.Data;
                    Bitmap   bmpClasstag = UITools.GetClasstagImage((string)arr[0]) as Bitmap;
                    gfx.DrawImage(bmpClasstag, ptTemp);
                    ptTemp.X += bmpClasstag.Width + EXPORTPADDING;     // move over for next element
                    // draw ae investment
                    Bitmap bmpAE = UITools.GetInvestmentImage(Data.INVESTMENT.AE) as Bitmap;
                    ptTemp.Y += (bmpClasstag.Height >> 1) - (bmpAE.Height >> 1);
                    gfx.DrawImage(bmpAE, ptTemp);
                    ptTemp.X += bmpAE.Width + EXPORTPADDING;
                    string szAEInvestment = ((int)arr[1]).ToString();
                    UITools.DrawShadowString(gfx, m_ftExportFont, Brushes.DeepSkyBlue, szAEInvestment, (int)ptTemp.X, (int)ptTemp.Y);
                    ptTemp.X += gfx.MeasureString(szAEInvestment, m_ftExportFont).Width + EXPORTPADDING;
                    // draw te investment
                    Bitmap bmpTE = UITools.GetInvestmentImage(Data.INVESTMENT.TE) as Bitmap;
                    gfx.DrawImage(bmpTE, ptTemp);
                    ptTemp.X += bmpTE.Width + EXPORTPADDING;
                    string szTEInvestment = ((int)arr[2]).ToString();
                    UITools.DrawShadowString(gfx, m_ftExportFont, Brushes.Violet, szTEInvestment, (int)ptTemp.X, (int)ptTemp.Y);
                    // go down
                    ptLocation.Y += vHeights[Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.CLASSTAG];

                case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.ABILITY:
                    Skill sk = data.Data as Skill;
                    // indent without \t
                    ptTemp.X += 20;
                    // store icon to draw
                    bmpShared = UITools.SmallIconImageList.Images[sk.IconAsString] as Bitmap;
                    // cut off tabs
                    szText = szText.Replace("\t", "");
                    // change to class color
                    brForeColor = new SolidBrush(UITools.GetClassColor(sk.Class));
                    goto case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE;     // noice

                case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.TALENT:
                    // nothing to do lul, switch gotos too goog
                    goto case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.ABILITY;

                case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.AE:
                    bmpShared = UITools.GetInvestmentImage(Data.INVESTMENT.AE) as Bitmap;
                    // change color
                    brForeColor = Brushes.DeepSkyBlue;
                    goto case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE;     // noice

                case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.TE:
                    bmpShared = UITools.GetInvestmentImage(Data.INVESTMENT.TE) as Bitmap;
                    // change color
                    brForeColor = Brushes.Violet;
                    goto case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE;     // noice

                case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.LEVEL:
                    bmpShared = UITools.SmallIconImageList.Images["level"] as Bitmap;
                    // change color
                    brForeColor = Brushes.Gold;
                    goto case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE;     // noice

                case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.TITLE:
                    goto case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE;     // noice

                case Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE:
                    // draw icon
                    if (bmpShared != null)
                        gfx.DrawImage(bmpShared, ptTemp);
                        // go over
                        ptTemp.X += bmpShared.Width + EXPORTPADDING;
                    // draw remainder string
                    UITools.DrawShadowString(gfx, m_ftExportFont, brForeColor, szText, (int)ptTemp.X, (int)ptTemp.Y);
                    // go down
                    ptLocation.Y += vHeights[Data.ExportDataEntry.LINETYPE.NONE];

                // reset point x
                ptLocation.X = EXPORTPADDING;

            // done

                // done, copy to clipboard lul
                //Clipboard.SetText(szFinal, TextDataFormat.Text);
            catch (Exception) { }

            MessageBox.Show("Copied build to clipboard as image!", "Share Build");
        void RenderInvestmentGraph(ToolStripStatusLabel lbl)
            Image         imgOld    = lbl.BackgroundImage;
            List <string> vFinalTag = new List <string>();

            // get all investments from data
            Dictionary <string, Data.Investment> investments = Data.Investments;

            // determine total variable by sender (ae/te/both)
            int nTotal;

            if (lbl.Name.Contains("AE"))
                nTotal = Data.GetTotalInvestments(Data.INVESTMENT.AE);
            else if (lbl.Name.Contains("TE"))
                nTotal = Data.GetTotalInvestments(Data.INVESTMENT.TE);
                nTotal = Data.GetTotalInvestments(Data.INVESTMENT.AE) + Data.GetTotalInvestments(Data.INVESTMENT.TE);

            Rectangle  rectCurrent     = new Rectangle(0, 0, lbl.Width, lbl.Height);
            Bitmap     bmpFinal        = new Bitmap(lbl.Width, lbl.Height);
            Graphics   gfx             = Graphics.FromImage(bmpFinal);
            SolidBrush brClasstagColor = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

            if (nTotal > 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Data.Investment> entry in investments)
                    int nClasstagValue;

                    if (lbl.Name.Contains("AE"))
                        nClasstagValue = entry.Value.AE;
                    else if (lbl.Name.Contains("TE"))
                        nClasstagValue = entry.Value.TE;
                        nClasstagValue = entry.Value.AE + entry.Value.TE;

                    if (nClasstagValue == 0)
                        continue;                                                                         // dont change the color
                    brClasstagColor.Color = UITools.GetClassColor(entry.Key.Split("_".ToCharArray())[0]); // get color of this classtag

                    // find the % of this investment
                    float fPercent = nClasstagValue / (float)nTotal;

                    // adjust the draw rect by that %
                    rectCurrent.Width = (int)(lbl.Width * fPercent);

                    // draw it
                    gfx.FillRectangle(brClasstagColor, rectCurrent);

                    // now move over that much
                    rectCurrent.X += rectCurrent.Width;

                    // adjust tooltip based on this classtag's info
                    // string.Format("{0,-8} {1,-20} {2}", stuff)
                    //szFinalTag += UITools.FixClasstag(entry.Key) + ": \t" + ((int)(fPercent * 100)) + "%\n";
                    string szTabAmount = "\t";
                    if (entry.Key.Contains("General"))
                        szTabAmount += "\t";
                    string szPercent = string.Format("{0:#.0}", fPercent * 100) + "%";
                    vFinalTag.Add(string.Format("{0,-25}{1}{2,-6}\n", UITools.FixClasstag(entry.Key), szTabAmount, szPercent));

                if (rectCurrent.X < lbl.Width) // if theres a gap left on the end, fill it
                    rectCurrent.Width = lbl.Width;
                    gfx.FillRectangle(brClasstagColor, rectCurrent); // color will be the last successful classtag

            // render border
            gfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, new Rectangle(0, 0, lbl.Width - 1, lbl.Height - 1)); // -1 cuz we wanna see it, not be ON the control border

            // gdi cleanup

            // set bg image
            lbl.BackgroundImage = bmpFinal;

            // get rid of old image
            if (imgOld != null)

            // save the "tooltip" data
            // sort the text by % first (beginning of string X.X%)
            string szFinalTag = "";

            //customerList = customerList.OrderBy(c => int.Parse(c.Code)).ToList();
            vFinalTag.Sort(new InvestmentGraphSorter());
            foreach (var szLine in vFinalTag)
                szFinalTag += szLine;
            lbl.Tag = szFinalTag;