Beispiel #1
        // Handle the selection event for the picker.
        public override void Selected(UIPickerView pickerView, nint row, nint component)
            // Get the selected datum transformation factor.
            _selectedTransformation = _datumTransformations[(int)pickerView.SelectedRowInComponent(0)];

            // Raise the selection event (with the new transformation) so listeners can handle it.
            EventHandler <TransformationSelectionEventArgs> selectionEventHandler = TransformationSelected;

            if (selectionEventHandler != null)
                TransformationSelectionEventArgs args = new TransformationSelectionEventArgs(_selectedTransformation);
                selectionEventHandler(this, args);
Beispiel #2
        // Handle selection events in the transformation picker.
        private void TransformationsPicker_TransformationSelected(object sender, TransformationSelectionEventArgs e)
            // Get the selected transform from the event arguments. Return if none is selected.
            DatumTransformation selectedTransform = e.Transformation;

            if (selectedTransform == null)

                // Project the original point using the selected transform.
                MapPoint projectedPoint = (MapPoint)GeometryEngine.Project(_originalPoint, _myMapView.SpatialReference, selectedTransform);

                // Update the projected graphic (if it already exists), create it otherwise.
                if (_projectedPointGraphic != null)
                    _projectedPointGraphic.Geometry = projectedPoint;
                    // Create a symbol to represent the projected point (a cross to ensure both markers are visible).
                    SimpleMarkerSymbol projectedPointMarker = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Cross, Color.Red, 15);

                    // Create the point graphic and add it to the overlay.
                    _projectedPointGraphic = new Graphic(projectedPoint, projectedPointMarker);

                _messagesTextView.Text = "Projected point using transform: " + selectedTransform.Name;
            catch (ArcGISRuntimeException ex)
                // Exception if a transformation is missing grid files.
                _messagesTextView.Text = "Error using selected transformation: " + ex.Message;

                // Remove the projected point graphic (if it exists).
                if (_projectedPointGraphic != null && _pointsOverlay.Graphics.Contains(_projectedPointGraphic))
                    _projectedPointGraphic = null;