private void OnFileSystemObjectCreated(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
            if (_monitoredFiles.ContainsKey(e.FullPath))
                _monitoredFiles[e.FullPath] = CreateFileDataObject(e.FullPath);
            else if (_deletedFiles.Count > 0)
                FileInfoCache created = new FileInfoCache(e.FullPath);

                foreach (FileInfoCache deleted in _deletedFiles)
                    if (deleted.CreationTime == created.CreationTime || deleted.Name == created.Name || deleted.Length == created.Length)
                        // We assume that a recently deleted file with the same size
                        // and creation time of a monitored one is being moved.
                        UpdateFileDataObject(deleted.FullName, created.FullName);


        private FileInfoCache CreateFileDataObject(string path)
            FileInfoCache file = new FileInfoCache(path);

            string queryString = @"
                PREFIX rdf: <>
                PREFIX nfo: <>

                SELECT ?uri WHERE
                    ?uri a nfo:FileDataObject .
                    ?uri nfo:fileUrl """ + file.Url.AbsoluteUri + @""" . 
                LIMIT 1";

            SparqlQuery        query  = new SparqlQuery(queryString);
            ISparqlQueryResult result = _model.ExecuteQuery(query);

            BindingSet bindings = result.GetBindings().FirstOrDefault();

            if (bindings == null)
                FileDataObject f = _model.CreateResource <FileDataObject>();
                f.CreationTime         = file.CreationTime;
                f.LastAccessTime       = file.LastAccessTime;
                f.LastModificationTime = file.LastWriteTime;
                f.Url = file.Url.AbsoluteUri;

                _monitoredFileUris[file.Url] = f.Uri;

                Logger.LogInfo("Created {0}", file.FullName);
                _monitoredFileUris[file.Url] = new Uri(bindings["uri"].ToString());

                Logger.LogInfo("Updating {0}", file.FullName);

 public void AddFile(string path)
     _monitoredFiles[path] = new FileInfoCache(path);