private async Task <AAWS> FetchWordAWSAsync(HttpClient client, String uri)
            AAWS Itemss   = null;
            var  response = await client.GetAsync(uri);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                Itemss = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AAWS>(content);
        private async void OnNewGameWord(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try  // exception thrown when jsonA.assoc_word.Count is zero or the Deserialize gives error
                if (gstate == gamestate.end)
                    string sfrS = sfr.Value.ToString();  //word set rating in the Slider control
                    string log  = json.word + "," + H1.Text + "," + H2.Text + "," + H3.Text + "," + H4.Text + "," + H5.Text + "," + sfrS;
                    WriteSetAsync2("", log);
                    H1.Text              = H2.Text = H3.Text = H4.Text = H5.Text = "- - -";
                    Guess_label.Text     = "**s*e*c*r*e*t  w*o*r*d**";
                    HCount.Text          = "";
                    ExampleS1.Text       = "<Example Sentence>";
                    ExampleS2.Text       = "<Example Sentence>";
                    windex               = 0;
                    gstate               = gamestate.start;
                    phoneNumberText.Text = "";
                    sfr.Value            = 0.22;
                    letter_counter       = 0;
                if (gstate == gamestate.start)
                    //String url = "";
                    url  = "";
                    json = (RW) await FetchWordAsync(client, url);

                    Guess_label.Text     = underline(json.word);
                    phoneNumberText.Text = "<Type your guess for the secret word here>";
                    //url = "" + json.word;
                    url  = "" + json.word;
                    url2 = "" + json.word + "/examples";
                        jsonAAWS = (AAWS) await FetchWordAWSAsync(client1, url);

                        jsonE = (EE) await FetchWordExamplesAsync(client, url2);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        jsonAAWS = null; jsonE = null;
                        gstate   = gamestate.end;
                        //this.DisplayAlert("EXCEPTION", "Exception thrown for " + json.word + jsonE.ToString(), "Yes", "No");
                    if (jsonAAWS == null)
                        gstate = gamestate.end;
                    else if (jsonAAWS.associations_scored.Count > 0)
                        gstate      = gamestate.ingame;
                        HCount.Text = jsonAAWS.associations_scored.Count.ToString();
                        aws         = orderAWs(jsonAAWS.associations_scored);
                        gstate = gamestate.end;
                if (gstate == gamestate.ingame)
                    if ((windex < jsonAAWS.associations_scored.Count) && (windex < 5))
                        if (windex == 0)
                            H1.Text = aws[windex];
                        else if (windex == 1)
                            H2.Text = aws[windex]; phoneNumberText.Text = "";
                        else if (windex == 2)
                            H3.Text = aws[windex];
                        else if (windex == 3)
                            H4.Text = aws[windex];
                        else if (windex == 4)
                            H5.Text = aws[windex];
                    else if (((windex == jsonAAWS.associations_scored.Count) || (windex == 5)) && (jsonE != null) && (jsonE.examples != null) && (jsonE.examples.Count > 0))
                        ExampleS1.Text = blankTheWord(jsonE.examples.First(), json.word) + ".";
                    else if (((windex == (jsonAAWS.associations_scored.Count) + 1) || (windex == 6)) && (jsonE != null) && (jsonE.examples != null) && (jsonE.examples.Count > 1))
                        ExampleS2.Text = blankTheWord(jsonE.examples[1], json.word) + ".";
                    else if (letter_counter < json.word.Length)
                        Guess_label.Text = set_letter_clue(); //based on json.word and letter_counter
                        gstate           = gamestate.end;
                        Guess_label.Text = json.word;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                //this.DisplayAlert("EXCEPTION", "Exception thrown for " + json.word + jsonE.ToString(), "Yes", "No");
                Console.WriteLine("\nMessage ---\n{0}", ex.Message);