// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // test the normal aps dictionary that Apple defines
        string JSONString = @"{""alert"" :
        {""body"" : ""This is a push notification message."",
        ""action-loc-key"" : ""slide to open"",
        ""loc-key"" : ""Welcome to the game!"",
        ""loc-args"" : [""Jenna"", ""Frank"", ""Elena""],
        ""launch-image"" : ""launchFromPushImage.png""},
        ""badge"" : 9,
        ""sound"" : ""pushNotificationSoundFile"",
        ""content-available"" : 3}";

        JSONClass pushNotificationJson = (JSONClass)JSON.Parse(JSONString);
        ApplePushNotification pushNotification = new ApplePushNotification(pushNotificationJson);
        Debug.Log("Push Notification event(aps): " + pushNotification);

        // test the arbitrary dictionary that developer can pass in push notification
        JSONString = "{\"extra\" : {\"intKey\" : 12,"
          + "\"floatKey\" : 13.356,"
          + "\"doubleKey\" : 3.1415926535897,"
          + "\"arrayKey\" : [\"a string\", 3, 3.3335, {\"subkey\" : \"subdictionary\"}],"
          + "\"dictionaryKey\" : {\"levelTwoIntKey\" : 212, "
          + "\"levelTwoFloatKey\" : 213.356,"
          + "\"levelTwoDoubleKey\" : 23.1415926535897,"
          + "\"levelTwoArrayKey\" : [\"a level 3 string\", 33, 33.3335, {\"subsubkey\" : \"subsubdictionary\"}]}}}";
        pushNotificationJson = (JSONClass)JSON.Parse(JSONString);
        pushNotification = new ApplePushNotification(pushNotificationJson);

        string ExtraString = "{";
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> N in pushNotification.Extra) {
          ExtraString += N.Key + " : ";
          ExtraString += this.PrintOutObjectValues(N.Value) + ", ";
        ExtraString += "}";
        Debug.Log("Push Notification event(extra): " + ExtraString);
 void PushNotificationReceivedCallbackForiOS(string message)
     JSONClass pushNotificationJson = (JSONClass)JSON.Parse(message);
       ApplePushNotification pushNotification = new ApplePushNotification(pushNotificationJson);
       Debug.Log("Push received Notification event: " + pushNotification);