Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// To use: Prepare Windows Media Writer and other objects, construct, call the Encode method,
 /// use properties and other methods to get results, release, close Windows Media Writer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="segment">Batch params for this segment.  We assume all fields have already been validated.</param>
 /// <param name="jobStart">Absolute start time of the first segment of the job in ticks</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The total timespan in ticks of all previous segments in this job</param>
 /// <param name="wmWriter">Windows Media Writer object to write to.  We assume it has been preconfigured and started.</param>
 /// <param name="progressTracker">Where to put UI status updates</param>
 /// <param name="logMgr">Where to put log messages</param>
 /// <param name="profileData">compressed media types we are writing to in the norecompression case</param>
 public WMSegment(ArchiveTranscoderJob job, ArchiveTranscoderJobSegment segment,
                  long jobStart, long offset, WMWriter wmWriter,
                  ProgressTracker progressTracker, LogMgr logMgr, ProfileData profileData, bool norecompression,
                  WMSegment previousSegment)
     cancel                 = false;
     this.logMgr            = logMgr;
     this.job               = job;
     this.segment           = segment;
     this.offset            = offset;
     this.jobStart          = jobStart;
     this.progressTracker   = progressTracker;
     this.profileData       = profileData;
     this.norecompression   = norecompression;
     this.m_PreviousSegment = previousSegment;
     videoStream            = null;
     slideStream            = null;
     audioStreams           = null;
     presentationMgr        = null;
     writer                 = wmWriter;
     startTime              = endTime = DateTime.MinValue;
     startTime              = DateTime.Parse(segment.StartTime);
     endTime                = DateTime.Parse(segment.EndTime);
     useSlideStream         = false;
     if (Utility.SegmentFlagIsSet(segment, SegmentFlags.SlidesReplaceVideo))
         useSlideStream = true;
        private SlideImageGenerator(ArchiveTranscoderJob job, ProgressTracker progressTracker,
                                    LogMgr log)
            stopNow              = false;
            this.job             = job;
            this.log             = log;
            this.progressTracker = progressTracker;
            this.rtDocuments     = null;
            this.slideMessages   = null;
            outputDirs           = new Hashtable();

            //This is to work around an issue with CP3 which can cause elements on slides to be shifted a little bit to the right,
            //causing archived ink to be misaligned.  To work around, we shift the slide images to approximate what CP3 did.
            rightShift = 0;
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RightShiftPPTImage"] != null)
                int s;
                if (int.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RightShiftPPTImage"], out s))
                    if (s > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Right shifting images by: " + s.ToString());
                        rightShift = s;

            // By default we use CP3 to export PPT slide images because we get the image alignment that matches
            // ink, and get the same appearance that was seen in the classroom.  However the following two options
            // allow us to revert to exporting images from the PowerPoint application instead.

            //While we can get better quality from PPT images using export to wmf, some unusual characters will not
            //appear correctly (eg. the lambda character converts as a '?').  However if we export from PPT to JPEG,
            //somewhat more of the characters are correct.

            /// Set this option to make PPT export directly to JPG
            useNativeJpegExport = false;
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PPT2JpegExport"] != null)
                bool b;
                if (bool.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PPT2JpegExport"], out b))
                    Console.WriteLine("Using native PPT to Jpeg export.");
                    useNativeJpegExport = b;

            /// Set this option to get the WMF export from PPT.
            usePPTImageExport = false;
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PPTImageExport"] != null)
                bool b;
                if (bool.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PPTImageExport"], out b))
                    Console.WriteLine("Using PPT for image export.");
                    usePPTImageExport = b;
        /// <summary>
        /// The SlideImageGenerator can be shared by a set of modules.
        /// This allows us to avoid duplicating work of building slide images.
        /// Use this static method to get the instance, then run Process if
        /// the job has changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job"></param>
        /// <param name="progressTracker"></param>
        /// <param name="log"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SlideImageGenerator GetInstance(ArchiveTranscoderJob job,
                                                      ProgressTracker progressTracker,
                                                      LogMgr log)
            if (instance == null)
                instance = new SlideImageGenerator(job, progressTracker, log);
                //Reset all properties
                instance.Job = job;
                instance.TheProgressTracker = progressTracker;
                instance.TheLogMgr          = log;
                instance.TheRtDocuments     = null;
                instance.TheSlideMessages   = null;

        public SlideStreamMgr(ArchiveTranscoderJob job, ArchiveTranscoderJobSegment segment,
                              LogMgr logMgr, double fps, int width, int height)
            this.job     = job;
            this.segment = segment;
            this.logMgr  = logMgr;

            if (width > 0 && height > 0)
                this.outputWidth  = width;
                this.outputHeight = height;

            this.ticksBetweenFrames = (long)((double)Constants.TicksPerSec / fps);

            uncompressedMT = getUncompressedMT(this.outputWidth, this.outputHeight, fps);
            cancel         = false;
            initialized    = false;
            pptInstalled   = Utility.CheckPptIsInstalled();

            if ((!DateTime.TryParse(segment.StartTime, out start)) ||
                (!DateTime.TryParse(segment.EndTime, out end)))
                throw(new System.Exception("Failed to parse start/end time"));

            this.nextFrameTime = start.Ticks;

            format  = Utility.StringToPresenterWireFormatType(segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationFormat);
            payload = Utility.formatToPayload(format);
            cname   = segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationCname;

            slideImageMgr = new SlideImageMgr(format, this.outputWidth, this.outputHeight);

            //Get the start time for the entire conference and use that to get streams.
            long confStart = DatabaseUtility.GetConferenceStartTime(payload, cname, start.Ticks, end.Ticks);

            if (confStart <= 0)
                logMgr.WriteLine("Warning: No conference exists in the database that matches this presentation: " + cname +
                                 " with PresentationFormat " + format.ToString());
                logMgr.ErrorLevel = 7;
                confStart         = start.Ticks;

            //Get the relevant stream_id's and create DBStreamPlayers for each.
            streamIDs = DatabaseUtility.GetStreams(payload, segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationCname, null, confStart, end.Ticks);
            DateTime sdt = new DateTime(confStart);

            Debug.WriteLine("***Conference start: " + sdt.ToString() + " end: " + end.ToString());
            if ((streamIDs == null) || (streamIDs.Length == 0))
                Debug.WriteLine("No presentation data found.");
                logMgr.WriteLine("Warning: No presentation data was found for the given time range for " +
                                 cname + " with PresentationFormat " + format.ToString());
                logMgr.ErrorLevel = 7;
                streamPlayers     = null;

            streamPlayers = new DBStreamPlayer[streamIDs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < streamIDs.Length; i++)
                streamPlayers[i] = new DBStreamPlayer(streamIDs[i], confStart, end.Ticks, payload);

            lookBehindDuration = 0;
            if (streamPlayers[0].Start < start)
                lookBehindDuration = ((TimeSpan)(start - streamPlayers[0].Start)).TotalSeconds;