public static void EditRoom()
            Console.WriteLine("Edit rooms: ");

            bool isDone = false;

            while (!isDone)
                Console.WriteLine("Which room do you want to Edit? (enter to cancel)");
                Console.Write("Name: ");
                string roomName         = Console.ReadLine();
                string roomNamePath     = AJsonable.GetPath("EscapeRooms", roomName);
                bool   escapeRoomExists = File.Exists(roomNamePath);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(roomName))
                    Console.WriteLine("Editing canceled");
                    isDone = true;
                else if (!escapeRoomExists)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{roomName} does not exist.");
                else if (escapeRoomExists)
                    var room = AJsonable.Get <EscapeRoom>("EscapeRooms", roomName);

                    string name       = AskQuestion($"(current = {room.Name}) Enter new name: ", required: true);
                    string theme      = AskQuestion($"(current = {room.Theme}) Enter new theme: ", required: true);
                    int    price      = Int32.Parse(AskQuestion($"(current = {room.Price}) Enter new price: ", isInt: true));
                    int    maxPlayers = Int32.Parse(AskQuestion($"(current = {room.MaxPlayers}) Enter new max amount of players: ", isInt: true));

                    EscapeRoom.Delete <EscapeRoom>("EscapeRooms", roomName);
                    var newRoom = new EscapeRoom()
                        ID          = room.ID,
                        Name        = name,
                        Theme       = theme,
                        Price       = price,
                        MaxPlayers  = maxPlayers,
                        MaxDuration = room.MaxDuration,
                        SetupTime   = room.SetupTime

                    Console.WriteLine($"Escaperoom {newRoom.Name} succesfully edited!");
                    isDone = true;
        public static void ShowSpecificRoom(string roomName)
            var room = AJsonable.Get <EscapeRoom>("EscapeRooms", roomName);
