private void Run(string [] args)
            var showHelp = false;
            var sampleSettings = new SampleSettings ();
            var promptForPassword = false;
            var isJson = false;
            var isXml = false;
            options = new OptionSet {
                {"<>", "The url of the API.", v => sampleSettings.Api = v},
                {"u|username="******"The username used to log into RaMP.", v => sampleSettings.Username = v},
                {"e", "The username used to log into RaMP.", v => promptForPassword = v!=null},
                {"p|password="******"The password for the user.", v => sampleSettings.Password = v},
                {"j|json", "(Optional) Show output as JSON. (Default)", v => isJson = v!=null},
                {"x|xml", "(Optional) Show output as XML. (Default)", v => isXml = v!= null},
                {"h|?|help", "Show available options", v => showHelp = true}

            try {
                options.Parse (args);
            } catch (OptionException exception) {
                log.Debug ("Encountered an error parsing arguments!", exception);
                Console.WriteLine ("Error parsing arguments!");
                showHelp = true;

            if (!isJson && !isXml) {
                showHelp = true;

            if (showHelp) {
                ShowHelp (options);

            if (promptForPassword) {
                var pass = "";
                Console.Write ("Enter your password: "******"*");
                    } else {
                        if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && pass.Length > 0) {
                            pass = pass.Substring (0, (pass.Length - 1));
                            Console.Write ("\b \b");
                } // Stops Receiving Keys Once Enter is Pressed
                while (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter);

                sampleSettings.Password = pass;

            if (isJson) {
                Run (jsonApiRunner, sampleSettings);

            if (isXml) {
                Run (xmlApiRunner, sampleSettings);

            Console.WriteLine ("Complete. Press enter to exit.");
            Console.ReadLine ();
        private void Run(IApiRunner<XDocument> runner, SampleSettings settings)
            //1. You will need to login to the site to retrieve the token to use for authentication on the other requests
            runner.Login (settings);

            //2. Retrieve the list of racks (racks.xml)
            var collection = runner.RetrieveRackCollection (settings);
            WriteResults ("racks.xml", collection);

            //I am just using the id from the first rack
            if (collection == null) {
            var token = collection.XPathSelectElement ("/assets/asset[position()=1]/id");
            if (token == null) {
            var id = token.Value;

            //3. Retrieve the list of racks (rackContents.xml)
            var rackContentsResponse = runner.RetrieveRackContents (settings, id);

            WriteResults ("rackContents.xml", rackContentsResponse);

            //4. Retrieves the rack item (NLSRack.xml)
            var rackResponse = runner.RetrieveAsset (settings, id);
            WriteResults ("rack.xml", rackResponse);