Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the next sample from the appropriate source given the specified payload and the recompression and
 /// slide stream settings for this segment.
 /// </summary>
 private bool getNextSample(PayloadType payload, out BufferChunk sample, out long timestamp, out bool newstream, out bool keyframe)
     if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio)
         if (norecompression)
             if (audiorecompression)
                 newstream = false; keyframe = false;
                 return(mixer.GetNextStreamSample(out sample, out timestamp));
                 keyframe = false;
                 return(audioStreams[0].GetNextSample(out sample, out timestamp, out newstream));
             newstream = false; keyframe = false;
             return(mixer.GetNextSample(out sample, out timestamp));
     else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo)
         if (norecompression)
             if (useSlideStream)
                 newstream = false;
                 //return slideStream.GetNextStreamSample(out sample, out timestamp, out keyframe);
                 return(videoStream.GetNextSample(out sample, out timestamp, out keyframe, out newstream));
             //Note: keyframe is not relevant for uncompressed video.
             if (useSlideStream)
                 newstream = false; keyframe = false;
                 return(slideStream.GetNextSample(out sample, out timestamp, out newstream));
                 keyframe = false;
                 return(videoStream.GetNextSample(out sample, out timestamp, out newstream));
     sample    = null;
     timestamp = 0;
     newstream = false;
     keyframe  = false;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Capture stills from the video stream.  Create a temporary directory and save the images there.
        /// Compile a list of DataItem objects to indicate when the slide transitions should take place.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Process()
            ImageFilter.ImageFilter imgFilter = null;
            try {
                imgFilter = new ImageFilter.ImageFilter();
                imgFilter.DifferenceThreshold = this.differenceThreshold;
            catch {
                this.errorLog.Append("Video capture images in the presentation will not be filtered probably " +
                                     "because ImageMagick is not available in the configuration.\r\n");

            this.differenceMetrics = new List <double>();
            metadata = new List <PresentationMgr.DataItem>();
            RTUpdate rtu = new RTUpdate();

            this.deckGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            rtu.DeckGuid  = this.deckGuid;
            rtu.SlideSize = 1.0;
            rtu.DeckType  = (Int32)DeckTypeEnum.Presentation;

            this.videoStream = new StreamMgr(videoDescriptor.VideoCname, videoDescriptor.VideoName, new  DateTime(this.start), new DateTime(this.end), false, PayloadType.dynamicVideo);
            MediaTypeVideoInfo mtvi = videoStream.GetUncompressedVideoMediaType();

            this.tempdir = Utility.GetTempDir();
            string filebase  = "slide";
            string extent    = ".jpg";
            int    fileindex = 1;

            BufferChunk bc;
            long        time;
            bool        newStream;
            string      previousFile = null;

            this.stopNow = false;
            while ((!stopNow) && (videoStream.GetNextSample(out bc, out time, out newStream)))
                if ((time - lastFramegrab) >= (long)(this.frameGrabIntervalMs * Constants.TicksPerMs))
                    DateTime dt = new DateTime(time);
                    Debug.WriteLine("time=" + dt.ToString() + ";length=" + bc.Length.ToString());
                    lastFramegrab = time;
                    string      filepath    = Path.Combine(tempdir, filebase + fileindex.ToString() + extent);
                    PixelFormat pixelFormat = subtypeToPixelFormat(mtvi.SubType);
                    Bitmap      bm          = new Bitmap(mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Width, mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Height, pixelFormat);
                    BitmapData  bd          = bm.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Width, mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, pixelFormat);
                    Marshal.Copy(bc.Buffer, 0, bd.Scan0, bc.Length);
                    if ((SCALE) && (mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Width >= 1280))
                        int    w      = mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Width / 2;
                        int    h      = mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Height / 2;
                        Bitmap scaled = new Bitmap(bm, new Size(w, h));
                        scaled.Save(filepath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                        bm.Save(filepath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    if (imgFilter != null)
                        string filterMsg;
                        bool   filterError;
                        double metric;
                        bool   differ = imgFilter.ImagesDiffer(filepath, previousFile, out filterMsg, out filterError, out metric);
                        if (filterError)
                        if (!differ)
                        Console.WriteLine("Framegrab slide index: " + fileindex.ToString() +
                                          "; difference: " + metric.ToString() + "; time: " + dt.ToString());
                    rtu.SlideIndex = fileindex - 1; // This is a zero-based index
                    metadata.Add(new PresentationMgr.DataItem(time - this.offset, PresentationMgr.CopyRTUpdate(rtu)));
                    previousFile = filepath;